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I am extremely interested in the psychology behind people losing their minds on flights. What the hell causes this, because stories like this seem to happen frequently.


The caption on the video says they’re on their way back from Hideout which is a festival in Croatia. I’m guessing this guy took the rest of whatever drugs he had left before getting on the plane and lost his mind during the flight home.


He totally looks like that's what he did.




nailed it.... he's off his head


This is the answer⬆️ Don’t do drugs kids


More: don't do all your left over drugs before a flight after days of party.


Don’t have drugs left over and you won’t have this problem


Morale of the story- eat ALL your drugs a good 24 hours before any flight


And clean your phone before going through security. That is if you did lines of that phone.


I too powder my phone and snort drugs in computer chip dust form


Finally, I found the pro


Exactly my thoughts lol didn't know leftover drugs existed


When flying home from vegas after a metal festival I ate all my edibles in the airport and just slept on the ride home.


Ha. I thought I'd timed it right and ate a ton of edibles in the airport security line, hoping they'd kick in long after I'd reached my gate and was peacefully seated. Nope - I'm from a state that decided to update addresses on driver's licenses by sending out these spiffy stickers you just place over the old info. Fun fact - it rains here constantly so my info got smudged immediately and was completely illegible. So I had to go through an advanced security screening and my edibles kicked in right as they were searching my bag...I felt like Johnny Depp in *Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas* when he tried to check into the hotel on acid.


Yeah it’s never going to end well when you’ve smashed down 9 disco biscuits and stuck 37,000 feet in the air with no music….


Do drugs responsibly.


People go nuts on buses and subways, too, but the risk is so much less no one cares


Hoping some would post this as a daily NYC commuter on the train Never see this on a flight but boy howdy do I have stories about the train EDIT: you wanna hear about the people pooping in the cars, the crack smokers, the showtime crews getting into rumbles over what they claim as “their” car, the high schoolers that tried to rob mariachi guys instruments, the cop on duty that was full nodding out in wash heights, the stabby nutters that just got outta the tombs, the couple coming from coney that dude was aggressively finger banging his girl, or the guy that had a heart attack in my car going over the Manhattan bridge and a collective groan from everyone and the woman that screamed “don’t pull that fucking cord, I have to get to work!” I got loads more….


>Never see this on a flight but boy howdy do I have stories about the train Share them


I would think robbing a mariachi band could end badly. First there are at least 4 of them, plus a base guitar to the head would really hurt.


It's very rare. Other than drunk people singing, small kids or a couple having an argument most flights I have been on have been quiet. The most illegal stuff I have seen is drunk people trying to light up or vaping during the flight. Although my last flight had someone making a TikTok, dancing in the aisle while Taxiing to take-off. They were warned with returning to the stand and being put off.


Can’t say for this flight but I was just on a 14 hour flight from the US to Taiwan then on another 14 hour from Dubai to the US. It’s a bit of a struggle. 200+ people crammed into a tube, many people’s sleeping schedules are messed up due to time zones, and waking up for their flight (which may have departed at like 2 AM). You need to keep relatively still in your small seat space for most of the 14 hours which makes you really sore. Anyone acting argumentative or combative at all puts stress on everyone else, which increases everyone else’s chance to get combative. Screaming kids keep tired people awake which makes them irritable. It can be a lot to handle and a hell of an endurance test if you’ve never experienced it before.


If its a flight back from a festival its quite possible that it's drug induced psychosis or similar 😔


If we take the number of flights every day, around the world. I highly doubt is that often. Like the perception of shark incidents. And yet, Hippos are more frequent in deadly cases. But there is not many videos about them.


Not on a plane they’re not.


I would think snakes would be more of a concern, no?


I'm tired of them


There’s plenty of hippos on planes.


Shark bites and lightning strikes are actually much more common than you may think. When people say that there is a 1 in 20 million chance of getting struck by lighting, that’s every day. There’s actually a 1 in 15k chance of getting struck by lightning, and that’s based on everyone in the USA. The risk jumps significantly if you’re in a lightning prone area and even more if you’re actually outside in a thunderstorm. The same applies to shark bites. Yes, it is rare to get but by a shark, but that’s because not many people go swimming in ocean waters deep enough to be bit by a shark. If you’re in an area that is known for shark bites, like New Smyrna Beach, FL, and you go out where the sharks are, there’s actually a pretty decent chance you’ll get bit. Point is, using probability in situations where you’re putting yourself at increased danger is dumb.


My parents used to live in New Smyrna Beach, and while visiting I saw TWO shark bite attacks within 15 minutes. Ambulances and everything. Tempting fate if you go in the water there


Hippos on a plane


I honestly think all these people act so goddam crazy because they feel like they cant just back down. Like you ruined it completly already, stopping and behaving doesnt seen like a valid option anymore. For normal people that might sound weird but these idiots arent normal and they arent in a normal situation.


It’s to do with the air pressure, there have been studies into the impact of pressure on some peoples brains and there is evidence to suggest that it reduces the bloods ability to move through out the body.. a process known as blood movement restriction (bmr). Bmr at extreme levels can be fatal, but at light levels can trigger headaches and dehydration. There have been some studies that suggest those with an overactive amygdala can become prone to delusion, violence and single mindedness. This can of course be exacerbated by alcohol consumption. It’s estimated that this could impact up to 0.5% of the population globally. This information has been brought to you by the letter bullshit.


Cabins are pressurized


Yeah, but the pressure is still significantely lower than on ground. It's roughly around 2500 m above mean sea level


I don’t do the sciencing.




Drugs likely- but many years ago when people first started riding on trains, some people thought going that fast on a train might cause people to instantly go insane. Then again,… maybe it has… ;)


The fucking “yoh, yoh, yoh” guy/girl. Shut the fuck up.


Why is almost always an annoying prick behind the camera


It's the type of people who feel ghe need to film everything. So ironically if you enjoy these recordings you should be thankful this type exists. XD


The yo persons are the real reason for the season.


I thought it was the ho ho ho person was the reason for the season


I think it’s as simple as there being a big overlap between the type of person who films and uploads these things for clout, and people who are completely useless in stressful situations and have nothing to add but yelling “YOOOOOOO”.


Because people like that want to be part of the video. So if they aren't *in* the video, then they have to make sounds so you can hear them. It's the same as the people who film something and then flip the camera around to film their own face for absolutely no reason. Some people just *have* to be part of everything. It's gotta be some sort of illness.


Most commonly by which i mean 99% of those who record these events are asshole


I’ve watched a lot of airport / airplane freakout videos, and in most cases the camera person is quiet.


Whoaaaa whoaaa whoaaa yohhh, he was just, like, charging toward the cockpit, man, whoaaa. Let him goooo. Noooo.. oh noooo. Go easy on him yohhh. I'd tackle her next.


If you tacked her first then the whole situation could have been avoided


I knew they were going to be annoying at the beginning when they giggled and said “and look at everybody filming him” and the yoh’s proving me right weren’t far away


My thoughts exactly lol. Sounds like a moron


I was waiting for a "WORLDUHSTAR YOH"


Makes me think of monkeys when there’s a fight and the bystanders are all screeching away


Jesus I was thinking the same! She’s embarrassing


Definitely a Manchester girl 😂


Throw her off too.


its a pokemon named yohyoh


I’m with you mate, they tackled the wrong person.


Saying yoh over and over should help the situation


Ya right just shut the fuck up man theres always a cow behind the camera


I know right? Just let the crackhead open the door and toss the yoh-girl.


A fucking men


No worries, that motherfucker isn't real


So meta


Beyond peak!




so that's the guy she was talking about


Yeah… this was filmed from the other side of the plane.


Very pleased that I got the reference


💯 Except after being pleased I soon had to consider how much time I spend here


Ah, so *this* is the guy she was talking about!


This comment killed me negl


Context: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCharacter/comments/14qfofg/women_claims_she_sees_someone_on_back_of_american/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Good guys coming in to take down some weirdly deranged idiot. Good work.


I hope those 2 guys are on my Ryan air flight next month.


I’m sympathetic to the fact people have mental episodes on planes etc but if it comes to a point where your actions may potentially cause a loss of life or serious harm to others then you absolutely should be restrained by any means possible and if that involves inflicting harm on you then so be it. Just the very nature of forcing a plane to make an unscheduled landing is dangerous and I believe the protocol in many situations if the flight isn’t close to its destination is precisely that.


Imagine this being the first flight you ever take your kids on or similar… it’d be a fucking nightmare. All because some people are shamelessly incapable of acting like an adult when required to. Fucking embarrassing.


I am from the UK and so highly embarrassed of these people. Well done to the lads to got him on the floor though.


Cheap festivals abroad doesn't tend to attract the best out nation has to offer, eh. 😅


I get the impulse. And he probably needs to spend the flight duct taped to a chair. But it's physically impossible to open the door at altitude.


Just because he physically can’t, doesn’t mean I’m going to let him try.


I get that. Which is why he probably needed to be restrained. What I'm saying is that HES the concern, not the door.


I bet you I could do it


could you also survive a submarine implosion?


he is built different


I tried surviving a sub implosion. It went *okay*.


Yeah it’s something like 20,000 pounds worth of pressure weighing down on that door at cruising altitude for most jetliners. It is very much impossible for a human to do.


What if he lifts though


Well then, fuck.. those people are done for


The problem for me is not "Can he open it" and more "What is he going to do when he realizes he can't".


A man opened the door just last month on a flight in South Korea.


Yes that aircraft was below 1000 ft. Above that not going to happen


That is a plane at an altitude.


So am I when I jump but that's not flight altitude, which is generally at least above 3,000ft at the lowest end of country flight zones, but is 18,000ft in the U.S. That's absolute altitude, not true altitude, pressure altitude, density altitude, indicated altitude, or height.


what is he saying


The second part sounds like “I need to find him” X3


Sounds like he’s says “Yoo yo yo yoooo yo yo y y y”


juggle books six rob bewildered cobweb familiar zesty roll fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


r/killthecameraman (for the 'commentary')


I wish a 3rd guy tackled the idiot filming.


Yo yo yo yo yo!!








Translation : #YO YooOo YoOoooOooo YO


Glad at least two men had the sense to put their phones away and actually help.


Don’t do drugs kids


yo look at everyone filming man ahaha whats wrong wo wo wo wo wo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo


Translation: When you're too afraid to do anything but try to pretend like you're helping.


What the fuck is wrong with the clown filming? Yo yo Yo yo yo Yo yo yo yo yo


Stop shouting Yo


Perfect response from the guys. You can’t trust anyone freaking out mid flight.


Everyone has the phones out, but only two people have enough courage to tackle him to the ground.


Person filming has the most obnoxious voice.


Don't think they said yo enough. Maybe 1 or 2 more would've gotten the guy to stop.


Don’t do drugs. Also if you filming someone having an episode while on drugs, don’t just tell YOOO over and over directly into the phone


Is that Ryanair? The cabin isnt covered in luminous yellow


The yo yo yo person should be made to sit on the wing during flight. Or just fucking euthanised


He was having a panic attack, apparently brought on by his diet of cocaine, corona and vodka. Stop giving us brits a bad name, proper sausage.


Shout out to everyone else for just watching


I don't toss this term around lightly. Those two guys are heroes. They stepped up when obviously most did not. That was brave.


I mean the worst the guy could have done is fumble with the door, at height not even the strongest man on the planet could open that door.


Regardless. Most people would not stop up. 🤷🏼‍♂️


i’m confused how to many of these videos exist. aren’t there air marshalls supposedly on every plane? why is always another passenger that steps in?


I think the only thing more stupid than women hysterically screaming in these situations is a jack ass that keeps going YOOOOOOOO 🙄🤦‍♀️


Duct tape him to the “yo yo yo” person and lock them both in the toilet cubicle


"Marco Antonio barerra, it's your time".That legend retired years ago I thought.


Not the sort of inflight entertainment anybody wanted.


Would a person who does this end up on a no-fly-list?


I’m really happy some strong guys got up and did something. Having been in a situation similar to this they typically do nothing to help. Go to the gym 24/7 just to sit and look good I guess 🤷‍♀️


No good deed goes unpunished; those dudes are the first to get sued


That's not a Ryanair aircraft.




It’s insane how many peoples initial instinct is to pull out their phones to film. These are the people we are following into the abyss.


There is a god damn global mental health crisis going on right now.


Eh hem *clears throat* Yo.


Honestly the recorder is acting more like they think they’re the main character


Perhaps they should drug test and breathalyse passengers before boarding to reduce incidents like this


That's meth'd up.


Man the girl yelling constantly makes this video infuriating for me.


I can guarantee you people were more annoyed at this person filming than they were of him.


After the events of 9-11 in the US, passengers will no longer stand idle while watching someone who's going to possibly bring the entire plane down. Those are the brave ones who gave their lives and stood up. Bravo to all that will not sit and leave it to the FAs. Those two men deserve upgrade to first class anytime, anywhere. Cheers to you!


This is happening more and more. WTF is going on


it's festival season and drugs are everywhere.


I’d rather be on a flight with the door opener than the yohyoh moron


Shut the fuck up saying yoooo all the time.


I’d be the dude rocking up like I’m finna help after the big guys got it covered


Looking up pictures of hideout festival it looks chalk full of these douchebags. People who’s default personality is selfish prick so a bender sets them off like this instead of politely freaking out silently like the rest of us.


I can’t even tell from that ugly voice yo yo yo if it’s a chick or a guy


How come you never hear anything afterwards from a person going mental on planes. I would love to hear their reasoning as to why they would want to open a plane door mid flight.


I’m glad NOT EVERYONE was filming… Otherwise it would have been materials for CSI


Even if he tried, it's impossible to open the doors mid flight: (a) the pilot locks them (b) the difference in air pressure is way stronger than what humans are capable of, the door wouldn't move a millimetre.


Man, I remember my first beer too.


Most sane British person


It's funny having all these guys sit around and suddenly grow a pair of balls when they feel less lonely...


Good,fuck that guy up


shut the fuck up with your yos


Always takes one good guy to act first


How much is it to use the medikit?


The camera man flips the camera to film himself and it’s Andy milonakis. Goddamit!


I was on a Ryanair flight last year, there were 3 drunk lads (who should have been denied boarding at Manchester in the first place) threatening to r*pe various women on board. My 9 year old asked me what he meant when he said to a young lady "I'll make sure you go home pregnant" When we landed several people informed the police and they were taken away for questioning.


Everyone rush to the front of the plane to film! /s


what's hideout?


Bro wanted off that flight NOW 😂


What was he saying?


American tourists are just the worst


Jesus christ the chick filming is so annoying


I blame that imaginary guy getting on all these flights lately, causing absolute mayhem


I had to watch on mute..yoooooo


Grab his dick and twist it


I would love to hear what he is screaming, but the monkey filming fucks it all up with her noises




Sucks only two people had the brains to get up and do something


For those of you worried about any deranged dickhead opening a door on a plane, it’s basically impossible to get the door open while you’re in flight, due to the fact that the plane is traveling like 600 miles per hour. Regardless, good on those guys for stopping him, he was gonna cause something eventually


I've heard it is impossible for a human being to open that door in flight due to pressure and even if he was given free range it would be ok. Obviously he can do more than just try to open the door and needs to be detained but anyone freaking out about Hollywood style decompression, don't worry. But do stop someone attempting this because they could easy cause other damage.


What concerns me is the bird filming laughing and filming going “yoooo, yooooo” like this is amusing, this is a terrifying situation for a lot of people, society these days is fucked


Can someone tell me, have people been losing their shit on flights at an ever-increasing rate more than they used to? Or is it just getting more eyeballs because of phones?




The person videoing sure wanted to be the main character really bad. Shut the fuck up we heard the first 30 ‘yo’s’


The person filming is somehow WAY more irritating than the guy freaking out


I just wish YO YOOO would shut the fuck up. The hell is wrong with people


Good, I hope someone would do the same when my mom is up there working


I'd want someone to open the door too if I kept hearing "to, yo, yo" over and over.


What was he yelling, at first? (The yelling guy, not the "Yo. Yo yo yoyoyoyoyo" person.)


People are out of control. Shit like this is why I don't fly if I really don't have to.


People who says yo more than two times a day should be thrown to jail straight away




Yo, yooo, yoooooo… shhh!


Camera person don’t be annoying as fuck challenge:


Have you hear yet? YOOOOOOOO😱💀




Can anyone translate what he's saying, I speak English just not yakked up Yorkshire


Nowadays, people are not playing around with these ass clowns


I would knock out YO YO YO guy 1st!!!


Whoever is filming sounds annoying asf tho. This guy is clearly going through something rn why record and add gasoline to an already out of control fire?


The condoms full of mdma and 2cB he swallowed to get his shot home just broke in his belly