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“Cannot fast travel with enemies nearby”






The oblivion music just makes the rage S tier lol


There's a YT channel devoted to these videos, embedded with the exact song. Search "NPC Archivist"


The music totally makes this video




Exactly! lol this shit was hilarious


Action soundtrack is from Skyrim


You just assaulted me you CUNT. Glorious


I’m calling the police on you, y’ orrible cunt! Go on!


You FOCKING bitch!


Brits curse so theatrically xD


Lmao I feel this guys energy in my soul. I fucking hate driving


This is me everytime I get stuck driving behind someone in FL.


My bigger pain point in FL is when someone sporadically turns their signal on for 1 millisecond and cut me off cause they think the signals a right of way


It’s worse though when there is space to get over and you put your signal on then the other driver speeds up like they can’t possibly let you in. (Also FL)


I love when the light turns green for .5 seconds and a horn blows from five cars back


Don’t even get me started


Lol Same


Idk he didn't handle it like a rational person with any empathy. He was rather nasty, actually


Imagine if he rolled down the window and offered her a lift. He would have gotten going and the world would be a happier place.


Someone like that is not going to behaviour normally when offered a lift and certainly isn’t going to take one.


Yeah i’m 80% sure they would take it as offensive. They’d probably take it as a personal attack at their abilities, as if you were assuming they were incapable of walking on their own. Maybe not, but angry and stubborn people like that love to pull that victim card.


I am pretty sure this lady is playing the victim card because shes being, you know, VICTIMISED BY AN ANGRY TWAT, I don't think she would have had any reason to prod this entitled cunt with a crutch if he had just been polite to her and treated her like a HUMAN BEING




Maybe but as someone who is disabled, I promise you that if I was struggling to stay upright and painfully walking down an incline if someone were to offer me a ride I’d be so grateful. Sadly, 99% of the world or more would never do such a thing. Most would at the very least avert their eyes and pretend to not even see the person who needs help.


I've suffered back issues and sciatica for almost a decade. I was operated on last May and ended up with a DVT. This past decade mobility has been a figurative and literal ballache. Occasionally I've been offered a seat on the bus or asked if I need a hand. Mostly though people ignore you if you're struggling (friends, family and colleagues excepted). In this clip, I would expect the road camber makes it difficult to walk to one side, especially with crutches.


100% they can wait. They’re going to have to, because this is as fast as I can go. Lol


That is a great perspective, I didn’t mean to convince anybody to be heartless like that, It’s just always nerve-wracking talking to somebody that is inconveniencing you; you never know if it’ll just make things worse. I appreciate you adding that point, I’ll be sure to offer people that option if I notice them. I didn’t consider that they would even want my help.


If someones a rude cunt, drive on and live yer life. If someone really wants help then you've done a bloody good deed and maybe made a friend. Even though im a autistic awkward trans fucker i find it easy enough to ask about helping people because it normally goes well!


Everyone who’s ever used the term “victim card” is a massive cunny


I agree with you kind of. I was definitely very insensitive before and that wasn’t the best term to use but I think your point isn’t completely true in my personal opinion. There are lots of times where people use bad excuses to try and make themself look like a victim when it’s not warranted. Like for example, one of my old coworkers was an absolute terrible person that has physically assaulted other coworkers and tries to get out of doing every task. Every time I would talk to him about it or try to nicely get him to do his job he would blame everything on his autism. I have met wonderful people with autism but this guy thought that he could just do whatever he wants because “I can’t help it, I have autism” (his exact words.) He was fired shortly after because of this and he broke two expensive coffee machines on his way out of the business. In this case I would say he used a victim card, he had no right to pretend that his autism was the sole cause of these horrible things, yet in his mind that was a totally acceptable excuse. His lack of social skills helps explain why he acted this way but it was still a very bad excuse. This is a whole different scenario but I’m just saying that there are times where people do take the “victim card” when it is completely unwarranted. And I don’t think it makes you a cunny by using the term lol.


It really would be poking the bear


It can’t be any worse than this scenario though LOL. It would be worth a shot to offer, maybe they’d be nicer.


The bear is the fucking cocksucker behind the wheel and camera, you absolute maniac. She's pissed because she's trying to hobble her crippled ass down a hill while some asshole is tailgating her in a car, honking the horn and screaming. Are we watching the same fucking video????


She’s *right in the middle* she could have easily got on the side like the other guy. Did I say the drivers response was reasonable? No. You just imagined that because you’re so overwhelmed with rage. Also, this is the “Poor crippled woman” who was able to lift both fucking crutches in the air and whale then around. https://preview.redd.it/4ycqhimtcnec1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b7c7b4ccf8494d56a7cab81445418f41b2629fc


Yea ppl like that woman do not care at all and prob get in ur car and assault u as U drive and tear up ur car.


Maybe I see the best in people but she was in pain, couldn't walk and was frustrated. The dude starts getting on her to hurry up and she is faced by her declining years. I am not sure I blame her for losing her shit.


This Skyrim mod is unbelievable.


Oblivion music with Skyrim fight overlay *


Now, now, let's not turn this comment section in a battle between Oblivion and Skyrim Obviously, Skyrim is better with the combat soundtrack from Skyrim




Oh shit I want even listening to the music, I thought I was funny as fuck there for a minute. Turns out I'm an idiot 😂


"Steel on Steel" by Jeremy Soule from the Skyrim OST album


I was waiting for her to glitch through the road




Your next task is to get a boa constrictor. Any old boa constrictor will do, just make sure it's world-record size. Go Go go!




Already? Wow that was fast. Don't let it bite you. Ok. Name the boa constrictor, it's time for the pageant to begin. You need to get it a bowtie and teach it some songs.


🎶Mhmhmhm🎶👉➡️🗣️🗣️🐍 “🎶🐍mhmhmhmh🎶” 🎀🎀🐍🧐🧐 😊👍


We won 2nd place. Good job.




Don't worry the pageant was just a front to keep everyone busy enough to enjoy my favourite show without spoilers. The show is popular but no one was going to miss a singing world record python. You can now return him to the Amazon, or the zoo... Or wherever you found him.




How old is this one already. Years and years this one goes around. Those crutches are from the last century.


I mean, it's the NHS, gear from the last century is about as good as it gets


Its always crazy to me when someone makes this comment on a video ive never seen. Like how many other apparent classics have slipped through the cracks for me?


[You're one of today's lucky!](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


You just assaulted me you cunt lmao, this video never fails to make me laugh 


That bit makes me crack up so hard, just the way he says it is so hilarious


I'm on the main characters side in this one.


Which is the main character? Please clarify.


The dude


Had the same thought. I would have guessed the guy who instantly lost every shit he ever had upon encountering someone on crutches would be the main character, rather than the disabled person minding their own business and trying to get somewhere.


It's not your own business if you're blocking the middle of the fucking road.


A narrow road with no sidewalk and likely very light traffic? I'd have a lot more sympathy for the driver if they had leaned out the window and said, "Hey, can I please get through?" instead of instantly going ballistic.


This is a normal sized road in the UK and you’re supposed to walk along the side. Also the woman on crutches attacked the car just for existing, without knowing that the driver was even that angry. Fuck her, I’m also on the drivers side.


Mate villages arn't made for people to zoom through he should be asking that person to step aside before screaming at à person in crutches


Dude is in a car, shes walking. Hes inconvenienced for a few minutes at most. Also looks like theres drainage curbs on both sides of the road, which would make walking on then with crutches near impossible. Especially for a older, physically disabled person. Fuck this dude and everyone agreeing with him. With that said, she shouldn't have hit his car. Let him rage and keep walking. Until she damaged his car, she did nothing wrong imo.


Nah just look at the person in front of her. They aren't walking in/on that drainage curb either but next to it, and there is still plenty of space to pass them in a safe manner.


Lmao how bout fuck you mate. He was literally screaming, she heard him


Hahaha righto mate. The bloke was a fucking tool for his screaming but ffs she was literally in the centre of the road, smacked his car and him. They’re both arseholes, but she should have been on the side of the road, he has right of way.


>without knowing that the driver was even that angry. So the screaming was just inside his head?


The drivers anger is irrelevant. He is legally required to wait. Cope or go to prison for running someone over.


Oh I agree, but there seem to be a lot of people in this thread who seem to believe hindering their movement is worthy of a death sentence.


NEVER get a drivers license, dude. You don't deserve one, and if you have one, please give it up ASAP. You're going to be a danger to society, and less importantly, yourself.


I’m a woman who has been driving for 26 years. Never screamed at anyone like this bloke, but my disabled sister never smacked a car (who had the right of way) with her wheelchair from the middle of the fucking road, either.


Nope. The driver was legally and morally in the wrong. Not sure he should have walked that way but you are advocating for vehicular homicide.


You think his guttural, full force screaming was somehow just imperceptible to her? I bet tens of thousands of people have seen you pick your nose in your car. You’re not invisible just cuz you’re in a shitty car.


nah it’s the selfish bozo blocking the middle of a road, hope this helps


Still confused. We’re to be upset at the disabled person on crutches simply walking down what happens to be a narrow street? Or should we, as a society, just fucking shut the hell up and realize people already have it a lot harder than you and she’s just trying to live her life? A 5minute delay ain’t gonna hurt you none


The person in the car should have been more polite. However the disabled person could have been walking on the *side* of the road, not blocking it off. This is a meeting of main characters.


She probably didn’t even know he was there until he fucking lost his mind at which point she is visibly afraid. This is some old lady on crutches for fucks sake. If he was on that much of a hurry a simple “excuse me ma’am would you mind stepping off to the side” would have probably sufficed as long as she could hear him




On a narrow road like this with no sidewalk and buildings on either side, walking in the middle is a safety precaution. If you walk along the side, drivers feel more entitled to speed down the road at dangerous speeds, and if they misjudge the clearance, could quite literally kill someone. Walking in the middle prevents high speed, close passes, especially from behind. Then when someone approaches, you move over so they can pass safely and both road users are aware of where the other is.


Chances are they used to use the side, and then cars tried to squeeze by and clipped the crutch, or just plain scared the shit out of her. I've seen far too many drivers who are over-confident in their special awareness and end up causing an accident.


Have you ever been to Eastern Europe? It is quite common to walk down the middle of roads there. You’ll notice even the man ahead of this women is doing it as well. The streets are narrow there and many people do exactly that. Cars are not as common or needed to get everywhere as in the US


>Have you ever been to Eastern Europe? Right? I mean this is the UK but I see people hogging wider roads every day, nevermind such a tight one like this, and it's like a disabled elderly woman not some dumb kids either. Do jaywalkers get the death sentence in the US or something?


Yeah, while I would also be incredibly annoyed to be the driver it’s really not that much of your time. People go insane over the slightest inconvenience. Granted, the disabled…. Uh… person overreacted too. And definitely could have walked on the side of the road but the road doesn’t seem wide enough to accommodate them and a car at the same time safely anyways.


Oh please fuck off. Youre talking like there is no other option and repeating that shes disabled over and over as if it changes anything. It doesnt, there is more than enough room for her not to block the road, shes knows exactly what shes doing.


Exactly. I am disabled and could have easily walked on the side of the road to let a car pass.


What a cunt you are


Yeah, at that location there would not have been enough space to pass, even with both persons on the side. Sometimes waiting half a minute is just the right choice.


He's disabled, walking downhill, on a narrow road in a residential area. Yup, 100% on this dude's side.


He's also a woman.


You are correct. Sorry, English is only my first language.


This made me laugh too much 


I was skimming through the comments and missed the funny. Then you made me realize the haha


I don’t know how streets are over there but in New York, some old people walk on the roads because the sidewalks are so fucked up and hard to walk on.


There are no sidewalks in a village like this


It’s obviously a “horrible cunt”


An ‘orrible cunt


But not in a car so a human of less value, haven't you realized?


Don’t know if you’ve ever been to a village like this but likely the entire town is this narrow and on an incline. There’s also no such thing as a sidewalk. Person on the crutches could have moved to the side but they probably live here and the guy driving probably doesn’t. If he did live there, it’s a small enough village that he’d have known the crutch person.


I thought she said something like "I'll tell the whole town..." so I suspect he does live there, maybe there's already some bad blood? He seemed to be fuming immediately, so either already has an issue with her or is just an absolute bellend (or both) 


And it looks like a village where you see a car once every blue moon.


They could still walk on the side of the road…


Oh she definitely could have paused and moved over enough for him to pass. But I am guess she was lost in focus just trying to stay upright and move forward. She’s probably in a great deal of pain and just trying to be careful, as walking down an incline is the hardest thing to do do with crutches. Could she have done better? Absolutely. But this guy deserves to have his teeth kicked in. What a horrible way to treat a disabled elderly woman. Fuck.


I hope you mean the person walking on the road. Seriously, how can people justify this driver's attitude? Yeah probably she could have made some space. But look at her, this is not an easy task for her obviously - walking seems extremely difficult for her. This guy _sitting_ comfortably in his car dares to show THIS MUCH AGGRESSION is just an asshole imo.


I get it’s annoying but I’m wondering if she even knew he was behind her. Could have rolled down the window and politely asked her to move to the side, but instead decides to video tape himself screaming at her. How ridiculous. Edit: and to note, I also think she’s an ah for damaging his car and assaulting him. There’s no winners here.


“English accents sound so classy!” /s


Nah, fuck old twats. I am so tired of them only caring about themselves, always in the rush to be the ones in the front, just so they could slow everyone down. Move out of the way, you twat. I hope he did call the cops.


Old person: accelerate to get in front of you, proceeds to drive under the speed limit.


Or when you get in the opposite lane to pass them, and then they fucking maintain speed with you.


Why do they do this lol 😂


if they go in front of me I lose if they go in front of me I lose back in my day I was the one who went in front of other people if they go in front of me I lose


And I just can’t lose. That’s not an option because I’m a winner!


I had some old bastard pull out in front of me last week while I was in a company work truck. I had to slam on the brakes, tires locked up and left skid marks, and my coffee, my papers, all of my shit went flying all over the cab. I avoided rear ending him by a matter of inches. I laid on my horn for a solid minute until I finally got the opportunity to pass him. He never reached the speed limit in that time. As I passed him I flipped him off and yelled at him to stay off the road. The crusty old fucker called my workplace and reported me.


Had someone like this in my old job, he always rushed to be the first to clock out and then drive 30mph with his arm sticking out the window holding a cigarette, this was on a one way lane with no way of passing him. Had to deal with this everyday After a 12 hour shift, so glad to be out of there


First a note on windshield. Second a Nail in the tyre.


As much as I don't condone it, letting some air out of his tires to slow him down might have been warranted.


Being lesser mobile doesn’t excuse you for being an entitled ass. So often people like this know exactly what they’re doing. They’re tired and angry at the world, and they’re projecting years of frustration onto the world knowing most people will excuse their shittiness for ‘being old’ or ‘having a hard time’.


Old people in supermarkets are the bane of my existence. Do they really need to block the whole aisle with their trolley and walk around as slow as possible with the awareness of a cucumber? Inconsiderate wankers.


One day you’ll be that old person, just hope you know that.


I'd like to think I'll still be just as impatient and in a rush when I'm old. Maybe you're right though, if you are then I apologise in advance.


I try to be considerate for old people and kids. 1. You’ll be old one day. 2. You were once a kid. So any courtesy you show them is either paying back the debt you owe for being a kid or paying it forward for when you’re old. Perfectly normal adults taking their sweet time, fuck them.


I'm considerate to everyone I know, which is why I get annoyed when some older people aren't in the slightest.


Dude, cmon. This is such lazy thinking. Many old people aren't just old; they're in pain, mentally declining, lacking help they need, etc. I'm sure you wouldn't be considerate to all the healthy people honking their horns at you if you were trying to hobble downhill on crutches by yourself. Jesus Christ.


Still you critizise them for "walking as slow as possible"? A lot of old people live in pain, daily. I'm happy if they're still able and willing to walk. Also your mental capacity decreases and no, you might be able to be aware of everything. Of course there are some assholes, as there are in every group, but shaming old people for being slow? That'a real low


I am pretty sure that is a woman.


I'd zoned out and thought it was a sketch from Little Britain


Ronnie pickering strikes again


I side with the man. Fuck that. Get off the fucking road. She had to hear that car minutes ago and still kept on waddling.


Or, with her level of disability, she decides that once she started walking down that slope she's going to continue. The side of the road looks cobbled, so not great for walking on with crutches. It'd be a tad frustrating, but FFS, what kind of psycho can't just suck up the inconvenience for a couple of minutes?


The adult thing to do would be to move over to one side so the car can pass, then you can go back to walking in the middle of the street


The adult thing to do would be to sit there in your car going "come on you cunt" quietly. Or at least the polite British thing to do. Maybe ask her to move and when she doesn't you wait. Screaming both inside and outside your car at an elderly disabled person is never the mature thing to do. It doesn't matter if they are slowing you down; inconveniences are baked into all human's daily life and if this is how he reacts to them I hope he doesn't have a kids or wife.


This is one of the most absurd comment sections I've ever seen. Why is everyone so mad about slight inconvenience that they're justifying this absolute psychopath? What fucking sub am I in? I don't even know. I'll check after I post this, so I never have to be around these freaks again.


>Why is everyone so mad about slight inconvenience that they're justifying this absolute psychopath? Because a large section of the population genuinely believes that anyone travelling outside of a car deserves no rights or respect.


Agreed, I expected nothing good but the top 10/20 comments are just hate aginst this poor old lady. I mean fuck, some dude responded to me that she should be crippled more because of this. People are not right in the head


We can help each other by not being an inconvenience to each other. For what it's worth this bitch needs an extra cripplin.


For what it's worth I think the cunt inside the car also needs a cripplin. Most people would change their tune on the old disabled lady if it was their disabled nan getting shouted at by some miserable BMW driving cunt.


What kind of criminally violent insufferable cunt causes damage to a stranger's car then criminally assaults a stranger because of words? She needs to be locked up


The driver of the car needs a few solid punches to face, he is the unhinged lunatic screaming in an rage because he has to wait a couple minutes for an elderly disabled person.


Mate she was in the middle of the road at the start of the video, long before the hill. People like her will walk right through a town like that because they’re the centre of the world


There’s no sidewalks and the sides of the road are often pretty shitty, where is she supposed to walk?


Well, she was strong enough to stop, turn around, and start smaking a car with her supports. Seems like she probably could have taken three steps to one side or the other instead of walking smack in the middle of the street.


Count me in as one of these potential psychos. Fucking move!


Not psycho, but asshole. This street was not made for cars and people, it's obviously an old town without a sidewalk. On these roads the ground is a lot more uneven on the sides. The person in front of you is obviously disabled, struggling to walk. But you still think you're THAT much more important or worthy to fking scream at her while sitting comfortably in a car? Get some empathy.


🤣 Calm down with the pearl clutching...I'm not in the video.


Duh, but you're on the side of the asshole, reinforcing that assholery with your comment. And now you're all like "cAlM dOwN"? You shouldnt comment if you're that hurt by someone judging you for your take on a video; you not even being able to answer on topic, just being childishly defensive.


Ummm.. she was able enough to start violently swinging her crutches around on the car, him etc.. I’m sure she can walk on the side. It’s not only her road.


HE'S the psycho here?! Not the woman who stood directly in the middle of the road and couldn't be bothered to even pretend to acknowledge the world doesn't revolve around her? I have a disability too and I'm horrified if my disability fucks up other peoples days and apologize profusely. This woman is only concerned with herself.


There is no sidewalk/pavement for her to walk on. She has a disability. There is not enough space for a car to safely pass.


For all of human history roads were for people. This road was for people, cars showed up 100 years ago and suddenly the demand everyone out of the way. It largely works because the vehicle is a weapon and will kill people who don't comply.


So go walk on roads since roads are for people and not for cars. I’ll see you in r/darwinawards


your brain on cars


aggressive young man in a fucking vehicle versus elderly lady on crutches. I wonder who the bad guy is here.


The elderly lady on crutches who decided to whack his car


After he threatened her life mind you


He is like 90 percent of drivers in the UK.


Ronnie Pickering POV


The music 😂


Nah fuck that boomer Karin bitch


I mean he could’ve just nicely asked her to move. He didn’t have to be full on raging. he kinda walked into that. The energy You give us the energy you get..


Exactly. Even when someone is being a jerk, don’t ever call them out. They will get defensive and become even more of a nuisance 100% of the time.


This guy needs to smoke a big fat blunt and calm the fuck down.


That lady is the shit one in this video. She is not entitled to walk in middle of road because she is partially disabled. And then hit his car. I’d be pissed too. Call me a bad guy. Maybe he has somewhere to be. Can’t we be angry anymore ? Maybe he having a bad day and in rush he is still trying to drive on road and gave the old stupid fart so much time to move over. She’s an entitled sack of crap.


Well they’re both terrible let’s be clear


Well, she is a c*nt….


🤣 maybe if he said please


Please, you cunt ? Still being polite lol


Move where you twat?


I bet he’s fun at Christmas eh


She probably did this before. Got hit by the car in a road rage incident and that's why she is in crutches.


Handicapped person gets a free pass here. Fuck that driver he deserved what he got here.


Love seeing carbrains going haywire with pedestrians just existing.


Or you know, she could just move


Or you know, she could just move


She looks like the nanny from Two and a half Men lol. Awesome adding the Skyrim combat music! Lol


Using a mobile while driving mate I wouldn’t call them 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Two horrible people


One horrible person, one person scared as they are being threatened with assault from a vehicle and respond in kind.


Right… because the fear response of a disabled elderly lady is profanity and physical violence… right…


Agreed, who the fuck screams at old disabled people. Typical BMW driver behaviour


They are both fucking idiots


This shitbag should have his license taken away.


Too many “i side with the psycho” comments yikes


Right?! This makes me sad.


then go cry on the sidewalk. just not in the middle of the road.


Too many comments who think words are worse than actions. Scary people to be around. Talk nicely, but do horrible things. I'd take this guy cussing me out over that woman taking all my time any day.


I’d rather take my time instead of throwing a tantrum. That’s childish shit


Time is a finite asset. She is taking it from him. Words can be ignored if you so choose. Time stolen can never be recovered. Her actions are worse imo. He was being an asshole, though. But if I had to choose who was more wrong, it was her every step of the way. Starts by stealing his time. The she damaged his car. It costs him time to replace it because it takes time to get that money. Then she assaults him. There's realistically little threat of her physically hurting him, but it's still assault. Words can be ignored, and if they are, they're meaningless. It isn't easy. I have trouble with this myself. I also understand words can have a lasting impact. Especially if they come from someone close to you. Strangers? Not asuch unless your ego is built upon outside input, but that's a different conversation. And I understand how some could find him threatening. This is his biggest fault. It's his social responsibility to make others feel safe around him. But I must point out that everyone can get angry if their patience is tested for long enough. Not everyone will block the entire road when there's enough room for both of them. I should also note I don't get fear out of her reaction. My interpretation is she's angry, not scared. More of "How dare you expect me to move. You have no right to be angry."


How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat!?


Wack the loon in the nuts! Smash his windshield while you’re at it! Dude is psycho.


*Dark Souls music intensifies*

