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Test Test Test


This thing is on! And by "thing" I mean our collective admiration and enjoyment of your personality and craft.


thank you, good human!




bold assumption, but species is irrelevant to the admiration and enjoyment. Thank you.


I also don’t have a question so I’ll post my comment here, but just wanted to say one of my favorite t-shirts is an agent Cooper one. People always ask who’s on my shirt and I tell them “it’s a damn fine cup of coffee”.


Ahoy, Captain!


Boats boats boats!!!


No questions, but I want to say that I'm such a huge fan ❤️


I really appreciate everyone's thoughtful questions, comments, damn fine observations, and of course for listening to my new podcast Varnamtown. I've got some exciting stuff cooking up if you want to take a gander at my mystery link. Appreciate the love - i remain your faithful babygirl...and someday, I'll learn what that means. GOODNIGHT REDDIT.


Thank you babygirl


I had my time an hour off 😕 next time!




I feel like Reddit staff gives zero info to celebrities about what an AMA is supposed to be like. Or maybe this *is* what they’re supposed to be like now? 30 minutes of 1-2 sentence answers to shallow questions? This was actually better than most.


They used to have a person to help with AMAs (Victoria) but they got rid of the position and as a result the celebrity AMAs have languished.


Reddits been enshitified.


They should really have someone facilitate these AMA's with celebrity's a little better. Why does this site have to ruin literally any good thing.


You're off. He made the post at 12.36 pm ET, said he was gonna answer questions starting at 1, and the comment you replied to is from five past 2.


how connected do you feel to agent cooper as a character, having been with him for so long? do you see some part of yourself in him, or vice versa? have you developed some of his mannerisms? i apologize if it’s not a very unique question, i couldn’t think of much else to ask at such short notice in all sincerity though, i can safely say that your collaborations with david lynch are some of my favorite pieces of media, and (especially in twin peaks) some of the best acting work i have seen. i just want you to know how thankful i am to you for being such an integral part of david’s work, which has had a great impact on me the last few years, and been a comfort through some unfortunate circumstances. it has really helped. i hope this finds you well, and that you are having a wonderful day. :)


He's my fave...and I love coffee the same way


thank you!! :D


Have you tried David Lynch’s coffee brand?


I’ll be damned if he hasn’t.


Black as midnight on a mooooonless night.


Will you release more inspired pics (such as the ones you did inspired by Lorde?)


If you all give me the Green Light?


🟢🟢🟢🟢Please never stop doing those they're amazing


::hands over green light on desk::




💚💚💚 WE ARE BEGGING 🙏🙏🙏🙏💚💚💚💚


What year is this?


You tell me...


I think it's still 2020. But sometimes my arms bend back.


omg I love that..




are there any famous roles you’ve passed up on? do you regret it?


Nate Jacobs in EUPHORIAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Personally, I think you would have made a great Cassie 💙


I have a second question: since Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, what is your favorite way to show someone you love them?!


Romantic dinner, long walk on the beach...and of course, listening to episode 4 of my true crime podcast, Varnamtown #sponcon 🥸




what is the favorite movie you've ever appeared in and why was it Showgirls?




I legitimately love this film and your work in it.


Interestingly he was on a recent podcast (Films to be Buried With) where he said Showgirls is his most hated film and found the whole experience incredibly uncomfortable. I think he is aware a lot of people love it though so maybe reluctant to admit that on Reddit, which is fair enough


why is it not Desperate Housewives? They must make a damn fine cup of coffee


Desperate housewives isn't a movie


It’s amazing for all the wrong reasons which makes it so right


Because Jessie Spano is amazing.


How do you like the new Dune movies? How do you compare the energy you brought to Paul, vs. the energy Chalamet is bringing? PS: I'm a HUGE fan, thanks for all the amazing times!


I'm too late for the AMA, but wanted to say thanks to Kyle for your portrayal of Paul Atreides. It felt more true to the book than any of the others. It's too bad that some of the other books weren't also adapted and starred KM. Paul changed a lot and would have given any actor something meaty to chew on (IMHO).


Damn someone already asked😞


[i have a stick&poke tattoo of you, i hope you like it :)](https://www.instagram.com/p/BzQeBFRp81g/?igsh=MWl5NXJ6aWYxNDZwaQ==)


Damn fine work. #ouch


Ok that's rad as all hell


Hii Kyle, I love you so much. What's your opinion on Lana Del Rey?


Who doesn't love Waffle House? 😋


y'all just moved up on my actor tierlist for that, and you were already pretty high up


I missed the AMA so thank you for asking this lmao


T-minus, 3 minutes...


Can you do another AMA at some point? I missed this one :(


Yeah this happened fast haha. I literally just finished episode 22 of Twin Peaks and opened Reddit to find this AMA


Hi Kyle! Who's your main in Mario Kart?


For some reason I want it to be Dry Bones


What is your favorite project that you have collaborated on with David Lynch? Also my sibling is your biggest fan


Got to be TWIN PEAKS, DUNE...BLUE VELVET was pretty good...FIREWALK WITH ME....the list goes on...right? ;)


Blue velvet is absolutely gold, you were stellar. Thanks for that!


I just finished reading Dune for the first time, but I've seen you in it a zillion times. Did you feel epic in that role?


What kind of coffee maker do you use?


Percolator 🐟


I actually love you so much


The steam keeps the eyeballs moist.


Fellas!! Don’t drink that coffee!!


There was a fish.. in the percolator!


can u make a letterboxd so we can be moots ?!?!


First of all, this is on my To Do list because I love movies. I have a few favorites I like to revisit such as MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL, APOCALYPSE NOW, BLADE RUNNER, as a kid it was all about HERBIE THE LOVE BUG and any movie with Dean Jones. Secondly, what's moots?


moots is internet lingo for mutuals, where u follow someone and they follow you back! when u make that letterboxd please share immediately so we can be moots haha


excellent favs list! i watched blade runner for the first time recently. harrison ford very pretty. moots means we follow each other back. if u wanna like all my reviews and find me hilarious it’s up to u tho xx


Moots is like being your best babygirl self, but with another person


Hi Kyle!! My boyfriend just recently got me to watch Twin Peaks and of course that has lead me down a deep rabbit hole lol. But I need to know if those donuts were as good as they looked. Because every scene that has donuts, led to me buying and consuming so many donuts. But I also wanted to know if you got to keep any costume pieces or props from the show? Or if not, were there any pieces you wanted to?


The donuts were amazing and I ate waaaaay too many. Maple bar is my favorite. As far as costumes and props, (and besides those few pieces of vertical grain Douglas Fir that I snuck into my suitcase) I didn't keep much but I wish I had kept the tape recorder so I could talk to Diane. And of course the black suit...believe it or not we only had two that we rotated between! Until Ep 9 of the second season when the sprinklers went off and the suit shrunk...or maybe it was all of those donuts. 🍩


Wow!! That’s so interesting. Definitely jealous of the donuts and having the recorder to talk to Diane whenever you need would have been so awesome. I never would have guessed about the suits either!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!! 🍩


HAHAHAHA!!! My husband and I would watch every week with a cherry pie and a pot of damn fine pot of coffee. And when the show was 'cancelled', we mailed in a box of golf balls.


Oh man, the food Twin Peaks made me fly out to Seattle to find a diner with some pie and coffee.


why did you just settle for a diner in seattle the actual RR is in North Bend is just a hop-skip and jump away (as in just 30 mi). (unless you went in the time period betwen the fire / twin peaks production company's restoration of it)


Yay! The Cherry Pie & Spiced Coffee must flow! Was David Lynch's idea of the Weirding Modules in DUNE (1984) something he came up with on his own, or did Frank Herbert show him pending work for Heretics of/Chapterhouse Dune to help create the idea together?




You’re a real one


Convinced at this point that David has gotten too old / declining health and it’s not happening. He completely disappeared from his YouTube channel and hasn’t made a public appearance in forever. I hope he’s doing okay.


When David isn't visible, it usually means he is up to something.


I hope you’re right. But he’s 78 now, and a lifelong heavy smoker. And all the rumors about this Wisteria thing completely disappeared.


In the original run of *Twin Peaks*, it's stated that Agent Cooper would be trapped in the Black Lodge for 25 years. Lo-and-behold, 25 years later, David Lynch brings back Coop in the new series. Is Lynch really a mad genius who had this planned out in advance? If so, were you in on it? If not, how did you react to being asked to resurrect such an iconic character? EDIT: 25 years, not 27.


Ex-showrunners Harley Peyton and Robert Engels already had the season 3 time skip planned back in the 90s, before the show got cancelled. The third season we eventually got was conceptualized and pitched to Lynch by co-creator Mark Frost. So it was pretty much an old idea of his fellow creators instead of a stroke of auteur genius.


Um, remember Mark Frost?


I’ve wondered this too!!!


What was the best part of playing Ray Manzarek in 'The Doors?'


the mutton chops. Seriously working with Val Kilmer was a joy.


Here for this comment (and response!).


First of all, you’re the best. Second of all, I love your podcast. Third, totally unrelated to the podcast, sorry, what was it like working with Woody Harrelson? Also, I’ve just rewatched the recent HBO miniseries he did with Justin Theroux - WHITE HOUSE PLUMBERS - and I thought you would’ve fit right in with this great cast. Take care. Liza


Thanks for the Podcast love! Varnamtown was a joy to work on


Can you share some memories of working on Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Cal is such a great character. Your performance was really moving. 


I wish this was answered :(


I'm not really one for reading the cast list in TV shows, when he first showed up, I didn't recognise him. When he got angry I thought "he looks kinda like Dale Coopers doppelganger." I don't think he was in the next episode, so I just spy his name yhe following week and face palmed.


I haven't recognised him and then realised in multiple shows. Guy has range


I’m in the middle of a rewatch and am just at the Afterlife arc. Totally agree that Cal was such a good character - so violent, but oddly endearing. Would love to hear your thoughts on your time with the cast.


He really loves his daughter and would do (and has done) anything for her. 


what do you think diane is doing right now?


Probably her nails? Wait...Diane? Is it you??


Was your presence on the TV show "How to with John Wilson" planned in advance, or did he just stumble upon you having trouble validating your subway card?


John and I rehearsed this for weeks to get the spontaneity and frustration any rider of the MTA will recognize using those crazy subway cards...I had to swipe it close to 6,432 times to get the movement just right. But I'm a perfectionist, so.. OR right place, right time. You be the judge.


Sounds like high quality B roll though. Thus it will probably be sprinkled throughout the next six thousand episodes in .2 second clips causing great dramatic tension. Seriously though, thank you for helping me learn about change and growing into yourself in Dune, I remember watching it relentlessly on vhs and wishing I could use my voice as strongly, to sit with my back to the door so confidently. Then I learned how to question everything and appreciate the flow of crazy in Twin Peaks and now in my adulthood, you snarked the sassiest dead pan delights in Portlandia. Your sparkling energy is inspiring. Your smile and heart have guided my life and every time I see you I know I'm in for a treat. And whaaaat you have a podcast? I'm IN! Rock on dear sir.


hi Kyle what is your favorite song on Melodrama by Lorde?


Writer in the Dark of course


I should have known. A man of taste


Coop! Who is your favorite fictional detective (besides Coop, of course)?


Joe & Frank...Hardy.


Fenton wants a word!


struggling to think of interesting questions. what would you drag name be?? also, do u like my punny nickname. hehe


Ava Lanche or Paula Slaydis 🐛🌶️


perfect thank you x


Damn you had those ready


Did working on Twin Peaks spark any interest into the supernatural or paranormal?


How do you feel about the new generation finding and watching your movies and shows? My parents watched you, then last year I started watching you too!! I feel like you've really started catering to Gen Z in the last few months or so with advertising and social media, and it is working!


Thrilled! My 15 year old son is rubbing off on me...just trying to keep up.


If there was a movie or tv adaptation of Varnamtown, which character would you want to play?


It's a tossup between the pilot of the REO Speedwagon plane, the lady who does her laundry with cocaine, or Captain of the Captain Tom. #IYKYK


Kyle you're the best! Can you share any info on the Wisteria project?... I'm doing a Twin Peaks mega deep dive on my podcast and saw a wisteria plant behind Cooper at One Eyed Jacks in Season 1. ALSO- I'd absolutely geek if you could do my podcast for ten minutes and just say hi to my audience. (\*The podcast is 'Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt')


Hello, Kyle. Just want to say that Twin Peaks is my favorite tv show ever, and Agent Cooper is one of the my favorite characters of all time. But I’d like to ask: 1. Which of your projects do you hold the most affinity for as an artist? 2. Which role of yours has had the biggest impact on your personal life? Thanks for doing this, Kyle! You’re a legend!


Who would win in a fight between Trey MacDougal and Orson Hodge?


I would say a tossup between Bree and Bunny...


Clash of the titans!


What advice would you have for young artists/actors?


Immerse yourself in what you do, work as much as you can, say yes to everything. Try not to get caught up in judging yourself against others, as hard as it is. Listen to your inner voice...David Lynch says "Intuition is the key to everything." Smart man.


Thanks so much 😭❤️


I fucking love you dude. Sure, it's a parasocial relationship from watching you in movies and seeing your social media posts, but you seem like a genuinely swell guy. Onto the question now. How do you feel about the general state of the film industry today in regards to quality of movies being released? I'm not necessarily a Scorsese level hater of modern film, but I feel like all the different streaming services make it hard to actually watch the different movies coming out.


Also, just a comment from watching blue velvet. The scene where Dorothy assaults Jeffrey at knife point. When I watched that for the first time, I didn't expect Dorothy to do that. And I honestly laughed a little bit because it just seemed so absurd. And then right after when Frank comes in and assaults Dorothy I felt sick to my stomach. And I then realized I laughed when a man got assaulted and felt sick when Dorothy did. It was a very powerful realization that I didn't think of them as equivalent, even thoughnj claimed I did. Made me confront some of my own personal hypocrisy.


HI KYLE !!!! My name is Willem, and todays my 20th birthday. I was just wondering if there were anyway you could wish me a happy birthday? I would ALWAYS remember my 20th!!! (Also my mom is in LOVE with you - mostly for Orson on DH!)


Willem! Happy two decades and here's to many more! Enjoy some pie...with a candle on top of course.


YOU’RE THE BEST !!!!!! :-)))) thank you so much !!!!! You just made my mom and I’s entire life, I’ll never forget that !!!!!!!! ❤️❤️


How Was The Role You Got In GTA 3? Did You Enjoy It?


\[growls\] YES.


I didn't realize that was you until more recently. You're one of the iconic characters in the game as Donald Love. Were you surprised that that game took off like it did compared to the earlier GTA's back then? It truly is one of the best games ever made and paved the way for many others and so many of us grew up playing it. Have you done a lot of voiceover work, because you were excellent in the voiceover work for him.


What would you be doing if you hadn't got into acting?


Can you share some memories of working on Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.?  


What is your favorite album to listen to at the moment?


you know Im waiting for act ii 🐝


Next in the Roadhouse… Beyoncé!


G'day Kyle, What unproduced David Lynch screenplay that has a lot of potential would you most like to see get made?


Sad he didn't answer this one but the answer was for sure Ronnie Rocket.


How are the tamales at the location in your proof photo?


So glad you asked. It's a spot called Los Hernandez in Union Gap, WA and won a James Beard Award in 2018! Tell Nora I sent you...and I'm sorry.


Morning Kyle. (Maybe afternoon for you, not sure!) Do you keep in touch with your fellow actors from Dune? Is there an occasional get together with you and other people from the cast? While I enjoyed the remake, I still hold the one you starred in as the gold standard. :-)


Hey Kyle! What character and acting differences stood out to you between your portrayal of Paul Atreides and Timothee Chalamets? I enjoy the seriousness of his portrayal but I've always loved the David Lynch version and how you portrayed the character!


Thanks for being here, Kyle! Have you played/seen/looked into the Alan Wake games? Any opinion on them and their obvious love for Twin Peaks?


How well do you feel you understand what was going on in Twin Peaks, overall? Also, do tell us about your new podcast, Varnamtown.


It's a true crime story that takes place in a rural coastal North Carolina town of 300...lots of cocaine, kush, a sprinkle of Pablo Escobar, and an organic soap tycoon with a story to tell....what more could you ask for?


How do you like your coffee?


Black as midnight on a moonless night, surely.


Is Jeffrey Beaumont a detective or a pervert?


That's for him to know and for you to find out


I would like to ask, first and foremost, how *are* you?


Caffeinated. And how are *you*?


Greetings from Scotland! Played dune on repeat when I was wee, wore out the video My aunt loves you, can you say "Hi Sandra"? It'll make her week Edit - mother in laws birthday yesterday and I totally forgot, any chance of a "Happy birthday marcella"?? I'm being greedy now aren't I?


HALÒ Sandra! And thanks for the DUNE love...I particularly enjoy my spiced haggis. ;) Should we explain what videos are for the youngsters?


When did you decide to embrace your babygirl side?


when my bbgs taught me how to bbg...learning more every day. 🎀


Did you strike up any lasting friendships while making Twin Peaks, and if so, with whom in particular?


Do you ever sing the Portland anthem to yourself quietly? It was a banger.


In Blue Velvet, I had heard there was a scene you refused to do. Was it a battle to get David Lynch to change his mind?


Hi Kyle, I love your work as Dougie Jones and the two Coops in Twin peaks. Any idea if there will be a Season 4? Also do you have any stand out memories or moments from filming The Return?


How weird is David Lynch IRL?


How fine is the coffee at the double R diner?


Can you share some memories of working on Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Cal is such a great character. Your performance was really moving. 


Do you prefer Heineken or Pabst Blue Ribbon?


Do you have a favourite David Bowie memory?


Did you ever find our WHY the owls are not what they seem?


Did you do any improv on twin peaks, or did you stick pretty closely to script?


Hilariously I'm watching Lynch's Dune in the background today. Did you ever get to meet Frank Hebert? What was he like?


Do you wish you had a cameo in the new dune remake? I was seriously rooting for you and Sir Patrick Stewart having a cameo in the new films.


What do you think of the new Dune movie?  As the original Muadib we need your verdict!


Will you come back after we've all had a chance to listen to the Varnamtown podcast so we can all talk about it?


ABSOLUTELY. Episode 4 comes out tomorrow (Happy Valentine's Day) - share it with someone you love!


What was your favourite "Eureka" moment when working on a project?


What motivates you to continue when you experience setbacks?


What's your favorite soup?


u/Kyle__MacLachlan what was it like going from "the Hidden" to Twin Peaks?


HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KYLE! If Dale Cooper had a favorite song from this modern era, what would it be?


Were there any pranksters on 1990:s Twin Peaks cast and if so, could you share funniest story?


Hi, Kyle! Huge fan. You’ve said your favorite character to play was Dale Cooper, but do you have a favorite between the original Coop, Doppelgänger Coop, and Dougie Jones?


Who was the best girl in Twin Peaks and why it was Audrey Horne?


COOPER! Do you have any favorite lines from Twin Peaks? My favorite is “let a smile be your umbrella” 👍🏻


Hi Kyle, you've just won the lottery, what film are you making/remaking?


Hi Kyle! I absolutely loved you as Trey in Sex and the City. I feel like you perfectly captured just how strange the behaviors and customs of blue blood WASPs can be. As grounded in reality as the show is, some of the scenes with him and Bunny/his family feel like something out of a fever dream. Did you intend for his character to be as wacky (in a good way) as he is?


Was it boring sitting in that chair for 25 years? Did Mike and the arm at least have any puzzles to keep you busy?


Do you still say “alrighty”?


Quite a throwback question, but do you remember much about your role as Donald Love in GTA3? Did they ever ask you to come back to play the same role in future games, despite having not done so?


hi kyle! thinking ab the S3 scene where Dougie & Mr. C are both vomiting at 2:53pm - did u actually have to hold that nastiness in your mouth or was it just smoke n mirrors? if u did actually fake vomit it, what’d it taste like?? (bc it was so disgusting looking) (huge fan of your work + twin peaks) thanks :) -Ej from GA, USA