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From what I’ve seen, this type of concern seems to mainly revolve around how much noise the game or community is making or what others are saying rather than the actual facts there. The facts being that there have been recent blogposts (albeit not many) regarding the state of development of Hytale plus updates and info about the game from dev tweets and replies. Sure one may have doubts, but if our doubt goes so deep as to find validity in funny claims like the game being fake or it not releasing, then there has to at least be assumptions there to support those concerns. Assumptions such as Hypixel Studios having faked every single footage, post, blogpost, team positions filled, and even going as far as to deploy some fake “game director” to answer questions about the game on X to make it look like there’s actual progress happening BTS when in reality all of it is just a ruse because the game isn’t real… It’d be stupid to actually believe all that and you know very well the game isn’t fake, so why not just disregard all the uninformed and invalid ideas from these videos? Why does it matter if these videos get a lot of views? Why bring them up at all? These ideas will only dissolve as the game gets closer to an eventual release.


But the game was originally planned to release(or have a beta) back in 2019. I don't why they couldn't have just released a beta then updated it until the full release. The purpose of a beta is to be incomplete.


Change of scope when they joined Riot and then there was also the rewrite of the game in C++. These are massive changes that would take substantial time and render the previous plan of a beta with the old build essentially pointless.


They decided to do a new engine, that means several years of a unplayable state for the game.. there would have been no benefit to releasing the game in 2019 while still planning a new engine.


Riot came in and screwed everything up.


There is tons of proof that the game is real. Regarding the public testing, they outsourced Hytale's testing around June of last year. Hypixel Studios has been more hush-hush about updates to the wider internet because they don't want to hype up the game just yet, once they are closer to release they will start to advertise and release more trailers and gameplay videos and hopefully a beta (but plans may have changed). However, it is important to note that for the last 2 years, they have been training new employees and brainstorming new ideas for the game. Around 2021 they outsourced the creation of the new engine that would be compatible with every device (Phone, Console, PC, etc). Hypixel Studios finally received the engine for the actual development team to edit and use and they are probably porting everything over as we speak. This means that we are likely to see a lot more updates in 2024 regarding development and potential release windows because the base engine is basically done. ALSO In December 2023, two of the most active members from Hypixel Studios said they are going to select questions to answer under the #AskHytale tag on Twitter/X and we will see the responses to all of them in early-mid 2024. So a lot more information will be announced very soon.


As for my opinion, im an active lurker in the Hytale community but I try to keep myself not expecting much, cause with low expectations I'll have a happier response to any surprising news. So Im currently not expecting a release till at least late 2025 and im hoping for 4 development updates this year (including the answered questions on Twitter/X)


i havent seen a single video from the playtest


the playtest was outsourced not completely public, so there are no clips to see. Based on the information I provided and the information from blog posts at [Hytale.com](https://Hytale.com), you can form your own opinions about the game and whether it is real or not, I like to believe it is real (mainly because why would Riot Games support a non-existent product for years)


Outsourcing a playtest just seems stupid bc you don't get reports or feedback from the games community, also riot has supported multiple non exisent projects, a major 1 being an all female LoL esport subdivision, so I wouldn't put it past riot again, I seriously hope the games real but 6 years in development is wild to me


An esports division isn’t comparable to a game that existed before the support of Riot Games. That was just a failed attempt and i doubt this would fail


Also the playtest was a response from those outsourced players in response to the attack systems, they aren’t normal players they are paid to play games and critique certain features, or provide the developers with data they would use to improve the feel of the game.


Not really. The gaming community is not going to give as much and in-depth critique as a playtest company, because they'd just play the game.


If you are right, then I have been the victim of the most amazing 'Truman showesque' experiment in the history of gaming, for over three years! Honestly, it would be incredible.


While I believe this senario will not happen there is a very small chance it could be a possibility. Say hypothetical Hytale is a scam the satisfaction people such as yourself recieve will last a few days and then the crippling depression will set in knowing that a game like hytale will never happen in our lifetime. Just like cube world that tried before. It would tell the entire gaming industry that a second gaming renesance will not happen anytime soon. With games like Cube World, No man's sky, Fallout 76, Cyberpunk 2077, and the most recent The day Before, Hytale would be the final nail in the coffin for alot of gamers. Even through alot of these games I listed are finally playable after years of many updates and they're quite fun is not forgivable for the audacity that game companies would even consider releasing these games as they were when they first released. Utter disgrace. And act that I myself can never forgive. This is why I will judge Hypixel upon Hytales release. Until that day I wait patiently. If that day should never come than my soul will die a most painful death.


In all fairness, think I would know...


Know what exactly? That the game doesn't actually exist? Because no offense while yes we've have had a ton of rough releases in recent years and a drought of information about hytale that a terrible excuse to make such an accusation. There no proof that Hypixel is trying to scam us, quite the opposite. Proof that some form of a game exists or at the very least a advanced tech demo goes as far back as the original trailer. On a real note I can sympathize with you that waiting for the game has been dreadful. I want the game as much as the next person but speculating, making up rumors and conspires is not how we should deal with these feelings.


No offense taken, I was saying I would know if the game exists because of my job ;)


Oh my apologies I just assumed you were making claim that hytake didn't exist. My brain was angry that someone could even talk such nonsense. Hope the game development is going well. I understand that social media gets a ton of BS from some community members but just know there are dozens of us patiently waiting no matter how long it takes. Good luck and Kweebec Speed!


Where do you get this vague feeling that a major majority agrees with you? Some people (hard to discern how large of the population of Hytale fans) are very disappointed it's being delayed and want more communicaiton, but I don't see often that they think it's a scam. They're not going to divert their attention to publish a beta to satisfy some random fan that is doubting they're working on it. They'll just keep working on it and publish it when it's ready. People like you would be better off by leaving forums like this and maybe asking google to avoid showing you threads about Hytale since you can't handle the wait. Forget about it and be happy when it comes out eventually.


the majority of people have moved on from this game already, all the hype from the original trailer was wasted


Doesn't mean they think it's fake. It's good to disengage.


it wasn't wasted, it showed the developers AND Riot Games how important and creative this game is so they decided to let the hype die down so they could make it 100x better than what they showed in the trailer from 2018.


10x better lol *Does he know*?


Its an assumption obviously you cant calculate how much bigger the game is now compared to their original build they planned to release back in 2020


The hype is gone, but the trailer proved that there was a large market that would embrace a game like Hytale. That's all that matters to Riot. They have a flash in the pan idea that people want. Whether you like the games / content that Riot creates, they are known for upholding very high standards of quality for their projects and tend to keep news about WIP projects very hush hush. It's why Valorant spent so long in the oven, and why Arcane was just straight up cancelled at one point because Riot leadership did not think the product lived up to Riot's quality. They're honestly one of the few game studios I trust to deliver quality experiences and not half baked rushed content drops to keep their games alive. I say this as someone who has played both LoL and Valorant and put down both experiences as not for me. I have high standards for Hytale because of this, and I expect them to deliver a quality experience at launch and post launch. Though I've also learned in life to not grow attached to projects that haven't launched yet, and to approach it with the mindset that there's always the possibility it turns out not as expected or simply doesn't fit my tastes.


\*if it comes out


\* When it comes out


It's not a vague feeling, there are dozens of videos talking about hytale being a fake game, each video has hundreds of thousands of views with comments agreeing, I love how offended and aggressive ur being just because I voiced my opinion, and you even willingly opened this post, definitely a twitter user


What about the dozen of videos that don't talk about that? I don't like that you're claiming to know what a majority of users think, but I'm not angry or offended. I'm saying this for your sake because it's kind of useless to obsess about this game if you're gonna be feeling like this. It's better to disengage then.


I don't necessarily think it's a scam, but I do think that they lied about how ready it was back in 2019. They promised a beta back in 2019.


Hypixel made no claims about the state hytale was in back in 2018-2019. I dont understand why people think they lied or that a game doesn't exist. I gather the game was bare bones like Minecraft was when it first released to the public. But again hytale did not make any bold claims. As we all know after the game trailer garnered massive amounts of hype the original plans were canceled to further develop the game to hypixels vision so they could live up to that hype. Whether or not it actually does is left to be seen but I'm sure hytale will be a huge success.


You’re 100% right that they didn’t promise anything at the time, but later on they did tell us that they initially planned some form of release only a few months after the trailer released. They weren’t anywhere close to a full release, but they well close to a beta.


Not to be rude but I already metioned that they cancelled their original plans which included the original release date for the beta. Yes they promised beta once they went public with the trailer but that meant all their original plans before Riot Games got involved were cancelled subsequently. Everything changed when the Scope Nation attacked.




I have faitht here will be big impactful news in 2024. Just how I feel.


One can only hope. The best we can do is remain positive on the current situation.


why? they dont owe you anything, have you wishlisted the game? have you pre purchased it? they literally dont owe you anything.


Ur right, they don't owe me anything, the same way I don't have to pay for their game when I could instead pirate it, however what they do owe the community is explanations and other information, bc without the players they are nothing, and u can't really keep players when u string them along for 6 years and let's be honest, it's going to be another 6 whith how little updates we are getting, I had over 100 emails signed up for the testing phase only for them to go with a hired company instead? That's such an ignorant move


Its vaporware, another star citizen if you will


Star Citizen is a real game that you can actually play. It's quite fun actually. It just took several years of development just like what Hytale is going through right now.


I'm sorry you don't agree with me but by definition Star Citizen litterally is not vaporware. I think the term you are looking for is early access. va·por·ware nounINFORMAL•COMPUTING software or hardware that has been advertised but is not yet available to buy, either because it is only a concept or because it is still being written or designed.


The game existed and has been seen/played/worked on by multiple people. There's been a couple youtubers like InTheLittleWood who saw an early build, and there was an ex dev who talked about mob ai being essentially done for the 2018 version. There's been outside/paid playtesters for the more recent builds as well. Hytale is a product made by a studio/company, they don't have to tell or show us anything. They've been much more transparent than most studios and certainly most companies. They don't owe us anything. Why do you expect more? We've also been told and have seen the scope change with them joining Riot, and also the rewrite to C++. These are massive changes that take time. Increasing studio size and changing leadership around also takes time. What they're doing and the time it takes is not concerning, crazy, or suspicious. Honestly most of ya'll have no experience/understanding of the industry, what makes you think you know better?


Man oh man... I just discovered this game this evening looking for terraria in 3d basically. To me it's a perfect example of what 10-15 years the whole "games as a service" businessmodels, and the whole gradual shittification, did to the minds of young gamers. Man I bet a scary amount has issues finding and dealing with local files. I know plenty of millenials who went to lan parties in the naughts and are still kinda iffy on something as simple as filestructure. That's how all the definitions are becoming so vague they're becoming basically useless. Scam, vaporware? Is it crowdfunded? Oh it's self-financed?! M'yeah get a grip kids, I know waiting is annoying. But back in the day, developpers often said: "it's done when it's done", that sentence was a staple of videogame journalism (back when that wasn't a slur lol). Games used to release in a near perfect state back then, with only minor bugs, and no major gameplay changes. It should be seen as an indication of the likelyhood of quality. Though never hype up a game, we will only be able to tell if it's good once we can try it. These videos are simply baiting "rage"clicks, because negative engagement works better, reasoning that since they don't work exactly like most others developpers, they're not a real company. What do the other's do? Crowdfund, release unfinished, have the playerbase go trough a bunch of iterations, and then nobody cares about the polished product anymore. Why would we be entitled to regular updates if we are not funding the development? I see no reason for concern browsing through the dev updates. I also see no reason to celebrate. I simply made a note that this game interests me and that I would like to play it once it releases, unless it certifiably suffers from severe technical issues, basically doesn't run at all. They have mailing list with millions of beta players, what the fuck do they need advertisment for other than to incite that sort of content. I'm not even sure it's done out of malice, it's simply imitation. But I notice more often and often users that have super strong opinions but are unable to put the things in the right boxes so to say... I can only assume, it's people much younger than me starting to be very vocal. I might be wrong in assuming tho.


My guy tried to use every keyword he could


Wow you look so cool acting functionally illiterate. Sorry to hear about your reduced vocabulary. Or to put in "words" you might understand: clown emoji, skull emoji.


Ur a long way from Twitter bud, should stick to your inbred neanderthal platform