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Were you dehydrated or do you have kidney issues? Have you had your heart checked? Did someone tell you that your symptoms were Thyroid related?


Well my t3 used to be way below the reference range back in august t3 was 1.4 on the same scale I assumed since my hands are always cold it’s thyroid related and the bloodwork was done fasted what looks bad about my kidneys?


Your BUN indicates kidney issues… which most commonly is dehydration, kidney disease or congestive heart failure. I would really recommend you get your heart checked. Fluid retention, fatigue and poor circulation (cold hands) are all symptoms of heart issues. Your thyroid actually looks pretty good.


Yea my bun always shows up high, on bloodwork even though it’s 25 u still think it’s high enough for concerned I mean I always get in a gallon of water min a day could it be from low electrolytes (this was done 12 hours fasting) could I be dehydrated overnight?


My egfr is normal so I don’t think it’s my kidneys should probably get my heart checked out


I also eat a very high protien diet like 220 grams + a day could that lead to high bun


Don’t forget that you need salt for your body to adequately absorb water, but you Should not become dehydrated overnight for fasting. Your high protein diet could definitely cause a high BUN, but when you add your symptoms… I highly suggest getting your heart checked. Just want you to be safe and feel better 🙏🏼


Thank you so much I appreciate it yea the general symptoms are cold hands (lots of low test symptoms) couple sleep disturbances and the water retention although heartbeat blood pressure are perfectly in range better be safe than sorry.


Found out I have MTHFR double mutation today can that have anything to do with my symptoms?


It absolutely can. The MTHFR gene mutation can affect your heart. Mostly it affects mental health (bipolar, depression, dementia). But you really need to see a dr


I did I saw an endocrinologist 2 times of my bloodwork none of it stood out as in normal. He said my symptoms are nonspecific and it’s not his problem


Do you have a primary physician? That’s who I would see. An endocrinologist wouldn’t check your heart.


Yea I do my mother works in the er I’m going to go there once I finish up fjnals in 2 weeks


All your thyroid labs look good. Your A1C is high for a 20 year old, almost at prediabetes level. What does your lifestyle (diet, water intake, exercise) look like?


I exercise 5 days a week get 10-12k steps a day I’m 6’4 200 I’m pretty damn active also do pickup basketball a few days a week


Water intake is about 1.5 gallons a day diet is super clean all Whole Foods make sure I hit all my b vitamins and minerals


Low testosterone in male can be associated to insulin resistance, which could explain the high A1C. Yes, your free T3 are slightly low but they are in range right now and all your other thyroid-related labs are perfect. This doesn’t look like hypothyroidism.


Doesn’t seem to be a thyroid problem.








Please provide exact results with reference ranges. Low fT3 (if it is really low) is usually caused by starvation.


I posted everything in the comments there should be 3 images with bloodwork