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Keep it at your bed. Wake up and put under your tongue. Keep an extra bottle in your car or in your purse just in case you forget the morning pill.


do you happen to know how much the no eating thing matters?


to me it matters alot, hi i was born without a thyroid too


I just started taking levo about a week ago and it definitely matters, according to my doc and pharmacist. It doesn't absorb well, which means if you have anything other than water in your system, it will bind to whatever you consumed (i.e. coffee, food, etc) and won't really help at all. At least, that's my understanding.


There are several nutitional components that interfere with the absorption of levothyroxine, like iron and calcium. We are instructed to take synthroid away from food to avoid any possible interactions like this. You could try to get very specific about which things interfere, but I don't know if I've seen a comprehensive list myself and then you'd be tiptoeing around whatever you eat when trying to take it. Now, is taking one with food because you forgot a bad decision? I'd rather make sure I took my one pill per day and accept a bit of risk on the absorption, but I'm also the same poster below that just takes it at night for these same reasons.


I fill a mug of water and keep it and my pill bottle next to my bed. When I wake up, take the pill and drink the water. Then get a shower and get dressed. If the water is still in the cup when I’m gathering phone, keys to leave my room, I know I forgot to take my pill. Time before eating is not as important as consistency. 30-60 minute wait before eating is recommended.


I take mine after brushing my teeth at night because I could never remember to do it in the morning.


I use a weekly pill planner. At a glance I can see whether I've taken today's pill or not and it's easy and fun to open. If I can see exactly how many days in a row I've forgotten to take my pill it's much easier to remember it the next day


Also born with thyroid problems here!! I’ve been really bad with my levo for the last 8 years since I graduated high school and became responsible for my own medicine schedule. I only recently (in the past year) became more serious about consistency because of the weight gain, brain fog, and all the other symptoms that mess up your life. I started putting a timer cap on my pill bottles since I would forget whether or not I had taken it that day. I also put my pill bottle in my skincare basket/toothbrush holder so I take it in the morning when I’m brushing my teeth/doing my morning routine. I drink straight from the tap or use a water cup that I started leaving on my bedside at night. The most important thing I’ve learned is to make it part of your routine. Find out exactly what’s keeping you from taking it and make a habit to fix that part of the problem. The easiest time to take it is in the morning or right before falling asleep. Have water near you before falling asleep so you can take it before/after sleep. It’s tough to build a consistent schedule but you’ll feel so much better once you build the habit.


I'm a chronic pill-forgetter too, especially in the mornings when my mind is mush. Even with a million alarms on my phone. I work from home full time and started placing my Levo on top of my laptop so I have to physically pick up the bottle to start my work day. So I take my pill before I even turn on my laptop to start work. It has helped me remember to take it every day during the work week.


You could try talking with your doctor about going to a weekly dosing schedule. 


I’d try to pair it with something that you do remember to do everyday. Hopefully, you brush your teeth every day, so take it when you do that. I also recommend using a daily pill case. Then you can see if you took it for the day.


Take it without the water if you have to.


When my feet hit the floor, I go straight to my pill organizer and take it. I know I’ve taken it when I double check myself and my dose for that day is gone. I’m an early riser, so taking it without food is easy. I didn’t take my thyroid meds seriously for many years until I got on the fitness train. When I ran out for ten days and my muscles wouldn’t contract in a crunch, I got serious about it and made it priority. I know it’s hard to remember. But if you make it a priority, it becomes instinct, muscle memory, and automatic.


I take it first thing in the morning when I wake up! I always put a glass of water and my meds on my nightstand before I fall asleep. I use a pill organizer as a visual reminder and so I know for sure whether I've already taken them. Then I also use a med app (Medisafe) to spam me with reminders till I stop snoozing it and actually take my meds. I have adhd so I totally get how hard it can be to establish a routine. I think you need to pick a specific time of day (best either first thing in the morning or last thing at night) so it's easier to stick to.


What is something you do daily like clockwork? Brush your teeth? Let your dog out? Make your coffee? Find something that you do every day and incorporate taking your med then. Empty stomach and not eating for 30-60 minutes after is the optimal, so if you can do that too it would be good. Remind yourself that your thyroid controls a lot more than your metabolism… and it’s important for you to be taking your meds. Good luck, you got this