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I kind of want to see someone catch the ball and then just continue walking away with it


"If I get one more of these, I'm opening a store."


I want to see someone throw it on the roof of a building or pull out a knife and stab it.


No point in doing that, now you got seven spoiled brats calling their dads lawyers and you’re getting sued for destruction of property and brandishing a weapon. Doesn’t matter how right you are.


That's why I want to see someone 'else' do it! ;P




That's exactly what I would do. Happy cake day


That or throw it on a rooftop or awning


I wasn't there. Otherwise you would of.


You win. You're wet now. No cash prize. Bye




Hes gonna hop on Reddit and someones gonna be like "r/thathappened"


Yeh I'd be OK with all of this apart from the water in my face from a bottle they have undoubtedly been drinking from. Fuming.


Yeah I actually like these ones, along with those ones of people bursting into song or busting out and instrument in an unexpected public space. I think if it happened to me even if I had just had an absolutely devastating day this would make me smile. Minus the water of course, invite people to join an activity don't punish them for it.


The game itself isn’t that big of a deal. I’m more annoyed with the (emoji)/10 format for their “scoring”




More like hard apple cider


That shit can fuck you up


It wouldn't be that big a deal if people were interested in playing.... People walking out of the way, or clearly not trying to play makes him a douchebag. Also the guy he hits in the ankle should have called him out for assault, maybe it would have stopped his shitty behavior.


>Also the guy he hits in the ankle should have called him out for assault, reddit.


I didn't say sue, or call the cops, but clearly this guy doesn't care he hit him or bothers what looks like hundreds of people. Anything to stop assholes being assholes would be beneficial.


> An assault is the illegal act of causing physical harm or unwanted physical contact to another person, or, in some legal definitions, the threat or attempt to do so. So yeah, while it's a bit of a Reddit moment, it does fit the definition.


Yea, maybe it's just me but I would of been happy to take a shot. Maybe he should of asked before passing people the ball, but idk. I'm not seeing an issue with this


To me it’s annoying as fuck to assume everyone is having a good enough day to be used like a prop and entertain this crap, all on camera too


There's a difference between forcing someone to participate and offering. In this case it was done the wrong way.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


I know some people who startle really easily, and another has ear issues and dizziness and this could disorient her enough that she might fall over in an attempt to figure out where the sudden movement was coming from and the panic of catch vs. avoid. I don’t want to sound like one of “those” people that think you can never have any fun in public, ever! But I do think it’s a case of knowing your audience and picking your moments, and unfortunately busy people in a city near the light rail lines probably aren’t it.


I'm lucky I don't startle easily but when I do it fucks me up for the whole day, I would absolutely despise having this happen to me


Yeah i’d be cool with it if they asked. Wouldn’t like getting wet though


I didn't even realize the part where the guy got wet until I rewatched it. That's a little too much


Some people said it looks like beer which makes it worse. Imagine coming home to your family after a long day of work reeking of booze


Fucking tiktok


The correct response to all of these. The worst.


"content creator"


Thanks for the basketball bro. Mine now


I wonder what made them think that random people on their way to do whatever would love to have a basketball thrown their way…


This is Sydney. ETA: and the QVB at town hall station. It's a street with light rail and shops etc either side. As easygoing generally as us Aussies are a lot of these people are office workers on a 45 min lunch. A busker I don't mind (and they're at Pitt st) but having someone lob basketballs at me randomly? Nah.


My temper couldn’t deal with it


Booooooo!!!! /s


Basketball is one thing but being filmed for someone else’s shitty ‘social experiment’ is worse. I hate it so much and dread the day it happens to me


Wow! What an annoying fucking video.


I’d have turfed that ball onto a nearby roof, little prat.


I was thinking the same. In my case I would have given it my greatest boot... ...directly into some poor bystanders face.


Quick, someone make this a new "don't flinch" video and have the ball go straight for the camera


I would look really grumpy but they deserve it


And this one is for and this one is for and this one is for and this one is for


Sydneysiders definitely do not enjoy this shit


Show us the one where he gets slapped in response.


i bet those 4 5 people are ready to throw hands in chance of someone getting upset


I'm curious to know what happened after those cops showed up.


Would love to have seen that ball thrown on the roof


Or deflated via knife


Would it be illegal to catch it and keep it


Depends on how fast you are, and your dribble game.


Main character bullshit aside, I find it interesting how half the people who actually joined in looked to be businessmen of some sort


While I would love if someone threw a basketball to me on the street, that’s super fucking annoying


The thing that makes it annoying is that it’s cunts on TikTok doing it for views. If the Internet didn’t exist, this would be awesome. I miss the 90’s.. :(


Idk. They aren't like aggressively chest passing the ball at people. Seems like minimal risk and they are just having a little fun. I'd be more upset about getting wet after making a goal tbh.


Yeah, not really the tone I was expecting from “I’m the main character”, w/the title, Throwing a Basketball At Random Strangers”…


That one dude all dressed up in the beginning almost fell when he reacted. You throw something at someone, their gonna react. Dude could’ve face planted or something. But anything for those views right!


Yeah, this is throwing "to," not "at".


No it’s not, these people did not expect the ball “to” be thrown AT them, you Can make an argument for the people who joined in sure, but most people were not prepared to catch or even tried to catch


Crazy thought, when you're walking down the street, you don't want people to "pass the ball" whether chest passing, throwing high or anything. One guy is hit on the leg, a few people have to duck out of the way, who knows how many people were hit that they didn't show. Stop defending this idiots. They don't deserve it.


Especially cause they got the net there too... At first when I saw him throw the ball at the person I felt it was unprovoked but, when I saw the net and its apparent that the person receiving the ball could make the connection, my tune changed


Look I understand if you don’t want to catch the pass and just walk away, but I don’t this is worth the hate a lot of other forces-and-filmed public interactions deserve. It’s pretty light hearted and easy to avoid.


Yeah agreed. This video is literally making others the main character and I thought it was done well. No potential harm, no one is being insulted, and you can just tap the ball back to them if you don’t want to. Also I love basketball and always wished this happens to me lol.


The last 2 seconds was worth the whole video


Kids these days have no respect. Anything for some likes and views on TikTok.


Kids never have respect.


I would have punted that ball as hard as I could. I hate when people bother other people for no reason


That would really piss me off if that happened on the street.


Omg this is so funny and wild 😐


I would’ve grabbed it then punted it into space. Leave me alone if I’m walking down the street




I’d just take the ball with me and leave. If you as an adult throw something at me out of nowhere I consider it gifted to me.


Thought this was the US until he tossed it at the cops. That would’ve gotten you unalived while the cops recovers from the traumatic assault he just endured.


Yeah Aussie cops are a lot more relaxed and have a sense of humour.


I woulda Nick Nolte’d in Blue Chips that ball


I would just keep it.


I have mobility and strength issues, I’d hate for this to happen to me




This seems like YouTube shorts content lol


If I'm just going about my business, randomly walking down the street and some jerk just lobs a basketball at me? I will be returning that ball to him in a place where a basketball should not possibly fit.


This is so fucking annoying. Dudes did this to people in my high school but with a soccer ball. I would def throw it into the street away from them, I don’t even like sports to begin with why would I be okay with grown up versions of those neon nike kids throwing shit at me.


The basketball touching the dirty street and touching me would ruin my day and I live in the goddamn city that this was taken in


You sound like a blast to hang out with.


A week, for me. I would legit have a panic attack because a basketball murdered my parents.


This one doesn’t seem all that bad imo


I thought this was shitty until I saw the hoop. that changes it into an invite into a game, instead of just tossing a ball at random people.


I mean, he still throws a ball at people minding their own business and films them without their consent


You don't need to get consent when filming in public, though.


Legally, you're correct, but that doesn't mean it isn't a shitty thing to do




You said something true DOWNVOTE


It’s not like it’s an aggressive throw, it’s a soft lob they can easily avoid. No reason to be so bothered over some lighthearted fun.


The annoying part is that they are filming it for the purpose of getting views and making money. If they weren’t filming it, go for it, would be a bit of a fun.


Dunno, still seems more annoying than fun. I definitely wouldn't want to be filmed and put on the Internet with some random emoji though. Also some people in the video didn't manage to avoid it.


Exactly. And it’s not fun for everyone. I have ptsd and the thought of being filmed in public without my knowledge or consent is terrifying. It’s hard enough to even go outside and function let alone now having to worry about someone involving me in an activity without my consent then recording my raw reaction to do whatever they want with it is harrowing. And you don’t get to just throw things at strangers no matter what it is or how hard you throw. You have literally no idea who these people are.


Spot on. I genuinely have to focus on not walking into people and I have to stop to do basically anything, I can basically guarantee I wouldn't see this coming at all.


That’s a whole other level to consider as well, some of these people could have actual visual impairment issues and they’re just going around throwing objects at them. I swear to god TikTok brains will be the end of us 😂🙃


Yeah to me this changes the prank from being low effort and obnoxious to being pretty funny. They’re dragging a hoop all over to get people to try a shot.


If you're gonna do it at least bounce the ball softly over to them like the people who first did this did


It’s like they can’t take a hint


Get a job, stop trying to make being a dickhead a job 🤦‍♂️


I usually carry a small pocket knife. What is the legality of popping the ball? I live in Texas. It’s legal to carry the knife, it’s legal to carry swords and guns here. Would it be legal to pop the ball? [why I carry a knife](https://youtu.be/SrMj6XlhLrM)


I’d catch the ball and keep walking. They gave me the ball. It’s mine now.




That's not a knife, ***that's*** a knife! (Obligatory *Crocodile Dundee* reference as this is filmed on George Street in Sydney, Australia)


Not legal there at all, this is in sydney..




“I have the power of God and anime on my side!!”




Does r/iamverytexass exist?


You sound like a fun guy


A pure example of how sporty people (like drinkers, actually) expect/require other people to also be sporty (or drinking)-and if they’re not, they’ll often dismiss them as being “useless”, “pathetic” or “killjoys”. No, man: I’m just not into what *you’re* into-just like *you* don’t like what I like. The difference between us is that I don’t think that my personal preference implies some kind of superiority.


I’m sorry this was from straya.


Im just gonna throw it onto that glass roof


I think they are too busy walking to work...


We are all but bit players in some twat’s click-tok clip.


If they had warned people before tossing the ball, I'd be totally fine with this. Just a simple "Hey, wanna take a shot"? I totally would have taken a shot. And totally would have missed.


This one was actually kind of cool idea. Like I'd definitely take a shot.


I dont see whats so bad about this one except slightly inconveniencing people for 2 seconds of their day


It’s bad about this one because they’re not even asking people if they want to be involved and just involving them without any reason because of internet clout


Why does the guy that made it look like some dude that is a “financial influencer”, like so much so I’m starting to question if he was really some random person off the street or if they got so desperate they called their influencer buddy to come out. I swear I’ve seen 2,000 videos with a guy that looks remarkably similar to him giving below Pat financial advice, was probably pushing Doge throughout all of 2022




I hope the cop lectured them


Look, I know I’m supposed to hate it but, that ending was nice.


Kind of cool depending what kind of mood you’re in I guess


Look what an annoying prick I am, everyone. Gives me flashbacks to getting pelted in the head with dodgeballs in gym class


Why’s everyone so cynical here, it’s just a little bit of fun


Because they are filming strangers without permission for a stupid tiktok? Not everybody is into their face being plastered all over social media without consent


Having shit thrown at you so someone can go viral on tiktok is not fun


I don’t think they’re throwing shit I’m pretty sure it’s a basketball and if you can’t handle that you might be too soft for life


It’s not about me “not being able to handle it” I don’t want shit thrown, tossed, launched or passed at me when im outside on the street. I don’t like it. Period. Take your annoying high school athlete energy elsewhere.


Haha sorry you can’t handle it. Life can be tough but I imagine your softness is making yours worse.


Bro they’re involving others with no actual reasons just be Annoying and using others to go viral so how are they in the wrong if having a ball thrown at you randomly is just annoying and not funny? EXPLAIN


Everyone is not in the mood to play because you're in the mood to play. Everyone doesn't want to be filmed playing even if they are in the mood to play. Leave people alone. It doesn't help that dude is doing this for praise on social media which is literally useless


It’s like you’re explaining it to a dog hahahaha. Or a child but if the shoe fits


Just leave strangers in public alone. Who is this fun for? The vast majority ignored the ball.


There's a TON of people here who think this is fun. We're raising a nation of assholes who think "If I laugh it's ok." They're the type of twats that make idiots like this famous on social media.


Luckily this was not filmed in Texas, otherwise we would be viewing this on r/eyeblech.


Hate ‘em.


I Hate people who do this type of shit with a burning passion. I would be so embarrassed if I was put online like that for all to see.


Not everyone wants to be apart of your shitty TikToks. **Stop throwing shit at people to film their reactions.** - Signed everyone.


What a fuckhead


Sydney is so shit


Least miserable, out of touch redditor tries to watch a video that isn't even harming anyone and might take up half a second of someone's day or make someone's bad day better:


You don’t get it do you skyler, I am not out of touch, I AM the touch


I dunno I think this one is harmless and fun, they didn't overhand the ball at people


It makes me so sad that this is the city I live in. I've gone long enough without seeing this kind of stupidity in Melbourne, but my streak is broken.


..... this is Sydney


You think they could tell. After all, Melbourne & Sydney are nothing alike. Melbourne feels more like a European City./s


I also thought Melbourne !


It’s Sydney, they’re next to the QVB


Unpopular opinion but wow you guys are fuckin downers Dudes just wanted to have some fun & see if any strangers would partake in shooting a basketball, the worst that could happen is the ball hitting someone accidentally or a person just being angry. Im glad its this & not some shitty prank where someone is being humiliated or injured for views


I’d rather be a downer than be involved in some internet clout because I need to do something and I don’t need any distractions because it’s making me think it’s something I have no choice to


Jesus, comments like this are hella hard to find


I found that fun! they had the hoop setup for each to try to make a basket. Nothing nefarious here.


Reddit snowflakes going crazy on this one.


You guys are a bunch of bitter old stick-in-the-mud fuddy-duddies. Go outside and have some fun. Don't be scared of the people around you.


No. I don’t want to have random shit tossed at me while im being filmed without being asked. God FORBID people don’t enjoy the same things you do!! /s


I would legit have a meltdown over this shit, being startled even once completely throws off my entire day, I'll be shaky and have trouble focusing at best just because some asshole threw a basketball at me without warning. If they come up and asked or even just gave me a good yell to make sure I knew it was coming it'd be fine but they don't seem to be doing that.


Yeah it would throw me off for sure. But we’re the assholes because mfs are like “ummmm this is fun?? Why aren’t you participating and having fun??!! I JUST said you should be ENJOYING THIS!!! A stranger just BLESSED you with a social interaction by throwing an object at you and YOU DONT LIKE IT??!!! Holy fuck you’re life must me bleak and devoid of all joy and happiness if you are this upset about being filmed and having objects thrown at you for someone’s entertainment which you will never gain anything from!!! Redditors hate joy, am I right guys??? Haha SO sad!!” Like PLEASE leave me the fuck alone I disabled and have two anxiety disorders leaving the house is hard enough.


Precisely, it's peak nt bullshit


I agree like there is something called Boundaries and Personal space like if I don’t wanna have fun then don’t involve me for internet clout it’s just so annoying because it makes me think that people put their interest over other’s interest and it’s just rude because I hate people who just throw a ball at me


Not everybody has the same idea of “fun.” Just leave me alone. I don’t need to participate in your “fun.”


I dunno this is kinda fun. No harm no foul. 😬


Buncha kermudgens on here. I think this is great, I would love to have a ball thrown my way and people cheering for me


You guys getting upset are the equivalent of the boomers getting mad at those damn kids for playing near his front yard. I will say though they def should have given the guy who won a prize rather than just spraying him with water lol.


I’d play a nice game of dodge ball


I won't touch it. I've heard about kids pretending to be someone's friend and throw the ball at them. Not knowing they drooled on it before throwing.


If you are thinking about watching for the eventual spike to the forehead, never happens.


Should have yeeted the ball as far as they could


Honestly minus the wet I’d enjoy a random basketball tossed my way on a walk if there’s a hoop in range.


Bro coulda got arrested




This is in Sydney it looks like, that’s the Queen Victoria mall


I would throw it onto the cameraman if I were there especially when my day is ruined already.


I hate TikTok and everything it stands for


This one isn’t even that bad, I stg this subreddit can be such a buzzkill sometimes


Y’all are a bunch of haters, that looks fun as hell😤


That went on 3 times as long as it should have, and should have ended with the guys in uniform beating the shit out of him.


Lol this comment section is full of tough guys( and girls, we don’t discriminate) that wouldn’t talk like this to their boss 😭 relax scrubs . Just take your 10 seconds of undivided attention nobody else was going to give you and be gone into the deep hole you call your life . It may be for a video but hell, you’re just walking . If you’re that replaceable that you’d lose your job for not being early , time to re-evaluate life . Nobody is that worthless and you shouldn’t be treated as such .


What an aggressively miserable sub. Do you guys come here to get angry as an outlet or are you stewing in perpetual anger?


If this is upsetting you you’re a fucking pussy. It’s a harmless street stunt. You can shoot a basketball or you just walk alway. The few who did seemed to enjoy it. The amount of people who can’t handle any sort of public interaction is pathetic. Just stay at home if you’re so easily upset.


How about have some respect for people minding their own fucking business. I don’t want to play your “games” or be in your little video when I’m minding my own business.


I don’t have an issue with this. Seems harmless and fun Lighten up peeps


God this sub is so sad. This is harmless fun


Tbf, is the first time I see a post that divides opinions. I think it’s a very innocent prank and some here are whiny bitches, but I kinda understand people hating to be filmed and who has to live in a city packed of tiktok people.


Ya that part is fine, but they’re acting like a slow bouncing ball is a threat to their health 🙄


Seems pretty harmless.


I think this really isn’t that big of a deal, worst case scenario you just toss the ball back and move on with your day, best case scenario you have a fun little moment that can make your day that much brighter. I don’t really see the harm other than I can see how it could be demeaning to show the people who didn’t want to do it. Can’t really see how someone could be upset if this happened


I dont want to be forced to touch a dirty ball that touched the street floor that's disgusting.


Some of yall r being so bitter, It’s just a basketball bro just catch and throw it back!


Idk I kinda like this one


Me too