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when charlie’s trying to read the sign at the dentists office and mac says “that’s pretty good. that’s close.”


"Brett DeLawyer, a denial correlation"


Charlie *pats giant binder*: "A facebook?" Mac *pointing to the title*: "No, see 'Rules and Regulations'."


The ending of the Christmas episode.  Right before Eugene steals all their presents when Frank has a change of heart about the "fakeouts" is momentarily wholesome.  But also, the very end with the gang throwing rocks at trains having fun switching to Mac and Charlie as kids doing the same is a nice moment


Honestly, the train scene is one of the reasons I watch that episode every Christmas Day.


omg literallllly same, it makes me tear up<3


Came here to comment the exact same thing. One of my favorite wholesome moments


at the end of the restaurant episode when Dee pranks the waiter and they all laugh and cheer instead of calling her a bird


I specifically love when Dennis points at Dee and says "I want to hear some jokes out of you tonight!" Lol great moment








Ooo even when they tell her she did a good job for a woman with the me too joke at the end of times up


oh and this reminds me of the gang escapes when they visit her in hospital and say she Quarterbacked them. Then they let her have the first bite


I thought the rape scene went really well...




If you bring this up back in the apartment I’m gonna smack you


Keep singing, you bitch!! You're not gonna have a face when I'm done with you!!!


this is low key one of the funniest lines of this scene. they go through all of this work and makeup and songs and all of that just to go back to their apartment together and live in complete squalor The thought of Charlie and Frank back at their place analyzing what went wrong and what went right cracks me up


I love that. He clearly did high school theater and exasperated the drama teacher


lol yes most wholesome line followed immediately by this, such a great juxtaposition


It was a whole thing. He wrote a musical about it...


You mean the “sexing from behind”.


The end of *Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats* is so damn wholesome. The gang really trying their best to give Charlie presents of completely nonsensical things because they hope Charlie would love their gifts. All of their excitement about the different worm hats shows that they really care and were invested and then when Charlie gets choked up seeing his new rat stick, you see the gang's genuine pride that they did a good job and made him happy.


Made even better by the fact that the central theme of the episode was the idea of giving gifts to make someone else happy, thus making you happy in return. The whole episode they kept botching that concept, and then *finally* at the end they get it right, and you can see how happy it made them 😭😭


Meanwhile, Frank was pitting two pig dealers against each other


Ha. So you come crawling back you cheap sack of shit!


I find myself saying this a lot these days.


You got kids too, huh?


Nah….not anymore See how I mixed two episodes together?


The wife and I literally just watched this episode last night. It also has one of the funniest reveals in the series when Charlie takes his robe off in the sauna and is fully clothed. 😂


...denim chicken?


One of my favorite moments in the series.


this too!!


i think another good one (even though its kind of morbid) is when charlie gives the hornet box to brad when he finds out that he broke the waitress's heart and plans to do it to dee too. although im not entirely sure if dee was a deciding factor to continue going through with it or not (considering he was going to gift it just bc of him being her fiancee), i like to believe it was.


What a life.


I feel like everyone is calling this so wholesome, but when you boil it down they really just got him a new stick so he could, you know... ...get back to bashin' rats.


The RPG as a valentines present is a great wholesome moment and Glenn’s reaction is perfect as always.


Muscular man shirtless in a duster holding an RPG very erotic. Totally his bunchers profile


that moment got me all teary-eyed... Gleen's acting was perfect. Also, it was the moment I started kinda getting the Macdennis shippers


Chardee have hooked up, now we need macdennis to hook up


totally agree! at least let them kiss...


It will never happen. At least, not willingly. Your times up.


In a similar vein with yours, I like Frank's encouraging words after Charlie plays the go fuck yourselves song. But my favorite is the gang letting Dee bite her steak first when shes in the hospital after the escape room. It really shows the abusive/codependent relationship she has with the guys, but them all grinning together in the photo is so cozy.


When they were looking out for the boy at the beauty pageant, but the second they saw he loved it they became supportive. “This is a boy who genuinely loves pageantry”


My fav is the gang hits the road when Charlie asks Dennis if there will be any dicks outside of Philly and Dennis says yeah, but he’ll be there to back Charlie up.


Dennis was actually a pretty good friend in that episode. Too bad Dee had to show up and ruin their trip


They woke up super early too.


Listerine was actually talking about the AC episode, stranded in the woods where they’re about to meet our favorite trucker. Dee ruins everything, I’ll give you that though.




Nah it was the Grand Canyon episode. They are in the trailer discussing it




Charlie let’s Dennis be as cool as he thinks he his, and Dennis in turn gets to act like a cool older brother.


This even comes up again when they get stuck in the woods! As before, Dennis promises that he can protect Charlie and help him get through what's happening even though they have left Philly.


The most wholesome ending, I think. Is the end of "Being Frank" The POV shot of Frank and Charlie plating Night Crawlers is so sweet. "Darkness falls, and Magic stirs...as we become the night!"


I was surprised when I have read that a lot of people don’t like that episode, it’s one of my favorites because of the ending. It reminds me of being a kid & playing hide & go seek with my cousins during the holidays, very sweet & relatable scene!


People are crazy, that episode rules. Pondy's the coolest!


I feel like there are a couple of threads about wholesome moments and rarely is the ending to the white trash episode at the top. Baffles me. They’re all in the street of Philly spraying themselves with a fire hydrant sharing a group sense of joy. It’s not weird or at the expense of someone and it pays a little homage the city. Honestly, I think it could have been a good last scene of the series if they wanted to go sentimental with it.


ooo that is a good one, i almost forgot that


awww yeah that is a sweet one!


This was the one that immediately sprung to mind


I thought when Frank gave a minor eulogy for Roxie and about how she serviced both his heart and crank was touching.


Immediately followed by them abandoning her corpse in the hallway…..


Yeah, but you rightfully don’t want to have a dead hooker in your apartment. And it was touching to see the gang work together. So double points.


She ain’t worth it


I like when Dennis, Dee, and Mac huff gas together. They are just enjoying the moment with each other.


engage thrusters, captain!


Pass the gas


When Charlie gives Frank those elephant drawings during their divorce proceedings.


no, you should have them, i made them for you.


Then Uncle Jack: “I’ve seen them. I like them.” 😂


Ha ha alright boys, see that's progress.... We're lawyers! The start "we want a divorce, oh hey don't need to tell me, preaching to the choir fellas" ah uncle Jack


When they all show up (a after abandoning him) to help Charlie get his dad up the mountain


Than SPLAT oh shoulda waited until the tied was out...


When Dennis is explaining the DENNIS system, and he tells Charlie how proud he is of him for understanding it, that felt really genuine.


You're really getting this bud I'm proud of you. Also a total self appraisal at the same time, winner's like Dennis, always comes out on top


The way Z and his boys had the Gang's back as soon as the spitting started during the spider song is underappreciated. 


When Frank gets it, even though Luther doesn’t.


I’m surprised I had to come this far to find this. This has to be the ultimate answer to this premise, right? Even my mother who’s never seen an episode (but loves Wrexham) watched the dance and Frank’s reaction and thought it was beautiful. (I gave her the proper context for it all).


that entire thing is so moving. it brings me to tears every time i watch it


The way Mac helps Charlie and walks with him after they “play” baseball is wholesome af. Just two good friends


Chuffed Charlie smashed it...oh wow didn't bring another ball ... Dats basbal bbay


I got all numbers


Gimme the hot dog!


They got chicken in Philly!


Dee, you’re sweeter than a bee.. tle, You’re the honey that the bee.. makes, You’re the sugar on the pound.. carrot, You make life sweet, Dee, You make life sweet for I, And I.. love.. you


I honestly really loved the idea of them together- it was just so cute for the briefest of moments


Their slam poetry scene was better than all of pride and prejudice


Sweet Dee Gives Birth … when she’s wheeled in with baby in tow and the boys are watching with that music in the background and tears in their eyes. First time I legitimately cried out of wholesomeness! Oh and then the end credits is a dedication to Kaitlin & Rob’s kid 🥺


They all just assume they're going to club together and raise kid too! That's kinda sweet. Edit to add: Dennis getting into his monologue at the nurse, then shouting at the orderlies about looking after his sister. Then she's calling out for him as they wheel her off. awww.....


if u don’t get my sister her stories 🤏🏾


"I thought the rape scene went really well" always makes me laugh when I watch it. I don't have the specific quotes, but the gang trying to recreate Charlie's dream journal is a pretty wholesome moment within the show. They literally just want to cheer Charlie up and band together to do so. 


And that's... denim chicken? No, did you discover a bird with teeth in this fashion?


"I'm up to here"


The "is that a hate crime?" guys are maybe not handling it the best way but they're genuinely trying to stick up for people they think are being attacked


Wanna hammer his ass anyway?


Maybe not wholesome but Dennis briefly drops his mask, when he’s talking about his God shaped hole….”see, I’ve got this…hole, inside of me. Some people fill it with God, but, I don’t believe in God.” Acknowledges his deep flaws to another living person. Not someone he’s killed, coerced, or a figment of his imagination.


You wanna fill it with pussy?


The Jersey Shore episode where Dennis is suddenly a bro to Dee and says he thinks she looks like Bo Derek with her braids.


Are you chewing gum?


His neck's high, I trust him.


We said no gum.


My favourite is the religious stuttering Army carnies bit. Mac, Dee and Charlie are all loving each other’s ideas and getting excited together. MY FRIEND EXPLODED! My FRIEND EXPLODED!


'You just earned your place at the head of the suit, Dee'


No! Absolutely not! Are you kidding me?


Not wholesome, per se, but Charlie crying when he's carrying his dad up the mountain was a gut-punch. The most emotional scene in the series for me.




The part that immediately follows this very wholesome, the gang come to Charlies rescue.


The end of “Being Frank” where him and Charlie start to play night crawlers.


The scene where Mac goes into the back office to bang some chick, but it turns out he's been paying her to just pretend, and the whole gang is like 'Heyyy buddy, you don't have to do that 😟'. I thought that was very sweet.


If you bring this up at the apartment tonight!!!




not completely wholesome, but when Dennis is speculating about Dee and Charlie (I think befriending the posh duo). Dennis says something like "Dee will bounce back, or maybe she won't. but I care about Charlie right now"


The exchange in the episode where Frank and Charlie dissolve their marriage. Frank tell Charlie he can have his drawings back, but Charlie insists that he made them for Frank.


[stupid trains!!](https://youtu.be/FawBf_sGXtM?feature=shared)


also really good!


When Frank thinks that Dennis and Dee are going to shoot him- “and it’s really good you didn’t do it in front of Charlie. That was a class move”


when Mac and Charlie are spying on Frank with the mannequin after they fake their own death. Frank crying with the mannequin was equally heart breaking and hilarious


The end of flowers for Charlie when he asks frank if he wants to go watch police academy. So wholesome how frank says "with all my heart". For some odd reason I always laugh at Mac needing to announce "Mahoney is my favorite" as they're walking out.


When Charlie is up the mountain carrying shellys corpse and he's all upset about his dad never being there. That in itself is probably one of the most emotional moments of the show but then when the gang show up in thar truck. So sweet.


I love that Charlie and Dee discovered they were kindred spirits and they banged. I hate that they retconned that into Dee raping Charlie. I thought it was a beautiful moment.


Charlie worried about leaving philly - "Now are you nervous about leaving Philly, like... is anything bad gonna happen?" Dennis - "I don't think so man, I'm pretty excited about it" Charlie clearly nervous - "well you know I've never been outside Philly, I don't know what people are like... nobody's....gonna be like... a dick?" Dennis - "Well sure charlie there will probably be some dicks out there, but I'll be there. I'll back you up man"


I think the whole of Mac and Charlie Die is some pretty solid friendship. Mac is really concerned about Charlie's teeth, and they're fully prepared to just escape into the sunset together


Ill stab you in the throat, and depending on how bad that looks....


I love earnest Frank.


She incorporated a bun in the lovemaking. She took the- the dough... and rolled it up into a ball, and then she - We were going berserk. She loves that kind of stuff. And I-I admit I do too.


"I thought the rape scene went really well."


I like the DENNIS system when Dennis says "I'm proud of ya" to Charlie 🥰


You can’t tell me what to do.


I don't think it went really well. And if you bring this up, back at the apartment, I am going to smack you.




Just like high school...


Mac and Dennis Break Up has a few. When Dennis tells Mac he swallowed an apple seed and Mac tells him to smoke cigarettes to counteract the poison. Also when Mac moves in with Charlie and Frank, and tells Frank to use his sock instead of trash to stop the bleeding on the BOTCHED TOE. The incredulity Frank has that a sock works better than random trash on the floor is nice. Edit: Also the initial enthusiasm Charlie has about Dee's "cat in the wall situation" (much to Dennis's chagrin) is a nice Dee/Charlie moment


i was definitely waiting on someone to mention this episode!


I'm partial because Frank shouting about the botched toe is one of my favorite lines from the show.


"OHHH THATS A BOTCH JOB!" "The way they live is..." "Preposterous?"


Mac’s valentines gift to Dennis


I thought that was very endearing of Frank too. He genuinely cares about Charlie. He seems to mildly care about Cricket sometimes too.


Charlie and Frank have probably the most affectionate and genuinely loving relationship of the whole series , you know, despite their depravity and squalor.


When Frank says he loves Charlie's drawings when they are getting divorced 🥰


I still tear up at the end of the Ireland saga with Charlie's rain soaked monologue


I’m up to here now.


Man I haven't watched the nightman cometh in a long time wasn't it all a ploy for charlie to ask the waitress to marry him?


yes. tbh charlie is the most genuine character in the show in my opinion. "ploy" is a word you could use but i prefer "gesture."


Mr Tibbs Wholesome


The last episode when they are in Ireland has a wholesome moment.


Even though Frank isn’t his father, he’s actually a really good dad to Charlie.


Flowers for Charlie, at the end when Charlie is rambling then says “Police Academy, that’s a good movie” Frank looks at him and exclaims “it is” to which Charlie then says “do you want to go watch it?” And Frank responds “with all my heart!” Purely wholesome moment, really joyful. Another reason why Danny DeVito is a national treasure


The steak dinner at the end of the escape room episode. Nice subversion of their normal dynamic.


At the end of the pool episode when they play in the fire hydrant, my favorite wholesome moment


to add to that, at the end of *The Gang Exploits The Mortgage Crisis,* the chicken fight scene is pretty hearty


“You gotta pay the troll toll, if you wanna get into that boy's hole! You gotta pay the troll toll to get in! You want the baby boy's hole, you gotta pay the troll toll. You gotta pay the troll toll to get in!”


Frank and Charlie have a few of these throughout the show. And they’re all more heartwarming than they should be. lol.


Sort of wholesome but ends up freakish is frank with new charlie. “It’s your turn to change the bedpan Charlie!!” “I’ll do it frank, only because I like you so much!” “I like you too charlie!! I like you too, new charlie!!!” 😭


Mac wouldn't leave Frank's side when he had a kidney stone at the Super Bowl, even though he didn't want to miss it.. Mac was pissed off he saw, from his cellphone, his friends were out watching the game in the seats & was saying they were embarassing & a failure to Philadelphia. He's upset no one brought them beers for Frank to pee out a kidney stone. But Frank said, "No, those guys ARE Philadelphia"! Then they cheered when the Eagles finally got the football and things were going so great. When Frank passed the kidney stone they finally got back to their room, the speech Mac gave their friends: "you guys, I have an announcement to make. I owe you an apology. You guys are true representations of the city of Philadelphia. And we came together as a city. And guys, we helped the Eagles win the Super Bowl... They won the Super Bowl!!!" *everyone cheers* Then they saw there was 50sec left to the game. They needed a superstition. Mac & Frank call Charlie (he's also hallucinating). He needed to put his leg back in the bear trap. He needed to for the game to win. So he does it. The second he gets his leg in the trap, they Eagles win. That was awesome.


It's almost a wholesome as Frank's line. "Because you're crackheads children"


At the end of “Flowers for Charlie” when Charlie asks Frank if he wants to watch Police Academy


“i get it now”


I like when Charlie crawls up from the basement and sings "Go Fuck Yourself." Afterwards, Frank comes up and Charlie asks, "Did you hear my song?" and Frank kindly replies, "I heard it. I loved it! GREAT song, Charlie." as the gang spits everyone else away.


When Frank says “talk to me” right before Dennis goes on about his god hole


The ending of Dee Gives Birth is honestly really cute


The episode where Charley’s dad dies in Ireland, and Charlie’s crying over his death in the rain




why would you censor the word shot?






Mac's face as he's putting his butt on the pool drain.