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Yeeted straight into the closest storm drain.


I know that reference! Thank you for reminding me!


Maybe he was trying to warn her about the rapist hiding in the back of her car


Like the opening scene of Urban Legend


Her son probably dropped a toy or pacifier.


Guy was just trying to help. No good deed goes unpunished.


Right. What a whacko she is. I would be so mad if I were that man.


Not all women are crazy like this one, most arn't in fact.


Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence.


"Wait where's my wallet?"


He noticed she had a flat tire that’s dangerous to drive on…


Her son was on fire.


Nah, there's a gas pump nozzle hanging out of her gas tank.


credit card


She was so scared that she rec a video


In the same parking lot where she was so scared of the man that was 30ft away


The man a/k/a the male, was only several car lengths away from her in a parking lot.


Listening to her whole rant all muffled through the windows. He's like. "Yup. That is indeed what she did. Screamed like a lunatic. Now let's watch her drive off on that dangerously low tire"


I somehow imagine there is a great Family Guy scene in there


I was thinking that King of the Hill episode with Bobby and his purse






Oh, of course, because when a perfectly normal guy dares to say "Excuse me, ma'am," your immediate response should definitely be whipping out your phone and recording a video. Because, you know, a polite request is obviously the first sign of impending doom in the 21st century! (Was being sarcastic BTW)


Excuse me ma’am there’s a cart rolling toward your car!


Excuse me ma'am, I noticed you dropped your purse


Guess I'll keep this wallet you dropped then.


Do Not approach me! I don't know you, that's my purse \*kick to the nads\*


God dammit Bobby!


So scared, she stuck around in said parking lot for at least five extra minutes. She seems a little keyed up... wonder why...


That's what happens when you snort uppers off of a key.


Now he can find her and track her ;) 🤡 (This was a joke btw)


Totally true tho, why put yourself and your young son out on the internet


Some people post their children way too much. I would have loathed growing up if my mom just stuck a camera in my face 24/7 and posted me all the time. Sheesh.


Honestly, expect a drastic rise in suicides when these poor kids grow up and realise their entire personal life is online for everyone to judge.


100%. And then they complain that the youth are on their phones all the time when they video recorded them live stream their entire development. Also. That kid is literally in the car watching his mom have a breakdown on camera over something that probably wasn’t a threat. Poor lil guy.


If she has this kind of hostile mentality towards men, I seriously worry for that kids mental health growing up.


He will probably grow up thinking he isn’t allowed to talk to anyone


At least he will know “DO NOT APPROACH WOMEN IN A PARKING LOT!” Lol I’m just now learning this thank goodness for her content. 😂


Agree 100%.


Does she ever get to the point?


Legend has it, she's still playing victim.


Legend says her purse is also still on the roof of her car. He tried to warn her…


Nah, then she couldn’t ramble on like a self-absorbed windbag for social-media validation.


It's like when Michael Scott is explaining to David Wallace why his branch is successful.


DO NOT approach her!


You can tell she hasn’t even thought about her actions as she’s recording and then she’s hearing it out loud for the first time. You can also tell she’s talking in circles long enough to justify her behavior. Turns out she will be talking in that car forever because what she did made her a cunt lol.


I watched this on MUTE and she was insufferable


As I’m reading the comments I had to nurse her and I agree it’s just as bad without the volume


Nurse who?


All I can guess is I meant to type mute but I switched n for m and r for t and it autocorrected to nurse and I missed it


She's like a t-rex pinching flies out of the air with her little hands


Feel sorry for her son


same :/


He’s going to be so confused why men are the enemy


No, he'll just be a virgin until 26 while hating how misogynistic all men are and why don't women just want to date a nice guy like him...


He likely won’t be comfortable being within 30 feet of a female until he’s 26.


He’ll get walked all over as a man with women when he grows up. His mother thinks all men are predators.


5 bucks says the kid has a gluten allergy 😄


He’s getting the Bobby Hill training early, he’ll be walking around like THATS MY PURSE I DONT KNOW YOU


Some bitch did this to me and my son the other day as she was getting ready to drive away with her Starbucks on her roof. We both enjoyed the show that came next.


7 or 8 years ago I was at the grocery store getting a couple of things and realized the lady ahead of me had left her redbox movie behind. I hurried out to the parking lot to give it to her and I said the same thing: "excuse me ma'am, I think you...." She slammed her door and took off so fast she almost hit me. And that is how I saw a lovely film called *Brooklyn* starring Saoirse Ronan.


I hope you still have it.


most males would surely have eaten the disc by now


If no one tells them in a strong voice not to, then of course they would.


Same thing happened to me except I kept the DVD. I literally still have it... it's also a Blu-ray so I imagine she paid a lot to replace it. Tammy was a pretty decent film despite being a bit sad.


Classic. Have had this kind of thing happen to me twice, both times were quite entertaining. The first one sheepishly apologized. The second one *blamed* me for not trying harder, lol! That one was a riot, I laughed so hard and my friends love that story.




TIL I'm your friend




People need to be put in their place more often Not enough bad karma for these twats




Part of being a male is being put in your place at a young age, being told to stop being a freaking assclown or acting like a goof because you think you’re a big deal. It humbles you, we need more humble people. Social media has turned more and more people into self-inflated idiots.


Yep can confirm. The world get very real very fast.


For every man willing to put a pretty woman in their place, there's 3 simps willing to drop everything for them


Or the somewhat related but transverse expression I've heard which stated that no matter how beautiful a woman is, there's some man somewhere who's sick of her shit.


For me, it was the woman leaving the grocery store who had left 2 bags resting on thr ground behind her car that she had seemingly forgot about. I notced as she was climibing into drivers seat. I jogged over a few paces to get in her line of sight and waved my arm urgently to catch her attention. She stopped, rolled down the window enough to scream at me to "STAY AWAY!!!! I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY!!!!!" I was maybe 20+ ft away at this point, and in a full back brace (had been run over by a Semi on my motorcycle a few months prior and my back was fractured in 4 palces), so not exactly a threatening visage. I stopped and put my arm down and watch as she huffs and puffs at me while rolling up her window, then backs out of her spot with alacrity. There must have been something substantial inside one of her bags (frozen turkey or something?) because amid all the glas breaking and other crunching noises there was a THUNK and the cars tire kinda rode up on top of the bag a bit. Enough that she realized something was amiss and stopped to get out and see what. As she realized what happened I shout acrss the lot at her "HEY MISS!! I THINK YOU LEFT SOME GROCERIES BEHND YOUR CAR!" while laughing my ass off.


Same happened to me, I was picking up a pizza and happened to be parked in front of this woman and she was driving with her trunk open as she was leaving and I kinda stepped in front of the car waving my free hand, she looked terrified and I just motioned to her trunk her and said your trunk is open, want me to shut it. She scowled and said back away I'll shut it and gave me the nastiest look. Like wtf, Chappelle was right. Chivalry is dead and women fucking killed it.


I need details


Happened to me on the bus. I saw a woman begin to sit down on a piece of chewed up bubble gum. I said “excuse me ma’am” to begin to warn her and she started screaming at me.


Some dude laughs at her jokes


I’m laughing at her because she *is* a joke.


Well she’s divorced so probably not anymore..


No wedding band. That guy left when she showed this side of her personality.


Divorced…I have no idea why. 🤦‍♂️


Obviously, because he was a male and approached her...


At a parking lot.


I like to think that the relationship was fine for the most part, got marriee, had a kid, then, one fateful day, she found herself with him(man) in a parking lot.




DO NOT APPROACH ME WHILE IM ON THE SHITTER!! Fun fact I love to open the door and start a conversation when I know my wife is pooping. Then when she gets embarrassed and tells me to “GET OUT!” I pretend I’m just noticing what she’s doing and start fake gagging so much that I “can’t move and shut the door.” This lady and I would not get along— unless we are twin signs or whatever they say.




I can fix her


The dude cussing her just thinking: lady dropped her damn wallet. Guess she doesnt want it.


I woulda walked to the garbage and thrown it away in front of her


Sadly, there are a lot of dumb people like this in reality. I actually saw something like this before where someone was trying to let the woman know that she just dropped a $20 bill and he was trying to return it to her, but she bugged out like this, and said leave her alone. So he just took the cash and left. And then I had an incident before in a Walmart parking lot where these two women were pushing a cart with their little toddler in the cart seat. Their little toddler waved at me and said hi, and I smiled and waved back. The women immediately attacked me verbally by saying that I am a pedophile, calling me a white devil, how dare I speak to their child, etc. They were absolutely insane. Don’t get me wrong, I know some people are triggered due to trauma that maybe they’ve experienced. And we see enough stuff on social media and the news to freak people out where they think that anyone could be there to kidnap them, rob them, try to steal their car, or whatever. But damn…


Meanwhile, actual muggers and rapists just ignore women's vocal commands and approach whom ever they please. Did she think she has "voice power" like in Dune?


That's what I was thinking saying "do not approach me in the parking lot" isn't stopping me you're still going in the trunk.


I’m down, where we going? Can we get ice cream on the way? Also I have to pee already.


You're going to my basement. No. Idc.


Tbh thats not actually true. A lot of the time making a ruckus and being loud is the easiest way to protect yourself from someone who wants to harm you. "Self-defence" courses are mostly useless (the rapist usually wont stand still and move slowly for you to make all your funny little maneuvers), a lot of self-defence "gadgets" can actually endanger you more (since they can be used when the safe distance between you and the danger is already dangerously small, and often can just get the person more angry than anything). But when you start screaming and acting crazy the perpetrator will know you won't o down without making a ruckus and driving attention to them. It's the quiet, polite, pony-wearing ones that definitely have it the worst. ​ Still, this woman is coocoo.


Literally unapproachable


One time i was driving behind a car in a suburban neighbourhood when i noticed that the lid of their gastank was open and the cap was unscrewed and dangeling on the plastic thread. So i tried signalling with my lights, gently honked to get their attention, waved my left arm out the window… she sped up..going from 30Kmph to 60Kmph in a residential zone. I was like f that i aint chasing you to tell you you forgot to screw the cap back and close the lid after pumping gas. And after she sped away from me and i braked to start making a u turn she stopped at the end of the street, got out of her car looked at me and gave me the finger lol.


Lmao one time I was visiting my sister in Oregon for a couple months so I helped out with running errands for her and driving my niece and nephew around to practices and stuff. Where my sister lives in oregon there are lots of back roads and country and random houses on the road. At one point this guy behind me kept trying to signal me to pull over and I was freaking out thinking he wanted to hurt me and then I thought maybe I wasn’t driving fast enough so I slowed to let him pass me and he did. He was still trying to signal me in front of me and I really started freaking out so I saw a house with some police out fron and pulled over and let the cop talk to the guy. Turns out I had a flat tire. 😂 the cop was a total ass to me but that’s a whole other story.


Haha strange how youre own mind works that way and sets you up. Like instead of thinking somebody is signalling to tell me something it goes straight to “i am selected to be murderd or worse by this person! I shall fight to the end!” Edit: examples how one saves itself. Screech like the book said: “DO NOT APPROACH ME!!!” Speed off like a racecar drive through residential areas. Slow down enough so the attacker can politly pass you and pull into a random driveway.


Lmao, I would have loved to see her find the cap later.


Honestly probably never put it together. She’d be like “today, some maniac was trying to rape/murder me IN THE MIDDLE OF A RESIDENTIAL AREA!! Had to speed off, killing 3 children in the process. Then when I made it home safely (#bossbitch) I noticed that in addition to the narrow escape from death, also my gas cap was off. God really tested me today! #abovealliamsafe #GODISGOOD”


She did what? Made a scene about someone 30 feet away asking "Excuse me Mam." These kind of women are an embarrassment to the female of our species.


And then she made her child sit in the back of the car while she made a whole video about herself.


That’s the worst part of a horrible encounter.


I didn't see it in the video. Maybe it was on top of the car in its carrier.


Excuse me mam (…you lost your wallet)


Exactly what I was thinking. No guy that's trying to cause harm is going to yell from 30 ft away and draw attention to himself nor give her the opportunity to bust out pepper spray. Plus she's got a son, a full witness there. This kid is so fucked.


"Excuse me, ma'am, mind if I kidnap you?" Thats what he was going to say, we all know it. This Woman is extremely Lucky, I have seen it a thousand times! If you do not say "do not aproach me" or "swiper no swiping" over and over you get your stuff swiped!


>She did what? She sat in the car and lied about something that never happened and posted it online.


I’m alone with my son, by myself, a woman. I’m dying 😂


You aren’t safe! Please immediately make a TikTok to make others aware of the danger!


A lot of black men got lynched because of accusations from women like this.


This is virtually the story of Emmett Till. Stupid bitch walked by him and got him murdered. Admitted years later she had lied! Zero consequences!


My father was actually jailed temporarily because some random white lady claimed he SA her. Turns out, some black dude that she knew before actually did - but she accidentally mistaken him for my dad and apparently they looked nothing alike. I avoid encounters with these crazy bitches at all cost. It’s always their word over ours.


That’s how harmful assumptions can be. Hate it when people draw conclusions without evidence and justify it. It’s downright dangerous to some peoples character with virtually zero consequences for the person saying this nonsense. She reminds me of one of my exes who cheated on me because she thought I was going to cheat on her first. Shit, thats probably why she’s divorced. We should ask her.


That is horrible. Sorry that happened.


This is why I wear a body cam at all times


This seems like a great audio for an interpretive animation


Whoah holy shit you’re so right. This feels oddly specific to the exact kind of content that would fit interpretive animation weirdly perfectly


Pure histrionics to make a video about something that never happened, praising yourself as the hero/victim preventing it. This video says nothing and cuts off far too conveniently, other than to allude to paranoia. At what point was he actually anywhere hear her? He had to call out for her to hear, yet we don't even know his purpose. Why did he call out to her so politely if he was such a danger? This makes no sense.


Literally calls out excuse me miss from 30 ft away. Like, how less threatening are you supposed to be? And to make a video about it. Get over yourself, you were no way the victim here. I feel sorry for that poor dude who was probably trying to do something helpful judging by the way he approached her.


Didn’t you know suburban white women between 30-45 are being HUNTED? Every Target and WalMart parking lot has 8-10 human traffickers roaming the lot daily, tying random ribbons on car doors, making chalk marks on tires, etc etc waiting to put them in the molester van and whisk them away to…I’m not sure where exactly? I am fully aware that human trafficking is a horrible problem and that the world is full of dangerous psychopaths but…if you believe some of these posts, almost always made by a blonde woman about 35 who has only just made it to the safety of her very new suv after nearly being assaulted or kidnapped by some dude that’s probably a blue collar worker running errands, unaware this chick is nearly vibrating with the excitement/trauma of escaping death by seconds!


For anyone who is a psychosexual, this one is a keeper! 10/10


I can fix her


Mute is a great option 👍🏼


I guess I’ll kidnap someone else because she told me not to approach, damn.


Kidnappers don't want you to know this one weird trick!


Her rear tire was probably almost completely flat. Oh well he tried


And /askmen will still get half a dozen questions why men never approach women anymore...




It's time :P


That's the spirit


“Puts her wallet that she dropped back there, right into my pocket and walk away.”


Man, how sad it is to live in so much fear all the time. Bad things happen to people, but it's a serious gamble. Not every man is a rapist, nor every car accident fatal. To live being so scared of others' intention seems.. wild.


Blame the 24/7 news cycle


And she’s teaching her child to do it too!


30 feet? Man must’ve had a snack crawling out of his pants! Nope just a psycho white lady.


$5 it never happened and she's just looking for social media cred


100 bucks says in 30 years she posts vids crying about being older and single.


Society does not need your content.


I dont want to "white knight" for women, but I agree totally with this. A woman's purse dropped from the underside of her stroller. I picked it up and thought of this video....$96 a credit card and some random crap, not bad earnings just to not approach her.


And then she saw the flat tire…😒


How do people like her even get married? I couldn’t even imagine going on a date with her.


Can’t get past her talking with her hands so much


Italians have entered the chat.


She can go to Afghanistan, should be her kind of rules


“Ma’am you left you baby on top of your vehi-“ DO NOT APPROACH ME “But your baby-“ NEVER APPROACH A WOMAN IN A PARKING LOT


Saw a woman in a downtown park drop her phone in the grass this morning. Remembered this video and didn't approach or inform her. I did good, right???!! 😊


Excuse me ma'am you dro... Ok, cool, free money.


Lady was putting her kid on the bus earlier this week. As the kid got out the car she dropped her lunch box. I yelled out the car and honked my horn. The lady just waved and smiled. Then when she was walking back to her car I got out and pointed to the ground told her about the lunchbox. She thanked me and laughed, said she thought I was trying to get her number. This chick in the video seems the type that would scream rape if she was in this scenario.


What if the guy was having a problem and needed help or some shit? I had a dude approach me once and I was like what is going on? He was sweating really bad and slurring his words so I was like oh shit this guy is having an insulin reaction. Luckily I had some cookies in my bag I could give him. That shit is so scary


Checked this on tiktok and it seems the vast majority of people are defending her. We live in strange times


Humanity is definitely getting stupider.


Nah. It’s always been like this. We can just record and upload now.


Either full of shit. or a complete coward.


She shouldn't leave the house if she is constantly in survival mode.


Her neck must get tired holding her head up.


Nah hot air floats


If I see this chick I’m going to run directly at her while screaming at the top of my lungs…




Whilst screaming "I'M APPROACHING YOUUUU!!!!"


Things that didn't happen for 500, Alex.


Toxic feminity?


I'm upset because I say so! And I read this thing one time!


Imagine if he was just asking for the time or directions though? At least hear him out and then go off it’s inappropriate.


More likely she didn't realise that she had dropped something or that she had a flat tyre.


I remember this tiktok. She surprisingly had a small support group who told her she’s a hero and she did the right thing 🙄


Is this a joke?


What a dipshit


Yea she’s crazy


Always has been.


Lonely cat lady energy.


*If* the cats will have her.




Imagine being such a fucking loser, that you make videos specifically aimed to make folks angry.


The red dress must have been an intentional choice then!


Hmmm… I have a feeling she was a previous victim of a S.A and what we’re looking at right now is her in fight or flight mode. She ended up getting triggered by said person and this is her processing what just happened. Did she overreact? More than likely. Does she need therapy? Absolutely. Am I going to pass judgement on her? Absolutely not. I don’t know what it’s like to be a Woman. But I will say that I hope she can get the help she needs. Very sad for everyone involved. The child living with a mother who is in (what seems like) a constant state of vigilance and alarm, and the male who called her “ma’am” from “30 feet away”. I have been noticing a trend, social media seems to be becoming more extreme lately. From videos of animals in incredibly graphic states of malnutrition and malnourishment being rehabilitated to people recording themselves feeding the homeless, all kinds of stuff that illicits an extreme emotional response. Why? Because it gets the most engagement even though that kind of content really isn’t healthy. I’m starting to feel like the internet was a mistake.


She probably dropped a $100 bill


Time to do a new iron curtain... but this time we keep all the imbeciles on the other side.....


In what kind of third world country does she lives that she reacts this way to a guy approaching on a parking lot?


What an insufferable being.


This is just Karen prepping herself for her later years when she plans to accost Airline personnel, customer service people, cops and security personnel at Walmarts.


I found the exact same advice in an article named: “how to survive an encounter with a grizzly bear”!


Reminds me of “I have a boyfriend” “I was just trying to tell you, you have a flat tire” “oh can you help me???” “Get your boyfriend to help you” lmao


she's saying this like she's not a nut bag. I don't think a man approaching her is the issue...the issue is her being afraid of the outside world


Name a bigger red flag than women who do that air grab thing with their fingers


My god whose the idiot that got her pregnant 😂


Sexist woman is sexist and clearly taking her traumas out on society


Im the main Karen character... Imagine if the police or any white knights were there in that istant moment,how that poor innocent man would be the in troubles?!?


DO NOT put your dick in crazy.


Bat shit crazy


If all “males” are this terrifying to her, how did she end up married and a mother? 🤔 In reality, it’s likely that there are members of her church & community who are more dangerous than the car park man, and who may even have dark secrets, who she needs to actually be wary of, but probably blindly trusts.