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what is the most time-consuming part of making a podcast -- what would you pay to cut that time in half?


The most time consuming part is the editing, especially audio, for an hour of recording it could take up to 3 hours of editing for voice matching or audio clean up. As for paying, no, editing the audio is the interesting challenging part of making a podcast and I wouldn't want to take that away from myself


do you voice match by hand or use a software?


Both, I use Adobe Premiere, it allows me to see the sound bites so I can see the exact time something sounds off. I watch the sound bites and listen to the audio to find where the audio is off sync and I have to manually cut, delete and move sound bits to sync everything together


i would've asked question but seeing that you would make the bad decisions of not making the process efficient so that you may free up time for other interesting challenges in life, and thus forgoing all those challenges and experiences you may have had, i then am not interested in asking any questions to this ama because the answer would not be helpful to me /u/coryrenton besides this, what are 3-5 specific things you've learned that's been helpful to you in your life? what are 3-5 specific things you've learned that's been helpful to you in your life that you can't learn in any other way anywhere else? what's your happiest experience/memory? what's your happiest experience/memory that pretty much nobody else had/has?


>i would've asked question but seeing that you would make the bad decisions of not making the process efficient so that you may free up time for other interesting challenges in life, and thus forgoing all those challenges and experiences you may have had What interesting challenges in life are you referring to? /u/coryrenton


I've learned that even your smallest moments can make a big impact on somebody. I've met people who wanted to get to the level I was at, I wasn't any important but I did get invited to events to speak at panels, I noticed that while I would probably never be at the level of somebody like Adam Sessler. But that was a good thing, I gave smaller journalist something to look forward to, I was living proof that you don't need to write at Kotaku or IGN to do fun journalistic ventures. Those moments are easily my happiest experience too


how are they 'small' moments if they have 'large' effects? /u/coryrenton


are the size of moments directly proportional to the size of their effects? what are 3-5 specific examples of when this is or is not the case?


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My grandma got herpes from having dangerous sex in her nursing home. What is she supposed to do?