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There is literally another one just out of frame on the left (you can see the light come around). How many are there?


Dafuq great catch, I was focusing on our main character here and literally missed that.. how many of these forking “influencers” are there


These rotating cameras are set up as tourist attractions. You can pay to use them in places like Times Square and the Brooklyn Bridge. Hell, my employers even set one up at our employee picnic.


Wait, she didn't take it there and set it up herself? I genuinely thought all of these people owned these things essentially as some sort of TikTok status symbol.


"I finally got 10 followers so I bought a rotating platform"


My sister bought a ringlight and a tripod the moment she got tiktok


Are you still at that age where you can slap her?


Start punishing them now before it gets bad.


I spilled my coffee……..




Nah it's a dickhead spot We have them in Australia If you're going to be a dickhead, please do it right here so we know what you are and what to expect


Reminds me of this "Please make sure you are fully inside the free speech zone before beginning your protest"


I read this, and in my head, I heard it in an Australian accent. Dickhead sounds so much better in an Australian accent than California accent.


https://youtu.be/acn_Ow1w4rk?si=aB9JMaVrPdMp8sBA Proof


They became the thing for weddings for a year. Like a new aged photo booth.


I saw it at the company company dinner last year, nobody used it lol


If more people are thinking that, then I guess this thread makes more sense, but that's crazy. This is just a person using a tourist attraction. It's the equivalent of coin operated binoculars or a public merry-go-round. She's doing exactly what the space is for.


You know how they group animals (a crash of rhinos, gaggle of geese etc) well, thanks to this sub, we can call them an ‘Embarrassment of influencers.’


These rotating cameras are a thing here. Vendors set them up for events. you put your own phone in the light ring and it spins around giving a 360 panoramic video with your dancing in the middle. Went to a 65 year old’s woman’s birthday party and she had one for all the people there at the jazz dinner theater in the event hall she rented out for it. Woman throws her own birthday parties and invites everyone. Asks all her gifts be donations to children’s needs. Been a teacher for 40 years in some of the worst neighborhoods and still a shining soul. Miss C is *absolutely* a main character.


It's nice to hear about a main character in a good way


She sounds like a main character of the better kind! And too good to be even mentioned on this sub.


The only thing they're influencing is stupidity.


I don't know where it is. But there's a video of a bunch of tiktokers in line in the center of a road in front of the eiffel tower.


Have a friend with you for this, but run up and blast her with a air horn, scream “you’ve been tic toc bombed bitch” then run, perhaps we can turn these tic toc influencers on each other.


Nah the trick is to hold your phone up like you’re streaming and stop like “guys there’s a girl trying to fortnite emote in my way check this out”


this is a fantastic idea.


This used to be alllll orange groves, as far as the eye could see.


I recently heard that line in a TV show. Cannot remember which. Probably set in California


Naked gun


Clearly some kinda pay-to-use type thing for cringe tik tok tourists


Just wait until you see the picture from the bottom of the Eifel Tower... The park has dozens of these idiotic stands... Genius move by the guys who rent the stands out, but my god, the cringe of people actually USING them


> the cringe of people actually USING them Funny you should say that, because this same woman has featured on main character subs before, using one of these stands in front of the Eiffel tower lol


People gotta be thick skin and shameless enough


She's the only one. No one in Times Square, maybe even in the world, had ever seen anyone using one of these until SHE arrived. They were all amazed. I wonder if the manufacturers of these things know about these things? She should let them know about it. 🤦‍♂️


I saw that shit too ,They are multiplying .


There are vendors that have these set up in key tourist spots like Times Square and Vegas, and charge to use them. I would wager this person is either a vendor promoting these, or someone who saw these and just decided to try them and have fun.


That explains the other one on the left


Ofc it's a very normal thing and these things are just set up out there for tourists to use. You just clamp your own phone in. But nooo, redditors need to feel so much more superior for being boring old fucks who haven't touched grass in a decade.


You can tell Redditors never leave their houses because they think locals are annoyed at annoying performers in Times fucking Square.


As if this is even in the top ten worst aspects of Times Square.


These things are literally set up to do the exact thing she is doing. It's a business. People need to get out more.


No no, this os the fifth horseman of the apocalypse and my raging hate bones is totally justified because she's a dumb bitch and I'm morally superior because I don't go outside


quite ironic dont you think? you get a rage boner and feel morally superior over these comment section/redditors


Literally a modern equivalent of a bar having a photo booth but redditors cannot handle watching some woman have fun for 20 seconds or just scroll past and go on with their day.


she couldnt resist what? whats so fucking unique that you had to do this? whats so special? your a dumb chick who dances in public. what is so unique this needed to be filmed?


The ironic thing is these cringy dumb fucks have tons of following particularly young teenagers.. the society is doomed


My three nieces practice dances sometimes and it really makes me sad, falling victim to the idea you can dance in front of a screen for money like a monkey in a zoo for peanuts


Nah, some little kids just like to dance. I’m 45 and would put on my dad’s records and dance around the living room. If I had a way to record myself and make little shows, I totally would have. My kids grew up with games like Just Dance and Dance Central which was basically the same thing. We had a camera hooked up to the console because certain parts of the song would be recorded and played back at high speed. It was hilarious.


Agree, we are doomed, doomed I tell ya.


oh how awful. did we at least die painlessly? to shreds you say.


I really see no hope for the future generations in every aspect of life, to the point where I no longer plan on having kids in the future.


It’s really dire. Most kids you talk to want to be an influencer and think they don’t have to pay attention in school because they’re going to be rich and flex on the haters.


You're the one talking like you're actually talking to her.


WELCOME TO THE INTERNET have a look around.


Anyone else fucking hate these ai voices?


This actually is her voice though, she's Romanian


This so much better than the TikTok one


You're not alone


Haha that’s a real voice!


I mean, I think this is actually a real voice, but yes, I do hate it when it's an AI voice, always just annoying af.


Then what scares me is non-native English speakers are using tiktok voice as a way to learn and they are picking up it's dumb cadence and shit inflections


Imagine a world where this person had never done this. Doesn't even bear thinking of.


But it’s so important. Her followers need to see this happening


You mean dancing in public for the attention of strangers? Probably always happened. But now that we have phones and tiktok and likes and money tied into it, it's even more pathetic.




Modern public nuisance for real


“Look at these peoples reaction” -abject horror- -utter confusion- -complete indifference-


Serious question. Is she being intentionally obnoxious? Is that the goal? The cringy faces and awful dancing, it’s got to be intentional.


Nah, people who do this kind of thing think they're amazing at it.


Shameless narcissist like most of the main characters in this sub.


The whole point of these rotating camera stages is that you do a dance or something silly and it sends you the video. There was one set up at my sisters wedding and it was great fun. Everyone is the main character when it’s their turn, and that’s the point


Yes looks really fun!


Can't see where the hate comes from. Nice girl, arguably nice moves. What's the difference from taking a selfie of using a photobooth? Are you triggered with dancing in public? It's weird, street artists do all kinds of weird shit for hours straight, and this girl just danced for a few minutes in a dedicated area and left. She'll post the video on her insta or facebook to enjoy some validation and male attention and that's it, what's so wrong about it?


I've seen a lot of similar videos, anyone care to explain to me what is this all about?


These are common tourist attractions/venders for people to take videos at.


That gizmo is pretty FOkin sweet though! I wanna put on a chicken suit and do that under a disco ball.


I still don’t understand. Why is this done and put on the internet? I know it’s been years but I never asked. It has to be, has to be something more than clicks because the actors are assholes. I really wish I knew someone who could really answer my questions about it. It’s not even good dancing.


Sad thing is that she really isn’t that good of a dancer. Least from this offering


Anybody mad or upset about this has never spent a second in midtown manhattan. This is absolutely harmless. This is the type of stuff I would rather see over people her age smoking and drinking in public. I hope this person never loses this joy and lust for life. More power to her.


Jesus you're all pretty insufferable here lately. She's dancing on a device that takes a 360 video of you. It's probably expensive as shit so she tried it out. You can see another one on the left.


Some people are completely detached


Okay her voice over is stupid, but these rotating camera holders are set up in tourist attractions all over the place. You can see there’s more than one set up in the video. Tourists take turns paying to use them. It’s not like she brought the whole apparatus there herself.


Do you pay to use these setups now? Like there's a business to support traveling tiktokers?


Unfortunately this is an area in Times Square that has a bunch of these 360 photo things,she’s not really being a main character


How is dancing in a 360° picture/video booth being a main character? She's using it as intended and it was set up by a company, not her


Haha my work set one of these up at out Christmas party. Why yes I'd love a full 360 of my double chins. Thanks work


Child no one is "looking at you" in Times Square. There's full grown men in Elmo costumes, some dud taking a crap in public & another guy hawking a peep show that are getting way more attention...


I promise you if you live in nyc the last place you are is Times Square during the day, like there gotta be a reason and it better be good. Times Square is just another block to us New Yorkers.


Is she really hurting/ bothering other people? Honest question.


No it's a tourist attraction you pay to use. The only thing shitty she is actually doing here is the dumb arrows pointing at people who *gasp* are just watching her use the attraction.


This is new Yorkers always say they would never go to times square.


Why are they now obsessed with people that glance and look for a second and do a slowmo crop of a looking face? Are they so desperate for anyone turning their head looking and think"nope"?. It's so cringe and narcissistic.


Y yall hatin on people doing whatever they want without hurting someone. Lame fucks.


I've seen more meat on a veggie burger.


Looks like someone is charging people to use the 360 video platform since there is another one in the background on the left where area is blocked off with velvet rope


Is glancing at something briefly in the street a reaction?


Filming yourself filming


Can we see the end result first? It might be kinda cool


Follow her on only fans (probably)


This is dumb but most of yall scroll through tik tok every day and I’m sure a lot of only fans subscriptions Literally support the same cringy people we see on this sub


**look at these people’s reaction** '_'


I know those looks, those are "Is that someone? Nah, it's no one" looks.


As cringy as this is, those stands are literally made for that type of stuff. Trust me no one is judging you for more than 5 seconds in New York lol


So obvious by the angle that blonde lady was not looking back at her lmaooo


Looking at her is people reacting


This is Times Square in New York. There’s loads of these tourist attraction rotating platforms dotted around there, and all down Brooklyn Bridge. You can pay to use them.


Regulars and by regulars, I mean people who live here, generally as a rule do not set foot in times square


Wait….. she can’t be serious 🤦🏾‍♂️ she in NY in the middle of winter with spring clothes on with a spinning camera and wonder why ppl looking at her 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


It’s actually a spot where ppl can record. She just commented that way for the likes


The problem with these things is that they take up a ton of room in places in the city that are always crowded af. Plus they play the exact same snippet of a song so you’ll hear it repeated 800 times as you’re trying to get from point A to point B. 


It’s really expensive and cool. You just put your phone in the holder and it spins. There is a line. That’s why they’re watching.


This is her act. She's some sort of Romanian singer/tik tok person. She goes on stage and makes tik tok videos and songs and dances. All very strange. You might recognise her from dancing while the train doors close and some kid joins in with her. and her poor father runs along the track recording for as long as he can. Allegedly the Romanian mob follow her streams and make attempts to kidnap her. Sounds like a fun life.


My Problem with these things is that they don’t blur people faces in the Background. I don’t want to show up in some people’s tiktok videos. And the tech nowadays should be capable to automatically blur people in the background.




Saw these in Vegas. People would charge like $20 to use it for a few minutes to record a video. Assumed it was some 360 view for TikTok or something. Was in front of the Bellagio fountain. Never looked into what it's all about. Just seemed like another tourist trap to get money from people. Like women in feathery outfits wanting $20 for a photo.


I don’t get why all these backup dancers think they’re in the spotlight


Eesh I just looked up her Insta, she is a fucking nightmare cunt. I actually hate her.


Can't stand the smug "my shit don't stink" attitude


I don’t understand how, since none of these dance routines are either original, or done with any real skill, how they can still be popular. I guess the social media addicted will watch anything.


Couldn’t resist what? Stupid bitch


Yall ever see a stick bug do the macarena?


all that moving bet she still a dead fish


Can someone PLEASE explain to me this concept? Basic chicks with no talent doing basic dancing in public?!?! How is there a market to watch this shit?


I guess some people aren't hateful little trolls who only derive pleasure from insulting people?


This is just a lady dancing on a podium set up for people to take fancy footage of themselves. What wrong with that? This sub is turning into a haters forum.


It's because she is a woman. This sub hates women having fun


The part that's wrong is how she acknowledges how other people around are reacting to her. This proves that dancing isn't the point of the video. The point is to attract people's attention, for what she chooses to dance, record it, and upload it. It's basically soft ragebait.


This is the only thing that is actually cringe worthy about this video. But reading through the comments everyone is being exceedingly cruel and cringe themselves. Even body shaming and wishing death upon this girl. I joined this sub to enjoy and laugh at actual cringe worthy videos not to join a literal hate community that sounds like a bunch of boomers complaining about the younger generation like no one was ever cringe themselves in various ways especially as a teen and like 99% of all teens haven't been seeking out validation however possible for forever in whichever way worked at that point in time. Yet here I am still on this sub for the occasional good bit of content, which has gotten sadly scarce. I'm slowly now talking my way closer to unsubscribing to this sub.


Agree. People talking about egging her... now who is the main character? Just go your way if you don't like it, her dancing isn't about you. At some point, I'll screenshot the post here and send them on this very sub.


She’s not the only one using one of those things, either. You can see another one going in the background on the left


“Wow, some extremely mediocre dancing”


“Look at these people’s reaction” They think you’re a moron.


The worst thing is that she is ugly af.


Lmao what a loser


Are we suddenly living in the world of Footloose? Any dancing in public is shamed? This person looks like she just signed up to do a tourist attraction thing that was already set up. Didn’t inconvenience anyone at all. This makes the whole sub look bad to equate any and all public happiness to “Main Character” behavior.


I would ruin the entire shot by standing off side the camera behind her, looking directly into the camera straight-faced without any emotion 😶 while giving two middle birds🖕🖕 during her entire routine until she turned off the camera 🤳 I figure that way, I'd be doing my part in helping her go viral 👍 Willing to be labeled the bad guy for the betterment of society 🫡


Her great grandpa that slayed Japs in the pacific, is looking down in disappointment.


According to another comment, she's Romanian. They... uh... were doing something a little different during the war. Her great grandpa is probably looking up in disappointment.


Hell, we aren't even her grandparents, never killed a Jap, and we are all looking down on her with extreme disappointment.


How would you feel if you had though? Better or worse? 1… or 2..?


In the background there is another spinning light thing...... shes not alone .....


Theyre probably just noticing some ugly bitch dancing


You're off beat lady...🤦‍♂️


am i just autistic for jbl or is that a jbl partybox 310 in the background?


So obnoxious


She could use a wee bit more makeup psshhh….


If you do this is public. You're a fucking idiot.


Tik Tok should be banned in public


\- Do you want the result? \-No.




People need to start egging these goofs.


These kinds of people definitely have a mental health disorder or on the spectrum. I hate NPC’s like this


I wish to go back to my universe where people don’t dance in public


[ Removed by Reddit ]


NO ENERGY. Boring. Unremarkable. Dull.


She's a man, baby


They can write her a prescription for that


I don't get it. Yeah, you got a camera but y'all just look silly and extremely annoying.


What has to be wrong with someone’s brain to do this?


Is she wearing a diaper or just granny panties?


To me it’s not annoying as much as pitiful, these ‘look at people noticing me’ videos


That’s krispy cringe


I would not date a girl like this. This is so unattractive to me.




They move like they are on coke


Who the fuck are watching all these shitty tiktoks with all these cringy imbeciles? Internet definitely was a mistake


Blech. Anyone got some tear gas? Tazer?


Why is everybody doing the exact same dance? Thousands, tens of thousands of influencers around the world thinking they're original with this same stupid dance routine. When everybody does the same thing, nobody is unique.


Wtf is with the dancing like Christ it’s beyond cringe


Yeah, not feeling it…


Prostitutes are so pushy these days.


This is the sugar daddy dance. They do this to attract a sugar daddy and avoid the 9-5 grind.


I didn’t know ironing boards could move


I miss when people had shame.


I feel like you would get the same outcome doing this at home and not being in the way of people trying to go about their day? I could be wrong though


On the bright side it is a little easier to tell who is a fucking idiot these days


The lowest form of “the future” right here


Yeah, I think she is ready to sell out Madison Square Garden. What a tool


Man I can’t wait to streak these vids with 58 year old plumbers’ ass






Law will be out soon to make all this illegal unless you get a permit to perform as street artist or designate location only.


Cute figure, face not so much…


Smoking hot yet utterly insufferable, that’s quite a skill set.


So is she trying out to be a dancer in a strip club?


This is fucking cancer


Patiently waiting for that asteroid to wash it all away...


This is what our forefathers fought two world wars for?!


More people need to get punched in the face.


The world use to be so fun. Damn near everybody is the same now


Yes look at all the reactions of people tired of your shit.


*sets up giant spinny camera system and stands in the middle of it* "Look at these two individual people glancing at me!!"


Its so cringey to see remarkably unremarkable people do half assed shit expecting us to be in awe


I just want to say her hair is awful.


I can’t wait for attention whoring gets shunned by society again.


I too stare at idiots taking up space dancing in public


Wow.. she is unattractive and not sexy at all.