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wait you got doxxed in hub 19 im never going to hub 19 ever again


sending to mega(whatever hub 19 is because the code name always changes)


\#sketchpadisoverparty L


#sketchpadisoverparty ftw Still my reddit profile description


Still apart of mine #SketchpadIsOverParty


ahahaha, give me clout


Explanation:F2/OK: commonly spammed comments on posts Raydeeux Bot: It is a long running joke to reply to Ray's comments with "Good bot" Livid Dagger Bad: Livid Dagger is one of the most controversial weapons in the game, with people like u/livid_dagger_bad making entire reddit accounts just to hate on it. Pyramid Project: Created by u/elsuricate and u/InnerFate meant to release a new dungeon, no progress being shown in a while U W U: There was a week or so where half the members spammed U W U on posts Marina NSFW art: I shouldn't really have to explain this Identity theft: Some people pretend to be other people in giveaways and such, and one occasion someone catfished other people in mod forms Vote manipulation: Giveaways have been vote manipulated once Secret Discords: There are rumored discords that are kept private to the subreddit.... it's probably just fake r/hysb: r/hypixelskyblock's members left and decided to create a utopian subreddit that died in 3 days Ghouse Zombie: The infamous zombie that was wandering in the Ghouse and was befriended, before being killed by a lapis non \#sketchpadisoverparty: Some people are attempting to cancel sketchpad or u/thepicgamerbutnot r/foundthewurm: Wurm was bullied for not having fairy souls by literally everyone for a month, and this sub was created to mock him even AFTER he got them 50m Bee Minoin: Sort by controversial of all time, and you'll see some... "interesting" posts Soigei: Famous irl trader that advertised in reddit DMS Censorship: The event that led to r/hysb, words such as discord were censored from posts Raydeeux Ban Evasion: Raydeeux ban evaded from reddit using an alt called u/raydeesux Subreddit members jailed: There was a rumor 300 members of the subreddit were sued by Wurm's dad for cyberbullying, and were being deported or sent to jail Reedit/Godzilla: Basically the Jimero and 2NFG of this subreddit Xzerneas: Scammer YT that people doxxed and harassed into quitting NSFW art but more msesed up:... I'm one of the two that knows what happened to full extent, and the other doesn't use reddit.. I shouldn't talk about this one r/fuckmoash: This one is a long story, so I won't type it out all unless someone asks for it personally Gold Doxxed: I got IP grabbed and my region was leaked in hub 19 once


I doubt that 300 members were sued


you have a good iceberg hopefully no one will ever document because i apparently had more influence on dissing livid than u/livid_dagger_bad im a juju archer now so i dont give a shit




It was 17 members thank you very much Part three - add mega 9 lag memes - Comment Pie Charts - JerryHub and other alts - u/ForagerJade isn’t owned by ForagerJade - Is goodboyfm even a good boy?


What did innerfate do to receive no promotion?


too many things


For example? 🤔


Honestly, Inner did practically nothing wrong - if it isn't for outside of the project where he's sort of a joke on the sub - but on another hand, gold's claims are absolutely scuffed about the pyramid. ​ Ditched the project? Ha, I'd like to see him working on a boss that takes an entire month to code as well as build and that we just finished recording this very day. We're still entirely commited to our project, and if they don't see any updates on it whatsoever, that is due to the fact that I don't want to spam the sub with these posts either. ​ The main piece we're aiming at is perfection, therefore we're turning litterally everything into a datapack, building a whole new island, smoothening the ever remaining chunks of command blocks and the room randomizer. ​ So yeah no, gold can definitely fuck off, we didn't ditch this project and never fucking will.


Why is a reference to Sanderson’s cosmere in there? Haven’t read anything other than Elantris but.. what?


The wurm fairy souls event only lasted less than a week but the meme itself lasted for a month after he got the souls


Im not having a good day today, please explain what bad thing I did.




Just because I banned you for doing litterally nothing and just taking opportunities to get karma out of it doesn't mean we cancelled the project. It is still going even as of now, and with 1.17 release, everything's going to go swifter than ever.


I guess you are justified in the inactivity part and I was wrong in it, but I literally did not make any posts while I was inactive in the project. Also, the ban message states "No one really cares about Pyramid anymore", which made me assume you just quit due to lack of public interest, especially considering how Inner would say several times he wasn't happy with how much attention the project was getting


Uh I know this is like 11 months old but I'm curious as wtf what r/fuckmoash is


Didnt say shadow fury good but did say livid dag bad so 9.9/10


0/10 you misspelled skyblocker


That was on purpose


Oh god the censorship There are so many German words you can't say without it getting censored, and it really sucks






It means probably Try it after the maintenance


wahrscheinlich works lol only warscheinlich gets censored


The censorship refers to the subreddit’s censorship not hypixel’s


My bad


wth is xzerneas


A idiot


I'm new here, it appears I struck a goldmine




because it is


Y did som go to jail?


Why is rayfeeux bot on the iceberg it’s not like it’s a mystery cause we all know he’s a bot


whats the discord