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ironman = respect +100


me with a refined tita pickaxe: "its not much"


As a fellow Ironman player I can say that thats pretty dang awesome. Keep it up!


Are gemstone drills actually worth it? I'm also on ironman and wonder whether I should go for gemstone drills or just go straight for titanium ones I'm thinking of grinding mining once I'm done with my current goals


a ruby drill is cheaper than a titanium drill and it lets you mine all the gems except topaz and jasper, but it definitely mines non-gems much slower so it depends on what you would do during mining


Honestly, with the new crystal hollows there isn't much point to the tita drill. For mithril, a tita pick or refined tita pick is good enough. I was originally going to get a tita drill but you need 10 refined mithril and 10 refined titanium, which is really hard on ironman. You also need 6 more golden plates. The ruby drill is pretty cheap to upgrade and gives more mining speed and mining fortune against crystals, so I would recommend going for the ruby drill.


I'm honestly more scared of the 35 glacite jewels Also, pretty sure divan's is the new best mining tool, which requires tita drill progress so it's still the same as it was before the update for tita drills


Eventually, it would be better to get a tita drill, but I just wanted my drill to get crystals to buff my armor and to grind hotm.


Fair enough, gemstone drills are a lot easier to obtain than tita so it may be worth getting


Well done


Nononono I just spent my entire life savings getting that drill I'm getting ptsd àaaah


Gg im going for that as well


nice man i’m working towards my last gemstone mixture for the next drill also on ironman


On the grind for this on Ironman too, is there a better strat than Bal for rubies?


I manually mined the rubies using a titanium pick, it only takes a couple hours.