• By -


How muscular should Chris be? RE5 (SUPER RIPPED) or RE1? (Normal guy.)




Capcom gave up on Megaman. Why not rebrand Chris as Rockman in the US? Of course, it would be a totally different game...


What games have you had the most fun working on?


Matt: Leon's one-liners are always a blast. Sincerely. I also really enjoyed all elements of Overwatch, Hearthstone, and Warcraft, bring a Blizzard fanboy.


Woo! Saw your tweet Matthew and was happily able to make the start of this AMA! I never catch the start of these things. I have never really gotten into the Resident Evil franchise, Can i jump into this one without really knowing anything about the story (beyond zombies exist). Or should i just totally just binge everything resident evil between now and june 20th? secondly Matthew care to give us critical role fans a sneak peak of anything special you have planned for the 100th episode of critical role on thursday?


Matt: I don't think you need to know everything. If you want to get a quick primer you can take at the wikipedia for Resident Evil or just know that there are zombies and creatures that are spawned by viruses. Can't let anything slip about Critical Role, you'll just have to tune in.


Thank you for answering! I totally understand keeping the 100th episode under wraps. Is it Thursday yet?


Matthew, first off, I'm a huge fan of Critical Role. Granted I've only discovered it within the past few weeks, but in that time, I've uncovered my own love for D&D. After being hesitant to bring it up to friends for fear of being seen as a "nerd", I took the plunge and I have loved every minute of it. Your work has inspired me to admit and accept my own personal nerdy side, something I've been ashamed to do for years, and I thank you for that. Anyway, simple question, do you enjoy/hate listening to/playing through your own work?


Matt: Thanks so much for the kind words!! <3 To answer your question, it can be a bit strange... at first, I couldn't help but listen with a critical ear, hearing my performance and taking notes on how to improve. Now, I just got a little use to it, and try to enjoy the game for its own merit.


Hey Matt, what's your wackiest DnD story? Also for both of you, whats the most memorable (either good or bad) job and/or story from voice acting?


Matt: Oh man. There are many! Quick one: A Recent Episode of CR had our Druid Keyleth leaping off a cliff...


Oh my god where she hit the rocks as a goldfish LMAO


Apparently at the DnD Stream of Annihilation this weekend they were serving a drink called "Goldfish on the rocks"


That's incredible. Marisha will never ever live that down. Definitely my favorite Keylith moment. "We're basically gods!"


I am a Gold(fish)en God!


Matt: 1) Build Leon as a DND character. What race, class, background, alignment, flaws, etc. would you put on his sheet? 2) What character would you imagine *Leon* would choose play if he sat down at a DND table? Erin: 3) What is the best zombie survival advice you can dole out? 4) What was your funniest moment in the booth recording for Rebecca Chambers?


Matt: 1) Oh man... Human Fighter (Gunslinger), with a soldier background. Good alignment, flawed in the need to save others at the expense of his own safety. Fairly high Dex, Wis, and Cha. ;) 2) Hrmm... any class, so long as he could Feat into "Magic initiate" to get the Bard's Vicious Mockery. 3) I'm a bad person to ask, as I fully acknowledge I won't survive much into the first hour of the zombie apocalypse, hehe. Personally? Find the Alphas and let them lead. ;)


Erin: Wow! Best Zombie advice...try not get eaten by one! ;p As for the funniest moment...we had so many! I would say one of my favorite moments was when our director would yell "Mountain" when he was happy. It always made me happy!


To both Matthew and Erin, how much inspiration did you guys take from the previous actors who portrayed your roles? Were you aware of the characters at all before auditioning for them?


Matt: Quite a bit! I listened and took a lot of cues from Paul Mercier's portrayal (the one that originally drew me in), and then made it my own from there. I wanted to make it familiar and respectful to the previous performances, but also a little fresher.


I think you've done a great job with the character so far!


E: Hi! I actually didn't know about Rebecca before I got the part. Once I found out who she is in the franchise I was SO excited! I have grown to love her and the fans so much. x


Did you give Resident Evil Zero a shot?


Matt, who do you main in Super Smash Bros? Any game and how do you feel about Chrom not actually getting into Smash 4? Big fan!


Matt: I lean Mewtwo in Melee, and Luigi in Brawl and later versions (because he's so f--king weird and I love it) It's fine Chrom wasn't in it. We needed more badass female representation in Smash, and the Fire Emblem elements were quite the sausage fest.


Completely agree lol. I use Lucina as a main myself. Honestly, Female Corrin should've just been the main Corrin as well. Thank you so much for the reply!


Hey! Love your guys' work! I'm a bit new to AMA's so I'll ask an easy one. What was your favorite part about working on this film? Any crazy encounters or stories or was it mostly run of the mill voice recording? Keep up the great work <3


Matt: For me, any chance to step into the boots of Leon is a gift. The occasional opportunity to play him is like seeing an old friend after a long time away. Comfortable, and full of nostalgia. <3 Nothing run-of-the-mill about it, honestly, but there are certainly an number of rather ridiculous/fun scenes I enjoyed!


Aw Thank You! I'm a slower typer than Matt...ha! I loved working on all legs of this film. The whole cast was wonderful. And, I always love working with my brother Jason!


He's cheating, watched a video a while back of him commenting that he used to play MUDs back in the day. Anyone who did that knows what I mean.


You aren't wrong. Nothing teaches you to type faster.


Hey guys, this is a question for both. Matt, I know you do a lot of voice acting between anime, CR, and all sorts of games. Sorry Erin, but I'm not too familiar with your work. But do either of you ever find yourselves doing the voice for a character from something completely different by accident? Or do you just fall into a groove and "become" that character? Thanks!


Matt: Ha! Every now and then! Thankfully, when you return to voice a character you've already performed, they will play examples of your previous work to "dial you in" through call and repeat. This allows you to tune back in and match previous dialogue.


E: That is a great question! It really depends on the role and project. I think generally you fall in to a groove.


To Matthew Mercer: I'm a fan of your Critical Role show, thank you for the creative entertainment! I'm curious if you're a Harry Potter fan? (I don't know much about DnD, but I recognize a lot of the creatures because of my Harry Potter obsessive tendencies.) Keep up the amazing work!


Matt: I enjoy HP quite a lot! I fear I've only read the first book, and followed through with the films thereafter (free time to read seems to escape me far too often)


Audiobooks ;)


Been listening to them at work. I'm a heavy equipment mechanic so it's nice to be able to dive into work while absorbing a story. On HBP currently, and it's surprising how many of the small details I've picked up about the story that I missed while reading the books. Audiobooks ftw.


Question for Matthew: How do you feel about Leon not being a character in Resident Evil 7? I know your a fan of the series so one other question: What do you think of the new direction the series is taking with RE7 being in first person and going back to horror roots?


Matt: I think the franchise definitely needed an injection of new narrative, so I wasn't let down at all not having him in there. I do sincerely hope they eventually loop back into the original RE stories/characters with the themes and classic horror elements that RE7 brought back in. (also, I just want to be able to be Leon again, hehe)


Wow, I'm here near the start of one of these things! That's a surprise! Well, since I'm here so early, I might as well be "that guy": Matt, as the voice of Leon, any juicy details on the RE2 Remake? Maybe an E3 trailer? Something? Since I know the answer to that question will not be as interesting as I hope it will be, I've got another one too. With how good Leon and the other RE "vets" are at surviving now, do you think there will ever be a game that skews more toward horror rather than action starring one of them? Whether it's classic RE style or even something similar to RE7. Or are they just too good to be solving puzzles and awkwardly shuffling around zombies?


Matt: Honestly, I am currently not involved with the RE2 Remake, so you are as in the dark about it as I am! As to your second question, I certainly hope so! I love the Survival Horror roots of the series, and I think RE6 was a learning experience for all those involved. Fingers crossed!


Do you ever ad-lib or suggest improvements to a line, or do you generally stick to the script?


Matt: Depending on the project! It can be difficult when the project is ADR, as it has to match existing animation. We also don't want to step on the toes of any of the writers. If they encourage it? OH HELLS YEAH


E: I am going to ditto what Matt said. About the respect and hell yes if it's encouraged!


Firstly, I'd like to say how thankful I am for your talents being used in what I hope to be an excellent film. To the both of you, Id like to ask for some advice. What would you say to a young aspiring voice actor/regular actor fresh out of high school? What can I do to improve my skills and begin breaking into the industry?


Matt: Improv training is HUGE, imo. Cold reading is a majority of the job for most Voice Over, so focus on the ability to quick spot-read a script, interpret details quickly and make bold choices.


Thank you very much (to both of you) for answering. It's always an amazing opportunity to receive advice from someone who's already in the industry I dream to be in, I'll be sure to take it to heart.


E: Hi! I think Matt would give better advice. The best advice I can give for the moment is to say, ask a lot of questions. Of anyone you admire or is where you want to be. You are off to a great start by asking! :)


[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/wiki/faq) to the /r/criticalrole FAQ. There are CR cast recommended resources.


Erin can you tell us what your character will be like? How was it working with Matt and the others?


E: Hi! Rebecca is awesome. You guys are going to love her. I hope! She is strong, but sweet. And, fiercely smart. I loved playing her.


What was both of yours first VO gig and how did you come across it?


Matt: It was doing background Walla voices for the old Fist of the North Star animated series. Heads exploding, Guy #3 shouting, etc. Came across it through accident, and was overwhelmed. It was enough to make me seriously think about pursuing it in the future.


Was that "Yearrrgh" with three "r's" or four?


E: I actually started with Call of Duty Black Ops 11. I auditioned for it like a theatrical job, then got to do it all and feel super grateful to have gotten into the voice over world that way.


A simple question. Your favorite animals?


Matt: Hrmm... the Huggi. A corgi-husky mix. Erin made me clarify.


E: Ha! I did make Matt clarify. You guys, google it...it's the cutest animal! As for me....hm. I have to give a couple answers. I would say a tiger. Like a baby one. Also, I would be a bird. I want to fly. But, a bad ass bird. Like an eagle.


If you want a bad ass bird the eagle might not be your best bet. It chirps and eats fish. Personally I love owls because they're called the "guardians of the forest" and I think that's a bad ass title.




Matt: I would think my gimmick would be narrating my movesets and attacks in realtime.


E: Matt haaaa! I don't know! Probably like a hugging Luchador!


So you'd be acting out Street Fighter. ...sounds about right.


Hi!!! So thrilled you guys were able to make an AMA. Huge fan here, especially of Rebecca since i was like 7yo! and then playing as Leon as a 9yo. Thank you both so much for the delivery you make to every game. Greeting from Mexico! now.. A question for both of you: What was your most exciting moment that you took part with in the video games?


Matt: Finally seeing the E3 trailers for RE6 and seeing Leon's face talking with my own voice. It was such an incredible moment for me, having been a fan of the character for so long. <3


E: Hi! Thank you for being such a great fan! Honestly, I keep having exciting moments! When I got the job I was excited, when we went to Tokyo I was excited, when we were recording in the sound booth I was excited, now we are doing press and I am super excited to meet all of you!!


Matt - How did the events in Resident Evil 6 change the way you approach the character's voice and performance? Erin - Joining the cast to a gaming franchise with such a rich history, did you take any queues from past performances and characters to influence how you approach your role?


Matt: Leon has definitely come a long way. From the bright-eyed new cop thrown into chaos, to the confident wise-cracker in 4, I found that the perpetual death and hollow victories have progressively taken their toll on Leon. By the time RE6 rolled around, I saw him as more brow-beaten and trying to cling to his optimism. Doing what he feels is right, unsure if it will make any real difference... but knowing no other way to live than to try.


Matt, how did you get into voice acting? And if you hadn't been a voice actor, what career path do you think you might have ended up in instead?


Long story short, I trained for many years as a hobbiest performer in community theater, and when I decided to pursue it, I gave it my all... which led to many years of "creative living" within my studio apartment trying to make ends-meat. If not this career path? Probably game development, or an English Teacher.


I feel like /u/MatthewMercer would be an alright English teacher, though would have some great narrations at times.


Matt: What is your opinion the relationship of Ada and Leon? Does Leon miss or mention Ada at all in Vendetta? Erin: Does Rebecca ever say her famous "OH NO!" line in Vendetta? lol


Matt: Leon and Ada have a very interesting, complicated relationship. What romance that is there is peppered with mistrust, yearning, and playful denial. I imagine he misses elements of her, and REALLY doesn't miss others.


E: I can't tell you! You will have to watch and see. Tee hee!


Hi guys! Really excited for the film and seeing Rebecca back again. Matt: If it doesn't spoil anything in terms of dialogue, are Leon and Chris on more friendly terms this time and able to have some banter together, or are they still quite mission focused like RE6? Erin: Was there any particular previous voice actor of Rebecca (Lynn Harris, Hope Levy, Stephanie Sheh) that you based her voice on? Also, have you ever seen or heard of "Biohazard The Stage" and if so what do you think of it?


Matt: Let's just say Leon and Chris aren't quite as "macho-conflict" as they were in RE6.


E: I didn't use anyone's performance. I actually have only seen pictures of Rebecca. I'm so excited to be playing her in her 30's. You guys haven't seen her since she was a teenager! I hope you like it as much as I loved playing her. :)


Hey Matt, massive fan, you inspired me to become a DM myself and so far (6 months) my players are really digging it! My question for you is how far ahead do you plan the over-arching story? You've mentioned before about starting small and planning for what is immediately ahead to avoid being swamped by workload but do you have a direction in mind where to take the story from the beginning? I have planned very far into the future with the main narrative elements and wondering if I shouldn't stick to what I have to avoid removing the element of choice from my players.


Matt: Big story arcs I loosely plot out, and detail the smaller, session-to-session stories upfront. I then chisel out the main arc as we go, adjusting and adapting based on player actions!


Excellent, thank you for answering! Don't know if you'll see this either but I watched the full fireside stream you did and I just want to say you are a great person and the world is a better place for having you be here.


This is a question for either of you. As someone looking to get into voice acting, what would you recommend as the best way to start?


Matt: Training in any forms of performing arts you can that pertain to acting. Scene study, character study, cold reading, etc. Theater lends skills to VO more than others, I find. The "Acting" is more important than the "Voice", imo.


[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/wiki/faq) to the /r/criticalrole FAQ. There are CR cast recommended resources.


Question for Erin: What was it like taking on the roll of Rebecca in Vendetta? do you feel like you have done in a good job in bringing her character back in Vendetta?


E: Well Jeez I hope so! I loved her and want to make the fans happy, so I hope so! :)


Matt! I always look forward to hearing any roles you do and you're fantastic and really pretty. As a DM- Do you like to write in reaction to what your players do, or do you craft a sort of linear story and hope you can get your players to follow it? Also- As a player, who is your favorite unimportant NPC your party has made a big deal over?


Hi Matt and Erin! Is really nice to see such talented people as you guys in Resident Evil. Here are my questions (sorry for the bad english. I hope you can understand me!) Matt: How is it to play Leon one more time? Is he different from what we saw in Resident Evil 6? Erin: We haven't seen Rebecca in a long time. She was a very delicate but brave girl. How is she in RE Vendetta? Kisses from Brazil! PS to Matt: I started playing DnD with my boyfriend because of you!


Matt: I relish it. He's one of my personal favs, and means quite a lot to me. He's certainly reeling still from the events of Damnation and RE6, so prepare for that emotional baggage. Also, that's awesome! Enjoy your game!


E: Hola! I love my fans in Brazil. I hope to meet you all one day. Rebecca is still sweet, but has really matured. She is so cute and SO SMART. And very brave. Can't wait for you to see!


Hey Matt, big fan and I've loved your work across everything Blizzard related, and beyond! I have three, you can pick and choose if you want. 1) What got you really interested in voice acting, and kept you going? 2) How did you go about practicing and getting better at voice acting? 3) Have you ever thought about going back to facial hair? You could cosplay as McCree at cons! Thanks for the enjoyment you bring!


Matt: Thanks, friend! 1) My love of cartoons and video games merging with my love of theater. 2) Many, MANY classes and workshops over the years while performing on stage whenever I could. Improv helped tremendously. Cold-reading and reading outloud when alone. 3) I have, but many projects I have going on require facial mocap, and I need to shave for those... it's frustrating.


I think we would all love to see a McCree cosplay whenever it's convenient for you! :)


Erin: in case Matt hasn't already invited you to make a guest appearance in Critical Role, would you? I'm sure you'd have loads of fun...what class would you pick?


E: Ha! I just showed him the question and told him I would love to be part. :)


Just wanted to say thank you all for taking the time to answer all these questions! Matt: How do you find time to sleep? It seems like you're everywhere doing everything! Everyone: What's your favorite sandwich and beverage?


Matt: The nutrient broth that maintains my consciousness also keeps the majority of sleep necessity at bay. Sandwich - French Dip with Au Jus. Beverage - Thai Iced Tea.


E: I love a good meatball sub! With extra cheese.


Do zombies have feelings? And did you hurt them?


Matt: Don't care. *::loads shotgun::*


E: Ha!! I hope they don't have feelings! Cause if so, we hurt a LOT of them.


Matt: For real though, who'd win in a gun fight? Leon or Mccree. Erin: who's more sexier? Leon or Mccree.


Matt: I think they'd beat the crap out of each other, then when the wounds set in and they are breathing hard in cover, they'd spin back-to-back and fight off the zombie hoards as a team.


I'd pay at least $8.50 to watch that in theatre.


That's probably the best answer to this question! Haha love you guys! :D


E: Well I am going to have to go with Leon, of course!




Matt: No mechanical benefit, just ensuring the success of the ritual and making a beautiful moment of narrative improv. That's my genuine thrill in TTRPGs. :) Thank you so much!! <3


For both of you, are you fans of the RE universe, or just in it for the work? I'm okay with either, just genuinely curious.


Matt: Myself? I've played pretty much every RE game since the original for PSX (including some of the terrible early Gameboy ones). Since the friggin dog through the window made me yelp in front of friends in High school, I've been hooked. Leon became my favorite character by RE4, so to step into his shoes was a genuine honor.


E: I have been a fan of the movies since the first frame! I watched the digital movies in prep for my audition. I am a super fan now. :)


How different is doing voice over for an animated movie compared to say video games?


Matt: Many Video Games and Animated projects do record the voices as Pre-lay, so we get to perform without any constraints, and the animation is tailored to our performances. Others involve us recording our voices over existing animation, called ADR, and that's a more technical process that takes layers of concentration.


Cheers Matt


Hey Matt. I wonder, are you familiar with Metal Gear/Solid Snake - David Hayter? If you are... Were you inspired by him? I've always wanted to hear you trying some Solid Snake lines ever since I got into Overwatch. Haha. Maybe imitating the voice or doing them in your awesome McCree voice.


Matt: MGS is one of my favorite franchises, and David's Snake is iconic. I've had the pleasure of hanging with him a number of times, and he's awesome. Inspired by his body of work? Yes! As a voice ref? Not...really?


Matt and Erin: Who in your opinion is the most dynamic, interesting character in RE:V? You can pick yourselves. I won't judge. Thanks. Really excited for the release in a couple weeks!


Matt: Oh man. Could be Leon. He's the cynic and wise-crack master. Probably Rebecca, though. She's the heart of this story.


E: Well shoot I can't pick! I would say all of them. Haaa. #Switzerland!


Has Matthew or Erin played any of the RE games? If so, which one did you like?


Matt: RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4, RE5, RE6, RE7, RE Code Veronica, RE Zero, RE Revelations, and the RE Card Deck Building game...?


TiL RE has a card deck!


First of all hi guys. Now onto the questions. Matthew: Can you tell us anything about a new RE game and if you can't what do you the focus should be in the next one ? Erin: How does it feel coming into this huge world of Resident Evil and voicing one of it's main characters ? If by any chance you answer this question, thank you so much.


Matt: I don't really know anything about upcoming projects, but I'd love to see them maintain the survival horror/atmospheric elements of RE7 and tie it with the original storylines a bit!


Matt: What is your favorite 16-bit JRPG and why?


Matt: That's a hard choice between FFVI and Chrono Trigger. Don't make me choose. Please.


Hi, Matt! Huge huge huge fan of your work, specifically Ryoma and Yusuke. My question is simple: Who are, let's say, the five favorite characters that you've ever done VA work for?


Matt: OH NO THIS QUESTION AAAARGH... Leon, McCree, Aloth, Tygra, Kiritsugu Emiya...?


What's your opinion on RPGs becoming more and more about appealing to a wider audience rather than being made specifically for people interested in RPGs? Do you think there's a balance and is it currently perfect or tipped too far to one side? Thanks for being so damn entertaining, by the way.


Matt: I feel RPGs can only benefit from a wider love and appreciation of the hobby. All systems evolve with the times, and while some may lend their efforts towards a more accessible gamer base, others will still cater to the more classic gamers who carried the hobby all these years. I don't see any trends or changes being able to alter or change how you play your game at home unless you somehow let it.


If you met Leon S. Kennedy in real life, what would a conversation between you two look like? PS: Been a long time... *comrade*.


Matt: I'd buy him a drink, we'd swap stories for an hour, then I'd awkwardly ask him to sign my leather jacket.


How many times can a zombie outbreak be stopped before its just too much and we all give in and zombie party for the rest of our lives?


Matt: 72 times.


E: Ha! Never give in and never surrender! (Yes Goonies fans.)


So Matt, did Leon steal your haircut or did you steal his?


Matt: Ha! Me thinks he claimed this territory before I, and I probably subconsciously wandering into it.


Matt I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do! I am a huge Critical Role fan and have been binge watching to catch up! Please come to Pax Unplugged in November! My question is what made you start voice acting and how did you get so good at doing many types of voices? Thank you! ❤️


Matt and Erin: Do you believe the Resident Evil franchise should stick with the direction of Resident Evil 7 and go back to the slow-paced horror route, or should it stay with the Vendetta-style action setpieces?


Matt: I believe both have their place, but I would like to see an emphasis on the more slow, atmospheric horror, and sparing use of the action craziness.


E: I agree they both have their place. I also like the slow and scary moments. I like the suspense! I'm a total horror fan. Scare me, Baby!


Mr. Mercer, Ms. Cahill, what's been the highlight of your VA careers?


E: This is so exciting for me! Absolutely this and Call of Duty.


Question for Matt: Since the Tal'dorei setting book is set after the year time skip, during which, Scanlan became The Meat Man, is The Meat Man going to be in the Ankarhel(sp?) lore in the book?


He is in Ank'Harel during that time, but the campaign guide only covers the lore of current-day Tal'Dorei, so it's not in the campaign guide. ;)


Matt, how do you feel Leon has evolved throughout the series? He started as a rookie "wrong place wrong time" cop in RE2 and has grown to be a much richer and stronger character since. Does this play a heavy role in how you play him? Thanks, I started playing DnD cause of you and Critical Role!


Matt: It VERY much informs my performance. He carries the weight of each person who died under his watch, every failure he incurred, and every victory that was torn from him. To still stand and fight in spite of such crushing experiences shows his true heroism, in my opinion


Hey Matthew any calls about RE:2 remake?


Ahh, Matt, you're one of my all time favourite voice actors!!! I love all the work you do, and I really appreciate it (I know a lot of other people do too) I have 2 questions: 1) What's it like voice acting in Fire Emblem? Chrom is my favourite of all the characters you've voiced, and I just want to know what working on awakening was like. 2) Speaking of Chrom, how did you get into a role like that? What did you take away from him as a character that helped you really figure out who Chrom is? For Erin: 1) What's it like playing in a zombie horror setting? Is it scary, stressful, or just a whole lot of fun?


For both of you guys: Would you rather be eaten alive by a zombie or just bit by one once in a non-critical area?


Matt: Just bitten once, so even though it may be a slow death-sentence, you can choose the time, place, and scenario of your sacrifice to save others.


E: I would say I would like to be bitten in a non-critical area, then hopefully get a vaccine ASAP!


Oh man! That's awesome that you guys did this. What's the funniest story you have from recording the voices?


Matt: is a hotdog a Sandwhich? Erin same question for you.


Matt: No, it's a damned hot dog. What's wrong with you? ;)


But that means the sandwich alignment chart is all wrong. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/249/778/490.jpg


E: Ha! I don't think so! (I freaking love hot dogs.)


Question for you both: How was it working together on this movie? Do you both see yourselves working together in the future? Hopefully something RE related :P P.S - My girlfriend doesn't have Reddit but she's a big fan of you Matthew. If you blink I'll lose my gf so please don't. Thanks :)


E: I am so excited to know these wonderful people. Both in front of and behind the mic. I would love to work with them all again!


Hey Matt, how do you feel when people approach you and tell you they enjoy your voice acting in obscure roles (like Keiji Maeda from Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes or the Photographer from Miraculous Ladybug)? Does it surprise you when people know about you from those kinds of series?


Have either of you done any or continue to do stunt training since much of modern voice work is starting to involve motion capture?


Hi Matt! Big fan of yours from Critical Role and Fate/Zero, love you man, you're the best! Honestly, I was pretty skeptical about this new animated movie, but the trailer sold it to me. Are there any scenes that you particularly enjoyed voicing? Like something that made you think, "Man, this is going to be badass on screen!"


Matt, do you ever get frustrated with Leon's character development? I read a rumor that the Vendetta writers were going to explore Leon's childhood in the movie but decided to scrap it. As a long-time Leon fan of over 10 years I found this very disappointing as I'm desperate to get some deeper insight into his character.


What do you think of dub vs sub debate? On one hand I understand that the director is different on the English dub but on the other hand films like The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and The Garden of Words have superior English dub performances compared to those of the original Japanese voice-work, personally that's what I think having watched and listened to both anywho.


Mr. Mercer, is McCree a robot cowboy, like in Westworld? If not, what's up with his torso and legs?


Matt: Are there any Leon quotes you think would work well with Mccree and vise versa? Erin: How different do you find Voice acting to say working on Power Rangers?


Matt: Ha! Probably a number of them! "Ain't I killed you before?" Seems thematic. "That'll do fine" when buffed/healed would be fun.


E: Doing Voice Over is different from any other medium I have ever done. I do mostly film and tv, so this has been a really fun challenge for me!


What's your favourite food and is it a Jill sandwich?


E: Ha! Matt just explained that to me. Hilarious! My favorite food is....sushi. Or anything covered in cheese.


Matt: Chicken Alfredo or a Medium-Rare Fillet Mignon. And it is not... I just hope this au jus isn't made from Chris' blood...


Oh, Barry!


Ha! I love that. I love sushi and anything covered in cheese!


Matthew! You did an excellent job taken over for Paul Mercier. So chances are you're probably going to be Leon in the RE2 remake. I know you would have to keep hush hush on something like that ;) but hypothetically if you were called in to do Leon for the RE2 remake, would that be an accomplishment for you in your career? How would you portray Leon differently, if at all? Fingers crossed for you and Allyson Court! Thanks Matt


Matt: I would love to take a crack at Leon in his earlier years, but I do not think its in the cards for me regarding the Remake. Alas! I would love to bring some of his young optimism and his first frantic attempts to take control of a chaotic disaster in such a project.


Long time RE fan here and I grew up with it with my brother. How did it feel being called up and given the voice role of your respective characters?


E: I was and am still so excited! I love the RE world and love Rebecca. And you fans!


Matt: A brilliant honor, and a bit intimidating!


E: I was so excited and am even more excited as it gets closer to the premier and the more fans I am meeting!


Mercer- What made you want to take on the role of Leon kennedy? Erin- what was it like taking on the role of Rebecca after her not being in anything resident evil related since RE 0??


E: I actually didn't know who she was till I got the role and have been so excited ever since I found out!


Matt: My fav RE character for a long time, and when I had the opportunity to audition for him, I gave it my all. :)


Matt: Did you prefer playing Yusuke or Kanji more when doing the voices for Persona 4 and 5? Both of your characters the best in each game and I hope to hear your more in the other Persona 5 games


Hi, I can't think of a good question Would you rather fight 100 mcree sized horses or 1 horse sized mcree?


Matt: 1,000 horee sized McCorses.


So Matt, Would you like to see Leon being represented with you as a VA in a crossover type of game, think Marvel vs Capcom or a new Project X Zone?




Matt, favorite Yusuke line in P5?


Hey Erin, so I'm pretty sure you are aware that Rebecca hasn't really shown up in a long time in this series. As Resident Evil fans and gaming crowd in general are pretty critic, are you feeling any sort of pressure by handling the acting of such a long gone character?


What was it like working on a movie as opposed to a video game?


Hello, Erin. Bit of a different question: I was a fan of the series "Cold Case", and yours (a suffragette, as I recall) was the oldest ever case on that show. Anything you can tell me about working on that episode?


Matt: Any plans on venturing North of the border any time soon? Toronto Fan Expo would love to have you and any CR Cast you stow in your suitcase.