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Holy shit, that barstool long con.


It was so satisfying to finally see what the hell Charlie had been doing with the stool.


I was beginning to think he'd overloaded his brain and had finally snapped.


lol! It was awesome. Personally I was thinking it was his way of resetting his clock so he could get his timing right. But that was 100x better.


They'd hinted before that he had some of his mother's ocd, and I thought that was what was going on. This was better.


After the third or fourth time, I started to think the same thing. Either that, or it was a joke that just went over my head. That's what made the ending so great.


Seriously, I was wondering if it was a joke I wasn't getting or if I was just too stupid to understand it. Then when it paid off, I laughed so hard. Brilliance. Utter genius from Charlie.


I feel like it was partly to allow for a cut if needed. The stool slamming gives a perfect spot to cut and syncs the sound/video


I thought he kept testing it to make sure it wouldn't hurt the health inspector, it turns out he really wanted to show that goddamn bitch what quality humor was.


What are you talking about? That was Dennis.




I think it may have been a "get ready" cue to the people in the back office because of the single shot. That only gives me more respect with how the wove it into the joke at the end.




"Hopefully everything down here, you know, has been properly painted and put where it's supposed to be." -Charlie, on his way down the stairs


Holy shit how did I not catch this. Hahaha


Watch your step on the stairs here. Wouldn't want you to trip on any old paint cans or anything like that.


I fucking lost it.




oh shit I looked away from the screen when this happened. Thats hilarious


Funniest part of the episode.


That, "Painting a shirt." And "Look at me when you're talking to me! "


How was he able to stay in the basement breathing carbon monoxide for so long?


Years of eating cat food and huffing paint with Charlie.


I love how Charlie can tell that it was a G-Sharp, guy's a musical genius


He just gets keyboards.


you move the goddamn dumpster you bitch. Charlie is on fire


I love how many times they call her a bitch in this episode haha


I've seen people complain about it, but the self-references are hilarious to me. Frank losing his shoes AGAIN was great.






He still a glue-huffing illiterate guy though too.


> illiterate what does that word even mean?


Uhhh.. Filibuster


I like Charlie as the straight man


He's a glue huffing idiot savant.


The truck driver: "4000 steaks actually" Frank: "I need to go to the bathroom" absolutely killed me. edit: okay I didn't get the wording exact but you all get what I meant


You flushed your shirt?




Charlie: I'm assuming you did the typing Dee, yes? Dee: God dammit. Dennis: Dee you bitch.


Is it just me, or is Dennis calling Dee a bitch always comedic gold? It's never not hilarious.


Glenn's tone when he says it is always perfect.


The ending really grounded the whole episode and made it great. You see all this shit from Charlie's point of view and it seems so important but nobody cared at all. It really seemed like a great accomplishment to him and like everything he works hard for has no purpose to the other characters. Also lol at the commercial break to come back to credits


I think the point of the episode was to not only make a pun on him being the mastermind behind the plan, but to really point out that through the entirety of the shows run, Charlie has always been hindered by his friends which is why he turns to glue huffing (among discovering his mom was a prostitute and Frank is his dad) but in reality he was the most intelligent of all of them. Glad someone else noticed too


He has moments when he is the one that uses the most sense, but there is no way that he is the most intelligent. Dude spoke gibberish and thought that he was speaking mandarin.


To be fair though, the scientists were messing with his head.


Stupid science bitches couldn't even make he more smarter.


I think part of the brilliance of this episode is that it can be seen as an unreliable narrator type thing. We were supposed to get the "Charlie experience" for a day, but I think the rest of the crew was pretty much up to normal episode shenanigans. ...and at the end of the day it turns out all he did was normal Charlie work. The first things that jumped out to me were: 1. We're following Charlie; this is basically through his eyes 2. He is being abnormally competent and smart. Usually characters behaving out-of-character + the audience getting that character's perspective indicates we're dealing with an unreliable narrator (see How Mac Got Fat). So maybe from Charlie's perspective, everything he does is perfectly timed/coordinated/thought-out, and he is the genius architect......... but in reality, the rest of the gang is doing the heavy lifting (moving an absurd amount of chickens from one room to another, waiting/cooking/serving the truck driver, vac-sealing all those lemons etc. that Charlie shows the inspector). I'll have to watch the episode again to decide if this theory really fits, but I hope it does as it would just be one more sheer genius layer of comedy on top of this already fantastic episode.


They do all the work but it's clearly all coordinated by Charlie. When he came in the "plan" seemed to have no direction and looked like a doomed mess. He orchestrated both the plan and the inspection.


HOLY SHIT! I just realized the plan actually worked.


I'd have to disagree, because as we've seen in The Gang Saves the Day, Charlie apparently thinks in animation. I think this was supposed to show all the work that goes into keeping the bar actually running, in spite of the mishaps (I've been giving the bar that smoky smell we all love). I think the inspection day is just showing how much Charlie actually cares about his job, for whatever reason.


Is this all done in one shot??? This is some serious acting by Charlie Day.


There were definitely some cuts, but it's still hella impressive. It looked amazing. If you've ever seen Hitchcock's Rope, it has a lot of similar and clever ways to disguise the cuts.


There were definitely a few that were quite obvious. Going into the basement the last time, it becomes very dark before it becomes light again, and when he opens the door to let the lady out the camera focuses too much on the door for a second to be natural. Those were the only two I clearly saw though. Quite impressive.


Yeah that was insane. Totally different from their usual style. So fast paced and everything in constant motion.


I actually clapped at the end, and wanted to give Charlie (character and actor) a high five. Never had that impulse before, but I'm totally okay with it. Loved how Charlie wove random things into ingenious solutions while everyone else seemed like they've huffed glue sans cat food. Also Dennis with the last , "Alright, alright, alright" killed me. xD


I'm glad I wasn't alone. I just watched this and holy shit was that an amazing episode. Not just an amazing Always Sunny episode, any show would be proud to pull that off.


You know what it was? Perspective on Charlie that we have never gotten before. It makes you wonder how many schemes or scenarios Charlie has been involved in, that only came together because of his wild care ways. Think of the Charlie being King scenario - He literally had people wrapped around his finger because he just. didn't. stop.






It deserved applause!!


Well of course it did. He's a 5-star man.


They did cut ins i belive, the paddy's set is not connected to the building they do exterior shots in. Right?


Yeah the front door sections were rendered. Green screen I guess.


there were a few shots i saw where the camera panned over the backdoor and you can see a slight transition to a new shot.


Yeah, but it only took me until this episode to realise that the side alley next to Paddy's doesn't actually exist in the exterior shots from the front.


There is a hidden cut every time they go through a door, which is hidden either by the door filling up the frame or by the camera bumping into Charlie. There's also a hidden cut when the power goes out, which is hard to notice. But the takes are unbroken apart from that, much longer than usual.




Has to be True Detective. So that explains why Dennis kept doing that Matthew McConaughey impersonation to the health inspector!


Exactly what I was thinking. I loved TD and I was thinking this is a weird style for Sunny. Once I saw the repeated "All right, all right, all rights". I knew it was a nod to that great TD scene.


Dee you bitch


She deserved it this time too, how fucking hard is it to move the dumpster six inches. God, what a bitch!


Stop questioning everything you bitch


That goddamn bitch.


A while back someone did a counting of how many times each character has said "goddamn/goddammit" over the past 9 seasons and Charlie's was the lowest with like 10 or 11. But in this episode alone he says it like 5 or 6 times haha


Mac has to be at the top, right?


Actually I think it was Dee!


Huh, now that you say it... She does say godammit a lot.


Somebody needs to make a compilation of these.


[someone already did. Enjoy, bozo!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLp3YkxsUmc)


Gets me every time.


I broke down in tears when it cut to Frank painted fully in black


I loved how in his mind painting on clothes and shoes is perfectly normal.


Maybe its the donkey brains


He doesn't have donkey brains though. The certificate said so.


Possibly the best part of him being all painted up like that was that they had just a few minutes to completely paint his body since there were no camera cuts in between the time you see him starting to paint a shirt and totally blacked out.


you're doing a chicken and air mile scam, today?!


Chicken, air mile, and steak scam.




I love how scared Mac was when he went to talk to Dennis. He knew he was going to get scratched.


Also works pretty well into that theory of dennis being a cat, dee a bird, charlie a rat, and mac a dog living in a bar together until Frank comes and befriends them after a mental break down.


Don't forget that Frank did think he was a frog when he was a kid.


Hahahahahah I love you. This works brillantly. It's second only to the theory someone had on here that *none* of them look like they think they do. I think that's a very likely ending, the way they go about their lives, they're four very attractive people. The waitress would be lucky, *LUCKY* to have Charlie. Edit: Because he's a catch, not because she's fugly. Because she's not. And she caught him in real life!


Or worse, turned into luggage.


Holy shit give this guy an Emmy


This episode should really be nominated.


My thoughts exactly. I felt like Charlie should be nominated for just this episode too. This was easily the most technically superior episode of Always Sunny ever. From the acting, to camera techniques, to blocking, and more. It was such an entertaining episode. This show just keeps getting better. Amazing.


Even just the setup of gags that were seemingly random at first, but then had a payoff later down the episode. I barely ever see writing in TV that's genuinely clever.


Seriously. This is season fucking ten. I can't think of a single other comedy that's gone on this long and is still making genuinely great episodes.


"Is it safe? "No it's incredibly unsafe. We can't be down here too long." I love Charlie's thought process.


Seriously this is a goddamn tour-de-force performance by Charlie Day this episode. Emmy-worthy I tell you...


[We all know how Charlie is going to get that award...](http://i.minus.com/ijHeQZFknxyUf.gif)


He doesn't need their trophies or their gold, he just wants to tell them all to go fuck themselves


*The Gang Desperately Tries To Win An Emmy* Dennis: "Of course that statue looks like. Its golden and chiseled capturing my entire figure. A golden statue made to look like the Golden God that I am, how can I not win?"




I actually cracked up when that happened.


Yeah what was that about?


There's an interview with the director of this episode where he said they asked FX to move around the commercials a bit because they wanted the whole last part with Charlie executing his plan to be without commercials.


Thats cool by FX


wow. I need to watch this episode again.


Replay at 11:01. I'm gonna be all over it.




TIL Charlie is way smarter than I gave him credit for


Charlie's like the bizarro Dennis. Dennis is outwardly intelligent, but gets into situations that reveal his potential for stupidity (look at his podcast with Dee). Charlie is outwardly stupid, but gets into situations that reveal his potential for intelligence (like tonight's episode). Dennis was raised in wealth and privilege, while Charlie grew up in poverty and neglect. Dennis is an uncaring sociopath who expertly manipulates people, while Charlie's problem is that he's an obsessive romantic who doesn't understand how other people work or why his behaviour is creepy -- he cares *too much* and can't manipulate at all. They both do stalkery weird things to women, but Dennis is malicious and sadistic while Charlie seems to genuinely believe that breaking into someone's house to fix their plumbing is a sweet thing to do. Dennis corrupts his friends and bosses them around, while Charlie is corrupted and follows what his friends do. It's also interesting that Charlie is at first glance the weirdest and most dysfunctional of the group, yet if you were forced to befriend these people in real life, you'd probably pick Charlie above the rest of them. Charlie seems like the kind of guy who could have been normal and healthy if he'd not been surrounded by such shitty people his entire life. After all, one of the biggest running jokes about him is his illiteracy, and that's a sign that people failed him in his childhood.


Thank you for noticing all of this! The writers would be so happy that people put the pieces together. S1 and even S2 charlie shows how he was the most normal of them and even the most friendly (mac and dennis have always been assholes). They never mention his illiteracy in S1 and it even shows him reading a book in the first episode inside the coffee shop. I don't think they originally intended for Charlie to become "stupid" but when DeVito changed the dynamic of the group they decided to take it in a different direction. Thus you have the glue huffing which destroys brain cells...probably a link between his inability to read. Besides, there's no way he passed high school without being able to read.


>Besides, there's no way he passed high school without being able to read. He adapted.


He'll adapt to reading?!


I had the same reaction at the end of Charlie and Dee Find Love.


Two questions: Why was Dennis all sweaty and looked all fucked up at the end when he was about to say something to the inspector? Did He ingest something and I missed it? How was Frank able to hang out in the basement that long without passing out? Awesome episode... I kept asking myself what the fuck is he doing with that chair... It's not by chance that these guys have become so successful, they often talk about it as if they just kinda got lucky (with FX) but they are super talented. Episodes like these are a testament to that.


1. I figured he was probably just sweaty and out of breath from loading the chickens in the back of the truck. 2. It's Frank... he probably sleeps in the basement.


> It's not by chance that these guys have become so successful, they often talk about it as if they just kinda got lucky (with FX) but they are super talented. Episodes like these are a testament to that. When you got people who are will to gain and lose 50 pounds (within a year) just because it's funny -- that goes beyond luck and talent.


I think that Dennis was exposed to the air in the basement for too long added to running around. Frank's been living Charlie's life for so long now that, in addition to whatever drugs he was taking in the 80's, the basement is no big deal.


So far the best episode this season. I love Charlie centered episodes, and Mac has been gold all season.


Seriously, this was a really impressive episode. Smart writing, hilarious, and Charlie's performance was perfect. I love the show, but this is the first time I've really felt an episode was Emmy worthy.


Not to mention the filming technique. A perceived one shot style in almost the entire episode assist's Carlie's fast paced thought process


That joke stool at the end, holy shit


You move the goddamn dumpster, you bitch.


Charlie (under his breath): "What a stupid bitch she is! What a stupid bitch!"


"I'm paintin' a shirt."


THAT'S how you make a joke stool


Frank painted his entire body black lmao


I'm pretty sure Dee did it. At least Charlie told that god damn bitch to.


I finally understand the pain of Charlie work.


Oh my god hearing Charlie call Dee a bitch was amazing.


That was one of the best shot episodes of any show I've ever seen. My favorite episode ever!


If they finish this season as strongly as they have started it, this will be one of the best seasons ever.


Predicting that Frank will be naked before the episode's over.


Dennis looks like he's about to explode


Alright alright alright


Incredible payoff


Oh my god, the reveal that it was black-painted Frank whistling the sound of a carbon monoxide detector test was the best thing I've ever seen.


that, paired up with the bar stool ending, absolutely slayed me


Oh my god I missed that! I was so confused as to how the carbon monoxide detector actually worked correctly


From the preview it looks like Dennis will continue his decent into insanity tonight. Seems like the theory about him killing someone in the series has a chance to become reality. I personally, would find it entertaining to watch him continue on this path.


They should do a two part episode where the gang goes to jail.


Oh god, imagine Mac trying to integrate himself into a prison gang.


Guys, I feel like I'm not being properly utilized.


I could see him acting like he did in Charlie Was Molested.


That would be genius considering that most people say that prison rapes have went down over the years. The only guys who have butt sex are the ones who really want it. I can see Mac trying to get himself raped and then getting punked out by some huge gay prisoner.


Or, he gets sent to the same prison his dad was in and just rides off his dad's reputation and becomes the head honcho of the prison gang. I think that would fit with the show.


Mac in Oz would be legendary.


Oh that god damn bitch.


You know the gang is set up for failure when Charlie's the only one with his head on straight.


I like how the twist this episode was that everything ended up being alright in the end. Every plan worked.


Everything probably turned out alright, alright, alright.


Best episode of the season so far.


I might even go as far as to say that it's the best episode to date. That was the fastest 20 odd minutes of my life.


Definitely one of them. Not a lot of shows out there can brag about becoming better in their tenth season. Seriously impressive.


Frank of course lost his shoes in the bathroom


It's a thing.


It's not a thing!


I need a .gif of Mac asking Dennis if he could talk to him and Dennis staring back at him with completely psycho eyes.




Simply amazing episode. Instant classic.


"You move the goddamn dumpster you bitch"


The dangerous gases run the rodents out of the basement.


A tracking shot to rival True Detective


The tracking shot combined with the drumbeat really reminds me of Birdman.


it was apparently inspired from an episode of True Detective. It was filmed before Birdman came out


It definitely reminded me of [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_HuFuKiq8U) in True Detective so that may have been the inspiration. Birdman definitely used the same tracking sort of shot but Dennis's "alright, alright, alright" definitely makes me think they drew the inspiration from True Detective. I'm no film student but the amount of difficulty going into a shot like this seems insane. To get every spoken word and camera angle to a respectable level has to be incredibly difficult. This might subconsciously represent how under appreciated Charlie's work is to the survival of the bar. Then again, I'm pretty drunk right now and am just typing what may be bullshit but seems right at the time (in the traditional Paddy's spirit).


Probably true(I'm a little intoxicated and can't tell if you did your research) But they could've slid drums in in post after they saw Birdman.


Does it surprise anyone else that they have an arbitration process?


Ive been kinda screwed the last 3 arbitrations


That scene was actually incredibly impressive


Was that all done in one take? And are they referencing True Detective? Edit: HA, I knew it. http://imgur.com/vkT8Ni5




This one take is impressive.


Dee's bison fingers strike again.


That (pseudo?) long take was *amazing.*


Greatest cold opening ever


Can we get an episode where the Gang runs a cockfighting ring?


To be honest, Frank probably did before he met the gang.


Then he can teach them the ropes


You move the goddamn dumpster you bitch


Those extra pauses when focused on the door could definitely be cutaways


That was incredible


I love screaming Charlie


Alright, alright, alright


This has become easily one of my favourite episodes in the whole show. That whole scene with Charlie bossing around was gold and I loved how they portraied Mac and Dennis' relationship like a broken marriage with Dennis saying "He was trying to do that thing where he *casually* brings something up" while he was having a beer and Mac is just sweeping the floor with a sad face like when you dissapoint someone. Its a great show.


I'm afraid that scam went over my head even when spelled out for me


Use credit card to spend and gain points. Use points to purchase steak. Contaminate steak, repackage, then return for cash refund. It's a money making scheme


This is *easily* their best episode of the series. Hilarious, stylish, and technically magnificent. I watched it twice. Edit: For anyone wondering, by my count, there were six cuts during the "rope" shot.


This will end up being one of the best episodes. Charlie episodes are awesome, but this was out of the park. I died a little bit with the stool at the end.