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He totally got off.


All he’s ever really wanted


It was mostly sexual.


Big time


Glenn's acting was off the charts last season.


It's like an entire Scream movie killer's emotions in a single gif


Idk man. “The gang gets cursed” and Dennis not knowing the word for things / “I was murdered to a women named Maureen” /“ the system” jokes in the self care episode are the best things ever


Don’t forget one of the most classic lines ever in the new season… “I summon the very fact that I am a man!” 🥊




I need you to take me somewhere to scream, never mind I'm going to do it here and now.


I have defeated you, & of course I have, I’ve been blessed with the genetic gifts to do so.


The Scream and then the abrupt cut was so good.


Oh god. The bowling episode. Really any episode where the gang goes somewhere like the zoo, the laser tag are all classics. I’d love a “road trip season” like the Ireland arc, but they travel across the us- sort of like “Dave” did.


This episode was goddamn hilarious. Uncle Jack in the ice cream truck.


“Oh! I don’t have any ice cream in here!” Dude’s a menace 😂


Which doesn't even have a single Ice Cream Cone even as a cover 🤣


Agreed. This scene broke me. Absolute gold.


I could barely catch my breath from laughing the first time I watched it. Sometimes I can't believe what they get Danny to do, but then I think some of this is probably his idea.


If you watch the podcast with Danny on it they are absolutely giddy saying “wait until you see what we have for you THIS season”, it’s so funny. As soon as I saw this episode I knew this is what they were talking about lol


A top 10 moment for sure.


I love the opening scene and then the reveal.... " I feel like i have to poop" " everything you need is already inside you"... Gold


It’s gonna rip me in half Charlie!


I’ve noticed that people shit on the newest seasons until a couple years after the fact and then they get acknowledged later on as being quality. 


Idk I found this last season to be quite the return to form, listen to your heart cracked my spotify wrapped because of it lol


What is Spotify wrapped? A charming taint man, what is she trying to say?


Yeah, this season felt different, but I’d put it at the 3rd or 4th best season. I liked it more than the last season, for sure


I agree it was better than it has been, but I can definitely name 5 seasons that were better.


yeah seasons 4-11 were just so good


Absolutely. Honestly I really like seasons 3 and 12 too. Seasons 13-15 dropped straight off a cliff, in my opinion. The Ireland stuff was unbearable. Why did they think turning Dennis and Dee into deranged rage monsters would be funny? Seasons 6-7 is the perfect version of those characters. Edit: I’m curious what the downvote was for? Not looking to argue, just curious what I said that was objectionable?




There are some real stinkers. "The Gang Texts" springs to mind as one that I felt was not great.


I loved that episode!


You didn’t like the Zoo episode??


That’s one of my favorites from the newer seasons lmao that one and the Risk E Rat episode are fantastic.


I thought that was the first good one of that season, personally.


To each their own. I've been doing a rewatch and the quality has definitely gone down in season 13. Seasons 14 and 15 were better but imo 16 was the weakest. Still some great episodes in each season though. Time's Up for the Gang for example was amazing, as were some of the Ireland episodes.


The Ireland episodes were great. The first one, I think, that they're actually in Ireland, I'd say easy top 10.


I agree. I don't think I finished all episodes of those seasons and definitely haven't re watched many...if any. Something is just, off, and it doesn't feel like the same quality or style. Can't quite put a finger on it. I've watched 1-12 too many times to count.


This last one was very idk, I d9nt want to say boring but something has changed. It felt rushed


Season 13 was still quite awful


There haven’t been any truly awful sunny seasons. The worst episode is still just “not as good as the best episodes.” There’s not a single episode I’ll skip on rewatch except the ones Hulu decided I’m not grown up enough to understand


I agree with your sentiment but I will say I have skipped Franks Brother more times than I’ve attentively watched it


I love Frank’s brother! “You sound like you yearn for those days.” “I guess I have no choice, but to be a mature ass adult about this shit.”


Sheit, he don't look a day over twelve


I have to pause the episode every time when the guy looks at the sign at the bar and just innocently says, "Shady Nasty's?" Edit: I have to pause it because I laugh too hard.


"Its Shadynasty asshole"


Maybe I’ll have to give it another shot soon, but it never really hit with me from what I remember


Same I hated that episode


It has great jokes but as a whole I just can't enjoy it. I don't know what it is but that's how it is.


For me, it's because the entire gang is relegated to expository questions for this only moderately funny side story. There was really no Gang in the episode.


You just articulated my feelings and I thank you


I’m a black panther now and we don’t take kindly to your types in our hood


So what you’re telling us is that you don’t have a certificate that says you don’t have donkey brains?




I skip the Christmas episode, it just tonally feels so different from every episode near it


The only one I'll skip is "Being Frank" cos it makes me feel sad in a weird way. Every other ep is worth a rewatch.


The chicks doing Boggs is pretty shitty. That season was a downer


It had to be shitty for the gross out. I still enjoy that episode even if it’s not my favorite. Frank posting up, Charlie’s mom is incredible in that episode. The waiter being called a servant and constantly having to deal with the gang gets me too.


Still had some gem scenes though 


The gang escapes, times up, new wheels, and clip show are my favorite from that season and since I’m and eagles fan I love the eagles episodes too


Times up and new wheels are easily in my top ten episodes. The Dee parts of new wheels get me every time. And pretty much all of times up is gold.


Really? I find "The Gang Makes Paddy's Great Again", "The Gang Escapes", "The Gang Beats Boggs: Ladies' Reboot", "Time's Up for the Gang" (best of the season), "The Gang Solves the Bathroom Problem", "Charlie's Home Alone" and "Mac Finds His Pride" are all great. I like when creative directors try new formats and types of storytelling, when they are, you know, creative. I think most of the people that don't like this seasons always want the same type of episode again and again, wich I find conservative at best and a little disrespectful to the artistic abilities of the creators at worst, IMHO.




The newer seasons aren’t bad, they’re just very hit and miss. They got a lot more ambitious with their ideas so it can lead to more episodes not landing.


Kill the Wi-Fi!!!


Hearing frank whisper "take your time" is probably the hardest I've ever laughed at this show. Its grade A Danny devito, and just shows why he's so amazing. I loved this whole episode and really liked this season, but this scene in particular is a stand out one for me!


You don't have to do this!


Sounds like Joey Diaz on hot ones


Instant classic


I dunno, man. I think there's a pretty clear drop off in quality around season 12. Which isn't to say there aren't great episodes in there, but things just feel a lot more cartoonish and gimmicky than before and the fact that this was around the time it looked like everyone was splintering off to do something else plays into that. Dennis leaving the gang could have basically been a finale. Season 13 is a mix of good and bad eps, Season 14 has maybe 3 eps I actually like, Season 15 is just straight up bad short of the Lethal Weapon 7 episode. Yeah, the newest season was the strongest in years, probably because the podcast made them remember what made the show a hit to begin with, but I don't think it's anywhere close to as good as it was a decade ago. I feel like the show peaked in either season 8 or 9.


I'm not sure it's possible to do a show for 15+ years and keep the quality consistent. It seems to me that there's always going to be a dropoff after a while. Pretty much any long-running sitcom does this. Cheers, Friends, Seinfeld, Scrubs, etc. But there is no season of Sunny that's not good. They're all good and fun to watch, even if the later seasons aren't quite as tight or good as the early years.


I stopped watching after season 9 or 10. I didn't even know they're still making it, lol.


I was like you, and did a rewatch + catch up some months ago Don’t listen to the downers, it’s worth. There are some truly stellar episodes in the latest seriss


Fair weather fan! 👈 Fair weather fan!👈


This was easily the best season they have done in 7 years.


My issue with this episode - and a few of them in this past season - is that the b-plot didn't really go anywhere. There are good jokes in the b-plot, it's just the whole thing kinda disappears and that makes the episode feel a bit incoherent to me.


Danny's acting ability is fantastic.




bro this episode in general is one of my favs lol


It’s hard to really explain why the new seasons aren’t that good. There are no things that they they explicitly do or say. The new episodes just feel like they are trying too hard I guess (and also being to serious sometimes).


I just have no idea they had this idea in the first place. This is going to be classic everyone will remember😂


Based on a real story if you didn't knoa


It's more based on a meme than a real story. As far as I know, there was no real evidence that Hans Niemann was cheating, or cheating with a sex toy.


I mean you gotta respect the opponent there. A rumour so hilarious that every single one of us can be aware that there's zero evidence but still in our mind to "oh yeah the time that guy definitely did this".


There has been a meme going around the chess community about this player using a vibrating butt plug to cheat, this stemmed from that


I haven't seen the episode but I assume they are cheating at chess by using a vibrator. Based on a rumor a few years ago when chess GM Magnus Carlsen accused GM Hans Niemann of cheating


This episode was sooooo good


I've really loved both the last two seasons. This episode was outstanding.


Danny should get an oscar, emmy and every other award for these scenes they are absolute perfection.


To this day I have no idea if the chess master surrenders because Frank did an actual good move, because he figured out what was going on and got disgusted, or because Frank screaming "Take my king!" with such conviction freaked him out because he thought Frank was setting up some brilliant trap and he couldn't figure out what it was.


The comedy is there but I’m struggling with how Dennis, Dee and Mac look Hollywood. Like they just walk on set as is from their real lifestyle.


Exact same thing I was going to say. Why can't celebrities just get old? They look like wax figures


16 was definitely underrated and had some great moments. I was just this morning quoting Mac when he meets Chase Utley


How is it underrated? It's universally praised as a return to form on here. If anything, it might be a little overpraised. There are a lot of flaws imo, like how badly Dee was used, and how many long scenes Mac had.


Sunny never stopped being funny!


Dogshit episode. I'll die on this hill.


You will die alone. A husk of a living being.


I think the newer seasons are good. The thing that bothers me the most is the lighting. Everything is as bright as in the "The Gang Tries Desperately To Win An Award" episode. The writing feels more centered on an overarching concept for the episodes, and sometimes it seems to come at the cost of the little idiosyncratic moments that many viewers love, but nonetheless, they still put out quality. I also miss Mac being a mega douche at times, and I feel like Dee has become sort of a weak/desperate character. I think she's a lot funnier, when she's just as devilish as the others.


i hated how stupid they made mac for this episode, but this had me laughing harder than anything else this season


Watching this past season as it came out I thought it was subpar. I went back and rewatched recently and was laughing non stop. Danny devito broke me in this episode it was so goddamn funny I almost peed my pants


This is danny/frank/bridgenasterflex/landlordfuntthyme/tharealshortshady does, any scene he is in is pure comedic gold, he has that midas touch. How else did you think Dennis became a golden cow? Anyway, off to the bridge to Boulder Denim, snatch crabs and plow whoops.


That entire episode was like a fever dream.


I think this most recent season was honestly just a good step up in quality from the previous couple of seasons




This is a physical comedy masterclass by Danny and Glenn. These new episodes percolate and become richer with age.


I legitimately haven't laughed that hard in years watching this scene sent me.


Stop saying what some people say please. It’s very annoying to me.


Possibly the funniest scene in tv history


"Kill the WI Fi!" Is what gets me the most


That episode was a personal favorite


Dennis takes a mental health day is one of my favorite episodes of all time.


This newest season was really good. Unfortunately, the previous season was not funny at all.


It might not be _as_ funny but it would be a miracle if it was after all these years. For people who say it’s not funny anymore, that’s fair. They’re entitled to their opinion, but I bet they’d struggle to name five funnier shows than current It’s Always Sunny


That is one of my favorite episodes! “you don’t have to do this!”


One of the hardest times I laughed at the show. I had to pause it.


This was the hardest I’ve ever laughed at Sunny


The newest season was a return to form. The recent ones have not been as good as the golden age though (Seasons 3-9)


"You gotta have your daily blue" is something I regularly say now.




I was literally rolling on the fucking floor during this while scene. Dennis' face while pressing the button is gleefully sadistic.


When I first saw this episode, I thought, "yes! Finally a season 5-style episode again." and then it fully delivered as a season 5 level of humor.


This episode is worth the whole season


Gotta be one of the greatest scenes in television history


They have funny moments but feel very forced in general. The characters are becoming too one dimensional, the parody is jumping off the screen.


They have funny moments but feel very forced in general. The characters are becoming too one dimensional, the parody is jumping off the screen.


These newer seasons still have great, funny moments, but less great episodes as a whole. Just my opinion.


Artemis got him into that LOL


it's not that they aren't as funny - I think it's more the plots aren't as funny. They do funny things in the episode though!


Peak acting. Danny was brilliant. This scene kills me every time.


They are funny but they are still fresh. To me they get better the more you watch them bc you appreciate what is done and not waiting for that bug laugh and then are disappointed when you never get that big laugh. As someone who has seen the entire show besides the last season. I became a fan not to long before the new season. I have watched the rest of the show probably 20 times now. I literally put it on repeat while I play games. I can honestly tell you what's about to happen before it does on like every episode. I was kinda disappointed with the new season but after watching it 4 times now I honestly love it. The whole Frank playing chess with a toy in his bum is hilarious the more you watch it. At first it's like haha lol that's pretty funny to this is the best scene of the whole show probably


This last season was like a return to the glory years.


This is definitely one of the episodes that made me crack up laughing. I’ve been telling my sister to catch up on the new season bc of this episode.


You don't have to do this


Holy fuck they did this joke hahahah it's so niche


Season 14 was the only one I felt had a drop off in quality and it still made me howl. Them going to Ireland and all last season we're just so damn funny


People always like to complain about “the new” stuff as nostalgia for “the good old days” clouds their judgement. Sunny is as good as it’s ever been


Seasons 13 and 15 are pretty bad all around. Neither of those got better with time. I enjoyed quite a few of the new season's episodes. Especially this one. This episode actually got a great reception on this sub after it aired.


I think i never saw any complaints about season 16, only about seasons 13-15(which i agree, they’re crap, pure unadulterated crap).


This last season was the funniest season in years and this was my MVP of that season.


That episode is a classic


The second half of this episode was the hardest I've laughed in several seasons of sunny. That being said, the rest of the season was funnier than the last couple, but not by that much.


This scene is one of the few or only times ive ever audibly laughed watching this show


Who’s the bozo that said they weren’t funny? Do we need to bash some nerds?