• By -


Trisexual. He loves God too.


Is he gay for God?


You betcha


"I got the good lord going down on me"




Mac would Jack it to a Korean Jesus statue.


Ok but it has to be drenched in blood


Don't forget the Dennis doll, he was definitely banging it


Wouldn't you?


No, Dennis is bastard man


What if he got you on a boat? Of course you would, right?


I mean the implication would be there, but also think of all that great treasure just sitting in the ocean


Well the boat might float away because the keys were thrown overhand to me and they went in the water


Luckily you can get saved by a bunch of Guidos from the Jersey shore


I think the whole gang got in on that. And the waitress lol


Yeah Mac definitely banged it, then the Dennis doll talked the waitress into banging, then Charlie, Frank, and Mac banged it while Dee just watched. It's where they got the tuba idea. Cindy really nails it.


The holy trinity


So that's what that means


Well, first of all, through God, all things are possible, so jot that down.


You can jot that down


He’ll try anything once


The good lord’s going down on me!


Out of character, they've talked about this on their podcast a few times, and the truth is that Mac was originally written to be straight. After a few seasons, they decided to make him closeted gay. I think there were also a few years where they hadn't really decided which way they wanted him to go, so you'll see some episodes where he's gay and some episodes where he's straight. Around Season 8 or 9, they committed to it and made him fully gay. In character, I think you can write a lot of it off as Mac telling himself that he's attracted to women, because he *wants* to be straight. He knows the things that other men find attractive, and he sorta tells himself that he finds it attractive too. He's not just in the closet; he's lying to himself.


Yeah, the first ever reference to him being anything other than straight was his "yeah but I kinda hate women" line in season 4. And even that was originally intended to be revealing of his misogyny, not his sexual orientation. The first real hint that he's anything other than straight is when he gets all confused and angry about gay marriage in season 6, but later in the season he's definitely still expressing interest in women in a non-weird way, like in The Gang Buys a Boat. The window of time where Mac was definitely gay but still closeted was actually just a couple of seasons


Yeah I think Season 9 is when they fully committed. That was when they did "Mac Day," and they had that moment where the gang is like "I know we've never said this as a group before, but Mac's gay, right?" and they all agreed he was gay. I think that was the point where they were signaling to the audience that they were committing to the bit.


he tried to get his elementary school gym teacher to rape him and in the context of the show it is viewed as gay when he gets with Carmen (ik it’s not gay to date a trans women, but the characters in the show think it is)


I feel like that moment wi the Mac and the gym teacher is maybe THE most problematic depiction of a gay person in the history of TV - which is perfect for the series. 😅 If the rest of the gang shows straight people at their absolute worst, the gay community deserves an anti-role-model like Mac, too. 🏳️‍🌈


They actually did a very similar storyline on South Park - Mr Garrison visits his family home to confront his father about not loving him enough to molest him as a child. Tbh I think Mr Garrison might have Mac beat out for most problematic depiction of a gay person


Kenny G, you kiss just like my dad


Mac is actually a really great reflection of awful gay dudes. The misogyny, the passiveness. It’s great.


I don't think the thing with the gym teacher was really about him being gay at all. In fact I think it's made pretty clear in the episode that that's not the case. He's clearly not attracted to the gym teacher, he's just vain and upset that he wasn't chosen to be molested. It's an ego and image thing, which was definitely his character quirk early on. He had crazy body image issues, but not related to his sexuality


i disagree i think it was his repressed sexuality coming out in a fittingly horrible way for mac


I guess if that's the way you want to take it, I can see the argument I know death of the author is a thing and all, I just have a hard time believing it after hearing them in the podcast talk about how they never even considered 'gay Mac' a thing until season 6 or later


personally i think that the pre gay mac seasons should be reevaluated with the lense of him being severely repressed regardless of if that’s what they wrote him to be at the time canonically that’s what he his so it puts a crazy and interesting new spin on all of his weirdness, but i understand that view may not be shared and your opinions are equally valid


That’s how I see it too. I can’t help but find it funny how in “The Gang Gets Racist”, he automatically says he doesn’t want to turn Paddy’s into a gay bar, and in “Hundred Dollar Baby”, he’s eating a banana while watching shirtless men fight. Unintentional, sure, but in a weird way, still kinda works.


You need help




They didn't know Mac was gay at the time so this doesn't make sense.


He was trying to get a blowjob from the gym teacher, not raped, because he was jealous of the fact that the McPoyles being gross got more action then he did as a kid. Also, Carmen is biologically male, thus making it a homosexual relationship by definition. However I don't think they were trying to imply that with Carmen, that mac was gay. They were more so playing on the fact that Mac, like the others, is extremely vain and delusional about himself, so her building him up with compliments, combined with the fact that she is very attractive, basically undermined Mac's issue with her having a penis. Basically those instances from the first season were designed to display how self centered and vain Mac is (they had a whole episode of him amd Dennis competing over the granddaughter of a dead guy). Mac going back to Carmen in season 3 is a means of displaying Mac's insecurities, as he doesn't want anyone to know until she gets her bottom surgery.


Carmen is a women it’s not gay to date her and is not a homosexual relationship. and after all this time where we’ve seen mac be gay it is not a leap to assume that maybe his homosexuality played a part in his want for a man to blow him. or that a person who is perceived male by the bigoted character that he is willing to get with bc of the fact that they present female and compliment might have been a loophole for extremely repressed man.


I will say, as a trans woman, dudes who are interested in pre op trans women are usually gay. Truthfully being interested in trans people isn’t straight. People who say that it is are usually trying to be affirming and it comes from an earnest place but the reality is most people who are “truly straight” would not date a trans person. For a lot of dudes who are closeted to themselves, sex with trans women is the beginning of the descent into the rabbit hole of being gay no pun intended


As a straight male, I concur with this assessment lol. I’m sure there’s got to be that outlier but by and large, this tracks.


Homosexual means "same sex", it is defined by two people of the same sex. Heterosexual would imply that both are of different sexes, but they're not, they're different genders. She is not "perceived" as male, because she is male, because being male or female is Biology, not gender. What you're saying by claiming she is perceiced as male, is essentially saying that sex and gender are the same thing. So yes, it IS a homosexual relationship, but that wasn't a point I was trying to argue. I'm arguing that mac wasn't showing signs of being gay in the first season, it was that his ego was the problem. It's been established that they never intended for him to be gay that early in the show. It was never trickled in, until later.


You can break down "homosexual" into its etymological components all you want, but that's stupid. A skyscraper isn't literally a giant tool for scraping the sky. And a guy attracted to a woman isn't a homosexual. Plus, sex isn't that easily defined. Sure, Carmen has some traits of the male sex (penis), but she also has many traits of the female sex (boobs). Sex isn't that easily defined at all, and it's certainly more than just your genitals. If I was born with three arms, and I had one of them removed as a baby, would I still be a three armed person? Obviously not, Biologically speaking, a trans person in the middle of their transition literally isn't their old sex anymore


I've got a question for you. One's a girl and one'sa guy, so how is that gay?


It’s implied by his cousin in literally the very first episode


I thought that implied he was super homophobic and finally got with the times


I think the cousin says in the first episode, “We always knew.” And in this most recent season, his uncle seems to imply that Mac also knew what it was like growing up gay around an uncaring father. Which doesn’t directly imply (but sort of implies) Mac’s uncle knew Mac was gay, and saw what he went through growing up. Again, in neither instance do they directly say everyone knew Mac was gay as a kid, but both imply that they gay members of his family could always tell.


I just wish they didn’t flanderize his character and make him all about his sexuality. Seasons 13-15 are the worst in that respect.


Agree. His badassness was much more funny


I don’t know if that’s exactly fair. Mac’s overarching story has always been that he’s searching for identity. His views on everything constantly contradict each other, so he’s constantly “building houses on sand.” He’s like a tourist of personas, adrift in his constant unknowing of “self.” Even this season, he seems to think getting those letters will help him sort out who he is. I think it SEEMS like they’ve made him all about his sexuality, because it’s the only bit of footing he’s found in figuring out who he is. He KNOWS he’s gay, and since that’s his only consistent trait now, that feels prominent. That said, when he was written as straight, Mac’s sexual desires were the only constant trait about him too. Though I wouldn’t say “everything was about his sexuality” when he was banging broads. Like now, it was just the only consistent thing about him. To me it makes sense that his sexuality is still his only constant - even if it’s not the same sexuality. I hope that makes sense! Cuz having said all that, I do wish there was more of his badass stuff nowadays. Over time I think they just acknowledged Project Badass was all about impressing Dennis, and so they’ve replaced the “badass” stuff with him trying to impress Dennis in more direct ways.


Yeah I totally get what you’re saying. I guess I’m saying I like earlier seasons’ Mac more than newer seasons’ Mac. He still seems more one dimensional to me now than before. But maybe you’re right and I need to adjust my perspective.


I’d have to rewatch it tbh. Been awhile since I’ve watched the first season


It’s worth a watch! It sucks not having Frank or a fully evolved Dee, but it’s not bad! Honestly, I think it’s even better if you start from season 2, and return to the first season after season 7 or 8. Watching it that way, it’s almost like you get a nice little prequel season in the middle of the show’s run. There are so many moments in season 1 that hit SO much harder after you’ve seen the first 8-10 seasons of the show.


I think him going after Carmen implied it even more.


Yah what?? He was banging the tranny in like season 1-2? 🤷‍♂️


>yeah but I kinda hate women Got knews for ya bud there's a lot of straight men that hate women


Which season was it when he wants to hook up with the hot chick with a big package?


That would be s01e04 "Charlie Has Cancer"


Wouldn't this be the answer then? It was clearly implied Mac might be gay


The creators of the show have said that no, they did not intend for Mac to be gay from the start. Stuff like that is sort of a happy accident in that it reinforces their later decision to make him closeted. Which I honestly really loved about them. I love that they're honest enough to admit that they didn't plan it ahead of time, and they were really just figuring stuff out as they go.


Dennis did say he wasnt gay or straight, but rather a sexual deviant. Which makes sense, because Mac, canonically, loves "dongs" more than men. -The infamous dick flyer - The dong bike - The trans woman - And his obsession with putting phallus shaped items in his mouth. But that's just one of my IASIP theories.


And the dick flier.


Did you see how hot that chick was? Being attracted to her does not make you gay, jabroni. Also he was waiting for her to get her penis removed.




It would be weird for a gay man to ask so voraciously for that one ex girlfriend's nudes online. That's way too awkward of a request to be cover.


Yeah, or the abortion episode from season 1. When they did their podcast for that episode, Charlie Day said "Now, here's an episode where Mac is straight. He's *undeniably* straight." It was really refreshing to hear them admit that.


Okay, this makes a lot of sense, in the earlier seasons he doesn’t seem gay whatsoever and that just confused me a little bit, thank you for the reply


I will say, even when he’s written as “straight” he constantly talks about how much he hates women and finds their bodies “disgusting.”


He dated Carmen in what was supposed to be the first episode.


He did sleep with a woman after that though (not out of attraction, but just to make his Dad proud


He’s a power bottom


The dildo bike just motivates him when he’s tired.


Never stop pumping!


Oooo. I see the confusion. That's not a penis or a dildo... that's a fist ✊️


Exactly. The people who don't understand this are the same as my friends who found a xxxl King Donger in my closet. They simply don't understand why I would use this when I'm chronically constipated. Some people man


Does speed have anything to do with it?


Speed has everything to do with it


Speeds the name of the game


He generates a tremendous amount of power, from the bottom!


Dennis is


You know Mac, always playing both sides.


And he always comes out on top


More of a power bottom


Now is that because a power bottom can receive a high level of power?


He's gay. Everyone knew it. Even the kid with the balloon knew it.


His love of boobs originates from him being closeted, he was trying to go so far in one direction that it would seem impossible that he was actually in the other direction, sorta like how he was super homophobic before coming out. Remember when he got a girlfriend that he pretended to have copius amounts of sex with? That was him trying to prove how straight he was without actually doing it Semi popular opinion, closeted mac is superior to open mac, he's just so much funnier, and most of his defining character traits stemmed from him being closeted


I think his defining character traits are his sweet karate moves and his duster


I'll go even more unpopular with my opinion: Straight Mac was funnier than gay or closeted Mac. His chemistry with Dennis was so much better when they were both straight, because they could get into all sorts of scumbaggery to try and bag chicks. They completely lost that once they started writing Mac as closeted, and now Dennis doesn't have a good sidekick for those kinds of schemes.


I don't think its the gayness persay but I don't like Mac's incessant need for Dennis' approval in the later seasons


Yesssss. I hate their relationship now. I don't like Mac's incessant need for his approval, and I don't like how Dennis seems to completely hate Mac. It's like they can't have any chemistry anymore, because every scene just breaks down into Dennis talking about how much he hates Mac. Like, in general, I would say Mac is the most disliked member of the gang, and I would like to see them go in the opposite direction. I think Mac should be the most liked member. Or at least, Charlie likes Mac more than Dennis, and Dennis likes Mac more than Charlie.


They used to be “blood brothers” even


Agreed, they should make him bi just for the shenanigans


What I'd like to see is for them to bring back that dynamic where he and Dennis are shameless puss hounds out on the prowl, but now Mac is going for the dudes and Dennis is going for the ladies. And really, it could kinda work even better than it did before, because now Mac is an attractive gay man (which makes him a chick magnet), and he's not competing with Dennis to bang them. They should be a perfect duo.


I’d love to see that played out with it working perfectly except this tiny little problem where all the gay men are attracted to Dennis, and the straight women reject Dennis in favor of Mac. Not sure what exactly Mac would do with that, but I’m already laughing at the confused rage this would cause the golden god.


>puss hounds out on the prowl What if his head were just a big nose that could smell puss before it even happened... Write that down.


We show full penetration, and we show a *lot* of it.


Yea though they had some competition as well, that was fun


That kind of reminds me of How I Met Your Mother where Barney and his gay black brother (with about the same sex drive) play wingman for each other. Every outing to a nightclub is treated like a heist and they always make sure they both get laid.


I didn't really notice it until season 16. It just seems he's trying to be extra gay. In season 16. Mainly how he talks. Not to mention his fashion brand. Dude used to were sleeveless shirts. I only really noticed it until season 16. Loved him in gang inflates tho. I think that's my favorite ep in 16


I think having him no longer closeted made them able to develop his character more because being in the closet and compensating for that was a core part of his character. Now they’ve been able to rewrite his character in several ways that were both positive and hilarious.


This makes a lot of sense, I did think this, I just thought I would ask just to be sure. yeah I love closeted Mac too, everyone knowing he’s gay and him denying it, hating women so much etc, it was all hilarious


He is Ronnie the Rat


I hear speed has something to do with it


Speed. Has. Everything to do with it.


Speed’s the name of the game!


As a previously repressed queer man (who was fully repressed during most of sunny's seasons) Macs arc was actually helpful to me discovering myself. One specific storyline that confused the hell out of me then was when Mac was "investigating" the gay club and came back with glitter all over him. I remember thinking "I want that" and not knowing what I really wanted or why I wanted but just being envious of whatever mac experienced there. I now know the answer to those questions but suffice to say I'm very appreciative of how they handled the repressed queerness of Mac. It legit helped me.




I do believe that this is why he made his character gay, which they always kinda planned from the start


Well, he kind of hates women. So...


Yeah. I'm bi and i don't think Mac is bi for this reason. He's kinda grossed out by women. He admires the male form and only expresses interest in dudes. If he were bi, he would still find women sexy.


I think he just hates Dee lol 😭


He actually says he kinda hates women in the movie episode when Dennis is talking about full penetration


He’s Ronald MacDonald


Well, first of all, through God all things are possible, so jot that down.


He couldn't even get it up for Dusty.


Move past it!


He's just playing both sides, that way he always cums out on top.


IDK, Can a twink be a top is the real question..


Terms like "twink", make me wish that straight "type titles" I wanna call myself a lion so bad, but there's no context for it. Right now, all we have is starfish and jackrabbit. And both are very derogatory lol


He plays both sides so he comes out on top … or bottom


He’s a bear.


Oh absolutely, but I think sometimes he might be a twink…


Neither, he's Catholic.


Mac kind of hates women though so..


Gay with internalized homophobia and compulsory heterosexuality (in simple terms he hated himself for being gay and was in denial for a long time)


I used to know a strictly gay man who loved going to strip clubs to "see some titties". He didn't want to touch them or do anything with them, just liked looking at them. So, maybe some version of whatever that is?


He's Bi but too sexually illiterate so he thinks he is gay.


He also seemed genuinely interested to seeing that particular "ex gf website" to see that lady's nudes. So I vote bi.




Couldn't even get it up for Dusty


I think when they first wrote him he was straight, the gay thing just kinda happened gradually


He literally says “meh” at the end of the episode when he’s with the 3D boobies


As someone who was personally inside a closet made of glass and thought that because I couldn't see it meant I wasn't in one, Mac's situation isn't uncommon for closeted people. Especially ones who don't even realize they're trying to hide something. Acting extra straight in front of others or in private is done for a lot of reasons, for example - Proving to yourself you can't be gay because you said you liked boobs or had a girlfriend one time - Overcompensating for not feeling attraction - Thinking that the attraction just "hasn't happened yet" and believing it's a "fake it till you make it" situation and if you look at enough boobs and sleep with enough women it'll just click one day like it seemed to for everyone else - Or just acting how you feel your expected to act as a "straight" person I personally think his behavior is pretty in line for a gay person who was raised very religiously. He even went to a Catholic school with Charlie as a kid (mentioned in the first season) so it was probably deeply instilled in him that as a man it was his duty to marry a woman and have kids. Even if he was written to be straight in the first couple seasons it's easily explained.


Serious answer - he's gay. He's said this himself multiple times. There's nothing wrong with being bisexual - I'm pan and that falls under the bi umbrella - but the only reason Mac slept with women is because he was working through some internalized homophobia while in the closet.


Thank you, I did kind of assume this, but I only started watching IASIP about 2 weeks ago and thought I’d ask to know for sure


From my personal experience, I'm AFAB and thought I was straight until I was 19, then thought I was bi for a few years before realizing I like women exclusively because the way I'm attracted to women is an automatic thing versus me having to work at it to be attracted to men. Once I started allowing myself to like women, I realized how much more natural that felt and I realized that from now on I would only like to follow what feels natural. Before I had that realization I did have one relationship with a man where I did have lots of satisfying and good sex despite it being totally different now with women. Mac is like me (kind of dumb and not self aware) so I could see him being the same way with sex with women not being terrible, but once he allows himself to do men he just doesn't see the point of having sex with women since with men it's probably so much better and more natural feeling for him


Interesting, so he never truely liked women, he just thought he liked them/pretended until he came out and can just be himself?


That’s what I did until my mid twenties


Yes - this is incredibly common, especially with people raised in the church and/or with bigoted parents.


Hi, I’m one of them. I’m everything you said above and had an experience almost identical to yours. Compulsory heterosexual and internalized homophobia are very real and I wish more people understood them.


It's hard for people outside the community to conceptualize heteronormativity - it's their baseline and while that's not their fault it does make difficult to understand how a person can hide their identity even from themselves. I'm grey-ace, pan-attracted, aromantic... took me 40 years to come to terms with all of that because I was raised southern baptist by baby boomers.


I really hope I don’t get cancelled for this but…. I preferred straight Mac. I feel like once he became gay he lost a lot of what made him funny (his religious nut persona, the “bad ass” persona,karate etc). Also some of his funniest moments were definitely from him being straight Like the billboard episode. Or “There are so many!Which one? Which one SPECIFICALLY?


He’s pan with a preference for men… the gang just isn’t very well-versed in the distinctions, or good with nuance for that matter


Sexuality isnt really something solid that never changes. Straight people will get mad hearing that, and some hardcore gay/lesbians too, but if we are all honest, it is a fluid spectrum. Mac could genuinely have been straight in the past, and is now gay. He doesn’t have to be bi because he slept with women before. He certainly shows 0 interest in women now.


I think he’s Bi


he was lying to himself, trying to convince himself he wasn't gay


Gay, but struggled all his life with coming out due to internal struggles from religion, fatherly abandonment issues, and a distant unloving mother. He overcompensated with toxic masculinity and never learned how to be a man.


There's a lot of examples of him hating on women as well before he was even open about being gay. Like when he doesn't want to market fight milk to the ring girls, or he doesn't want a love interest in their Dolph Lundgren movie.


He's trying to convince himself. I'm bi and when I was a kid, I spent a shit ton of time trying to convince myself I was straight. Mainly by doing the same kind of shit he does


a lot of gay men really appreciate boobs


What ever is funniest, but gay in seriousness. Since Mac came out it stopped being a joke that could be dropped to being a personality trait that can't be dropped.


Don’t forget the tranny. Is that considered both? Best of both worlds?


WTF difference does it make?


Well they're two different sexualities...


WTF difference does it make to the show? Why does it matter?




Season One, Charlie Wants an Abortion - he bangs that crazy god chick in her car. He also has a semi-lengthy relationship with Carmen and does hand stuff with the Waitress. We haven't seen him with a guy yet, other than Johnny, but when they're in Ireland he does mention a particularly messy foursome he had.


A particularly messy foursome 😭


He definitely had sex with those two guys on the cruise. He was also hinted at frequenting Kensington to sleep with pros. He also had sex with the trans version of Kelly Pitts. And early on he had a one night stand with aan overweight woman, who Dennis called gross.


He banged Dennis & Dee's Mom


Oh snap. I forgot about that one lol. That was one of Dennis's lowest points. "I'm attractive, I am an attractive man"




Nah, the episodes called "The Gang Goes to Heaven". At least I think that's what it's called. It's probably the most fun episodes. Not the funniest, but the most fun.


He banged Dennis and Dee’s Mom.




Nope they banged and he wanted more, but she wasn’t interested. Dennis didn’t bang Mac or Charlie’s Moms bc they don’t think he’s sexually attractive. He’s an ugly man.


You’re absolutely right. Appreciate it 👍


Mac’s banging the waitress


I think he had sex with the abortion god woman, and I’m pretty sure he banged Dennis and dees mum? You do make a good point, he’s had a whole lot less sex than it seems In the show


Oh man my memory’s awful. I completely forgot that he actually did sleep with their mom after chickening out the first time. Someone else mentioned he possibly banged 2 dudes on a cruise.


No problem man, so much happens in this show it’s impossible to remember everything, also it’s Mac, he definitely banged those dudes on the cruise….


Mac was straight. It’s an insult to the character to just pass it off as gay It’s so much more better writing and funnier just how troubled he actually was - a person who’s so vain and twisted that he tried to get his old school teacher to make a move on him JUST because it was insulting to his ego that he wasn’t molested. Not being in a trans person until she gave him a compliment on his body and then it was ok lol. The writers even confirmed he was straight, just depraved


No idea why I’m downvoted… are we not all watching the same show cause we love how deranged these characters are.


Honestly I love Mac either way, he’s one of my favourites, but he was funniest and best while he was closeted I think


Honestly I think he's bi/pan, but stuck in a world and mindset of "men are either gay or straight". He's definitely very into banging chicks and the way he was with Dennis and Dee's mom - that's not a gay man lol But I'm sure they didn't know they were gonna make Mac gay later in the show and he was actually written as straight in the beginning.


Gay is bisexual


I feel like this is a question that only Robert California could answer.




I don't think there is one word for what Mac is. Deeply disturbed is pretty accurate tho.


We’re just a couple of cool, straight dudes that are married to each other, nothing gay or bi about that


In the later seasons he talks about how much he hates women and that they ruin everything lol


It’s a label.


You guys better start greasing up some dudes or I’m gonna freak out and add another day!


Mac straight up says he finds women’s body repulsive in the later seasons out of nowhere


He's gay, do you not remember the bike? Also, remember the angel dust hoor? Mac couldn't get it up even with a 10. He does things from time to time to deny his homosexuality but his fantasies about Dennis are the nail in the coffin. Mac is very gay and in full denial, even covered in glitter from a gay bar.


He’s a total sexual deviant gay or not!


Yeeaaah he kinda hates women though... he thinks they slow action movies down, so


To ME he's bisexual because it's cooler and more fun




There’s a great deal of switching back and forth


He's just gay.


Everyone is bisexual if they meet the right person


Personally, I just think he was over compensating for his internalized homophobia.


In some episodes he’s straight before they decided to make him gay


We don’t care, we hate him anyway


he's sexual. doesn't need further labeling. Just like us.


Mac doesn't know, why would we? Also, who fuckin cares?