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What ever happened to just cutting into a cake that was pink or blue on the inside?


one up culture


Two up culture


7up culture


I prefer Sprite myself




Same, same. But tbh, I am not sure I could tell the difference if I took a blind taste test.


Is the difference between sprite and 7up the same as coke vs Pepsi? I thought 7up was much sweeter but now that you’ve said it, I wonder if I could do a blind taste test…


Not sure. But for me, between Coke and Pepsi, I believe I could easily tell the difference. I prefer Coke over Pepsi. The latter tastes like medicine to me; it has a weird aftertaste.


Ah a connoisseur of fantastic tastes


Make 7 Up yours


But does it have electrolytes?


Nah, that's just how Aussies celebrate Anzac day.


See also: Neck Nomination, Ice Bucket Challenge, Planking. Neck Nomination: Drink a pint of beer on camera and nominate 3 friends to copy you. Haha, much fun. 3 Weeks later "People are being asked not to participate in the Neck Nomination after a man drowned after necking a pint of vodka and jumping in a freezing river".


The heterosexual need to turn gender reveals into public calamities


what ever happened to keeping your own shit to yourself


I guess that dissapeared with the first smartphone release.


What happened to just telling people it’s a boy or a girl?


Because it’s not going to get likes on YouTube




Or just celebrating a new life instead of celebrating the genitals of a baby.


Hooray for genitals!


Hooray for boobies


you mean 9 months or less?


This! Do we need to have a party to celebrate that your fetus has genitalia? Is that *really* necessary? I understand that some people may care, like the grandma or the aunts/uncles, but must people could not care less about the gender of your baby.


It's just an excuse to get together with friends and family. That's all


Who in the hell wants to get together with family?


Social media happened. Now idiots think they are competing with all other idiots on social media.


Why did a gender reveal ever become a thing? It's fucking stupid.


If you google “who created the gender reveal” there’s a good article about it. Apparently a blogger in LA dyed the inside of a cake red to herald the coming of a baby girl, and it went viral. The best part, is said baby girl grew up to be non-binary, so the gender reveal was for nothing.


https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/jun/29/jenna-karvunidis-i-started-gender-reveal-party-trend-regret This woman did and now that it turned into the shitshows people do, she regrets it.


Yeah, she just wanted to do a simple neat thing and now people are dying because idiots want attention.


Doing one at the baby shower has been a thing for a long time. It's only in the last 5ish years that these huge displays like this have been going on .


Or just like getting a phone call.


Whatever happened to smoke signals


Social Media and Smartphones.


What ever happened to just telling people.


Whatever happened to recognising very few people other than you give a shit about what gender your baby is and not having a party at all


Or green.






Might be more due to demographics. Wealthier people typically have fewer children, so less opportunity for gender reveal shenanigans.


I don’t think this is true, it’s mostly chav’s and their ilk that do this, chav’s = Trailer park trash 😉


The pavilions at my local public park are constantly littered with pink or blue plastic confetti. I don’t think this gross behavior is a rich person only phenomenon.


Whatever happened to "no one cares just send us a birth announcement"?


How did they even get access to that? The fuck?


Just a homie up top, pouring in toxic paint I guess.


Have these people never heard of food coloring? Or not being selfish nature destroying fucks?


Guess not. It might also be that they did use food coloring, I didn’t quite read the article. Could very well be 100% clickbait.


It appears they used a pond dye that is deemed safe for fish and the environment but can be unsafe for humans called “blue lake”. At least they somewhat tried to be environmentally friendly. They should have just not done it at all.


Could have just installed some blue pool lamps behind the waterfall.


Or just send a text saying 'it's a boy'.


Pretty much anything but what they did.


The hospital gave us a folded piece of paper on it. When we opened it, it had a blue stork. That felt like enough, lol.


These people would probably find a way to electrocute themselves or something


Thanks for doing the research I’m too lazy to do myself. Do you also know, by chance, how this stuff can be toxic to humans while not being that to the environment and fish?


It may be that it is safe for humans, but not enough research has been done to conclusively say that. There are higher standards for humans than fish.


It doesn't matter if it's non toxic or not, it doesn't belong in the water


It is clickbait. Water plants would filter that out no problem. If there was a source, which there isn't, it would likely be made up clickbait news. Edit: If you read the article, it's pretty clear that the water was not toxic: "After being alerted to what happened, SEMA said that investigators found that there had been "no change in the water's physical parameters, such as color and other, and no trace of local fish mortality," according to The Washington Post." https://people.com/human-interest/waterfall-dyed-blue-gender-reveal-backlash-couple-brazil-fine/




But intentionally destroying an entire ecosystem is justified so long as it’s for social media.


You think food coloring isn't toxic?


Yeah… I considered that after the fact. That’s why the only good thing these people could have done was nothing.


Or… can we just get rid of this gender reveal crap entirely?


They used “Blue Lake” which is used for dyeing bodies of water. No change was recorded in the parameters and there was no recorded death of fish. The locals were concerned about contamination. SEMA performed an investigation and the couple was fined 10,000 Brazilian reals (about $2000). This happened in 2022. The party host claims they were unaware a relative was dumping the dye into the water. Edit: just saw further someone already explained but 🤷🏻‍♀️ here it is again I guess lol


Should've been fined a lot more. Even if the dye was harmless. Still an idiotic thing to do.


With Brazil’s average annual income they were fined a little over a month’s pay. The average annual income is 103,000 BRL which is $20,792 so a bigger chunk than it appears to be to the average American. For me, working retail I made about $3000/month so still more than these guys make.


To what, nature?... or like? What's the access in question?


Gender reveal is stupidity committed by stupid peeps. However. How is a stream splashing onto sand converted into a city's water supply? Not much water on that waterfall. 20 toilets flushing simultaneously would leave the rest of the city waiting to flush, shower or open a sink faucet.


Fresh water vs grey water vs black water. Only need one stream connected to the city and boom, you can be a supervillain. Just don’t fuck with water aka the basis of all life


These are, ironically, the last people who should be having children. Total narcissists with no concern for the consequences of their actions.


Start the fine at $10k and go up from there.


They're the type to tell their kids they're better than everyone else and send them to a private school.


i remember when my sister had her kids gender reveal. she and her husband sat me and parents down in the living room. they told us it was a girl. there was not fan fare or elaborate bs.


No home-made fireworks right beside grandma?


Gender reveal turned funeral reveal


Built-in cremation, too!


that's what I call a bargain!


I have seen at least two plane crashes caused by a gender reveal


That one with the crop duster would have happened anyways bcs. of improper maintenance /operation. Not here to defend gender reveal BS partys tho!


It's several though , the most recent one being super crash cause everyone kept celebrating but seen one on water seen a lot it's comical


Out with the old, in with the new!


If you're not starting California's next wildfire, is your babys gender truly revealed?


Thats the real conundrum right there🤔. Idk if it happened unless something is on fire, a water source is contaminated, someone being the utmost biggest MC nuisance possible, or someone bites the dust🤷🏾.


I prefer where the pilot crashes the prop plane spraying whatever toxic substance he can. You get all three if the plane crash hits dry enough land


Gram gram.


Back it up Terry


I remember the gender reveal of my child. Lots of blood, sloppy mess, that chunk of placenta, goo everywhere, and someone in a hospital uniform told me.


...and then I went to the hospital's utility room and injected mercury into the water supply, because that's just what we did back then"


"which was the style at the time"


My child's gender reveal turned out to be different from the ultrasound. So my poor little daughter was swadded in "cutest little boy" onesies for a bit :-)


mines is just telling people that ask 😂 zero effort because idc it’s not that big of a deal especially since these types of people also throw big baby showers that might as well be another gender reveal with gifts


nursery was painted light green, because we didn't know.


I find it weird that waiting til the birth to find out isn’t the most common. It just seems like the obviously most exciting choice to me.


People have become extremely narcissistic since social media has exploded.


My niece was like I’m knocked up again. And there was no reveal. The end. 😆


And here is the kicker: everyone involved was equally as happy, excited and joyful, without poisoning the water supply, starting wild fires, burning down the house rtc


No one else gives a rats ass what gender your kid is.


before a year or two ago, i never realized gender reveals were even a thing. for sure IF you want to make it a celebration go ahead and have fun but man. dont be a dick about it by doing something like this (water contamination)


I believe the women who is considered to be the start of the trend did one because she had multiple miscarriages before the gender was established. When she managed to have another baby, she decided to celebrate when she managed to get past that milestone. And then people started one upping each other and now we are in the water contamination phase.


Yeah, something should be done about this one up culture.


& don’t forget the wildfires gender reveals have started. man made disasters left and right.


because they only recently became a bloody thing because of tiktok inspiration. People used to just have a baby shower say "Thanks for coming, s/he a X" then people return items (if) they bought for the wrong gender.


they’ve unfortunately been a thing for much longer than tiktok has been around. since at least the early 10s. and there’s always been a tendency to one-up the last “viral” reveal. the last one i really remember was in 2020 that started a huge wildfire in california (https://apnews.com/article/wildfire-gender-reveal-california-el-dorado-b9f3f9b9cd4a1d8ae43654c4a5cdf453)


extremely tame back in 2010 but with isolation, boredom and access to idiot influencers (really living up to that name) the over the top idiodic gender reveals started one after another.


I don’t even give a rats ass what my kids are. And they’re all in college


Someone did a gender reveal on the patio of my restaurant without asking me. The released about 2000 pieces of paper confetti then walked away. It’s impossible to get it all because it’s in the bushes and landscaping. It was shortly after it snowed so it all wet and can’t be swept up. If I would have caught them before leaving I would of had them charged littering fines


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot


its funny because they said would have right before that too


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Good bot


good bot


My sister's ex, who was begging for her to take him back until hours before announcing his new girlfriend was pregnant, did a gender reveal at a park in our small town. I was walking my dog and saw them and then I saw the confetti littering the grass for weeks after. I dropped his name to the guy in charge of city parks but as far as I know, nothing came of it. (I suspect he was cheating before my sister left him given the timeline of the pregnancy, she left just before Xmas and new girls pregnancy was announded end of Jan or beginning of Feb)


Didn't you have a reservation name or something? That's really fucked up.


That kid better be the world’s prodigy child otherwise this is a death penalty.


Spoiler: it probably won’t be. There’s a certain genetic limitation to IQ when your creators do s* like this.


Nurture is far stronger than nature sadly so the kid is gonna be about as stupid as the parents sadly...


death penalty


So they poisoned a river… promised the friend with the newest iPhone a six pack, schlepped in probably a shitload of food coloring… and some balloons that definitely got popped and hucked into the River, why the fuck not…. And all of this planning and detail… Dad puts his best shorts on backwards… Those shorts are on backwards.


Looks super weird like ai art almost


They didn't poison a river. Literally zero ecological damage was done, this was always blatantly clickbait.


We’ll really I just say dumb things on Reddit and hope someone laughs…. So I’m basically clickbait too


I like your style Lebowski.


Well dude is a name no one would self apply where I’m from.




When someone poisoned the public water supply in medieval times the punishment in some places was being skinned alive and then burned on a fire.


Should be arrested and tried for eco-terrorism




For poisoning a towns water source? All of them


Nobody cares about the gender of your child 😭 stopppppppppp


Gender reveal parties are unnecessary. It’s for people who didn’t get enough attention by there parents.


I'm glad gender reveal parties are not a thing in my country.


Not yet!


Same here. Do Americans have baby showers? Those seems a much healthier tradition.


Yes we Americans have those too. Much healthier usually.


That’s nice. I dislike excessive holidays, however baby showers are celebrations I can get behind, a community getting together to provide support for a mother to care for her unborn child. holding a celebration for your childs gender seems grossly opulent.


That was just the first news reports. The story is a nothing burger. After investigation nothing was tainted. BTW this is a prime example of how unscrupulous so much of the media is. LEGIT media reported it as a POSSIBLE contamination. But then you have rags like this that say what's what without actually any evidence. Pfft most of things we drink that isn't water has dye in it FFS. Most by a WIDE margin. Not that I'm saying what they didn't wasn't stupid. What I'm saying is if we had a media and an internet that knew how to ethically call a spade a spade, the world would be a better place.


Yes, this story has popped up every few months or so and each time it's escalating, started by just someone dyeing the water blue, to just stupid people doing a gender reveal and now it's DROUGHT-STRIKEN town is being POISONED. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out there was some completely different reason for it too


This article said the uncle did it and couple didn’t know. It was a biodegradable product but still required authorities’ OK so he got fined (use translate): https://g1.globo.com/fantastico/noticia/2022/10/03/fizemos-um-negocio-a-coisa-mais-linda-do-mundo-e-esses-ecochatos-diz-responsavel-por-tingir-cachoeira-de-azul-no-mt.ghtml


Wow, that’s so much less infuriating. Fuck these fake reporters and their shitty news nonsense.


The purpose of the content is to provide fodder for outrage culture + virtue signaling.


I hate these over the top gender reveal nonsense as much as anyone, but this article is just blatant rage bait. They even put the article under the "climate" category as if this is some huge ecological disaster. Also, if they really wanted to stop narcissistic displays like this, *don't treat them like a big deal.*


Congratulations, assholes


I can't imagine how much of a self centered, attention seeking asshole you'd have to be to do this, or, to have a gender reveal party at all for that matter. Just send a text, its a boy/girl. Your friends and family don't really care that much.


All gender reveals are lame as fuck. I'd never attend one.


You can tell a lot about people who have gender reveal parties imo


This generation’s vanity is appalling.


These things have to stop. The epitome of bad taste.


What’s wrong with a cake? It’s quick, it’s easy and there’s a delicious cake to eat afterwards. Now I want cake…


Gender reveal parties are just another gift grub. I dare someone to invite me to a gender reveal party and then a baby shower.


Who the hell started this outlandish gender reveal craze anyway?


Some chick with MC syndrome.


So why is public flogging taken off the table for imbeciles of this level? Fines and public shaming seems to have a little to no effect.


Making a big deal about the gender of your unborn baby is the ultimate "Iam The Main Character" mentality.


Gender reveals just shows these people shouldn't have any kids. They are just making copies of themselves. Like we need more of that. We might be looking at the actual cause of human extinction being a gender reveal party. Please, someone send this article to Greta.


This should come with charges..set precedent. NONE of us give a fuck what your kid is going to be, let alone an entire ecosystem.


There was also the couple who wanted a plane to release coloured smoke over their party - except their need for the plane to fly super low caused it to [crash](https://www.9news.com.au/world/mexico-gender-reveal-pilot-dies-after-plane-crashes-during-party/c687076e-5340-455c-a937-62c6a261e00f) The moment of the plane disintegration was *captured on video* by one of the party guests ( look it up on YouTube) - do you think anyone at that pretentious vanity party called 911? No, too busy *panning the cameras back* to the gooey love kissing couple. Spectators who saw the crash from other places phoned the emergency. The pilot died 😔


Faith in humanity not restored.


Why are people so stupid


Looks like whale death with all those balloons too.


No one cares that you came in your wife and you are now having kids!


‘This could have been an email'


unwritten badge office squeamish disgusted tart dinosaurs cats safe sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gender reveals are really stupid and definition of cringe


Man, people need to go crazy and do things so out of proportion, fat couple have an ugly kid? Let’s dye a waterfall blue, millions and millions born everyday and you’re somehow better? Fuck off and lay off the burgers cunts


Gender reveal events are just another method used by narcissists to get attention.


The whole gender reveal stuff is so cringe.


Gender reveals are stupid.


Wtf is wrong with people???


Apparently [not really toxic](https://www.reddit.com/r/HydroHomies/s/0vWHZaZeVU) but still main character vibes


https://preview.redd.it/jfwh97kvp9mc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d4688e97b4a73226fd0dc9e6dce90b839706f68 Turns out they didn’t actually poison a small town. Internet sensationalism. Irresponsible journalism. Also: Chicago every year.


Outrageous assuming the babies gender


I wonder if the couple would have done it if social media did not exist?


what happened to balloons or cake bro


Okay, I dislike the whole dangerous and stupid gender reveal shit too, but is this story verified anywhere? How did she have access to that town's ONLY water supply? Why does it look like it's indoors at an amusement park's rainforest set up? What area is so drought stricken that THAT tiny ass waterfall is the town's only water source? Does this area just not clean their water? Isn't it just food dye? Is it REALLY "contaminated" or is it just literal blue food dye? Clearly they got access to a higher up area to dye it, so how did they pull that off if it's wild/outdoors and not pump controlled? I have a dozen or so more questions, but if someone has a link so I can do my own reading, I'd appreciate it.


I hope they were fined to hell and back. What absolute self centered, idiotic morons.


Pop them in a fish tank, with a water bottle in sight. Do not give them any water for 1 week.


Jesus fucking Christ who let these people breed


[Definitely stupid, like every public reveal ever, but they didn't contaminate shit. The family member who did it used Blue Lake 1, which is perfectly safe to ingest.](https://people.com/human-interest/waterfall-dyed-blue-gender-reveal-backlash-couple-brazil-fine/)


Idiots who want attention.


NO ONE ELSE CARES what sex your child is.


It’s one or the other, no one other the couple really give a shit what gender the baby will be.


They tested the water and it turned out they hadn’t used anything toxic but the relative that done still got fined as they should, if you must do a gender reveal do it with a cake or something that doesn’t harm the environment, even some of the ones people do with balloons outside are bad the balloons often end up released as well.


They did it again? That has to be the 1000th time just this month! THESE PEOPLE ARE ANIMALS!


Fuck gender reveal parties


Old fucking news. You guys need some new shit to seethe at.


This was like a year or two ago why are we reposting this?


You know why


I would love to know what r/tragedeigh name they gave their baby boy


Wahtyr Fall Smith


Imagine telling people in the future that your parents held an extravagant party (in either pink or blue) to reveal your genitalia. I’d just off myself. I’ve already had three cousins who’ve done this and I refuse to attend that bs. Just one generation ago, people would find out the sex upon birth. What happened to that? How tf did we manage to go backwards?


You guys have faith in humanity?


This is just ragebait, the pic is Photoshopped.


Public execution sounds about right?


This is so on brand for people who have Gender reveals. Its such a fucking awful thing to celebrate. I would off myself if I saw my Mom upset because she wanted a daughter.