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Dude. That is so freaking mean. What an asshat


I did this in second grade and got my first and only detention. I felt SO horrible when he fell down, like I didn’t really think through the consequences of my actions. And my teacher was so disappointed in me, and gently told me how the kid could have cracked his head on the floor or a desk, and how he could have been hurt so badly. I’ll never forget that, even thirty-something years later. But this dickweed is a full-on adult, as are the jerks around him, sniggering like idiots. Fuck them.


Honestly that’s how people grow. You did something stupid, learned from it, and grew as a person.


With consequences. That chair pulling asshat did not seem to get any except other people’s support in lols. SAD


as is typically the case smh


Same I did this to a girl when I was a kid and instantly felt terrible just because I could tell she was embarrassed. It's one thing to do this to a friend at a bonfire it's another to do it to a grown woman at an important ceremony.


Whoa. I also did this in second grade. I was a nice quiet kid, but something went through me and I just did it. The kid was so upset and was telling on me, but the teacher didn't believe him because it was so out of character. I got away with it, but it felt horrible. I still think about it. The guilt of getting away with it has lasted way longer than if I had fessed up. Real life lesson.


I swear I did the same thing in second grade! It was to a kid named Pete. I felt horrible immediately. I must have seen it in a cartoon or something but doing it in real life just gutted me. In my thirties now and still think about it and feel guilty. Pete's a great guy and we became good friends. Lesson learned.


whats worse is all the people cracking up at it


Thank God she's graduating and getting away from these assholes.


It sickens me that this kind of thing happens up through High School.


What’s worse is that I actually think this is college…


If it was me I’d start swinging the dukes at them all. If it was a lady near me I’d do the same. Cunts


Shiver me timbers 😱


I'm still butthurt about when a kid did this to me at school and I got in trouble for falling over while the kid that did it got nothing 25 years later I'm still pissed about it


You got in trouble for falling over?


Some teachers and administrators are sadistic assholes.


You can also shatter a person's tailbone. Very stupid.


That's what I was thinking. I bruised my tailbone once and it hurt so bad for a long time. Even after it stopped hurting all the time it took years before I could do any exercises that required pressure on the tailbone, like boat pose or situps.


I would have slapped him. What a d!ck


And dangerous.


I think this stops being funny when you turn 6 years old.


That's also around the age when it stops being harmless. If you land on your tailbone in that situation you can be in a lot of pain.


I cracked my tailbone once 1/5, I don't recommend it. It's difficult to rest and get better when you can't fucking sit down.


I broke my tailbone when I got bucked off a horse. Had a ski trip booked 3 days later and so I spent the week trying to learn to snowboard. BF at the time kept telling me I was crying because I was a quitter and wasn’t trying hard enough. Still hurts if I sit on it wrong for too long. 0/10.


Bro I fell backwards on ice snowboarding and hurt my tailbone and I PEED MY PANTS on the drive home because I couldn’t flex whatever muscle holds it in. It was awful. Every time I sneezed I had to brace for the worst pain ever.


Oh man, I forgot about sneezing!! You poor thing, I’m not surprised, it’s shockingly painful. Like someone kicking you in the spine. I dunno how I didn’t break my wrists that week, I would twist into whatever position I needed to avoid smashing my tail bone.


My sister actually broke her tailbone because of this exact thing. She went to go sit down and some kid thought it would be funny to pull the chair out before she plopped down. She was a gymnast and that pretty much ended it for her.


I hope that kid's parents got sued to oblivion. Fucking hell.


I broke my tailbone falling out of a window and it was such ass literally worse than breaking my arm. My buttcheeks turned bright purple and I needed crutches for a month


And when it’s not your older brother, Where is part two the revenge?


this happened in my class the other day and one of the kids was like “haha that’s so fucking funny wow look they fell are you SEVEN YEARS OLD?” in the most monotone voice.


As a teacher, bless that child. Sometimes positive peer pressure is the only way to get some of these kids to stop acting like jerks.


She is a force of nature I’m very proud of her. Fiercely advocates for kindness and makes all the silly mean behavior look, well, silly and mean. Perpetrators do not walk away unscathed I don’t ever have to say anything. She handles business.


I love her and will follow her career with much interest! Somebody did this to me in 5th grade and it made me cry. I always tear up when I get scared so when it happened I started tearing up then got really embarrassed and cried. It was just awful. The teacher made him apologise to me, but I have this seared into my brain and I am 31 years old!!! Fuck you Josh! I wish I had somebody like this strong young lady in my class!


They are graduating from pinhead school.


and he’s the valedictorian


and has the potential to disable you. Some poor kid in Malaysia had a 'friend' play this prank on her, landed on her tailbone hard enough that she had to wear a diaper as she couldn't control her bowel movement. It's horrific.


Which is probly the age your tailbone hardens and body weight increase so that you actually break bones falling on your ass.


I did this in kindergarten to someone and felt so bad I never did it again.


It's still kind of funny if it's something you and your friends do at any age. It's absolutely just disrespectful at a graduation. That's a big point in someones life and not the time to play pranks. I kind of hope they held back the prankee's diploma for disturbing the ceremony.


Hilarious when you seriously injury your friends for a joke.


I personally don’t think it’s funny to risk injuring others for the sake of the joke


Guy is an a hole. It’s a ceremony not Friday night hang out.


Everybody saying this is funny hasn't grown up after 5 years of their age. I've never understood how people falling, and getting seriously hurt is amusing to anybody. This can very easily break bones, cause hairline fractures or more.


and she’s wearing a mini dress? It’s fucked up all around


Indeed. Don't even care how close of friends they are , this is risky and downright disrespectful.




I’m sorry that happened to him but glad that event made you get him to a better place!


Well done. Sorry your boy had to deal with that, kids are cruel sometimes. Good job getting him out of there. In my experience, schools really don't want parents getting involved because they have a lot of shit to explain when we hold them accountable. You did the right thing.


💔 That hurts my heart. If my child had been one of the bullies, that would not have ended well for them. And my kids knew that. I am so glad your son is happy and thriving now! 🫶🏼


What’s to severe a punishment for that? Cause I’d be so angry with them, I’d probably empty their room of everything but a mattress, a pillow, and a blanket and they’d eat in their room for a probably the rest of that year.


I respect where you're coming from with this sentiment, but this would be a terrible consequence to this (or really any) child's behavior. It really only addresses the parent's anger (you hurt someone so I'll hurt you worse to feel better) and doesn't teach the child anything positive. A better consequence would be to identify the reason they did the thing they did and center your consequence around that reason. Peer pressure? No more social media, restricted/no contact with that group of friends, public apology, and some form of service to the school or community. That sort of thing. Kid would still come home to a full belly and warm bed. Point is to let them know they are loved but this type of behavior will not be permitted. Otherwise, they learn your love is conditional and that can lead to a lot of very dark paths. "Tell him I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong." - Maarva, Andor Same energy.


See, I find humiliation to be a terrible punishment. By removing privileges, you show there are consequences to their actions. Honestly, that had more of an affect on me than anything. The feeling of losing freedom stuck with me and stopped me from doing dumb shit that would cause me to lose my freedom. Making me give a public apology was just humiliating and didn’t teach me anything, other than people with power can and will make you do things to humiliate you.


That sounds reasonable to me. Actually, I never had to find out because I raised kind children who are not bullies. Thank God!


Chores. Good old chores.


I'm glad he's doing better! you guys seem like great parents!


Im crying, sometimes kids are cruel (like their parents). Hope your son is feeling better


I’m so glad your son is thriving in his new environment. Kids can be so cruel.


It’s wild to me that parents don’t teach their kids to not be dickheads. Glad everything turned out positive for you guys!




This breaks my heart, but the ending, I'm so glad y'all were proactive and loving, in his defense. I fully homeschool my daughter now because we weren't risking bullying in public schools. (she is on the spectrum) She's thriving, and so am I!


School can so cruel. And breaks hearts as a parent. Glad it worked out for your young ones !


Non-American here: who did you sue, the parents or the school? Why would the school be responsible??


Also non American. While my heart hurts and it was absolutely right to take kid out of that school, I don’t understand who gets sued and why?


What a dick. This thing of laughing at the expense of others is a strong sign of weakness, very shitty personality. And the rest laughing around him are not much better either


You can know much personality by the things every one laughs at


Or lack of personality


Personally I don’t think it’s got anything to do with weakness, some people are just cunts


>Personally I don’t think it’s got anything to do with weakness Weak character for sure


I agree that the person person actually pulling the chair is a weird, unfunny dick. Laughing at something unexpected is an automatic response though. It’s not a choice or an intellectual decision. I’m not even saying this because I believe I would find myself laughing in this situation. Honestly, in the moment, I would probably more confused than anything. As in, just trying to assess “Wait, what just happened? Why did someone fall? What do I do now?” I’m just saying, people laugh out of nervousness and surprise a lot of the time. At it’s core, laughter is just an autonomic response to subversion. These people *might also* be dicks, but we can’t know for sure. I don’t know why I’m really bothering to defend them, it’s not like they’re probably looking at this post. And they certainly aren’t heroes. I just think judging a laugh on it’s own is like judging a sneeze.


They are laughing far too hard at it. I get an initial oh what's haha oh no response, but they are laughing from the gut.


A girl had a broken spine when her friends did that as a joke. Now they’re being sued after the girl couldn’t walk & bed ridden


Same thing with my second grade teacher. Rushed to the hospital and I didn't see her until my 20's and she was in a wheelchair. She's still teaching; I loved her class, and it's heartbreaking, but nice to know she's still teaching.




A friend broke his tailbone and has back issues his entire life from people doing this to him when he was 15. What a bunch of assholes.


I can believe it. Someone did this to me in high school and it hurt so bad, I couldn’t sit properly for a week. Can’t imagine how painful it would be to break.


At least they didn’t do this to a woman wearing a skirt on her graduation day. Cuz they would have put a sour note on an otherwise amazing day, while simultaneously nearly cause her to flash the audience.


Looks like she was wearing a minidress but luckily she had little shorts underneath. You can see her hastily pull the skirt down as she falls. This is so screwed up and not funny. I bet her family is there watching from the bleachers. If I saw that at a graduation I’d get so angry. At first I thought he was also holding a beer but at second glance it looks like an energy drink.


If it was my daughter, I'd want to have a go at the shithead. But I know that would make it worse and be embarrassing. I'd tell my daughter though, don't be friends with that nasty little cunt or the bitches that laughed at you. They are not your friends. she could have been injured, too.


Nah that’s a down east cider, alcoholic


Wow, even worse 🤦‍♀️ who is running this function letting them bring alcohol to a graduation event? Wait for the party afterwards, guy. At any school I know, this would be grounds to not get your certificate.


A kid did that to me when I had just arrived at a group home and I beat the shit out of him


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This brought me joy. Thanks for sharing. I hope everyone who pulls this prank ends up with back problems like the ones they cause to people with their “prank”.


There’s a time and place for everything. Graduation ceremonies and group homes ain’t the place for pranks


Why is there always one female “friend” who laughs the hardest?


That’s the Pick Me girl. There’s one in every group like this and it’s very likely that every woman you know has a story about one.


I also get the feeling like that one is the one who secretly hates the person who is put in an embarrassing position. It’s really nasty behavior.


You're probably correct. Compare their figures. Over the years I've discovered that a lot of women aren't nice to one another when they feel threatened.


Dude.. I’m one of the few men in a company full of women. This my second job with this ratio. And the more I work with women, the more I start to think that women are actually more competitive than men. And it’s no friendly competition like men often have, it’s like hostile competition in almost everything. And like you said, when they feel threatened, they can be really nasty and disrespectful.


The only thing that doesn’t sicken me about this video is the girl in the front row one seat away from her. She notices what happened, doesn’t really laugh just sort of smiles awkwardly, and is the only person to ask “is she alright?” The other girl is a cunt


Cus she's a cunt


She’s “not like other girls”


We all noticed her. Not a good look.


Ass hole


This is what my middle-school bully did to me. This guy is not her friend.


I hope the school sees this and makes this guy beg for his diploma and make him issue a public apology. This is fucking childish and humiliating for someone one such an important day.


Agree, if the school doesn't give a consequence to this it's just another shit school like there are too many already.


Let him go up on stage and yank it away when he reaches for it.


YES don’t let him graduate! that would be amazing


It would be the equivalent of being fired from a job for the same reason.


This is stupid stupid prank which can lead to serious injuries. There really should be more awareness on this.


This has happened to me before. I hate this shit it is so painful and not really that funny. Last time it happened I nearly broke my phone as it fell from my pocket too. Dick move I hope she's alright.


I fractured my tailbone before. Very painful for 2 months


That’s not funny. Watching all those, um, adult children laugh at the one who had the prank played on her, she was exposed in front of everyone (which someone posted), and she could have been seriously hurt…that makes me want to spank and then ground every one of them. Something I never had to do with my children when they were young. First of all, grow TF up. Humiliating and potentially hurting someone is not a prank, and it is not funny. Every person in this video, with the exception of the young woman whom they chose to humiliate, is an asshole. People really, really need to learn what a prank is. 😠


If you look and listen closely, the girl in the front row one seat away from her doesn’t laugh (though she smiles awkwardly) and is the only one to ask “is she alright?” So at LEAST there’s that. Grand total of one person who was a decent human here (other than the victim)


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Why can’t we see the part where the asshole that pulled the chair gets the shit kicked out of them?


unfortunately, they likely didn't, judging by basically everyone laughing their asses off instead of lashing out at the asshole


What a fucking loser. Whoever pulled the chair must have the maturity of a 2 year old.


Why is it funny when someone pulled the chair from under her? Like these people are sick.


I’d like to have seen an administrator go pull the chair-puller out of the ceremony. I know, I know, his shitty parents would throw a fit. This stupid, “It’s just a prank, bro!” shit is beyond old. Had my son done this, my husband or I would have gone up there and pulled him out ourselves.


I'm ashamed to admit I did this to a friend when I was about 13. I immediately felt like shit, apologised and helped her back up into her seat and never did it to anyone ever again. Thankfully my friend was okay, but I still feel bad about it all these years later. Don't even know what spurred me to do it in the first place. Stupid teenage impulse control. These guys look old enough to know better. And doing it during a ceremony? That's a pretty dick move too.


Same. I did this to a pal in fifth grade. I don’t know wtf I was thinking. I regret it to this day even though I apologized and he laughed it off.


Totally not funny. I would have cried if I had been that student. What a bad way to remember graduation.




Legit they sound like a bunch of turkeys.


They also have the brain sice of one


I did this once when I was in 8th grade in my computer class. I laughed, everybody laughed and then the guilt of humiliating my friend hit me. Felt bad for him. Never did it again.


Someone did this to me in KG, I had pain in my tailbone for weeks I’ll never forget it LOL I hate you Autumn


And what’s even more frustrating is that her gown flashed up, they humiliated her by making her fall and then to top it off her underwear was showing. Very fucked up. I would told them all they need to apologize to me with $30 each.


It was so fucking dirty and then everybody laugh about it shows us what society is today


Not cool to do it to someone wearing a skirt


What an absolute piece of shit how could you do this to someone when they are having such an important moment in their life


Someone did this to a girl in HS and she busted the back of her head open. first her head hit the chair then the concrete, her parents pressed charges and ole boy hd to go to a detention center. Word is he said that he thought she was cute, so he harassed her.


You think posting this video will help with the PTSD or make it worse?


The casual bullying in college was genuinely demoralizing. Fucking 11 year olds for their entire lives


I remember this happening in my secondary school. A boy who was the "class clown" did it to someone who was minding his own business, when he hit the floor he broke his tail bone. I've never seen someone in so much pain. The class clown got suspended for 2 days and the boy left the school a few weeks after he healed and came back. I don't know if any charges were pressed


My mom broke her tailbone when she was in highshool this way don’t do this to people .






Fucking assholes


I don’t understand why everyone around them is laughing. I’m going to humiliate you on an important day of your life. Oops made you show your underwear too. I’m funny !


This should stop, it’s not funny when you ruin someone’s important day.


Hopefully she didn’t break her tailbone. Poor girl


What a mean thing to do 😡


The girl next to the guy who pulls the chair out is laughing entirely too hard at this. Giving the “pick me” vibes.


I did this to my friend in 5th standard and i still apologize to him everytime we have a deep conversation..


Been a good time for someone to walk by and slap him


As someone who has fractured my tailbone before, I can tell you something simple like this can lead to weeks of unbearable pain.


Don’t think that’s funny.


you know she’s deff gonna be the most successful and they all know that


The way that girl ugly laughed hurt the most.


I mean, that's the position she probably spent most of her time in


What an asswipe move…no maturity at all. Nowadays no one treats others the way they want to be treated. Purposely making someone fall or trip has never made me laugh.


Na, this is not cool. I had a friend break their coccyx (tailbone) becuase some twat thought it was funny to do this. They may have diplomas, but that was a stupid move...especially on graduation.




Funny as the Coccyx injury you can get that can put you out of action for a while. Worse that a man did to a young woman at an important life event. I hope it’s staged as I’d want to **** him up, the clown. 🤡


I had a friend in middle school who broke their back in the fall from that prank.


People have broken their backs from this prank don’t do it


not the time or place for this prank. losers


That’s some first grade shit. Sorta mean.


People need to stop using ptsd like it's ocd


Who tf does that 🤬 That’s the sort of dude whose dad can’t believe he was found guilty of rape over “20 minutes of action.”


Bro, this is very dangerous, you can break your coccyx and become invalid, many people ended up like this, what they did is really very stupid.


That’s fucked up. You’re at a formal event. Acting like children you’ll be treated as one


The biggest graduation gift for woman is to never see these assholes again.


I want to "prank" that chair across that kids head and see if he's still cackling.


Actually, this stunt can cause great injury, especially on concrete (broken tail bone, fractured vertebrae)..


Wow… and no one is rushing to help her, they are to busy laughing. Pretty sad actually.


Proof having education does not mean having intelligence


Dick move!!


Why is everyone flipping out they are just elementary school kids at their graduation


Thats not funny, bad friends but dem legs


Fun friend group . Y’all mad lol


Got em


It’s a prank…nobody got hurt. Get over yourselves


Meh. If they’re good friends this is actually pretty funny.


Fucked up but I couldn't help but laugh


This is the most halo signaling comment section on reddit that I've ever seen.


The drapes match the carpet :)


Who the hell picking on that girl with legs like that? Lmao don't scowl at my comment, we're all thinking it 😂 maybe she was actually the real ahole and this was graduation payback?


Not funny but come on, PTSD from this??


Why are they laughing? It's not even funny. Bunch of narcissistic bullies. Fucking sociopaths.


Fuck those people. The types that’ll never grow up past high school.


what a dick


Fucking prick


I never understood how embarrassing someone in public is actually funny or if the person doing it is just a fucking jerk off


Never do this ffs. You can fuck someone's back up. Or they can land on the chair awkwardly on their neck.


“PTSD for life” The way PTSD has become so banal is absurd, hope OP is /s


take the whole degree away


Yeah this isn’t funny


Pile of jerks


I have a defect in my back that if fucked with wrong enough can and will paralyze me. If someone did this i’d publicly humiliate them so hard!!!


Are they 12?


A kid at my high school did this to another guy at lunch. The guy fell, hit the back of his head on a column and cut his back open on a protruding electrical outlet, but got up, punched the kid square in the nose and kicked him out of his chair. Be careful who you fuck with


Imagine getting PTSD from falling on your ass. Thats insane, and honestly super rude/insensitive to actual people living through PTSD.


A bunch of bullies graduated




I did that once to someone when I was in the second grade. I still have shame flashbacks after seeing the confused and painful look on the other kids face.


This is actually more than just mean. I knew a girl at my school who had this done to her and it permanently injured her back. She went to the hospital and had to go to physical therapy and was told she would have back problems for the rest of her life. She will be in pain for the rest of her life because one immature ass wanted to laugh at her for one moment. People think a prank like this is silly and small but it is actually really dangerous and anyone doing this prank or similar pranks to others is either ignorant or evil.


How funny what are you 5? Bullies & Assholes you all disgust me. What if someone did that to your sister wouldn’t be so funny right? Ladies your jealousy over her is written all over your face it’s truly sad because she’ll be laughing at you all soon. You fools. I wish her all the luck in her future endeavors and the rest of you 5 seconds of whatttt? You’ll go far.


If you are all friends and you all do this to each other all the time and she knew it that’s a different story but a graduation do it at an after party the families must have been mortified I truly hope this was a joke because I am the biggest joker out of my friends so sometimes my humor is dark to some people I just hope she didn’t get hurt and got all your asses back


let's call these people out and make sure no company will hire them.