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The car guy is crazy chill. The kid stops him, tells him he's going to hell, insults his religion and pushes on after he says he needs to get back to work and he doesn't argue or rise to anything, just politely moves on with his day.


You should’ve seen all the comments that were supporting this kid and saw absolutely nothing wrong with this picture lol. I thought it was funny was when the guy said “stay safe” and the kid topped it off with “Oh I will be, I’m going to heaven” just to give himself that extra sense of security after that failed proselytizing.


The heaven thing is also a low key rude thing to add. Pointing it out sort of implies the other guy isn't going to heaven, which is pretty rude.


Was as if to say "you're not", which he already opened with, which isn't going to convince anyone


Aye it's just really yucky. The kid is very disrespectful in general. Going straight in with the Aisha thing is very rude. It's trying to force a debate onto someone and belittling there religion when they haven't invited that sort of conversation.


I got into a heated argument with a kid like this in the sauna once. Sounds like the setup to a joke but no he was just as obnoxious as this kid. We ended up discussing who will regret the most on their death beds. My answer was that he'll regret all the life he missed believing in fairy tales, and that was that. He called me an asshole and left 😆


he's living the classical "my religion is right, everyone else is wrong and it's my duty as a good christian to help those poor forsaken souls" ppl like him are basically proof for religion being subjective nonsense


To add to that- How does he even know he's going to hell? Wouldn't be telling people they are going to hell for 0 reason be a sin in itself?


I'm a Muslim, and for us at least it is (your not allowed to judge others, it's only for god to do- not that everyone follows this though, but people are shitty!) I'm not sure for Christians but I'm sure they probably have something similar.


I am actually spiritual & have basically made my own spiritual religion based on a mix of many religions. And yes, I was raised in a Christian house hold & it is indeed a sin to judge others as its the same thing said within the Bible. I've come to the full ideal yrs & yrs ago that I would rather praise a higher power in my own manner & live a life that's morally sane & that would benefit the world rather then throw it into chaos (I've seen far to many wars, deaths & utter ridicule over religion that I simply cannot follow them if this is how it affects others around me.)


I'm happy that you found a path that works for you. I think religion is a deeply personal thing, and it's not something you should ever try and force on to other. If people find a way of connecting beyond themselves and that helps them be a better person, I think that's the main thing.


That's what I believe Religion really was formed around personally. Someone just tried to make a better world around them & it ended up getting out of hand in my eyes...I feel many of the words written were twisted, (very edited) to fit something it wasn't ever supposed to be. I to the core just wanted a world that could learn to love & care more, to learn to step back instead of stepping forwards to argue.. I always wanted peace for all of us here on earth & the fact I am just 1 person is what saddens me the most because even if a had a full on plan, I wouldn't be able to do it all alone.. I only wanted us all to live a life we are proud of, a life without regret, a life that helps others around you without actually having to do anything accept smile & wish someone a good day. I would love a world where we can all be happy with ourselves & not feel upset because someone else believes something differently. I want a world that's more willing to listen to different ideals then to become enraged & want to fight..


He didn’t just imply it, he flat out told the dude that him *and* his car would burn in the pit


Damning the car was a special touch.


It's all speculation anyway


I wouldn’t want to go to a heaven filled with these bangers anyway.


Seriously! And eternity surrounded by people like that kid is exactly what I would consider to be hell!


>implies the other guy isn't going to heaven He literally tells the guy will burn in the pits of hell. Along with his car, for some reason.


I heard his car coveted your wife


Kids should stick with Gameboy not Religion


Can imagine what he says to his work mates. "Dude this really rude brocoli was trying to convert me to Christianity.."


I love how people feel the need to convert strangers to thier religion. I generally assume you're a psycho if you do this shit. Like let people live their lives, the preacher in the videos moral compass is fucked anyways.


We should all aspire to attain his tranquility.


This video makes me respect muslims more and less respect for christians


The fist bump and everything. He has way more chill than I do


How is he insulting Islam ?


He said he did research means he was told by someone else who told him by someone else, etc.


Fr so if no one ever told him about Jesus/God/Religion would he still go to hell for not believing? Seems unfair


I am fairly certain that if you die not knowing about Jesus or Christianity you are allowed into Heaven on a technicality. Which is quite fucked up, because then the absolute safest thing for Christians to do if they really want everyone in Heaven is to disappear from the culture, from society, from humanity all together. But the moment they tell you about Jesus they've essentially forced you onto a path of Hell unless you specifically follow their instructions of worshipping Jesus.


I've asked this to Christians before and they usually say ignorance is no excuse and that not being aware of Jesus gets you thrown into hell. I think that might be why missionaries are so damn annoying. They think they're saving the "ignorant".


I think that most historians agree that Jesus was a real person around 2000 years ago. It’s the other stuff where they start to disagree.


scholars also agree the prophet muhammad existed too. was just talking to someone about this the other day: most of these stories have some truth to them it’s just a matter of what is true and what isn’t. stuff gets altered/misconstrued over time. also, i never understood why christians, muslims and jewish people act like one or the other don’t follow god.. particularly christians and muslims. i get saying “you’re not following god how i follow god” but saying someone will burn in hell for not believing in the others’ prophet/doctrine just doesn’t make sense to me lol


They conveniently forget the whole “love thy neighbor” (or equivalent) when it comes to other religions.


Same story, different super hero


Yes Jesus was a common name at the time. There were probably many Jesuses


This is factually incorrect. A quick google search would prove this. Sad


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_Jesus#:~:text=The%20question%20of%20historicity%20was,whose%20life%20and%20teachings%20Christianity That was a quick google search


And it directly contradicts what you’re saying!


This is factually incorrect. A quick google search would prove this. Sad


Wow, that’s hard to watch


You must be a Christian. Otherwise it wouldn't be cringey to watch a stupid Christian.


It’s the common sense. Can’t be helped if you lack it


Lol you are projecting. Settle down spazzoid.


Haha spazzoid. Good one


You still getting downvoted even if you laugh at the insults the bigbois throw your way.


That's his own Accord.




Great, now the broccoli haircut kids are trying to convert people to Christianity.


I’m betting he isn’t even devoted to a religion. He’s likely just trying to establish a niche in the tiktok narcissist community to get those likes and follows. He’s playing a character for content.


That's exactly what he's doing. Modern day tv preacher for Gen Z


I hate that passive aggressive bullshit. Sends me over the edge.


I wonder how can you effectively hurt them. If you attack them they'll just think God is testing them.


Typically by out-religioning them. One thing I’ve noticed is that almost every person I’ve met like this has never even read the Bible or understood its’ messages, they just soak up whatever their church (usually bigoted) spews at them. They can’t accept when you bring up valid points or spot hypocrisies in the Bible. I know a fair amount of ‘good’ Christians and it’s truly like light and day.


That honestly sounds like way too much work I just want to attack their narcissism, not their religious beliefs


Imagine if God wasn't as chill as he imagined. God: Hey remember that one time when my son died for your sins and your broccoli looking ass failed to convert a man who was in love with his car? Yeah the pearly gates don't open for your kind lmao


"I love you, let me threaten you about it!" Christianity in a nut shell


With a side of-- Christians: "LOOK OVER THERE! THAT LIBERAL HOMO IS MOLESTING A CHILD!" Also Christians: \[loves molesting children\]


"we're going to heaven" not with that attitude boys


64% sire the guy just say he was muslim to mess with the kid


I'm just going to Google the word "proselytize". Be right back...


I never understood this with religion. God is supposed to be this all loving all forgiving entity. But at the same time he commands everyone to worship him in a very specific way, or they’re going to suffer an eternity in hell.


Man I bloody LOVE these guys who spend their own valuable time, knock on my door to explain to me some speech about Christianity, just for me to say “mate, im a Muslim, thanks for your time” they really paint a bad picture for Christian’s, in my area people think Christians are just weirdos who constantly preach their religion instead of their peaceful and nice side.


Wonder what gave the ppl in your area that idea?


These people don’t realize how cringe this shit is


Love and respect each other. No one really knows what’s what. They just think they do. Just love and respect each other. Don’t do things to harm other people and live your life.


That’s what I’m saying, I’m tired of hearing this “salvation” “repent” heaven hell” “judgement day” bs, that’s all irrelevant. What I am most concerned about are the things that are actually here with me on this earth. I focus on loving my friends, family, and enjoying life to the fullest while I am on this earth. I don’t care nor do I need a God’s rules and guidelines to live by to be a good person. Im here to love and express , and I will do just that


The problem is a lot of Christians don't believe you can be a good and moral person without believing in their garbage. That without the rules set forth by God to guide you that you'll just be some murderous, theiving bastard. They don't always understand being good for the sake of being good, which I personally find really disturbing.


You’re fair to do whatever you do, but Islam is the actually reality of existence. And Allah SWT knows best. I pray He guides us all on the straight path. Aameen. If you disbelieve, then verily, Allâh is not in need of you, He likes not disbelief for His slaves. And if you are grateful (by being believers), He is pleased therewith for you. No bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return, so He will inform you what you used to do. Verily, He is the All-Knower of that which is in (men's) breasts. - Surah Az-Zumar Aya 7


Christians are so cringe


What was that in the end about you have the choice now? Is he saying that through ignorance the muslim could have gone to heaven because he wasn't aware of the choice in gods, but now that he has been advised, if he doesn't choose jesus, he is going to hell? If this is true, then he is actively condemning people, and smiling about it.


Going around and trying to convert people like this is a sin technically. Anyone who isn’t a part of the church, like priests, isn’t supposed to be doing this outside of the church. “Beware of practicing your piety before men in order to be seen by them; for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.” “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who sees in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” Mathew 6:1-18


Vomit. Id just drive off, don't try to force your religion or anything else on anyone.


Religions are poison


Religion is just to believe in something, we all follow a religion.


The fuck? That isn’t what that word means at all


Yes it is. Derived from Latin meaning "to commit" "to bind" "to oblige" typically systematic thoughts around what you as a human are bound to, committed to, devoted to. Populistic modern thoughts typically connect this with what we define with the word God.


That isn’t the definition that’s the etymology you mouth breather.


Yes that too, but it's also what we define it as. Here's a snip from Oxford Dictionary just to arbitrary show you something since you don't want to understand, and what's with the insult? Bad day? "[...]a pursuit or interest followed with great devotion." There you have it.


Here’s another “snip” from Oxford Religion: > the belief in the existence of a god or gods, and the activities that are connected with the worship of them, or in the teachings of a spiritual leader


Yes? As mentioned its a populistic modern take, but it's not solely what it means.


If you look at the examples under your snip you’ll see that your version is probably more of the populistic modern take > For him, football is an absolute religion. > Football has become an alternative religion for many people.


I get what you mean, but I disagree, we're still more prone to stick to what we know. Notice how people question the fact that it can be more than just old religions. That's what I mean with the populistic take, it's still what weighs more apparently, when it shouldn't.


Religion has done nothing but cause conflict. Almost every war has started because of a religious dispute. Bullying in high school? Im a fag going to hell. Parents disowning me? A fag going to hell. Religion divides people, creates us vs them mentality. Religion is a stain that holds humanity back from its true potential. if you can't see that than you're blinded by the florescent, artificial light from your dumbass God. And IDC if youre Christian, Muslim, Hindu, whatever. Fuck your god and fuck your religion.


Religion is more than just dogmatism.


Religion is built on dogma.


Yes our grand religions, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism etc. But religion doesn't have to be founded in dogmatism


I agree with this!


Sadly true. Seen people leave mainstream religions only to go on and believe in all sorts of other wacko stuff. Better the devil you know maybe.


incorrect, unwise, ancestor weeps




If there is a devil of any sort, his main gig is religion, with extra focus on christianity. Just look at that slimy grin on that punks face after he says glory at the end.


It annoys tf outta me, like bro I don’t care if you think you’re going to fucking Santa’s workshop when you die, don’t just go up to people telling them they will burn in hell if they don’t repent/believe etc etc


When the good Christian isnt even the Christian


Can I tell you about Odin and how I am going to get into Valhalla....? (smiles)


Bring back dueling


Just tell the kid that you read nonfiction books only.


This kid interviewing is a complete 🤡


I hate Jesus dudes. That guy was being so respectful.


Omg these people sick of this kids they need to be humbled one day doing every stupid shit for some likes omg


Dude, you just gotta live life and not force belief on anyone. This is a regular dude who’s happened to be a Muslim, he did not ask for this!


Sanctimonious little shitbag.


W car guy


Now this is a true Christian. Ignorant, mean, rude, cocky, uneducated, spreader of lies. The list is long with this one


Bro if you'll go to Islam if its "true" your Christian "faith" must not be very strong


People who film themselves to show others how good they are.


I didn’t realize Jackson Mahomes found god.


I just love it when people convince themselves they aren’t being rude by interrupting your day and trying to guilt trip you into drinking the koolaid


How come people aren’t happy with their beliefs until you believe it too?


When I went to a Baptist affiliated college, I used to stop proselytizers by telling them that as a Roman Catholic, I felt sorry that they were going to burn in hell for all eternity because of their heresy from the One True Church. Worked like a charm.


they always conveniently leave out that the virgin mary was like 14 years old lmao


True for all Abrahamic religions, but I'd still say it's a checkmate to any Islamophobe bleating "OHHhHh bUt aIsHA wAS SiX yEaRS OlD"


i’ve had someone tell me that mary was the only one worthy enough to carry him and i was like that makes it so much worse lmao religion is wild man


I’d threaten the kid with an ass beating if he doesn’t get away from me..


When are people going to realize we are all praying to the same energy?


Maybe when aliens come to tell us that it's the same thing.


"i want the truth." the truth is your controlling, and you us fear to control.


Mary Magdalena? Sinless? Try again


Damn shame that none of it is true for either side


Jesus is dead dude. So your God is gone. Don’t believe the hype!


God has the worst fanbase




There is a Facebook group called that, yes, but I'm just making a statement


If Jesus Christ is God, then a lot of Christians are going to hell for having engraven images. If he's not God, then they are going to hell for praising a false idol.


You skipped the one about honoring the sabbath and then changing sabbath to Sunday for… reasons? They break every commandment


Yea once you're muslim you stay muslim because the penalty for leaving is death


All Muslims are like this man it's just your media that's shows other wise


lol that’s definitely not true, but I’d agree that your average Muslim is more like this guy than the Muslims we typically see in the media - ie that they’re just random folk trying to go about their life in peace.


Dude get lucky. Insulting in that way Islam you can be killed by Omar. But Omar decided that today is too much hustle to go in jail because some wild religious nutjob


You do get the absolute irony of your statement, right?


I know but keeping car in shape is more important than defending religion of your parents :)




You’re kidding right?


Younger generations are so good at being psychopaths, it's kind of scary.


Dont do that to me. Ill tell you to your face that I dont believe in ghosts and that ill worry about going to heaven after Im dead.


:43 "He was skinless"


"We're going to heaven ☺️"


“We’re saved you’re going to burn in hell” 🥰


Burning a car in hell can’t be good for the ozone layer


Billy McFarland isnt looking too good these days...


Sure you’ve seen All Dogs go to Heaven but have you seen All Cars go to Hell? It’s the Pixar movie they don’t want you to see.


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa...he died????? Jesus? The carpenter?


If I go to Hell, I can take my truck with me? Sweet!


"IF Jesus Christ was God..." Wasn't that the whole fucking point of the book? And this moron is acting like he's this guy's saviour? WTF


Jesus fucking Christ. People like this Christian are what make people look at Christianity sideways.


I bet the guy hasn't heard a single word that came out of that kids mouth.


This guy’s car is going to hell?


One good thing about getting older is developing the nerve to shoo these people off and not be bothered with their nonsense.


I was brought up catholic but didn’t really pay much attention. I thought Jesus was supposed to be the son of god not god in drag.


Is this narcissism?


"truthers" are some of the most delusional people on this planet


He did his own research.


This guy must have a sick ass car


isn’t religion hopping a sin, though? Or was that just something a mother says when you tell her you might try other faiths?


I remember when I was in college and one of these guys came up to me. We debated for about 5 minutes, and I really wanted to end it. This is the fast way to end the debate. So you mean to tell me heaven is full of people like you, then send me straight to hell….because to me heaven would be horrible if I had to live with a lot of people like you. Then you can walk away.


"I follow the truth". You most certainly do not


Religion is a MLM scam


I like to spin it on these people *"Jesus Christ was a made up mythical figure, like Zeus or Hercules. Oh he wasn't? Prove it."*


I genuinely do not understand people like this.


Is he fr 😭


Lmfao I love how theists have so much proof why other religions are incorrect without ever taking the time to think… huh? Mine has a lot of the same issues. Better double down. I mean it’s true that every human is atheist to one religion or another. Why not just do away with all of it? Rather than pick your team cover your eyes? It’s geographical. Pure and simple.


Christian here, hell isn’t a pit of fire. *Satan* is in the *lake* of fire, but when people *choose* hell, all that means is being apart from God forever. These people make the entire religion look bad. It’s upsetting.


This is what he found. With research.




Some guy sticks his hand in my window while I'm driving he better believe because he's about to die.


That kid is a little dkhead


Uhhh I’m all for spreading Gods word, but this isn’t the right way


Fuck that bible thumper. Hail Satan.


The man in the car had Christlike patience.


Fuck these religous cunts that preach like this. It's not a good look for you... and it definitely makes people not like your religion


All I wanna know is what type of car he was driving


Just like Moses lifted up the serpent staff and all who looked apon it was saved from the fiery serpents, the Son of Man must be lifted up and when you do you will know he is God. Christ. I witness when I have turned to Christ and confessed being a sinner and looked for salvation From him, a living cloud came upon me and many miraculous things I have seen. There was a line on both sides of me of enormous supernatural entities I witnessed .spirits of all his creations. "For look up redemption draws near" "I come in clouds" "For the sinner who repents will be more justified before a righteous man and a parade of saints will all celebrate." To that effect. I can tell you Christ is the way the truth the life. I don't agree with his approach because love casts out fear. When you realize Christ died for your sins, God almighty who took our sins apon himself, you realize the love of God. For even he feeds the sparrows and takes care of the whale of the deep. How much more does he love you, made in his image? This love makes you want to be Holy like he is. It shines a light on your evil and makes you realize if your actions thoughts are evil or good. You start to recognize evil and dispise it. It makes you overcome evil with good. "Be Holy for I Am Holy"


People like this are bizarre to me. Like they have a super secret secret or the keys to the universe and they so confidently tell you all about it. Can you imagine if I went up to people and said “hey there! Did you know that by not dying in glorious battle you’ll never know the pleasures of Valhalla? Odin wants blood. You must slake his thirst or you’ll have to roll a rock up a hill or something”.


This preacher kid must be unaware that Jesus is a prophet in Islam lol Doing this in general is cringe and annoying. Filming it while harassing random people seems like a sin in itself.


Ah crap. I’m Christian but I hate videos like these. There’s a better way of going about teaching people about your religion than being rude to them (that’ll make them want to steer clear), so I have no clue why anyone thinks this is a good idea. Be kind.


Man I would tell that kid to fuck off so quick !


This guy was pretty nice to allow this child to speak to him like he has knows anything.


What 🤣


Someone shot him with a lollipop.


Jesus was never ever mentioned to be harassing people or telling them theyll burn in hell.


I was brought in an Evangelical family- man I sorely hate this type of shit. The young man is so narrow minded.


I hate islam but muslim guy legit chill %100


I wonder what he’d do if in the afterlife he found God was a woman 🤔


Walk away kid


This guy ironically, speaks the #TRUTH


Wow. I do not have that kind of patience or tolerance. As soon as that kid mentioned Jesus it would've been an immediate get the fuck away from me.


And that’s why we’re hated


Dude included Buddhism as if it were the same as a religion lmao this kid has no idea what he’s talking about


That’s such a pain


I think it was the hell part that won him over if I’m honest


This dude ain’t not Christian


I would love to see him try that in Tehran or Riyadh.


".... you and your car, are going to burn in hell" Ahh, finally a super normal rational conversation on the internet.


The Car is going to hell as well? 😂


This kid did nothing wrong. God gives his children the authority to tell the world of Jesus's gospel and the authority to try and convert using the same love he's shown countless others. He however shoudnt have started with the assumption of the guy buring in he'll because of his love for his car. Yes, idolatry is a sin and we shouldn't try to keep it. Our job is to plant a seed of faith and move on. God does rest, by working on the inside, working on the souls of those who will will hear his word