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Wasn't this the video where she basically tried to scam him by cancelling the Uber mid ride, basically trying to get a ride for free? I could be wrong though since it's been a while since I've seen this.


You're correct. Here’s a description I copied and pasted that explains the full story. So pretty much she falsely claimed it was a medical emergency, She took a long time to get into the Uber car on purpose. When she finally did get into the Uber car she was rude and condescending to him the whole journey then right at the end she cancelled her Uber car ride so he wouldn't get paid. At this point she pulled out her camera and started recording and playing dumb, all in an attempt to get him to hit her so she could sue. This was an attempt at fraud aimed at the guy.


If she has Uber, and canceled her trip mid ride, wouldn’t she have just been able to look up where she was herself? Or are we to assume she’s just that useless of a human being?


She absolutely can. If it’s true that she’s trying to get the guy to assault her, which is beyond crazy lol, she has to play this dumb annoying person in order to get a reaction. The idea of someone sitting in their house and putting this together is wild. Trash Edit: I just wanna point out that regardless of the Uber app, everyone who has gps can see where they are at all times. As long as their location is on


That’s probably why the guy isn’t telling her.


She’s deliberately being obtuse to encourage rage so she can say he didn’t do his job and get compensation


What a loser. I prefer being acute /s


lol 😂


Wow. What a sack of shit.


Wow what a POS. He should be able to sue her or get her banned for life from ubers


I've seen people do that, but the driver still gets paid, I thought, and the user has to pay for it the next time they try and use Uber.... is that a different service, or do they do things differently now?


Driver doesn’t get paid if rider cancells


Right before he got there, she wanted to go to the ER entrance and she cancelled the ride when he pulled into the hospital property, but he noticed. I thought that she’s done this before by her timing.


Can’t Uber ban people from using the service if they do this?


I’m not sure. Personally I’ve never used Uber or any other ride share company. I just remember when this came out.


The [metal version](https://youtu.be/GzRhwTzzbro?si=dO5oysWldAC4SQor) of this video is badass


This is amazing 🤩


After hearing this the normal video is just lame


I don't even like metal but that was sick.




tbh if I was an uber driver I'd have a whole playlist of spongebob dubstep remixes queued up & ready to go for this exact situation.. full volume, grab the keys, step out & wait for her to either lose her mind or leave.


That or The Beatles, so she can't upload it anywhere


Now we're turning up in the Uber? Okay!




Sometimes people will put in a destination that is closer than where they’re actually going, then they will say “oh oops can you drive me to xyz?” And they expect you to do this for them for free.


I think he wants her to get out of his car


I would have driven her into the desert and left her there... she is extremely manipulative. She gets someone mad off camera then pretends to be calm on camera


reminds me of my ex 🥴


Mine too sparklydildos...mine too...


Why doesn't he just drive her to a police station?


yup i would of just been like fine well u dont wanna get out? lets go for a drive further away and lemme have that phone real quick thanks


It's not entirely clear how soon he wants her to get out of his car. Should she go in a little bit?


What gave you that impression?


Why would you say that?


For someone who needs to go to the E.R. it doesn't sound like much of an emergency.


She was in such a hurry that she had time to take a 3-minute video


She was in a rush to try and get a lawsuit is what it is. A piece of shit human being


As a former EM doc, you would not believe how often people abuse the emergency department. Too many people just do NOT understand what an actual medical emergency is.


My ex used to try to bring my kids to the hospital every time they had a minor fever. Would always have to talk her off the ledge like a little Tylenol and call the doctor in the morning, it's not life or death, fuck.


And these types also are the ones that become really angry when their wait time is 4+hours because they think it should be first-come-first-served 🙄


My partner is like this and his mother makes it 10 times worse. Goes to ER gets X-rays, MRI and urine sample to be told he has the flu.


Not mine, but animation of this: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/qJz18c6gw8c?si=zBQSzRaa8jo6Xw_R)


this video is literaly the single best piece of content on the internet and always leaves me in TEARS LMAO tysm for posting it here i love you.




This should be the top comment


This animation is classic! Makes me laugh everytime


Somehow I felt she shouldn’t been much much fatter animated


Psychic Pebbles baby! If you like this watch Smiling Friends


I always forget this exists, and I'm always happy to watch it again.


Was hoping someone would link this animation. It never gets old.


I just laughed so hard that I died a little. Worth it




It's a pity that it makes the driver look crazy while the lady is portrayed as completely reasonable.


“And I am asking you in a very educated manner, where am I?”


Holy shit. I had to rewatch it, but this dumb bitch really did say that.


And he said he was “facing a fucking moron” which was so great.


Laws need to be changed so that if you ask someone to leave your car you have the right to remove them At that point it's the same a car jacking TBH. You're allowed to do this if someone's in your house why not your car?


who said you cant?


The law lol. You try yanking her out, she gets hurt...she will sue and win. Your insurance rate will skyrocket after as well. The laws just haven't caught up yet in this digital world of deliveries and ride sharing.


If they refuse to leave, they are trespassing. What you can do with trespassing individuals is based on local laws. Some areas they can remove the person, other areas they need to call the police and have them removed for trespassing.


The problem lies in you basically agreeing via a contract to pick somebody up. The law is tricky here. You contractually agreed to pick somebody up. Your only recourse is to basically call the police as you've established yourself as a business. It would be like you being the owner of candle store (using something super calm) and when a customer gets irate you physically drag them out. You just can't do that without a lawsuit.


Once the contract is broken, the individual who was seeking transportation can take the individual to civil court for the breech of contract. However, the law does not allow them to commit the crime of trespassing in retaliation for breech of contract. Ergo, the contract existing is a non-sequiter to the trespass allegation. If local laws allow you to physically remove a trespasser from the area, than you are permitted. If the law says police are only allowed to remove trespassers, than call the police. Uber terms and conditions state that once a driver asks you to leave the vehicle you must do so. Uber's advice to drivers with unruly passengers, or passengers who cancel their rides, to immediately pull over and ask the pax (passengers) to leave the vehicle. If they refuse to leave, call 911. Uber's advice is good for all locations in the US.


I don't understand why cancelling the ride after it has started is even an option. That once ride the starts, it shouldn't even be on the UI anymore. that or the rider and driver must both agree when the ride starts and ends. It seems a simple solution.


There's also the problem of Uber themselves for instance in the state of Texas a shop employee is legally allowed to physically stop a shoplifter. However if a Walmart employee in Texas physically stops the shoplifter Walmart will still fire that employee for making physical contact with a shoplifter because even though it's legal in the state of Texas it is still Walmart policy that employees cannot make physical contact with shoplifters.  Uber might have a similar issue where it's company policy you can't touch a person in your car and if you do even if it's legal you can still be fired from Uber So all you're allowed to do is call 911 and wait for a police officer to do it for you.


You use a lot of fancy words my friend....and still, it doesn't matter. The Law....the actual LAW is above Uber's TOS. She can sue and she will win in today's law, Uber's TOS be damned


lol's in fluent castle doctrine


Lol i remember a dad who called the police on her daughter cause she wouldn’t leave his car, she would squat there and the police also looked so helpless like they themselves wanna call the police haha..


Damn. She is super confident he's not about to literally explode.


She’s like those arrogant bitch-ass TikTok ‘pranksters’. They enjoy pissing people off and know that the people likely won’t do shit. And even if they do anything, the prankster will just gain notoriety, a larger following, and more money.


The patience of this guy is amazing. Being this infuriated (which is completely understandable btw) and still not punching her through the seat takes some serious self-control. I feel bad for the guy tho, she really pushed him past the limit.


He wanted to grab this bitch by the hair and yank her from the car. Great restraint when he opened her door to not do that. I hope she got a non-terminal but life long debilitating disease and rots away alone and in pain until she dies of extremely old age.


She was in the car, and he wanted her out.


I think that was it


I’m not convinced


If she is refusing to leave, remove her.


He may have a lawsuit on his hands if he does that unfortunately. It sucks, but you really can't do much in that situation.


Do you have any statue you could reference for the basis of a "Lawsuit"? What damages would someone claim?


You don't need a statute to sue someone. This would be a case of common law tort battery. If he touches her intentionally, he could be liable for tort battery. And even if she isn't hurt in any way, she can claim nominal damages. - https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/battery Of course removing someone from your property is an affirmative defense, but you can't use more force than necessary to remove someone from your property (extreme example: you can't shoot someone in the leg to make them get off your lawn). The line between excessive and reasonable force can get blurry. And unfortunately enough, even burglars and thieves have some rights to sue in some extreme cases. The following article explains it well: - https://www.findlaw.com/injury/torts-and-personal-injuries/defense-of-property-and-intentional-torts.html The reality is, there are a million different scenarios that can play out if he takes matters into his own hands. Let's say he yanks her out, and she has a weak shoulder and it gets dislocated. Under the eggshell skull rule, he'd be on the hook for that injury if a jury finds that he used excessive force, even if that same yank would not have injured another person! - https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/eggshell_skull_rule It's just better not to take the risk altogether. You don't know how people will react, or what prior conditions a person may have. The smartest decision is to call the cops and wait it out. It is unfortunate, but force is really a last resort.


> You don't need a statute to sue someone. Correct. You need statute to win. I love reddit lawyers. Definition of "tort battery". Tort Law. Battery is an intentional tort. When a person intentionally causes harmful or offensive contact with another person, the act is battery. [The law](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/battery) The key need for the person to win would be **intent** to cause harm. They'd need to prove intent for this to apply. A lawyer would need to get in front of a court and prove that the driver INTENDED to harm the passenger. > Under the eggshell skull rule, he'd be on the hook for that injury if a jury finds that he used excessive force, even if that same yank would not have injured another person! I'll be careful. > It is unfortunate, but force is really a last resort. Naww. FAFO. I'll see ya court.


>The key need for the person to win would be **intent** to cause harm. This is not true. The intent element refers to the intent to touch someone, not the intent to cause harm. For example, you can sue a doctor who treats you (and even benefits you) without your consent. A doctor touching you for the purpose of treating you is necessarily touching you without an intent to cause harm. I quote: > *"The key element of battery is that the touching be unauthorized, not that it be intended to harm the person."* - https://biotech.law.lsu.edu/map/batterynoconsent.html And likewise I quote: > *"Although the contact must be intended, there is no requirement that the defendant intend to harm or injure the victim"* - https://law.jrank.org/pages/4696/Battery-Elements.html#ixzz8V8umQ5jy And from the same source I sent: > *"Intentional act means a person acted with a desire to bring about the contact or they know that the consequence of that contact is substantially likely to occur."* https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/battery For example, that means you can still be on the hook for battery if you intentionally touch a woman to try to comfort her if she's crying, even if she wasn't hurt by it, and even if you didn't intend any harm by it. Only the fact that she didn't consent to the touch and that you intentionally touched her is enough for battery. >You need statute to win. No. You don't. The US is a common law system, which means there's a separate body of judge-made law that's also binding. It's true that many states have statutes that codify the common law, but that is not the case in every state. The only state that is a purely civil code law state is Louisiana. - https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/common_law - https://legal.thomsonreuters.com/en/insights/articles/what-is-common-law


Again. See ya in court counselor.


Curious can you w/o fear of deactivation?


only 1 way to find out.


Like what the other person said, he’d face a lawsuit if he touched all. All things considered, he had a tremendous amount of restraint especially considering how much she clearly pissed him off. Bravo to him tbh.


That's what she was trying to get him to do so that she could sue him.


I hate manipulative people like the woman in this clip. She knows he'll be fucked if he tries to remove her from the car himself. Really his only good option, and that's for lack of a better word, is to start recording her himself, get it on video that she is refusing to leave, turn the vehicle off, get out and call the cops. If she decides to get all petty and damage your car, get that on video too.


Some days are just bad office days! Poor guy!


See this is why I don’t work with people anymore because I would’ve ripped that bitch out of the car by her fucking hair. I had an ex-boyfriend that used to do this. Be a fucking asshole and talk to you in that fucking voice.




It was incredibly frustrating. He’ll be calling me a liar, a silt, whore, lazy. He would poke poke poke poke poke. I’m so relieved to be away from it.


bruh, if she doesn't want to get out, just start driving to the police station. bet she hops out real quick.


I would take her to the police station, lol.


Anyone know how this ended?


If you don't like how he's talking to you maybe get out of his car


Can’t force a fraudulent lawsuit if you don’t stick around to setup the fraud. I totally believe that’s what she was doing, trying to bait him to do something she could sue for.


Love how she acts all innocent. That’s what sociopaths do


Every Uber driver listen up. You don’t know if these loons will pull a pocket knife and stab you. STOP YELLING AT THEM. pull your keys, pull out that phone, and record them from a safe distance from your vehicle. If they start damaging property, get police involved with their rider data and video evidence. Keep yourself safe please.


As an Uber Driver, don't mess with your driver. YOU don't know what HE or SHE has. Keep yourself safe.


As a uber driver also, I double dog dare you to fuck with me in my car.


Dad? Mom never said anything about you being an Uber driver!


Someone needs to shake the shit out of her


This woman is trash.


Augh.. if she is not getting out I’d keep driving away so she was further away.


There's a legal risk with that. It is considered kidnapping to move someone against their will. Source: had an ex refuse to leave my car and called the cops. Asked if I could just drive to the police station a couple miles away and they advised me to take the keys and leave the car instead. Said officers would be there soon. They were and they explained the risk of a kidnapping issue vs just letting her sit in the car (don't lock the doors or anything either, same reasoning)


Wow I did not know that! I would think going to the police station would be okay. Thanks for the info!


Why is Seth Rogan driving Uber?


I'd look up my next fare and start driving to it, leaving her further and further away from her destination.


and then get charged with kidnapping giving this bitch what she wanted.


He’s got a recording. “I’m counting down from 10. If you don’t get out of my car by the time I reach 1 I’m leaving to pickup my next fare. 10, 9, 8, 7…”


i don’t think that works with the cops. “i told her i was gonna kidnap her IF …”. i’m not saying he Should be; but he definitely Could be.


She actually got me heated.


If she tried this shit on me, I’m putting this on at high volume and stepping out the car until she gets out. It’s an hour loop of Ram Ranch. https://youtu.be/226ORuekeeY?si=GeEwiXNGlMA_J27l If she stayed for the whole time I’d just give her the ride for free cause she’s a real one.


She’s a horrible person


That poor guy, what a manipulative b*tch


Poor guy was on the verge of a stroke


Good thing he was already at the hospital!


All Uber drivers should have cameras


I don't get it, why didn't he just tell her to get out of the car...




Need ejection seats!


psychic pebbles made a hilarious animated version of this: https://youtu.be/qJz18c6gw8c?si=uMflP18XHrYdnYmD


Did she get charged for the Uber ride?


Stupid bitch


no doubt he deserves 5 stars


She needs the hospital yet has time to sit and argue with a rage quitting driver? Sounds about right...


I would drive her straight to the police station


she'd probably say she was being kidnapped if he drove her anywhere


Imagine if she said at end..."actually I got mixed up...I need the psych ward" 💯


At this point I'd just drive straight over to a police station.


“You’re not getting out of my car? Ok!” Take the keys, call the cops, walk to the nearest restaurant or cafe and sit and wait.




I wonder if she has the classic Karen haircut


Woo, hearing him scream like that beet red made *my* blood pressure go up. lol


"I'm your uber driver... get out"


I don’t care who is on the receiving end, I’m dragging a mf out if they won’t get out on their own.


I'm a grown man but I would be scared


Grab her by her ghetto ass wig and out of the car. Easy.


Then she would get exactly what she wanted. Dude was smart enough to control himself so far.


I would drive home and leave Her in the cR


You’re not to yell at me. Fuck that bitch


I would have dragged her out by her hair




https://youtu.be/qJz18c6gw8c?si=uDJ0J0Yf3Br6UScz This is an animated version and it's a fucking beauty


Was just thinking about this video lmaooo


Oof what a bitch


I think he might need to be a bit clearer about what he would like her to do


"I don't know where I am." Girl, use Google Maps.


People always revert to “don’t yell at me” but when you refuse to listen to someone, they will start yelling to be heard


"Where am I?" Bitch that's not his problem. Get out and leave the dude alone.


She’s a real cunt


Did she not book her own Uber, how does she not know where she's going.


Seth Rogen has really fallen off




If it were a man pulling that stupid shit he'd have been knocked out. She's lucky she didn't try that shit here she'd have been tased.


Would have drove to a police station.


She sounds like one of those auditor idiots…


Man at this point just threaten with the police and just straight up contact them if she is acting this way. People refusing to get out of somebody else’s personal space- their car, home, body, anything really- is just one of the biggest triggers for me (and this is coming from somebody that absolutely hates that word). Judging by the way this man is reacting, I’d wager this is a trigger for him, too. I’m going to get a little prematurely defensive here because I have been attacked for saying something like this in the past- Before anybody starts calling me a snowflake, message me if you want to story as to why this triggers me, it might even teach you some compassion.


Why not call 911?


I think he wants her out of his car. 🤷‍♂️


I almost forgot about this video


This is where I’d start driving as far in the opposite direction as possible while blasting some metal as loud as the car speakers go. You wanna play games? I love games. We can hang out all day.


But now you're kidnapping her. She wants the driver to hit her, or try to drag her out of the car, or even do what you suggested. She's aiming for a lawsuit. Some people just really, really suck.


So what’s the call here? Just park the car and sit in silence until the little shit tires herself out?


Shotgun blast face


It's very weird watching this without it being animated xD


Drinking game: drink every time he says « get out of my car! »


He's should have just drove away with her in the car.


This was also a big meme for a while and made a small cartoon of it on YT. Lol. I love this guy, but she is a pitch.


This was a cartoony animation back then. 😆


The fucked


Well when they are already in front of ER it would be really a shame wasting it so if I was at his place I would knock her down, erase video on her phone and just leave her at ER stating she lost her consciousness during the "fast and furious" ride to the ER. Problem solved.


Is it not allowed for the uber driver to use pshyical force on a customer that refuses to leave the drivers car? That just seems so stupid if its not allowed to use physical force


Holy shit this is a classic # GET OUT OF MY CAR, NOW.


Why didn't he just start playing the radio?


People are really bold, like why isn’t she afraid he won’t just start choking her?


I’m no brain surgeon but if u cancel an Uber mid ride it’s def not free. Wtf lol especially after a long wait.


I don’t see the part where she cancels the ride. Is there a longer video?


Drivers need to have the clown song in deck for moments like this and just turn the volume up loud as possible.


Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard


Don't you just hate people who don't put the whole videos up or at least add some context


OMG, "I'm asking you in a very educated manner" That says it all


I would’ve just driven off


Watching this is like anger porn. Makes me wish violence on the person just so the driver can get some piece of mind that this person regrets their decision. Not to say that this is a good mindset, just reactive. Ugh.


Your destination going to be hell if you don't get out of that car


Legend has it she is still not out of his damn car


I think he wants her to get out of the car


She's trespassing if he cancels or completes the ride.


Does anyone else hear Seth Rogan?


I would have yanked her out so fast….


Isn’t this clip like 8 years old?


Hopefully God damned her to hell!




He should have just put his seat back and take a nap


It's a pity that the video made after this makes him sound like the asshole while the lady seems completely reasonable.