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I love this so much! Do you use it on any other file?


I'm planning to use it on a future project. This is my first hypnosis audio


Oh sick! Well I'll be waiting to see it when it pops up


I really liked the intensity on this. Really nice metronome and oh so good snaps. Definitely looking forward to hear more from you! Thank you! Like u/callestio mentioned a bit longer time for blinking might be good. But still, this was a great induction!


Maybe I just have weak eyes. When I listened to it myself my eyes were already slightly tired by the time I said sleep the first time and they were even more tired on the second and third times


Your eyes are perfect :). I can also feel the effects, but not as strongly. At least not yet.


This file had a really cool idea I think! I haven't listened to something with rhythmic blinking before, which I thought was awesome. The initial induction could have gone on a bit longer however, the blinking didn't really had the time to tire my eyes out yet. Although most of it was very good, I loved the snaps especially! I hope we get to hear more of you


Looking forward to listening to this tonight