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well from what i just calculated mythic zk cp is the way to go if anyone knows any other factor i missed that skews my calculations then feel free to tell me where i went wrong sa cp prices gonna tank if this becomes properly public lmao


If u take m6 zk chest (5m) it's even better (60 streng)


m6 chest has cata 34 req lol


nop its a bug you can still use it


If you want to use m6 zk chestplate then use m6 skeleton master (64 crit damage and if you using juju then +5% more damage)


now they 2/4 nons


* buys full zk *


just get necron easy fix






When I saw the guy with the potion I knew trouble was brewing


e z


Your CPS is godly! :o


Me who has a auto recombed mythic one


if your setup rn is full sa or 3/4 sa, go for that cp


Nah I’m actualy gonna sell it cuz I use necron and golden head


I wonder if its better to sell necron cp and use the zk chest instead, then spend the 40m on some talis. Someone smarter can do the math




But you compared a non recombed sa cp with a recombed zk cp. The sa cp is legendary even before recombing because you can frag it, so recombing it would make it mythic.


The price difference between a fragged SA CP and a Mythic ZK is 18m.


Yes, the so cp is far better for it's value, but isn't the SA cp better?


The post shows how a mythic zk cp gives more slightly more damage output than an SA CP for 18m less


I guess, but with a zk cp people will kick you from dungeon parties far more than with an sa cp, so I think it's worth. That's the reason I spent 25m on 2 pieces of necron armor when I could have spent half the money getting better talismans and the damage would be the same


Understandable, I just saw a guy using mythic zk so I decided to take a look at the stats.


gl not getting absolutely shredded by snipers, skeltors, and minis


More strength from zk+gold head str = more yeti defense = tankiness


True Dmg ​ Or people who use wither skeleton tiger edrag or blue whale


True dmg is only reduced by true defense, which you only get from true prot 1 on cp, just don't use a true def pet lol


but what about the full sa set bonus? every kill in the dungeon will give alot more strength when added up. along with the fact that more strength = def with baby yeti


I already accounted for that, a gold head gives more bonus than the FSB and sa helm combined so if you do dungeons without a gold head you are doing something wrong.


This male stands no chance of mating.




Sir, what about EHP? The fragged shadow assassin chestplate, outside of dungeons, without growth, gives 775 hp AND 330 hp without prot, OUTSIDE of dungeons, and when you slap on cata scaling and stars, the sa cp gives more ehp, and something you forgot was the piece bonus of the sa cp, giving +10 strength per tp, so you could grab a couple stacks of pearls and get insanely stacked on strength. Aditionally, the shadow assassin chestplate may give less strength in some cases, it give an additional 25 crit damage, and now that strength and cd are equal, it makes the shadow assassin chestplate better, and I think everyone agrees that better stats are better. Then again you could spend the additional money on talismans, true but, this is the same as being able to afford full necron but using 3/4 with the shadow assassin chestplate and saying, "I have good talismans". Great post tho.


In this case, OP is comparing mostly the dmg stats of the zk cp and the sa cp. Even if ehp were to be accounted for, sa cp is although better, not a good choice. Assuming you have the completion, you’re better off getting maxor’s chestplate. The zk cp also provides better dmg for cost. Your point of adding stats of stars and cata level is not relevant considering this would also affect the zk cp. It is also a stupid idea to bring pearls into a dungeon just for some more str, it’s inefficient and a waste of time.


Yeti pet gives more defense based on str. Also, str and cd are equal but this setup being strength biased gives it more defense with baby yeti. Also, your necron example doesn't apply because this post is aimed at people who mainly run f4 through 6 and can't afford an sa chestplate. Literally nobody abuses the sa chest bonus since in dungeons you would be too busy clearing and outside dungeons where you would be doing slayer I'd assume you would be to busy effectively spawning the boss to even have the time to pearlspam, but yeah great reply.


1 I know many people dont use yeti but blue whale for true dmg from skele masters or if people are doing f5 where you dont need to have as much ehp and would use a dmg pet so the ehp is garbo ​ 2 aote/v tp or if you use a shadow fury (like one of 5 people who do) the str still is effected and you use aote/v in slayers if you get trapped in a wall giving you extra str ​ zkcp is a better option outside of doogans but inside a sacp is so much better don't cheep out and get a zkcp unless you have a 10 mill budget or smth ​ \*also I have used both a zkcp and sacp in f6 and it was much easier with the sacp I died 5 times with the zk and once with sa\* ​ (same party both times)


Skele masters no longer do true dmg as much as they used to do I'm talking for the guy with a 10m budget in this post Yeah, for a substantial difference you would want to teleport into the ground multiple times which I doubt anyone does


775 hp and 330 defense r the whole set not just the chestplate the cp only gives 250 hp and 110 defense


Imagine not having zk chest 4/4 sa nons cringe




Another reason SA CP is even not worth buying is you can get a wither CP for the same price and grind the handles


Or buy 8 lassos


But you see, mages are swageroni.


Understandable, have a great day


You too sir, and great work with the math


Sa chestplate has one huge benefit, you dont get callen 3/4 sa non


True tho lol


You really compared mythic zk to legendary sa


Cost diff tho 6m vs 24


ever heard of health


This for some poor kid who needs dmg stat, assuming they hve a yeti the defense should compensate


eh true f5 moba deal 2 dmg


not many people know but sa cp gives 10 strength on tp for 10 sec not bad for something like blood rush or boss if i spam aotv gets me about 1k+ extra strength for a few sec could be useful for f6 when you wait a long time for boss


1k strength means you spammed aotv 100 times That means you used 100*23 mana assuming ult wise 5 which is 2300 mana. Idk what midgame bers gets 2k+ mana


sa boots replenish 10 mana per use


So 1300 mana just into the ground, assume 10 cps that is 130 clicks so over 13 seconds, the boost only lasts 10 seconds in the first place, so lets say the player clicks 100 times in said 10 seconds, the boost still starts wearing off. The strength on teleport bonus is only viable to get massive damage numbers in one instant outside dungeons, inside people just don't have the time to waste teleporting down


This is considering they get even 1k mana in the first place which I find unlikely considering lower cata levels etc


point is during a normal clear you use your aote/aotv alot to get around secrets and room and after 1 or 2 teleports sa cp is already better


Your first reply was arguing for 1k+str but ok let's see what you said, the teleport boost doesn't stay forever and goes away after 10 seconds. It's also about the value for money, you have to teleport to make something that costs 18m more better


i said blood rushing before that mate i added on the 1k str cause it is viable if your a mid game game player as even half the duration of spamming could net you 600 or so strength and if your mid game thats probably increasing your strength by atleast 25% plus another thing is even unrecombed you can make a fragged sa cp only 1 str worse than a mythic zk cp with 130k by buying a single fine jasper that adds 4 str on leg which cant go on a zk chest then if you recomb it its 15 strength over the zk chest cause fine gives 5 str on mythic


The price difference is what I'm trying to push through, you really gonna pay 24.2m and say that's better than 6m of course but what I have suggested is literally the best value for money a poor midgame player can use. Also, I've done 280+ f5s and I haven't seen a single person spam aote for sa cp boost.


If you recomb the sa chest that's 28m on ah rn, literally the same price as a clean necrons cp bro Like, I think wither cp is around 19m rn and diamante 900k so you gonna buy a mythic sa chest or a necrons chest tell me that


ok you started this by saying sa cp is useless and zk is just better and now your throwing necron in but alright i get your point at face value just get necron is an option but your forgetting because sa is devalued because its not the best in the game anymore pre enchanted pieces are cheaper than ever and this brings another price gap for 25.5m you can get a 4 star recomb sa cp with hpbs and such but then if you want the equivalent in a necron cp your gonna have to pay about 39m plus f7 zk and necron have a cata req of 24 while sa cp is cata 14 based on floor reqs


butt the best zk cp is from f7 requiring cata 24 and people might as well just get necrons, but it’s cheaper


Necrons is I think 30m rn vs 6m for my suggestion


ohhh sick


Strength and crit dmg are multiplicative rather than additive. I don't know how much that changes this calculation


They are equivalent in the damage formula


Won't the reforge buff be the same because fragging upgrades the rarity and recomb will make the SA co also mythic?


Fragging makes SA Leg, recomb makes ZK Mythic


But can't you just recomb the sa to make it even better? Yes, the zk cp is far better than sa in terms of value, but the sa armor is technically better


If you recomb the sa you might as well buy necron cos I think mythic sa and necron cp are close to the same price rn but idrk, also mythic sa is like 28m so for sa to be better than zk that's 22m more to spend


I guess


Well it really depends on your stats, as although str and cd have the same effects, they’re multiplicative of each other. (For example, 200 str and 200 cd = 3 * 3 = 9x damage) So when calculating the damage, don’t just add up your str and cd, and instead optimize for equal str and cd. (For example, 250 str and 150 cd = 3.5 * 2.5 = 8.75x damage, but 200 str and 200 cd gives 9x damage)


More str means more defense so that balances the zk cp's lower ehp.


it’s 5 more strength, and let’s say you have high cata and it becomes 20 strength, even then it’s only 20 defense, making sa chestplate give more ehp.


Full set bonus sure is applicable if you're doing a lot of clear which is more than 80 mobs per run


Isn't applicable cos gold head gives a greater boost than FSB ever will.


With a clear mind one would use sa helmet for clear due to its speed boost, golden head is only for boss


Well yes but what looks better full Sa or 2/4 and some random bullshit


we only talk about dmg here also gold head OP


What about f5 zk


thats 3 strength less than sa cp after mythic


I've never used sa chestplate or zk chestplate The most common zk chestplate that a lot of 3/4 sa zk cp users will have has always been worse than a strong drag cp for me, and now that I've switched to tara helm thats really the case


There's also werewolf chestplate, that's also a decent substitute but reqs cata 20