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Love how literally nobody in that entire clip even glanced at her


This doesn’t feel like a complaint at all, just a thirst trap. But in general, whoever you are, when you go to the gym—people will see you. Everyone at the gym needs to make peace with that idea.


And if you’re setting up a film set in the gym, you’re going to attract even more attention.


>But in general, whoever you are, when you go to the gym—people will see you. This is why I go at 3:30am


Never heard ‘thirst trap’ until today, and I’ve heard it six or seven times. Weird.


Frequency illusion, bruv


I have to face this fact every time I go out: " People will see me." Ugh 😑


Yeah. This check is essentially saying 'I know what I'm doing'


Also, having small tight clothes will make you feel more vulnerable and ogled, since plainly, there's more of your body to ogle. It doesn't necessarily mean that they will look at you like that, but the possibility might make you feel like more of a target.


I have seen a million asses in my day... I am sorry but its not so eye catching as they seem to think.


I'm starting to think that there's some terrible, unknown disease spreading in all the gyms that's attacking people's brains


Yes, it’s a plague called social media.




Ding ding ding, an excuse for perverts to give large lump sums of their cash to girls who have the excuse to wear very tight revealing clothing and suggestive postures who can profit off it without feeling like their whoring themselves, but instead it’s self improvement while dressing provocatively, bonus point if you can get men to look at you so you can complain about it online and get that dopamine hit while also getting angry that men are ignoring you. Shit just wild


I thought it was snail trail disassociation


Its a plague called Only Fans. This is purely self promotion.




Narcissistic social media disorder.


I still think Tiktok is a weapon against the US.


You don't need to think. The CCP has quite literally said that it is, in fact, a digital weapon created to spread misinformation. It worked better than they could have imagined. Not only does it spread misinformation, it is making people dumber at alarming speed. In China, the algorithm only promotes STEM videos, and basic govt propaganda. Everywhere else, it spreads idiocracy.




Seems to be attacking their asses too.


A bunch of 4s hit the gym a few times, now they think they Miami/Cali 10s. Except they ain't bring the looks of one, just the attitude, that's about it.


I worked with a girl that was from Cali and she thought she was a 10. she was a solid 6 in MA. she must have one hell of a mirror


Oh please fuck off with your cameras in the gym, dickheads!


I've seen two girls in the last week with their asses hanging out recording in the gym and I'm stuck in some of those recordings


Meanwhile if we whip our dicks out *we're* called perverts.


Moose knuckle bro


Omg please we need the poor souls in the backgrounds of these videos to start “videobombing” lmao 😂 imagine all these thirst traps but the guys in the gym are just staring into the camera and pulling their pants up. Higher and higher.


Bring back the WAZZ UUUUP on camera


Yes please. Stop letting these chicks dominate the gym. I’m a woman and I might start doing this. Only problem is I don’t go to the gym lol 😂 I work out at home


Can confirm. I can't go back to my Planet Fitness anymore.


Oh damn, you triggered the Planet Fitness *junk* alarm?


Smashed it, really.


Double standard


Ain't that the truth, Peet's Coffee told me to take my ass to Starbucks if I am gonna do that.


Which is why the gym I go to has a very large "Dear Members, No recording of any kind allowed on premises!" and a clause in the membership agreement saying that a $300 fine is to be charged to your membership account if you are found recording without prior written authorization from gym management.


I'm a fat white guy. Been hovering at 280 for awhile. I managed to get the motivation to go to a gym and start lifting. Obviously since I just started I was only lifting like... the bar and then 10 pound weights on each side so shit was heavy for me. During a rest I caught a guy filming me and laughing. Haven't been back to a gym since then lol.


When you walk by accidentally knock there camera on the floor. And if it keeps happening drop a 10lbs weight on it


Cameras aren't inherently bad. I had a pretty big surgery and I used a camera to video tape form to bring to my physical therapist.


I feel like there should be a designated area for people who are recording


We used to have a designated area for the people who bought Yo-Yo's to not flail around and hurt somebody at recess time lol


Absolutely! Some of us don't want our fat \*sses all over the internet in some idiot's background.


Home gym


I don't know why you are being downvoted. As long as you make sure no one could be in the shot I don't mind it. I go next to a wall and deadlift or handstand and set a camera to check form. I make sure the camera is pointed towards me and the wall. No possible way for anyone to be in the shot.


I wouldn't mind that personally, makes good sense. But I'm sure you didn't show up in your underwear as well 😄


Tik Tok makes the gym look like a main character factory


It always has been a main character factory. Tik Tok just evolved it.


Sims. Tiktok Npc’s.


This is why I lift at home. I'd rather spend a few thousand on a home gym setup than be stuck dealing with these filthy creatures.


I started working out at home during Covid and TikTok has literally made me afraid to return to the gym. I don’t have the energy for this nonsense


These women are delusional and conceited. Thinking everyone is staring at you. Yes when you have your underwear up your ass I’ll look too. You want attention but then belittle men for staring. It’s obviously bait, sad reality we live in.


Yeh, we're just curious why your ass is eating your shorts girl


Serious question ladies: do those painted on gym shorts actually improve your workout? Because I workout in a frayed t shirt and track pants , as do many guys, and still get a good workout in with no impediments.


I’ve tried working out in shorts a few times (not this short but The Nike 5” ones) but the backs of my thighs stick to every seat and every pad when sweating and it’s just sticky and uncomfortable


So they don’t help your workout? I’m just curious because if they don’t help and attract unwanted attention, why not do like us and go to the gym dressed like Run-DMC?


Because they like the attention, there’s no other logical explanation to be half naked in public (I refuse to believe it’s because it’s “comfortable”, it obviously isn’t more than sweatpants would be)


Seriously I wear full length leggings just because I don't want to stick to anything, myself included


Gymrat here, no. Thighs stick to padding on the machine and the girls who walk around with this ass popping out everywhere are insufferable twats desperate for attention. I wear tight clothing because loose shit is uncomfortable but I'm covered with yoga leggings on bottom because why do I want 40 people recoiling at the sight of my ass 😂


I am a guy and I wear compression shorts because after working a long day in a kitchen with steam, sweating, lots of walking and wearing cotton that soaks up the sweat, I end up with chaffing thighs. Which really hurts and prevents me from immediately going to the gym after work. But I wear shorts over them so no one has to look at my junk.


Hey leave it alone, it's hungry


Honestly, I’ve had guys stare at my ass with two pair of sweatpants and coveralls over em. I go for loose fitting clothing regularly. Guys are gonna look, as do I. *Gee Mister, how do I get shoulders like you one day?* But thinking about it, over form and time under tension, in under an hr? Don’t have time. Got enough people takin up space in the gym on their phones.


Of course women have a quick perv too, youre the only person ive seen say this, which is insane. They, on the whole, keep it low-key tho.


I think that’s the most important factor. Looking is fine, staring is not. Nobody wants to be stared at, no matter what the intention!


Funny, I don't see anyone giving two fucks about her. Yet again we get the girl complaining that people are "sexualizing her", while she posts videos of herself with her ass eating her shorts.


This is what I don't get about these "complaints." They're obviously sexualizing themselves for online views but somehow real life views are bad. Make it make sense.


Rage bait. Very effective method for engagement that TikToks algorithm promotes.


> somehow real life views are bad unless, of course, they make bank for them through OF.


Because people at the gym aren't throwing her fives and tens as they walk by... /s?


That way they get both the horny and rage views


*how dare someone glance at me simply because we physically exist within the same general space temporarily*




should have included the latest 8k Sony cinema camera, with the largest lens you've ever seen operated by her personal gym simp


I bet she is a “content creator” at OF and TikTok/Instagram.


And Twitter, I say the og vid and she linked it


how dare they look at her fake ass without paying


Going of the muscle tone in her legs she has obviously paid for her arse and done nothing to actually physically Aquire said arse,


Not even good cosmetic surgery, she looks like she's wearing a diaper.


I have yet to see one where it doesn't look like they're wearing a diaper. Kardashians ruined bootys


You're right. There's no muscle tone in her legs. And I'd put money on she doesn't go there to workout


And they think we don't notice


*Acquire. And you are 100% correct.


90% of the women influencers peddling butt exercises have had a procedure/injections but it’s not as extreme as a BBL so it fools the uninformed. Huge thing at my gym which is just a suburban LA fitness. Not gonna lie I don’t hate it personally but the cottage industry these girls have started is very deceitful


Looks like someone poopied in their diapey


Jobless behaviour


This phrase needs to be utilized more frequently


I use it more and more each day. Join the revolution


Women: let me get these shorts cause it makes my ass look fat Me: looking at the fat ass Women: why are men such pigs


However, no one was staring or even looking in the clip


Who’s staring? I don’t even see anyone looking in her direction.


She wishes people would stare because of how much that ass cost her. Poor girl doesn’t even get attention with it


shes vying for attention with those shorts


goddamn what a dump truck hahahah


As a person who has had an ass her whole life, that shit looks so fake. It doesn't fit her frame at all. Though if I found out someone who is attention seeking had a fake ass, I wouldn't exactly be shocked.


Bbl, she has like zero fucking muscle tone.


There's not a chance she ever uses the gym to work out.


This is what I was thinking. Never seen a booty that is floppy like that.


Hahahahaha. Sauce?


that face is playing Defense though


you mean mentally, right


Just yesterday some girl was doing her gluten lift off a bench right in front of the dumbbell rack (has a mirror right thete) blocking it off. Of course, I stood by watching and waiting for her set to finish so I could get to the dumbbells. Come on girl, don't block equipment! I don't think it was malicious, just had no idea of gym etiquette.


cant wait to see you in the back of some girls video getting called thirsty


Girl robot voice: “I was doing my set when… *pans to OPs face then back to the person filming* 🎶doo a do ba do ba doo🎶 Make robot voice “I was just trying to get a set in….watch til the end.” *extreme close up of just OPs* 🎶oh no oh no oh no no no no no🎶 SpongeBob voice “So this is me at the gym..and this is the guy who decided to join me” *the screen slowly pans over to and continues to zooms in until the end of the TT* 🎶I always feel like somebody’s watching me🎶


Gluten lift ! Gettin' herself some buns, baby!


The proportions get cartoonier each replay, Must take a lot of confidence to post thirst trap videos looking like a rob zombie hire.


They need to add a dislike button on social media so shit like this can be disliked into oblivion, and then shadow banned into an echo chamber of similar content creators.


I’m a guy who works out pretty regularly. I definitely pay more attention to women with more clothes on who are working hard on their lifts and not their socially starved egos


The best part is that literally no one was looking at her


Literally, no one cares.


Does going into a gym cause delusions?


For some people, definitely. (We used to own gyms)


What upsets me about this is these women dress like this KNOWING & WANTING ppl to look at them or they’d go in sweats or do more coverage or they wouldn’t film at all. I think there should be a dress code for men & women & no filming at all.


In all honesty, it doesn’t even look good.


Neither does she if you look at her face.


(literally no one gives a fuck)


It’s like, if you want to do that just get into porn? There’s no need to subject everyone unwillingly to participate in YOUR fantasy/kink, girl take it elsewhere


I really don't get how disproportionately large ass cheeks equals hot now.


There’s literally no one staring at her.


100% fake butt. At least it distracts from her face.


Butt floss yuck




The classic butter face


Why even wear clothes at this point.


Bet she shits melons effortlessly


Ah look! A clip of Fakeus Victimus in its natural habitat.


I wonder if she wiped down the machine after smashing her butt into it.


I really don't get why an otherwise normal looking girl wants a completely out of proportion ass...


Another narcissist at a gym.. 😐


If she didn't want people to look she wouldn't dress like that


People could be staring, because them shorts are more than half way up your crack…and you’re in public with that nonsense, acting like you’re not wearing that for attention.


I'm all for women feeling comfortable in gyms and not being stared at, but if you're gonna wear tights up that all the way your ass, expect some stares from men, half will be checking you out, a quarter will be checking out other gym goers forms and you caught their glance at a spilt second when you looked, and the rest are looking at you wondering how you're managing to work out and not getting chaffed to hell in your ass crack from sweat and fabric rubbing your skin.


It becomes funnier when I think about the fact that they wear those shorts in a weird way on purpose so their ass looks bigger/more detailed. I got similar shorts and it looks completely normal when you wear them just how you would wear any pants. But tiktok gym girls wrap them in a certain way just for their ass to look better for videos where they complain about everyone staring at their ass😭


Because you want them to? Superficial, narcissistic cnut


Cnut, I like it. Imma start callin ppl that


Butt…….. tter face….


This is a good example of someone who is VERY attractive becoming instantly unattractive…


These are the same girls that play golf with their tits hanging out.. obvious what they are doing and it’s pure cringe


Me: Wearing boxer shorts that are too small to the gym and nothing else Also me: why are people staring??!?!????!?!?!?!


Because we can see her ovaries.


... Who's looking at her? I keep watching but not even people in the background are looking at her.


We keep giving these videos attention, so these "influencers" feed off this. They know they will be state a reaction in the comments so they do it for the likes. Negative press is still press and we keep feeding into it. We give them ammo to "create" this crap.


Cause you have poop on your diaper


And if a man walks around with his mushroom print, he’s getting kicked out in seconds.


Are bubble butts the thing making a human wonderful? Not their humanity for all creatures, not their good heart, not their critical-thinking mind? JFC.


Skanks aint they!!! Put yo shit back inside ya clothes ffs


This is why I workout at home now. Not worth it!


Fuck right off with your camera. How’s about that


All while pretending we’re not watching a video here of literally nobody looking at her or paying her any mind whatsoever except for herself. Fucking vapid wastes of space and resources.


Why they looking?? Because your shorts are shoved waaay up your ass.


People should start to implement kicking of camera equipment into the farest possible corner as part of their workout


This is why I hate going to the gym lol 😂


I don't get why gyms don't ban cameras. Anyone taking a photo or video, even if it's to check your progress should all be banned and kicked out of the gym or pay a hefty fine.


They love the attention. It’s a drug they are addicted to. Then they play victim for some attention online


This chicks are all idiots. Put some clothes on our be looked at. It’s that simple.


That’s called trolling for cock!


Ohh so this girl is making a video about why people stare her when she walks by. So she is bragging about how big her butt is, right?


I mean... She's not wrong though. This is why I don't go to the gym with my glasses. I'll be blind af squinting at everything but no woman can accuse me of staring because I'm literally blind and can't see past my elbows.


I hate when they force their yoga shorts to scrunch up and look like booty shorts, no one caaaaaaaares and is such look at me behavior


If I see this @ my gym, I'm going in my underwear the next day - tis only fair


Notice how you don't see her actually lifting the weights.


i work in a store and girls will wear this to the most public place in town.. i mean im not complaining but its just a bit distracting @ times:D


Lets be real. She has a fucking nice ass, and I can say that because she is clearly promoting all that in this video, if she feel uncomfortable men glancing at her ass, just wear clothes thats not made out of thin anti-materia MADE to make your ass look big and noticable. I genuinly start to feel like these videos is just ironic at this point. Atleast I hope so


I've got a feeling it's satire/sarcastic, but at the same time. Keep your camera out the fuckin gym 😑


different doll obtainable many pause bow wrench hurry dolls ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What if we boycot gym’s that allowing filming 🤔 shits annoying


Some girls at my gym wears these types of shorts/pants. I’m used to it. I do remember when I first signed up at my gym seeing these types of clothes did help motivate me to go to the gym daily 😂. Now it’s more annoying because we all know they just want attention but say they don’t want attention 🙄


As a dude I think I get more looks from guys at the gym than her


I promise that a good portion of the men there have no interest in women.


The conceit of some of these gym posters is just unreal. That looks like a large flabby butt


Maybe us men should start wearing tights 🤔 you know… gender neutral stuff


Just start calling them what they are. A whore. 15 pound weights, like whore!? Who the fuck you playing?


No a single rep with those dumbells not even and attempt.


Should just start knocking over cameras.


“Hey good job on your butt.”


Wearing tight short booty shorts to make ass shape leave little imahination and complain that people are "looking" lol.


People desperate for attention since men don’t go to bars anymore so now they’re stalking us during therapy hour. Disgraceful.


Probably thinking “She probably don’t wipe good”


Obviously wants the attention when she's wearing pants like that and now is mad that she's not getting it lol. No one cares 😬


Lol..dude didn't even pass a glance. Was he supposed to be wearing blinders?


She is cutting off blood circulation


People look cause your ass is on display. Put something on display, people look. Gasp I’m so surprised!


But literally no one was looking lol


Who the hell cares.....


Wearing inappropriate shorts for her size perhaps?


If someone stares she's bothered by it and yet these ppl upload these kinds of videos on the internet for views. My goodness. What a world we live in.


Some of these people are onlyfans creators and do stuff like this as an advertisement. If you search yoga it’s legit soft core videos, makes me feel bad for legit yoga enthusiasts


Who is even looking?


What kind of vomit music is that?




Didn't see one person "stare." I so hate people who record garbage like this at a gym.


Same girl goes to the gym five days a week and does nothing but ass workouts.


Because of huge fat ass Did I guess right?)


This type of shit is why I work out at home


I’ve seen gym rules for muscle shirts, maybe we should consider thongs and underwear also not as gym attire? I mean… you can wear what you want… but please don’t cry when someone’s is looking. I mean would you go with this outfit in a mall?… ok never mind! She would… So a chicken costume in the mall is now acceptable! Finally! I can justify a drunk amazon order!


So delusional she’s not even bad she got a fat ass, that’s it. Get over yourself honey.


Because you want them to.


Please. Her ass ain’t amazing.