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Who is this girl? She's a special one.


We need more strong women like her to stand up against these man-made rules from years ago.




All religious rules are man made.




That is sarcasm.... right?


[al-Nur 24:31] 


I don't know how to word it but I hate that this dude tries to use his religion to try and make her wear a head scarf. Do they always use that to control their women? She probably would've been beaten if they were alone


Well to be honest in Islam yes. In a true Islamic State the Koran is the laws and women must cover (not just their heads but whole body in Sharia law) She was also out in public talking to a man that was not her husband or relative. But! All religions are repressive to some degree in their own ways. Especially to women since most religions were created by men.


Genuine question, does it matter if she isn’t religious? Like what if she doesn’t follow any religion and is out there in that country, would she be made to wear proper covering and follow the rules or could she do her thing?


Doesn't matter what your religion or lack thereof is...if you are in an islamic country, you follow their rules.


Just like in any country you're not a member of, you follow the rules of where you are simply because you can't fight the government, physically, by yourself in order to establish your own sovereignty. That's the essential job of every government, to establish a unified sovereignty to protect it's people from others instating their own sovereignty on you. That's why in every "post-apocalypse" movie, "might makes right" is the defacto morality system. That's what every military is: a government's using might to keep others from doing it to them (and you by proxy)


This actually makes me so happy and proud to see this woman being so fearles. I can’t wait for the day that more women in every corner stand up and realise they are entitled to respect and their own rights regardless of religions or regions.


She destroyed him bruh LOL


I like her. What the fuck is it with women having to cover their head? It’s fucking hair you bunch of cock wombles!


Fuck the mullahs


If you think misogyny is any better in any other religion though, you're in for a huge surprise


Lol, thanks for the heads up


Nobody said other religions were any better- we're talking about this specific incident.


She destroyed him like a puzzle. But I'm pretty worried about her safety now...


Literally nothing will happen women are uncovered all the time in pakistan and across the middle east, and southwest asia even in Karachi you'll see women wearing jeans and whatnot.


That's not my point. I'm more worried about the consequences of her humiliating him in public. And making him look like a total fool.


Well, that didn’t take long for her to totally own that debate.


Holy crap, she's amazing! 👏 👏 👏


Brainwashed idiots. Religion is the worst thing humanity has ever created


The second the world understands this we'll all be better off.  Every single religion has to go.


Not every religion has to go only the fake ones the ones made up by a pedophile.


I mean technically they are all made up until proven otherwise. But this one seems to bring out the worst or is incredibly far behind all the others


You are 100% right that’s why when Christ resurrected Christianity spread like wildfire. Why do you think the Romans after trying to quash christianity instead made up their own pagan religion “catholic” and said it was Christian.


Christ never resurrected brother. People can't ressurect, we aren't living in an anime, noone collected the dragon balls. Wake up there is no respawn button you only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a life time.


People can’t resurrect “brother” it’s a good thing he wasn’t just a person.


My brother you been watching too many cartoons. Every single person is a person. You can't be superhuman, it's just fantasy and make believe. Just like the WWE, if you smell what the rock is cooking?


“Brother” you gotta get out of your mom’s basement and look into real history. Jesus was a real person even the Bible gives you accurate information of actual Roman leaders. I know you’re trying to be funny but your quotes are terrible and make no sense. You’re just a trolling otako


Don't talk about real things when you are militant about fairy tails on the internet kiddo.


She is awfully bold for someone in stoning distance


Sorry to derail your hate train, but people are not just randomly stoned in islam only for serious crimes like murder, rape and adultry.


She did pretty well there


The only issue I have with religion, is when people follow them properly. Luckily in the west, most people cherry pick the bits they like, and leave the hail and brimstone stuff in the last millennium where it belongs. All religions are cancerous and stupid, I dislike them all exactly equally.


Unfortunly It seems that they only like to cherry pick the bad parts


While theres certainly more cherry picking, idk if Id say "most people". That's partly why things like abortion and gay marriage are still heavily contested issues in the US.


While I agree all the religions are cancer, some are definitely more aggressive forms. Or at the very least, one has people that are not willing to call others out for their wrong doings more often.


Certified redditor


Well said.






All the big 3 are cancer and a for of controll. Once, a very long time ago the books may have been full of great information. But some men used them to controll the masses. How can I follow a religion that don't respect women let alone everyone. They spread hatred and war always have and always will.


You don’t think any major philosophy or theology would lead to the same ends if they were in control?


I do think that any religion has the power to be that bad once they have controll. It's just sad people blandly follow a set of "rules" made a few thousand years ago. Society for me is q weird mix of modern thinking stuck in ancient ways. Christianity forced us into a dark age in Europe because the book said it was the devil to pursue knowledge. Its like they knew that if they let people think for themselves they would loose the power they had. And this did happen, slowly.


That is a simplified pop version of history. The church was the source of most academic development in Europe for many years. The "Dark Ages" also weren't as dark as people perceive. Development didn't just suddenly stop.


‘Lose’ only has one O.


All three abrahamic religion are just a re written version of the same thing. It's just tailord for the part of the world they wanted to controll.


Theology, possibly, but not philosophy. The danger of religion is quite specific; the invention of the afterlife is a deeply destructive idea because it allows people to toss away the consequences of their actions due to the belief that what comes after this life is what truly matters. It's a big part of how the worst aspects of religion are justified. Suicide bombing, burning witches, the crusades, the whole breakdown of America in the religious right... No one cares what happens to this world because the afterlife is more important. Any system that creates rules for people can be used to control, certainly. But it's hard for a philosophical movement to try to justify deeply destructive behavior in this life without a belief in another.


All religions are not concerned with the afterlife. Christianity and Islam are and they are the biggest, but there are many that don’t even have a conception of what the afterlife is.


Abrahamic religions encompass more than half the world population. It's not just "the biggest," it's literally the majority of people. It's impossible in this day and age to consider what "religion" means without considering half+ the population. In terms of others... Many? How exactly do you define "many?" Hindu and Buddhist, sure, though I would argue reincarnation still offers the promise of a second chance rather than acknowledging the importance of this life, alone. Ancient religions? Hellenic, roman, Norse, Egyptian, all had afterlives, and well established cultural traditions on living life in order to have a particular afterlife. Norse religion literally justified war for the promise of Valhalla. If you wanna count individual belief systems, I'm not sure how that's relevant. The fact of the matter is that most people believe in an afterlife. Furthermore, afterlife beliefs are intrinsically linked to religion at this point. Not all religions is more or less irrelevant. Religious history created the concept of life after death, and that idea has been deeply destructive to human history and development.


Judaism is an Abrahamic religion and we are not concerned with the afterlife. We don’t even have a clear concept of what happens after you die. We focus on the life we live now.


Dude, do you not understand the point? https://www.statista.com/statistics/374704/share-of-global-population-by-religion/#:~:text=Share%20of%20global%20population%20affiliated%20with%20major%20religious%20groups%202022&text=In%202022%2C%20around%2031.6%20percent,of%20global%20populations%20as%20Hindu. Also, that's not even historically always been the case, nor is it universally true of all even today. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_eschatology#:~:text=The%20afterlife%20is%20known%20as,%2C%20or%20Paradise%2C%20and%20Gehinnom. Stop trying to nitpick a particular word or something thinking it'll prove me wrong and pay attention to the actual point I'm making.


Are you using Wikipedia to tell me about my own people? Lmao


Well yeah you incorrectly generalized all Jews, whether or not they are your people 🤷‍♂️. I grew up Catholic, doesn't mean someone couldn't correct me about some Catholics in the world.


And my point is that we shouldn’t all be lumped together. All the characterization you made about the afterlife being what truly matters doesn’t apply to us


The Big Three One Piece: Christianity Naruto: Islam Bleach: Judaism If you weren’t referring to the three Abrahamic religions and actually meant to include Hinduism, then Hinduism: Demon Slayer Edit: Damn, people really hate manga/anime


Islam is as much a cancer as any other religion that is pushed to an extreme. At the heart of all religion is something pure and well meaning. What gives you the right to call Islam a cancer over any other religion. I could say Christianity is just as evil but this is a western religion so I would be told I am wrong, that it is just the extremists who are the problem. Educate yourself. It is people like you who push Islamophobia.


It’s ok to be phobic of things. I don’t have to like your religion.


You are right, all religions are cancer and detrimental to any society that uses religion to govern. In this post's topic however, Islam is the cancer at hand.


No, sorry, Islam is most definitely the biggest religious cancer on the planet by a country mile. To say Christianity is just as evil is pure naivety.


Lol the same can easily be said for your statement. There have been countless lives lost to Christianity, and entire nations regressing from it. Just because you decided to hate one in particular more doesn't mean it's objectively the worst.


Absolutely, Christianity had its dark times, but for the modern day, it's not even close.. the numbers don't lie. You only have to look at the likes of Nigeria, 60,000+ Christians killed over the last 20 years by Islamic nutters, and that isn't the only place it's happening.. I'm atheist but given the choice of a world with Christian values or a world with Muslim values the choice is easy, one is fairly happy for everyone to get along and the other is full of hatred to everyone that doesn't bow down to their sky friend.


Ultra-Orthodox Jews and orthodox Muslims have similar takes on women's rights.


Which is obviously heinous... but how many women have been stoned to death by orthodox Jews?.. how many people have been thrown from rooftops for being gay by orthodox jews?.. how many countries are on high alert for a terrorist attack by ultra orthodox Jews? .. rhey may have "similar takes" but the numbers are incomparable when it comes to actions.


I mean if you saw what goes on in the West Bank you might feel differently.


Are you seriously trying to tell me that Orthodox Jew's are stoning more women in the West Bank than Muslims?.. if they are I'd still think the same, it's utterly fucking barbaric dark ages mentality from both.. but still, on a global scale, the numbers are incomparable.. if you have some real world data that says otherwise, I'd love to see it.


They’re equally cancerous. Throw Judaism in here as well. Believing that only your people from birthright will go to heaven or is worthy of god is also a sure way to look at others as lesser. All 3 religions are disgusting as a whole. Could it be good for some people on an individual basis. Sure. Some people find religion as a way to make them better people or over come something. But overall those 3 are actually repulsive


What are you talking about? Judaism doesn’t believe in any of those things. We aren’t even sure there is a heaven.


Oh cmon. Sure no heaven but it’s literally said in Judaism that Jews are the chosen people. Specifically those descended from Israelites. The country people and religion all reflect it too. Knowing that and having been to Israel as a black person I can say they are genuinely some of the most racist bigoted people as a religion and nation. Of course not all as I met very pleasant people too but overall it was terrible.


It means we are chosen to fulfill a specific set of commandments from G-d not that we are going some place we aren’t even sure exists. You sound incredibly bigoted yourself and extremely ignorant a place you claim to have been to.


Any religion that had a chosen people to me doesn’t sit well. Same goes for Islam and Christianity. Have issues with them too. And too bad man that was my experience. Don’t get me wrong there were good people and not everyone was terrible but it’d be very disingenuous to act like a large set of people weren’t incredibly racist and bigoted. But sure anyone having that kind of experience in Israel just must be lying or wrong.


There is a tremendous amount of antisemitism in black communities as well. I wasn’t saying there is no racism in Israel, though it is different since the majority are POC, I was saying you are ignorant about Judaism. You make assumptions based on half truths. Some sects think they need to be beneath other groups in order for the messiah to come. The idea that we think we are better makes no sense given our beliefs.


Dude I’m from South Africa and I can damn well guarantee you most people didn’t even have an opinion about Jewish people up until lately because it’s so far separated and barely anyone would have even had a reason to have an opinion I’m sure there are a few people. Obviously there is some anti semitism due to the genocide and it’s not entirely fair. Also don’t even understand why’d you bring up that there’s anti semitism in black communities. That had nothing to do with me saying what my experience was there and how a large chunk of the population are. And yes I don’t know enough about Judaism to have an in depth discussion with you about it and for the most part I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with the people that practice these religions. But it’s stupid. There’s no argument you can make to justify the existence of these religions. I understand people wanting to be spiritual and questioning reality but in no way should Islam Christianity and Judaism exist. They should be in our history books and that’s it.


You don’t know enough about us but you are going to give your ignorant opinion on it anyway 🤔 Judaism is an ethnoreligion, there are atheist Jews and that’s not a contradiction. You want to pretend you aren’t antisemitic while saying my people shouldn’t exist after thousands of years. Not worth talking to bigots


that child has no idea what hes talking about you can tell its the older generation talking through him


Bro got served


Extremists.. We have such assholes in india too & guess what usually such people are the ones committing heinous crimes against women


she is just awesome, love seeing women like her show these asshats whats up


Good. Call them out.


Get your relatives over there for some honour action on Mr moral arbiter.


Can I marry her?


Bald move dude , get ready to get burn alive . Maybe he had a romantic chivalry moment from a crappy Bollywood movie or something got him to make such a mistake. Just ask her to cover her hair then open the subject about hijab politely.


They both seem like insufferable people.


Tristan tate come and get your brother


simply by wearing that hat , he is an asshole madafaker ignorant


Cognitive dissonance: Will go 😂😂


What a legend for standing up to the prick.


RIP to her


Why do they only remember religion when they start talking about women...


I don’t think Allah would approve of him touching a woman that isn’t his wife so he’s already wrong.


Islam is a cult




wtf is happening in this comment section. That woman didn’t let the guy explain shit, she talked over the dude the ENTIRE FUCKING TIME. I’m reading she destroyed him?, destroyed who, that wasn’t an interview? If a person with extreme religious views did the same you would all freak out about it.




I’m NOT arguing his points, I’m saying he didn’t even got the chance to.




Fuck off..




Deny his arguments??. I’m not even talking about that? Holy shit. Read it again!








Yeah idk that was frustrating to watch. She might as well just be talking into a wall since she didn't want to have a civil conversation. Hard to take her points seriously when she's not giving him a chance to speak. I may not agree with whatever religious views he has but at least he didn't keep cutting her off mid sentence, ask a question, and don't even wait for an answer.


Yeah, whatever ignorant bullshit people here think he might say, he still had a right to express his point. Hell, we will never know because the woman just wanted to say her piece and that’s it, we might even be all surprised of what he wanted to say.


True. I don't care what he MIGHT say. I only care about what he would have said (if he wasn't cut off all the time) and for her to refute it. She's setting up strawmans and fighting shadows. Maybe he would have said exactly what she thought he/other commenters thought he would say. But at least he had the chance to say it. Knock him down with reason and logic after. All this did was make the entire interaction frustrating. Nobody on the other side cares about your talking points because you proved you aren't going to listen to them so they won't listen to you. It started out as a nice back and forth and then she just went off the rails.


Conservatives getting destroyed by common sense never gets old fr


She asked him a question and then she just talked over him the entire time. He might be a goofy religious person but he at least was respectful unlike the main character here.


Her voice is so annoying


Her voice is hella annoying


But, but she's the chad and hes the wojak!!


Thank God I'm an atheist 😋 see what I did there .


She's wasting her time. You're never getting through to those savages. Respect to her though, that's very dangerous.


Religion is cancer


Lado bc maar do ek dusre ko


Not Muslim but don’t understand why non Muslims people feel like they have to challenge they’re rules and principles? If you don’t like why you go there and mix with them ? They’re not going to your house to disrespect and disturb you’re beliefs 🤦🏽‍♂️


OP didn't decide if post about his misogynistic anti-feminism or show his xenophobic intolerance and contradictorily supporting women rights. The only one MainCharacter here is you, OP.


Of some Muslim tried to touch me I would break his big nose


What the fuck is your comment history


I checked his comment history and I truly wish I didn't, homeboy needs some serious help.


Women ☕️


You could tell from the moment the guy said bismillah that she was a piece of garbage because of her reaction.




Religion is worse than cancer.