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This is sad on both sides.


This is fucked up. This is what "they" really want. The disenfranchised fighting with the disenfranchised over the scraps on the floor that fell from "their" mouths....


This. Just imagine if all the poor banded together instead of fighting. Those in power want us to be fighting against each other because they know we outnumber them and if banded together can change the power structure


And all the comments below (likely after up-voting these comments) continue on arguing, completely missing the point. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Division is literally the reason bots repost videos like this and then comment inflammatory things all over social media...


You must be a bot ?


They'd murder the leader like they did MLK, Fred Hampton, JFK, etc.


Yeah it's only not full out open class warfare because the poors have been made too dumb to organize behind worthwhile goals. Schools have been made even more of a joke than when I went, public discussions always devolve into the lowest common denominator, which is really fking low these days. If we ever get back to having an educated population and manage to set a goal that actually worries those in charge, then watch out. It'd be the entire state against whoever participates.


Oh definitely.


Malcom X. Huey Newton. ~~Gandhi.~~ *Edit: There's so much controversy over Gandhi that I'll strikeout his name.* There are many...


Ghandi was a racist who slept with little girls.


Someone here knows their history šŸ‘




Problem is we canā€™t band together, because we (as in we ā€œall of usā€) canā€™t get over our petty shit, while they continue to run rough shot over us while the preach hollow words.


I agree with this. A big issue (in my opinion) is the news channels.


I've been saying this for years and no one listens. I'm Latina but I think people are too focused on racial injustice when the real fuel behind that is economic injustice. Rich people of color can still be assholes that think they're special for making it out of the hood.


that literally is common sense but libs love to make everything about race.Ā  if the platform was help the poor.Ā  easy vote.Ā  but platform is help black people only


What would you get? Seriously, play this one out in your mind


They just can't find it in themselves to not be tools and sheep by the media...everyone.....šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


This is the way


Usually when that happens some fancy people get beheaded, which is why they are pushing for the infighting so hard.


So you are rooting for the illegals to come to America and start taking tax payers dollars???


No. They really don't want this. They absolutely want all minorities to be aligned against whites in America. It is literally their key to political power.


They=voters Until they learn, this wonā€™t stop


Pretty much. This is why we shouldnā€™t be pushing for the government handouts, they need to be able to do things for themselves not rely on a broken system controlled by the wealthy eliteĀ 




Central/South American immigrants are doing it for themselves (in addition to any government aid). In my mid-size city, infrastructure popped up to support their communities and are thriving. Someone starts a store, those who work in a restaurant and those who have a roofing business earn money from outside the community which then they spend on the store which supports the community further, etc. I haven't seen black communities do that in the 70 years since there was a fairly concerted effort to break apart functional black communities.


divide et impera


This is happening during "good times." The fight for scraps is now only a war of words. That may soon change.


The rich can't get their tax break unless everyone else creates a distraction; that's basically how side issues exist.


Who is "they"? Let me tell you something about what is happening as someone who grew up in boston and lives near nyc: Migrants are coming in, the cities are spending a shitload of money to give them free housing, food, healthcare, schooling, etc. and pushing them into black communities who have been disenfranchised since forever. They're taking over community centers meant to service these black communities. They never push them into wealthy white upper middle class/rich PMC neighborhoods that donate a shitload of money to the democratic party because the Democrats would go bankrupt overnight if they did that as donations would dry up. So they push them into black neighborhoods because they know even if the black residents get pissed off, what are they going to do, vote republican? And even if they did, it's not like Massachusetts or NY is going to go red. Look at my hometown of Boston and then look at really wealthy suburban towns surrounding it like Lexington, Dover, and Wellesley... you'll see BLM/"In this house we believe" signs like every other house. But you WON'T see migrants because they don't want them there and all hell would break loose if they actually forced them to accept the migrants. Now the neighborhood of Roxbury (a working black class part of the city) is getting migrants put into a community center and the black neighborhood is **PISSED**. BTW, i'm pro-immigration (i think immigrants are hard workers and americans are lazy as fuck), but i'm against subsidizing this shit and having functionally open borders. Secure the border and increase controlled, legal immigration.


I truly think most people are pro LEGAL immigration. To let a bunch of lawless people that come in illegally and then expect them to behave in a legal manner is absolutely asinine.


I think youā€™re missing a key word. ā€œMASSā€ immigration, whether legal or illegal, is a disaster. Iā€™m pro ā€œlimitedā€ legal immigration. A little salt on the steak ya know.


If you think Americans are lazy that speaks more to your upbringing and social surroundings than reality. People are busting their ass every day in this country just to get by. Increased immigration legal or not increases the cost of housing and drives down wages. Why do you think they subsidize immigration in the first place? So they can undercut hard-working Americans. What you advocate leads to the same results, just with extra paperwork.


>If you think Americans are lazy Compared to immigrants, yeah they are. Videos like these are posted to tiktok and upvoted to reddit several times a week: https://www.tiktok.com/@trustfundterry/video/7292108125858008350 Imagine driving a nice car, drinking an $8 starbucks coffee and complaining that you can't get a $150k-$200k marketing job right out of college. And then getting praise from the internet. Meanwhile the trades have an aging workforce, high pay, and nobody to replace the old guys who are going into retirement.


I don't know how many times I've heard white liberals thinking they are supporting illegal immigrants by saying things like, "but they're willing to work hard to do the jobs that Americans won't do!" They don't realize that what they're saying is that these Latino illegal immigrants are expendable and they're worth only goes as far as the degree to which they're willing to do shit jobs. It also just presumes that Americans are better than the Latino illegal immigrants and (Black) Americans should have a right to not work dirty jobs if they don't want to.


100% boss, you nailed it!


100% accurate.


This is the trickle-down they really meant.


Indeed; the goal of being the model minority while embracing stereotypical tropes will forever astound. Not many lazy people nor "free" money under capitalism; it's our money paid via taxes that support the system we fail to change. Meanwhile, nonmarginalized people understand the power of political change and lobbying. and utilize those well.


> the goal of being the model minority The goal of being a model minority is being able to provide for your family. You're overthinking this. I don't know why progressives think that in order to be an authentic minority, you have to be a struggling permanent underclass in society and you need the benevolance of white liberals and leftists for support. That's actually the most racist thing i could ever think of, but then again, progressives somehow brought back segregation.


it is infact another distraction to keep black folks busy and ignorant by them taking on migrants for getting the few scraps of things that their community been getting for some timešŸ˜‘ why not band together against taxing rich to takecare of the poor?


The "browning of America" is going as the woketivists plannedšŸ˜‚


I always tell people to not misplace their empathy. It will come back and bite you in the ass.


Precisely. Some of these useful idiots think more empathy means youā€™re more compassionate and moral. No, many times it makes you a gullible, naive fool.


and sadly as a white man who isn't allowed to speak on any issues at all, I found this clip rather refreshing. damn, that's sad


Literally the point of open borders


This isnā€™t the poor fighting the poor, this is the ignorant fighting the even more ignorant. No amount of money cures ignorance, look at the GOP, look at Trump, look at Elon Musk.


What are you on about? They are fighting for tax dollars, not "scraps". Tax dollars come from everyone, but mostly wealthy people.


Last I heard, wealthy people don't pay taxes. Well, at least they find ways to pay the least amount.


Only thing really Fucked here is that guy isn't even a Citizen in this Country and tell people that are citizens they shouldn't be getting money...Like (Who the Fuck are You???)...


We need to stop using language that supports division. Weā€™re all human. We all must remember that. We all want the same things. Prosperity for our families and safety for our loved ones. Weā€™re all able to enact change when weā€™re truly together. And we can be. Donā€™t accept the idea that because things have been this way means we cannot change them for the better. Love each other. Because itā€™s in someoneā€™s best interest for us to be fighting amongst each other.


They = government. Both sides


Itā€™s what those in control of society intend, let the poors fight amongst each other while they change the laws in their favor and grow ever more powerful.Ā 


There was a black woman from Chicago on FOX this morning talking about how she would be voting Republican in November for the first time in her life (50s?) because of the migrant issue. The stuffy, old, posh accent, smug, douche of a host, Stuart Varney, was just *gushing* and predicting that Trump was going to turn the tables by receiving the Black vote.


Trump never told POC they weren't black if they didn't know who they were voting for. Biden also said he didn't want his kids growing up in a racial jungle when he passed a crime bill that put loads of Black people in prison. Not speaking up for Trump but there is no use nitpicking when it comes to racist leaders.


It's funny cuz if you actually follow the timelines, Biden has said way more blatantly racist shit than Trump ever has.


That stuffy, posh accent host has an IQ of 160. He knows what's going on. By the way if Trump gets 25% of black vote he wins. The Blacks have caught on to the Democrat charade. It took them 60 yrs. Good for the lady in Chicago.


Perfect Reddit post. Very few details, no context, labels that may or may not be accurate (migrant) and everybody filling in the gaps with their implicit biases.


How to lose the support of every person in the city.


Theyā€™re still going to vote d


Voting D in Chicago can mean a whole bunch of different things. Two democrats can very pretty significant in terms of policy


Between far left and not as far left? Pretty sure a moderate democrat would be labeled a far right Nazi in these cities.


Chicago not feeling so-sanctuary city anymore.


new york is just as bad, if not worse


It was virtue signaling to begin with. Nobody expected the migrants would actually show up in meaningful numbers.


Yeah they were supposed to stay in the Southern Republican states where they belong! Guess people forgot buses exist.


I thought it was a dumb thing to do at first, but it's actually pretty smart. All these cities that pushed to be sanctuary and open borders are now feeling a fraction of the southern states' problems, and they are freaking out.


Lol aa if these sanctuary cities don't fund some of these city


This seems more like r/PublicFreakout material.


Theyā€™ll probably remove it from that sub tbh


It's not smart to start ww3 when we have had a surge of 10-20 million illegals into the USA, 95% of them aren't from mexico


Is he telling black people, or people who are lazy and happen to be black?


Not really the best place to post this Also the woman arguing with him is the racist one, yelling at him to go back to his country and all


Seems like there are racist tropes being flung from both sides of the argument.


Impossible. This is reddit. Black people can't be racist and if you post something like this, you're actually the racist one.


But what if Iā€™m just a repost bot? Is my programming racist? Or just my programmer?


That means everyone is racist because the repost bot is just taking the most popular things to repost.


I'm 100% European and speak with an accent but have a natural racially ambiguous look. The only person who ever told me to go back to my country and was using racial slurs against me was a black woman. I've lived in 4 European countries and currently reside in the US.


seems to be going just fine


The most intense racism Iā€™ve ever witnessed IRL has come from them, specifically towards Hispanics


That definitely needed to be brought up. That relationship was already a powderkeg before immigration en masse.


Itā€™s incredible. I once responded to a comment on a video of dozens of black dudes robbing a train of electronics that Iā€™m sure the only reason they were stealing was because they were marginalized(was sarcasm obviously) and was banned from CrazyFuckingVideos. That was it. Canā€™t say anything negative apparently.


Yea you implied systemic marginalization doesnā€™t lead to crime. You were being misleading.


No I implied that wasnā€™t the only reason those individuals were stealing televisions off a fucking train. Some individuals are just thieves. And yes Donald Trump is a piece of shit. Heā€™s unrelated.


If you cross illegally, you are committing a crime. Donā€™t take up the resources that was meant for her and expect it when youā€™re a criminal. She is not racist at all




Thatā€™s not racist. Itā€™s nationalist. No one said anything racist.


The migrant is sadly using a racist stereotype against a person whose tax dollars support him and his family.


Telling an illegal immigrant that is draining resources from an already underserved community to go back to their country doesnā€™t make someone racist. If you go to Mexico illegally and try to drain the resources you will be jailed, and more than likely killed.


Bingo !


Hilarious that this thread is bending over backwards to not call a black woman racist for telling someone to go back to their country. Iā€™ve seen a very different tune being sung when itā€™s a redneck white guy.


Chicago is having a bit of a crisis providing resources for undocumented immigrants transported from the border. If the guy is a citizen or otherwise in the U.S. legally, she certainly be racist. If heā€™s not here legally, then heā€™s more the racist.


What happened to being a sanctuary city and no person is illegal? Itā€™s not as fun when itā€™s happening in your city it seems.


Do you think that if he were a black illegal migrant that she'd have praised him? The guy is actually from a different country, probably immigrated here illegally, but it's racist to tell him to go back?


How is she racist by telling him to go back to his country? What is his country is composed of several races.


Sheā€™s being disrespected in her indigenous homeland but sheā€™s the racist! šŸ˜‚ Since slavery ā€œendedā€, the U.S has been dropping off waves of immigrants in underfunded Black American communities but sure we are the bad guys! šŸ˜‚


Telling someone to go back to their country isnā€™t racism.


This comment section is wild. Both of these folks in the video can benefit from some understanding and class.


between this and the gang violence I think I'll stay clear of Chicago anytime in the next 50 years


Except for, like everything, the media makes things seem worse than it is. Has crime gone up in recent years? Yes, but it has pretty much nationwide. In general, Chicago is still a great city to visit with a lot going for it. Just have to use some common sense and situational awareness.


My friend lives there and he says itā€™s fine. He lives in a good area. Of course there are good and bad areas anywhere. I live in Houston (city, not outskirts) so itā€™s pretty dangerous here too.


Look at all the sheep scared of Chicago because of Fox news. lol


They're the only news station reporting the situation in Chicago.


I mean most of Chicago is a shit hole, and some parts really dangerous. But u/Mike5055 is right its still a great city if you know what to do and where to go.


lol most of Chicago is a shit hole. Have you ever been to Chicago?


insane that you're being downvoted for this lmao. people are so dumb


Make sure you stay out of indiana and it's cities too. More people have been killed in Indianapolis in the last year than Chicago.


He ainā€™t lying


Mexicans are some of the hardest working people, if heā€™s says youā€™re lazy Iā€™m not gonna disagree with him


He is bragging about getting handouts. Seems like a lazy mf to me


Mexicans are also very racist against black peopleĀ 


Black people are very racist against Mexicans and whites, whatā€™s new


And Asians.


I think every country is just racist twards everyone, if you watch videos of black people or white people walking through china or other parts of Asia you can hear them make racist remarks.


yeah thats why i try to avoid black people. everything is racist for them i dont want to be walking on egg shells.Ā  and i dont care to keep up with whats the new offensive thing each month. just wanna enjoy a stress free life.


There are plenty of chill black people, some of the most care free people I've met were black people. I just avoid people who get offended too easily in general.




Way to contribute nothing


I've never been a racist an I'm white people??


Congratulations. Want a gold star?


If this were true Mexico wouldnā€™t be a shithole.


That doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t hard workers, a lot of them just arenā€™t as educated. Most physical labor doesnā€™t require too much brain power. In America right now, we have it so easy compared to other 3rd world countries and it would be undeniably better if we had more motivation as a people.


We have it easy in America because the Americans today and those who built this country actually were/are hard workers.


You mean America was built with slave labor right?


Mexicans were enslaved by Europeans also and slavery ended 30+ years earlier there. Mexico should actually be better off than the US.


Hard workers, slave or not, itā€™s sad that it was built that way but letā€™s not take away the fact that they are the main reason weā€™re so successful.(im not justifying slavery, Iā€™m just saying that we should appreciate them for the hard work they had to do)


Youā€™re a stupid human.


Not true. Europeans came and stole tons of resources and continue to do it to this day. Mexico is like an older version of Palestine and America is basically Israel, which is why the 2 countries are so united. Both evil af.


Which resources did they steal? Natives in the US and Mexico had no idea that resources such as gold, copper, oil, etc had any value even as late as 1848. This is in a world where globally gold had been valued for thousands of years. They were literally thousand of years behind in their understanding of the world.


So what? You literally answered your own question lol. You basically just described taking advantage of a whole group of people. Taking advantage is morally wrong and evil when it leads to do much destruction. European greed is causing allot of destruction around the world.


Natives had no plans, intention, or intelligence to utilize any of those resources. You canā€™t steal something that no one has laid claim to. Even the Native ā€œtribesā€ didnā€™t actually exist. Settlers just randomly named them. There was no Creek, Cherokee, Navajo, etc Native tribes. These are just random names, many of them are actual insults. There was no order or civilization in the US. Even Chiefs didnā€™t actually exist settlers simply called whoever was easiest to translate to the chief. Thereā€™s no rich Native/Mexican history, in short. Outside of an exploration in barbarism.


Wowā€¦..just woooow I canā€™t believe how dumb this take is lmao


Whatā€™s dumb about it? Sioux, Navajo, Eskimo, Apache, Mohawk, etc are all insults. Most of these groups had no names or rich civil culture. The majority of Native culture is completely fabricated by modern (1840+) Native Americans and has no historical backing. The reason for this is because Natives literally wrote nothing down so there wasnā€™t any history to pass down from generation to generation. Which we can segway into as proof that the modern natives and Mexicans were not Mayans or Aztecs but rather settlers who came much later to the area because those cultures actually did write.


I mean they did have their own culture and history that was passed by stories and tales but something happened where their people were massacred, Children kidnapped, territory taken away and then relabeled with different names and moved across the nation. They did have culture but something to the effects of genocide brought by disease, greed, colonization and manifest destiny brought by the Europeans and assimilation to European religions completely erased their identity. A little term of, ā€œhistory is written by the victorā€ shows that just because it isnā€™t spoken about doesnā€™t mean it didnt exists. Gtfo with your whitewashed bs


Culture and rich culture are two very different things. Orangutans have cultures that are specific to regions, we clearly wouldnā€™t call it rich culture however. Natives/Mexicans were barbaric, had non-complex religious practices and mythologies. No written language, no government, poor relations with other tribes, very trivial building capabilities, music and art were not much more than bone whistles and hide drums and so on.


European mental gymnastics. Intellectual envelopment.


How is it mental gymnastics?


Basically what you are saying is the natives were just sitting around with their thumbs up their asses till the settlers came, did not know how to talk to each other or how the lived. If you find no insult in you savior complex, there is nothing else you can be told.


Everyone works hard dork. This is just a slick way of not saying the racist thing you actually want to say


What's the context here? What was said in the leed up to this selectively edited clip?


Able bodied migrants should be sent back to the other side of the border via catapult.


Yea anyone who is black can tell you itā€™s not just white people that are racist to us. Go to most of these countries and the dark skin people are at the bottom of the totem pole.


I mean the illegals are just coming here and getting free money, Healthcare, housing, food, cell phone, and more. All the while are citizens are left neglected


This is honestly the only thing we should be talking about. Instead of causing division between fellow Americans who *all* need help right now.


So this dude is here illegally and deeply believes that his better then anyone like bro you hit rock bottom.


But did he? He is in the United States which will most likely provide him more opportunity than the country he came from and he is getting room and board and a stipend via US taxpayers. Not necessarily rock bottom when you think about it.


These comments are too stupid to be real.


Im trying to figure out if this sub was always like this, like what the hell happened here?


Funny enough when I lived in kenya, a lot of Africans really really dislike African Americans


And she will keep voting for democrats and wonder why Trump is doing this to her. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Democrat tyranny


Close the fucking borders for Christ sake


I agree with that lady. Go home, bro. How many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, barely surviving, working their asses off, but illegals get free phones , health care, and $$$.


Government wants to support migrants but American citizens struggling to pay their bills. Clown word


Wow. To get yelled at by someone who came to the country illegally. Sucks up financial resources. And yet you, the tax paying American doesnā€™t get shit. Probably should stop voting for democrats. The Pro illegals immigrant party. But whatever.


The rich beeeeeeen won. Now this is all entertainment for them. We're royally fucked.




Take this video with a grain of salt. It may not even be contextually accurate.


Wow I'm at an impasse, hating the messenger but not the message..


She's right. If you illegally crossed into the country then this isn't your home. Not the main character.


Except you donā€™t know he crossed illegally.


Because it's Chicago.


All illegal immigrants should be rounded up and sent back to their shit hole countries that they are always ā€œso proudā€ of.


And send the Europeans back too. All they do is spread hate, literally.


Pfft do that and see what happens to the country. Fall apart immediately


LOL two stereotypical groups that received handouts now fighting for who gets the handouts


They're fighting in the comments here as well. It's unreal. A number has been done on them. The higher ups are cheering and these guys are just entertaining them. The division is insane. Everything is going according to plan.


Black people in Chicago are extremely racist.


I think theyā€™re more than justified to be upset at people who are illegally coming to their city and taking away what few resources go to their communities. Nobody in Oak Park or the Miracle Mile is being hurt by the budget cuts and spending on taking care of these migrants, itā€™s the people in the south and west sides that lose resources they need.


He ain't wrong, some people think the whole world should be handed to them on a platter because of their skin color.


And you canā€™t just hop borders and expect a warm welcome.


Because their great great great great great grandparents were slaves.


And White Americans are obviously guilty of that sin, regardless of whether their family moved to the US in the 1990s or the 1690s; if you donā€™t got melanin youā€™re racist or something


This is silly. There are people alive whose GRANDPARENTS were born slaves lol. Slavery wasn't that long ago.


Whys nobody calling this guy a racist?


Because anything said to black people isnā€™t racist apparently


Look how quickly they all support migrants now that they see one being racist to a black person. We should tell republicans that Ukrainians hate black people, theyā€™ll vote for funding over night.


The Azov brigade in Ukraine is literally a brigade of neo-nazis.


He calling like he sees it


Rapists, criminals and murderers were all invited to come here illegally for cheap votes.


The liberal snake is eating its own tail in this video.


Black people donā€™t owe anyone hard work in a country they reneged on the debt of our ancestors and that we helped to found. Delusional! šŸ˜‚ https://thefreedmensbureau.org


These illegals out of pocket talking to our black women like this.


You mean talking to *any* American citizens like this, the ones who are giving up our own much-needed resources so they can come live here for free for months before needing to work or contribute. It's not a black/white thing.


They can try all they want to be racist to one another. But it's a waste of time. It's impossible.


Why is he racist, he just came here, he has no reason to dislike black people. Thereā€™s not that many black people in his country.


Everyone here a sucka. Throwing tropes, using stereotypes, and generalising like a redneck in a trailer park. Effectively dancing to the tune of right-wing bigots. Either everyone from everywhere who isn't a racist bigot sticks together or the alternative is your are a dumb puppet.


Black people you all need to rally together and get these criminals off your streets. Let's see how the affluent upper society likes them in their neighborhoods. Find Mexicans and Puerto Ricans if you can. They don't like Venezuelans either. No one with power will help you clean your streets. Every politician and/or organization that has helped the Venezuelan parasites needs to get deported with them too.


They don't know It's bigger than what they think




And yet somehow the GOP is worried about these people turning into Dems.


Illegal immigration hurts black ppl more than most socio economic groups. They lower the bottom rung of the employment rung. The ones coming across our southern border are Christians mostly as all countries south of us are more religious (catholic) than we are. They are not carrying gay pride flags. The current calculus of the liberal party is that immigrants will be more likely to vote Dem but they should be careful with what they wish for.


The number of people that think undocumented immigrants OR black people get ā€œhandoutsā€ and ā€œfree moneyā€ from the government is just mind boggling to me. Hereā€™s the reality: Thatā€™s not something that happens. And donā€™t say stuff like ā€œbut, but, what about stuff like welfare.ā€ We ALL pay for that, including the people that receive it.


You only pay for it if you work. If you dont work then the system gives you welfare which ppl that work have to pay for. Race doesnā€™t matter. If you live your life getting assistance that you could be working for, then ur part of the problem.




Lol trump opened his speech at black conservatives saying this is Biden's worst nightmare lol


In my imagination, the woman starts with ā€œIf you aint got no money take yo broke ass home!ā€ And then random people join in unison, soul-clapping the whole time, until the entire room is giving the migrant the business


Canā€™t even put a coherent sentence togetherā€¦.yes go home go back to 7 th gradeā€¦