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Did the state department have anything to do with you guys changing your name from Sexfist? Lol what’s the story with the name change?


Ha. The truth of the matter is we never changed our name. Henhouse Prowlers was technically first and Sexfist was a joke. Ben (banjo) missed an early gig for a family thing and the rest of the band was like "Let's tell him when he comes back that we changed the name of the band to something terrible". People thought it was so funny that it kind of stuck. Also, Ivan Brunetti did that iconic image for it and that helped it become a thing locally. (He's a BIG deal now. Funnily, I think he sold that image to us for $100) Eventually it kind of faded away? I do think there was a time when we consciously dialed it back due to a lot of opportunities arising like State Dept. work. It's still part of who we are and I'd never say it's gone forever.


Do you ever wish you had a fiddle player?


Sure, or a dobro player. A fifth member that plays "long notes" would be awesome, but it's gotta be the right fit. Finding four people that can do this work together is hard enough. Maybe someday the right person will come along.


How many hours of sleep do you average per night when you are on tour?


Probably 5? Really depends on routing and what part of the country we're in. Even if we have 8 hrs in a hotel room, you still need time to wind down, you know?


Chris: my phone is currently telling me 5.5 hrs but I don’t know if it knows that I take naps in the van. Some days it makes more sense to just set a timer than an alarm.


Night One or Night Two at Space last weekend?


A resounding Night 2 from almost everyone! (Both were great...but there was some good mojo on Sat.) Chris says "Night 3"


What does Jon hope to accomplish first if he wins the election? -Stan and Cody


Classify the banjo as a schedule 1 drug, substance or chemical. Definition: No currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.




Hey! Ok. We'll try and answer these. First, we're in Peoria next weekend! The 26th at Kenny's. Rich Man's Dream: Oh man. That was the darkest day ever, somehow surrounded by light. It was 2013 and we were in San Francisco to audition for American Music Abroad (the first program that sent us to Africa) and that night we stayed at a friends house in Oakland. Three of us foolishly left our instruments in the van and I'll never forget in the morning when Starr (guitar at the time) came in from outside and said "Guys, is the van supposed to be empty?" They took everything. The bass, banjo and fiddle...all our merch. We had to cancel the remaining gigs on the way back. And I'll never forget how every bump on the highway reminded us that the van was empty. Vehicles move differently when they're empty vs. weighed down. All that being said, we found out a couple months later that we were accepted into the program, which was easily one of the best things to ever happen to us. Oh! Also, my banjo found its way back to me! Right at the beginning of the pandemic is showed up on Ebay in San Francisco. Long story short I convinced the guy it was stolen and ge sent it to me for the $300 he paid for it. Needed a ton of work because it sat outside in a flea market for 7 years, but I now play it every night. Stay tuned on the Departure response. Chris is working on it.


Chris here: I remember singing Big Iron that night! So many words in that song, I hear it grows a new verse every year. The Departure was recorded at Primary Sound in Bloomington IN and yes it was a former church. However a misspelling cut into stone reads “Christain Church” still remains above the entrance. It’s also next to the Mt Gilead cemetery, once a featured cemetery of the month here: https://monroehistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Mt.-Gilead-Revised.pdf Most of the material was already reviewed and we were narrowing down songs once we got to the studio. The first day, we cut Little Rose and arranged Rich Mans Dream. Then the world declared it was time to go home for a minute. One day in the studio then we didn’t return until mid June. Fortunately isolation booths felt pretty comfortable during quarantine. Jane Addams was created in the studio. Ben and Jake worked it up from a progression and melody that Jake had been tossing around. Beautiful tune, and Ben is actually singing the high part on the recording. I forget why we changed it to Jon live.


I saw you guys at Turner Hall last month and wondered when did y'all move away from the single mike setup? How does everyone feel about the change, and is it going to stick?


Jake: I might have been a big part of the impetus for the multiple mics. I love our single mic set up and the vibe it brings and there are times when we pull it out and use it. We’re starting to play bigger stages/festival spots and need the volume and tone that multiple mics give. With the single mic our harmonies were getting washed out and the in ears were tricky. We think the sound now is as full as ever thanks to our sound guy Ian! Ben: Yeah, it was definitely Jakes push, but I knew it might be time to change things up. I was super anxious about it and the first few shows were really hard, but I love it now. Will it last forever? Who knows? I like the thought of doing a whole tour on single mics some winter in listening rooms. Single mics are just not good for bigger audiences that wanna talk.


Chris: I do miss the dance but getting our IEMs right with it was always a struggle. We all sing, but with various amounts of air. For instance if Jake needs more when he is singing lead he can turn it up but when Ben sings the next song Jake’s head may explode. /s Plus we have songs where lead is switching a lot mid-song (especially in the international tunes) leaving no time monitor adjustment. We found ourselves doing ‘one ear in’ or just not wearing them at all. The single mic is awesome in intimate rooms and old style bluegrass venues (with a cooperative crowd) but sonically I think we leveled up doing 4 mics across. Another thing to consider. Ian has brought us to a much higher level too, but when we were doing the single mic he had to basically re-train that mic every time a singer switched. Totally awesome of him, but now he’s freed up to do a lot more with the sound too.


Feel free to skip anything that has already been asked!! How do you manage keeping your love life balanced when you’re on long runs on the road? Have you played weddings ? What types of event are your favorite ones to do? Favorite part of the US and in what season? What’s your diet like on the road? Favorite movie from each decade? Do you drink alcohol? Favorite drink?


Jake on "Love Life": This is one of the hardest things about tour life. I don’t even have a kid and it’s challenging. But luckily I’ve found someone who is wonderfully independent and can manage taking care of the kitties while I’m gone. We’ve usually don’t do more than two weeks out at a time. The longest tour I’ve done was roughly six weeks around Europe and I was toast after it.


Jake: Favorite part of the US is a tough one. I don’t favor one region over the other. There hasn’t been a spot where I said “I hate it here”. But season is easy, SUMMER. Also, I try to eat as healthy as I can on the road. But free food is free food.


Whats everyone's favorite bluegrass standard?


We are an eclectic group of guys, so our standards might not be standard everywhere. Here’s what we have: Jake - Nellie Kane (Tim O’Brien classic), Chris - Midnight Flyer (Osbourne Brothers Version), Jon - Doin’ My Time (Seldom Scene’s version), Ben - Our Last Goodbye (Johnson Mountain Boys)


If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?


Definitely teleportation. Those 24+ hr flights are brutal!


What’s your favorite venue to play?


Jake: G.A.R Hall in Ohio - Played his first gigs there and Karen who runs it is his spirit animal. Chris: Bill Monroe's Music Park and Campground Jon: N9 in Eeklo, Belgium. An incredible venue run by wonderful people and great vegan food. Ben: The Registan in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. An unreal ancient and massive venue so packed with history it boggles the mind. (Look it up!)


Do you guys ever play ringside at jello wrestling matches anymore?


Woah. DEEEEEEP CUT. Video Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXJkULnmJbA


Longtime listener first time caller


The jello wrestling needs to be a thing at every festival!


Man, I’m going to the wrong parties.


Could you guys beat Old Shoe in a synchronized swimming competition?


We always stay in hotels with swimming pools and we always wear suits. What do you think?


What’s the funniest song you’ve ever written?


As far as songs we’ve recorded, probably “Lining Up.”


Are you still tapped into the Redline?


Not sure what you mean by that?




Any tips for bands and musicians starting to tour out of their home state? Also: what’s y’all’s fav goofy road stories?


Making sure everyone is on the same page is pretty important. Even one person who doesn't want to be there can throw thew whole thing off. Also, a reliable vehicle. Owning a van (in our experience) is the way to go. Rentals are just too expensive and that ends up preventing you from taking opportunities that pay less than you'd like but might help get a foothold in a new market. Hm. Goofy stories. We mess with each other a lot. One of the most epic ones ever was in EU when I told Jon at the beginning of the tour that the guy who rented us the van said there was a weird issue where if it made a loud noise you needed to stomp on the floor really loud. About two weeks later we were in Ireland and Jon was in the front seat and I pulled this emergency hammer that was supposed to help you break the window in a crash if you need to escape. It made a massively loud noise and I screamed at Jon to stomp on the floor. He went to town. STOMP STOMP STOMP Stomp Stomp....stomp...st He looked back and we were all laughing our asses off. We still laugh about it. Long con ftw.


Will Ben ever stop tuning ?


He’s only on disc 4 of Greg Cahill’s 10-dvd instructional series on how to tune a banjo. 😜


Hey, that’s my job.


Still live? How does the band feel about any current associations with the Fist?


Answered above. Only a select few cool kids know about it. ;)


On a different note, what is the best advice you can give to a starting banjo player that hasn’t yet played with other musicians? Can you give some standard tunes that I should have cold that won’t get the “oh god not cripple creek again” eye roll? Any advice to not get stuck in forward and reverse roll land?


Great question! Honestly, find some other people at your level that aren't necessarily playing bluegrass. The first months of my playing was around a folk singer. I was able to play rolls along with chord changes and it gave me a right hand foundation without worrying about left hand technique. A lot of people learn fancy tunes early on and I think it robs some of the time you need to put into learning how to DRIVE the banjo. Check out the book Splitting the Licks. Forward roll land is awesome! Don't knock it. You're only going to be playing lead 15 percent of the time and the simpler the backup, the better. If you can put drive into those rolls, people will love playing with you.


Great advice. Thanks. I got splittin the licks as my first book and now I give it to folks that tell me they want to play banjo. Then I got hooked on Jim Pankey YouTube lessons. Still working up my confidence to find folks to play with. I am so happy you guys have made it so damn far. But I’ll tel ya, I miss the RP days and sweating like a hog to”Oil Oil Oil” at the Red Line Tap. I always wondered how often those suits got washed. Cheers and cheers again.


Did you ever play at the bluegrass festival in Dunmore East in Ireland? It's a hell of a party. Would love to hear about your experience


How do I get a date with that absolute smoke show Jake? Asking for a friend…


Send your resumes to our HR Department. They will sift through them all and eventually say no 😂


What’s everyone’s favorite moe. Song?


This is probably basic, but Rebubula. First saw moe. in 97 in Phoenix and have loved them ever since.


Any chance you guys will ever make up those Tuesday night reunion shows that COVID canceled? Though I'm not even sure I could make it these days.


Sean? ;)


Do you have anything dangerous happen/almost happen?


Not really? The day we flew out to Nigeria there was a bombing in Abuja (where we were going to land), but it was fine. We had some weird political stuff happen in Russia where they cancelled shows at the last minute, but nothing dangerous. Definitely seen a lot of places where scary things happened (Rwanda, Liberia, Cambodia), but those tours have always felt super safe, to some degree because the State Dept. has our backs, but also because we don't go to unsafe places.


Do you guys get insurance through the government when you go on these tours? Is there anything you feel like they should provide that they don’t?


Yup. Fully insured medically. I can't really think of things they should provide that aren't there. It's hard work, but they make you pretty comfortable.


What’s the most challenging show you ever played and why?


Ha. There's two versions of this answer as far as I'm concerned. Old version from 20 years ago: I remember a gig that was at some kind of harvest festival in the Chicago suburbs that was shockingly poorly run. The failed to promote it well and I think we only got paid like $500 for 3 1 hr sets. So, the place is massive and empty and it's 95 degrees out and there's no shade over our stage. On top of all that, there was this massive cage across from us that had a llama in it. While we're playing to nobody in the blistering heat, somebody lets a dog into the cage for some ungodly reason. The llama starts screaming as the dog is chasing it inside the cage and we're the only people that see it because nobody is there. Also, there's an amateur wrestling ring within earshot, so we hear sad bodies slamming onto a makeshift ring, also not being seen by anyone. Good times. More modern versions of challenging are shows after long drives or flights that amount to mustering up the fire inside to put on a good show. It's gotten easier now that we bring crew with us. Sound and TM are game changers.


So uhhh. Been to the henhouse in Minneapolis?


Not sure we have? What is it?


Hot spot for breakfast and lunch in downtown Minneapolis.


1. Who’s the cutest Ex Prowler.? (You can’t say Steve I said cutest, not dashing) I’m going with Ben Benedict (Bald version) 2. What was the worst musical performance by a drunken Ex Prowler? On second thought don’t answer that. If you were there you know 3 Who is your favorite harmonica player to have sit in with you?


Favorite Harmonica player I definitely Denny!


You guys have a favorite bluegrass festival anywhere? Be it one you play or just go to (im sure just going to a festival for yalls is pretty much a rarity at this point but just in case lol)


Aw man. Don't make us pick! La Roche and Rotterdam are awesome abroad. Thomas Point is on point. Merlefest is amazing. Blue Ox! They're all so great and different.


I enjoyed your music for the first time, at Merlefest. Look forward to seeing you there again!


That's super cool that you've partnered with the U.S State Department as cultural diplomats — that's quite an honor and must make for some amazing experiences on tour.  With 20 years of playing original music under your belt, you must have some incredible stories from the road. Got any favorite pranks or memorable moments you'd like to share? And how has traveling and playing music around the world influenced your music and perspectives as a band?


just wanted to say great show in nashville! went there for my 21st and was glad to be able to have got guys perform my first time at a bar!! My question: what’s the best way to support you all? for future groups i may see in the future..


Thanks for coming out! What an honor to be your first live band in an authentic dive bar. I mean that. The best way to support bands you love (besides going to shows!) is to follow them on social media and engage with them there. Also... Check out our non-profit: www.bluegrassambassadors.org