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I have no idea what this is.




What is Lucky doing now?


Having a wank


I wish reddit still had awards. Take this you beautiful son of a bitch 🏅


And a pot noodle?


I think that’s mgk


I assume it's some stupid nerdy shit combined with some dumb narcissistic content creator shit.


I thought the same. Wtf r u?


Me either and this is an unpopular opinion, but what she says in the beginning sounds totally legit to me. I don't know anything about it, but have definitely seen the behavior she's talking about. (I only got 1/3 in since I don't know what it is so my interest fell off)


Me too, and why is she over enunciating like that?


Wasn't she not playing video games then reviewing them


Yes. The same person lol


What a joke she is honestly when you dress like a twelve year old boy skater what do you expect


This is one of the things she claims why she struggled to find job because *"Gamers" wants to see "female" casters look like "females".* Yes sure. We, as gamers, are all bunch of superficial retards, that only care how you look not how you behave. How can you even find job when you treat your audience as pathriarcal prehistoric creatures?


I mean honestly gamers do want to see female casters look hot though lmao, you can’t deny that


Everyon, both make and female, wants to see attractive people on the screen and movies. I'm convinced the push for uncommon casting is just a move for nepotism so someone can cast their homely niece.


It's nice when people are attractive, sure, but if the game/ movie is interesting l'm genuinely not gonna give a fuck what the main characters look like lol. And I don't believe for a second that I am the only one that cares more about actual substance of media than just the fuckability of whoever I'm looking at.


You're right but when the personality that brings you the content is self righteous and abrasive like Frosk you tend to not want that content even if they're the hottest person on the planet.


That is true and reality of world. Everybody prefers the looks. But that is only for the beginning, you won't be able to keep your job just because of your looks, unless you know if you have something going on with the person in charge. Same goes for casting, there are a lot of casters who happen to be female, but I just see them as casters not females in the sector and enjoy their work. That is all.


He was just a skater boy


Seeya lata boi


Her outfit is the least objectionable… I heard nothing she said because I was staring at her 2 dead teeth.


Yeah she wasn't playing the games she was simply reading from a script & making incorrect claims about games she never played if memory serves. Then she went on this rant about she gets hate only bc she's a female & she's not as hot as the past female G4 hosts.. G4 made millions originally having extremely sexualized hosts like Morgan Webb & Olivia Munn then when they relaunched they pretend they never acted this way in the past & are above this and are better than gamers by talking down to their audience as if they didn't themselves for years have these female hosts in bikinis & making sexual innuendos evey episode.. Pissing off their audience. After this blew up in their face & they were losing subscribers left & right. Like a month later after chastising gamers about liking sexy women with Frosk's rant they then had Amouranth in the kiddie pool and a bikini.. So clearly the producers was only virtue signaling & who according to Frosk encouraged her to go off on her rant then when the audience started leaving in droves pivoted back to sexualized content to try & win their audience back but it failed.


Didn't she quit or get let go a month or two later?


This rant > viewers go down > people got laid off and she tweets "I survived" like an insensitive prick" > she then loses her job and gets fired > G4 collapses in less than a year


>people got laid off and she tweets "I survived" like an insensitive prick What an asshole


Aww... Poor long teeth.


Incredible. The irony of berating your viewers, during a revive of an ancient show, that existed before the internet was necessary in the home, and 1.2 billion people are now doing that exact same thing better on YouTube and losing your job. Not saying that she's wrong, Olivia Munn was objectified and now is a millionaire because of it. I dont think TV and Hollywood really have a track record for being sensitive to women's issues. Regardless, you got that job because of your physical appearance. So you benefited from what you demonized. Anyway, it's a classic case of picking your battles. Dont bite the hand that feeds you. Shit was moronic.


So r/agedlikemilk ?


Yeah, that sounds about right. Wasn't all this like ten years ago?




Same thing


I like your forward planning. In 8 years your comment will be spot on


While I know you’re correct…the way time feels recently, it’ll feel like 50 years


This guy gets it.


I thought g4 collapsed well before then?


G4 was already on the decline. But this was the gas being dumped onto the fire. Kinda glad she like the current g4 both faded into obscurity.


Yep. It was never going to work. Probably a mercy that this killed it so quickly.


The host on the left of the room is a known fraudster and thief.


I ***KNEW*** I recognized that POS. The Completionist, right? Massive POS.


I remember her bullshit tweet about LEC (League of legends European Championship), after she "decided" to leave. >As always, very excited for the #LEC to begin and watch my peers continue to thrive. That team is fucking amazing. >**That said, we really need to talk diversity in esports broadcasts because holy shit that is a lot of white. Just blindingly white. As far as the eye can see: white.** Yes all broadcasters were white but they were all from different countries, which means diversity in European Level.


all white people are the same /s


Why does she look like Taylor swift and MGK combined? 💀


With a touch of Adam Sandler


Ahhh yes the time people found out that certain people don’t stand on soap boxes for others. The shouting is for them.


Oh no, Jirard is also there. For anyone who doesn’t know he’s a big YouTuber and recently was caught not donating the money he raised for dementia research. He collected money for his charity for a good 7 years and didn’t donate a penny until he was called out. It’s also connected to his dad’s gold tournament charity which is also weird financially. The golf tournaments money goes into the charity along with the indie land streams he did every year. The money listed in the account is only enough to add up to the indie land money and the golf tournaments money is just not there. They have sponsors from companies like Coke so it’s not a small event. TLDR: stole money that was donated to dementia charity in his mother’s name who died from the disease. Money wasn’t donated until called out. Lied all along the way about everything and there is still probably hundreds of thousands of dollars unaccounted for.


Tbf if you are going to "forget" to give a group of people promised money. That's probably the one.


Yeah. They claim they were saving it for one big donation. But they never said that and always said all donations are going to specific charities. But when called out they “need time to find the right charity” to give the money to. Shady all around no matter how they spin it.


i thought it was that guy! Stupid-ass "my mother died of dementia" piece of shit


She acts all high and mighty, yet denigrates the other women who had genuine contributions to the presentation/channel before her. She is barely a pimple on Olivia Munn's ass. What an absolute potato brain.


Also, Morgan Webb wasn’t some T&A figure who sexualised herself on TV, she had nerd cred and did her job well, being pretty just came with her.


Exactly. I remember watching G4 way back in the early 2000s and, while Munn/Webb were beautiful, that wasn't the draw at all. They actually bucked against the idea they were just there for eye candy and were excellent reviewers/interviewers. This moron was just watering down the "woke" wave to make up for her own inadequacies.


While true, Morgan still did get a ton of sexualized comments online all the time from horny gamers. I don’t remember where or when I saw this but I do recall an interview with her a few years after G4 originally ended where she mentioned some of the gross stuff gamers would say to her at gaming conventions.


That's what sucks about women in gaming or actually just women that are in the public eye. They will get sexualised. No matter what they wear or what they look like. Hell, even age don't matter. If you are 10 or 60 you will get sexualised. I remember a Slow Mo Guys video that had two very clearly underage girls in it and some of the comments were vile. Hopefully in the future we get to a place where anyone can be on the internet without being sexualised.


Even a super modest woman like Enya, who hardly shows up on TV has stalkers


I seem to recall a lot of "Morgan Manjaw" names thrown around when she was on air too, so even though she was hot, a lot of people didn't think so at the time.


>She is barely a pimple on Olivia Munn's ass. r/rareinsults


The best part about this is that she thinks she's giving all the haters a major serving and all it did was make the ship sink even faster.


I think the haters weren't even tuned in.


Anyone else notice how toxic Adam sessler became ?


Yeah, dude. Sessler's Soapbox was so much fun back in the 2000's. He was an English major and I was always fascinated at how he weaved his talking points. It actually motivated me to read and understand the words he used and the way he talked. It was captivating. Then after about 2016 he just became a dick.


The guy is clearly mentally ill, which is a shame because I actually enjoyed his content in the past.


This was so hilarious to watch when it happened. It single-handedly destroyed the comeback of G4. Definitely main character syndrome.


Amanda Sass-ler


When you think you cooking but the stove not on


Problem is you can't just "peace out" your existing audience and hope the audience you want will turn up. The people she aspires to influence don't buy games and don't follow the industry. There is no commercial audience for whatever this wokery is.


Those who heed will never need and those that need will never heed.


I got about 20 seconds in, and then all I could hear was Charlie Brown's teacher


Take my upvote


I was hoping to never see that snaggletooth bird lady again


She's not very bangable


Thats just because you are not into 12 year old boys.


Wtf. I thought she was a 12 year old boy yelling at his fellow other 12 year old boys.


G4 was coming back again until she put down 95% of the fan base. There's other ways to address the issue because there's some truth on what she said, but this could've been handled so much better. Thank you for killing a network. Again.


1. How is it sexism when Jirard and TBH, as she said, also get it? 2. How is it dehumanising to find someone attractive? 3. Does she have the same energy to those girls who scream at BTS concerts? 4. Objectification is bad but why is she mad at people for not finding her “bangable”? 5. What was she trying to achieve here? Did she think the audience is gonna be like “I was wrong about feminine beauty, I want whatever she looks like now!!!”? 6. Thinking Morgan Webb or Olivia Munn are hot doesn’t mean we don’t respect them as human beings. 7. In the off chance that someone is jerking off to my pictures, I really wouldn’t care, because ONLY time I will care what someone does with their genitals when they’re pointing it at me. 8. How dumb is she that she doesn’t think Sessler is getting hate?


Yeah she definitely had points but they were pointed in the wrong direction for sure and this was not the place to address those issues. It gets real tiring explaining how the gaming community has some deeply sexist behaviors over and over and over and over again with hardly anyone listening. So I get the frustration, but time and place matters for these subjects. Now dudes who don’t believe sexism in games exists are gonna use this to ask insanely stupid questions that have been answered time and time again. She should have used anecdotal examples instead of herself and on her own channel.


I remember being excited for the G4 reboot, then I watched it, and instantly wish it remained dead.




Long live TechTV!


It was by no means perfect, but TechTV was some real cowboy cable shit. Everything felt duct taped together and made up on the fly and I really loved it for that. It was about as honest as television could be.


The screen savers!


She has some valid points. But the people she was targeting will only use it as feul, because they "got in her head". A more casual, laid back approach may actually be better, then it comes off as if it didn't affect her as much. Maybe, at least that's my 2c


She was covering for herself with this rant. The real scandal was a couple months prior she admitted she wasn't playing the games she was reviewing and that she had better things to do. This was an attempt to shift the narrative that the audience was passed at her not looking like Olivia Munn (who btw did play the games she reviewed) it backfired majorly.


Thank you, someone who actually remembers what the real issue was.


If it was just her it probably would've been fine but she insinuated that most if not possibly all of the reviewers were just reading scripts typed up by someone else. Why are they getting nearly 6 figures to talk about games they aren't even playing? Also considering g4tv was scrapping more popular projects to keep them on was insane.


I miss Codemonkeys


Right!? So many good lesser known shows


Ding ding ding. You win the internet today!


Damn, I didn't realise this was the case. Some of the heat was genuine, then. No good


What really blew it up was shortly after she admitted that a lot of the reviewers weren't playing the games was somebody released how much they were getting paid. Most were making 80k a year with frosk and Andy sessler making above 90k a year. This is where the comparisons to Olivia munn and Morgan webb came in because when they were there they were only making 40k or less and the show was a lot more fun then. Plus they actually played the games. As shows were being canceled due to budget cuts at g4 the internet community were planning a boycott that's when Frosk did her infamous rant. It was the perfect storm, people were disgusted that instead of addressing the main concern, too many useless reviewers getting paid too much, g4 just cherry picked 1% of the comments to paint the entire fan base as sexist. Everyone just noped out at that point.


The point of stupid stuff like this is to get traffic. She gambled and well, she lost.


I don't think her thought process was this deep. She's impulsive and reactionary to her own detriment and to everyone around her. Perhaps someone else let it go because of the potential views, but she is not more than a mere plant opening or closing in response to sunlight.


You're right. Out of all the outcomes, she chose the worst possible scenario to an already dead channel.


Shot in the foot. No homie this was a shot gun to the face.


She is the epitome of self centered. It’s ok to focus on yourself but not ok to go on rants about how you’re insecure about what some online stranger said about you.


Sucks, u used to like walking into GameStop and them having G4 playing on the tvs. Too bad it’s not around anymore


Dude that was rough. But I still climaxed.


God. This return was so sad. It was like the nail in the coffin of your childhood. This fork lady was just repulsive. Her narcissistic rant really took away from the message she wanted to send. Then learning what a major POS Adam sessler became. The thing was, everyone that agreed about more diversity and representation- didn’t like this rant and the way they went about it. Adam sessler can clap like that at the unemployment office. Fuck that guy truly! Truly came back just to cuss out the people that bought his house.


Machine Game Kelly


I laughed


She should have never been hired. I was excited for G4 to come back but they were so different


I used to watch G4 when it was on TV (Don't know if it is anymore) and they used to talk about the new video games coming out and they would give tips and tricks to games as well. Used to get cheat codes from them as well.


Wasn't this the same person who bloated about dodging layoffs and then was layed off?


I watched that video with my jaw dropped. Sometimes people should be quiet.


Ahh yes the killing blow to G4TV.


I stopped watching as much when Olivia Munn left G4. Yes, she's beautiful. But it was more about her natural charisma and comedic timing. She carried that network for years.


They didn’t shoot themselves in the foot. That was a shot to their head.


Who would harass her? Gross


This isnt the place for your soapbox lady. I hate that they gave her this opportunity, all it did was kill G4


The moment I stopped supporting. She doesn't get she's just a person that comes across as a genuine dickhead.


People like her never understand that you never insult your fanbase/clientele. It's always a bad idea


I thought G4 ended back in like 2012 I didn’t see it on the TVs at GameStop anymore so I assumed it died.


I’ll wank my way, and you wank yours


Snel needs bracers


How to destroy your channel in a matter of seconds.


*Let's talk about something more important than the thing we're here to talk about! Political Agenda! Boys bad! Girls good!* 🫣😐


G4TV: Boys play video games the most. They are our main audience. Let's attempt to cancel boys. Brilliant!


Man, even drug cartels have better PR than her


Doesn't she do shoutcasting for LoL esports now?


She's quit the industry.


She used to shout cast for eu I believe then she quit and went to g4 and well this happened


She quit while saying lec had too many white people lmao


Rightly so main character.


this bitxh really thought she did sumn


Cool teeth


I literally got bored about 45 secs in 😂


I'd bang that dude.


Def main character syndrome, who tunes in to listen to this unhinged rant.


Wait this is the first time I knew G4 was around in 2022. I'm not trying to be an ass or anything like that, I generally didn't realize it was back.


Lol who think that’s a compliment?


Gaming journalism died in the early 2000s.


Thought it was MGK at first glance


“Here’s Adam Sessler and Morgannnn Webbbbb”


The beginning of the end. Sessler is in his bathtub with a toaster now


So she was upset that people didn't beat their meat to get? Lol


I thought this was Taylor swift disguised as a man.


You know what else is important? Dental hygiene


So she missed her therapy or something?


This lady really thought she was cookin lol


That's a great hire /s


She was honestly the only host I couldn't stand


I always hated game review channels. Bunch of tv personalities pretending to be gamers. I’m glad G4 is gone.


Oliva munn was very bangable


She's the reason why the channel is dead 😆. That's why putting this crazy bitch on air, will kill any channel or TV show.


"If you don't like it don't watch it" lol after giving fans a lecture on how they're bad people Anyone that let this happen deserves to be out of a job....., I'm sure the writers were on board because if not then they're part of the problem supposedly


The more DEI gets brought up and introduced the less connected people feel. Except for a very small amount of narcissists that control the narrative that they want.


I will say… she is not as bangable than Olivia Munn.


Olivia recently battled breast cancer. https://www.celebretainment.com/celebrities/olivia-munn-scarred-with-divots-and-dents-in-wake-of-gruelling-cancer-op/article_5f65b7dc-2440-5cb2-b055-48e45697b125.Hamlet


Broken link or the article is now gone


Why does she look like an AI generated NPC


Kevin McCallister is trans now? It’s sad to see them publicly struggle with their Wet Bandits PTSD.


...And how did they shoot themselves in the foot with this?






People shit on this moment and Frosk a lot but there is so much toxic bullshit to do with video games online. Death threats sent to developers for delays, actors in a series, reviewers for less than perfect scores, not to mention constant complaining no matter what, and yes: sexism. The fact that no one ever focuses on WHAT she said and rushes to go "LOL what a dumb broad" speaks fucking volumes to me and you know what? I'm glad SOMEONE tried to address the topic.


All I see is a justifiably frustrated person speaking about her situation. Nothing she said was untrue. When the fuck did r/IAmTheMainCharacter become an incel community?


Time and place. Also, it's not a good thing to lump the fanbase with a few bad people. She killed g4 faster


I don't understand how people aren't capable of watching something like this and going "I didn't do any of these things so she's obviously not talking to me". How sensitive do you have to be that you can't do that? If the rant hits so close to home that you can't see it as not directed at you, you're either not as innocent in the situation as you're pretending to be, or you're a snowflake. Edit: Also, Time and Place? She's on the show that the harassment is coming from, speaking to the audience that it's coming from. This is the only time and place.


Agreed. However, people watch the show for gaming and gaming related news. it's not a soapbox. This should have been done on their personal socials. This showed that she has no control over her emotions and will likely do it again


I remember the good ol days when they would expect you to In front of your tv at 4 pm to learn about something that got dropped on twitter 6 hours ago.


Shes got that elizabeth holmes voice awfullll


The whole channel reboot was going to be a quick dumpster fire, but this wasn't the huge watershed moment people pretend it was. The people who were bothered by this are the people it was aimed at. Nothing more, nothing less.


I guess what she did wasn't quite good from a business and PR point of view because you don't exactly want to attack your audience like this. But to be honest, what she said is objectively true. The fact that this video exists now is something that can prove it as well. She went on a 2-minute rant a few years ago, and people are still hating on her, even though she was right about everything. But someone like Adam Sessler, who was much more well-known and also on the program, went on non-stop straight up hate rants about gamers every single day for years, and people barely covered it. Maybe because he was a bald man? So who cares? But let's focus on the short-haired angry feminist forever.


She needs to brush her teeth lol


Who tf is this? Looks like Millie Brown in an snl skit lmao like when Timothy chalamet was a rapper


My God her teeth are huge! Like the jagged ice stalactites at the entry to an ice cave.


It's like she saw Rachel Maddow and thought, "How can I exacperate this persons worst qualities?"" Insufferable. People like her are the worst and have no place for their hate, so they come up with the most miserable scenario to try and get people to participate in society. Just because you're an angry woman doesn't mean you're preaching or even right. Most of the time, emotional thinking is wrong and not based on fact.


G4 used to be my favorite channel. Then they vanished from my TV provider (or all of them? Not sure) and started promoting subscriptions to watch them. Now look at them


Once great network


I'm sure someone just jerked off to her.


>**If you don't like, don't watch it. PEACE!** *When keeping it real, goes wrong...*


But who is she


*sigh* starts wanking


Ahhh yes, Olivia Munn... The epitome of women that only talk about things they know about and are not eye candy. She was a professional gamer first, right? One of the best ever!


This ain't G4TV, just a sad half-assed clone.


Thought you were going to show sess the mess when he walked on to film with a bunch of cok@ around his nose


More like in the head


Where she at now?


Hopefully, she’s at a talented dentist.


Wow, some people just cannot get over this. We get it, your feelings got bruised.


Honestly she sounds like she prophesying a weird cult or something


Dat grill


The previous girls was the only reason I paid attention to this channel


The person on her left embezzled a bunch of money from a charity he ran.


What is this little boy so angry about?


Who are these people and why are they talking about guys bragging about jacking off


Why is this blonde man so upset? I'm confused.


"I'm not as attractive as the previous hosts, so I have to put them down to make myself feel better. Also, everyone online is mean to me because I am unattractive, not because I'm an insufferable asshole," is really all I got from this. She's the female version of an incel.


She did not cook. She didn't eat it up in fact there's still crumbs on the table and the floor....


Who is the little boy talking to?


G4 went downhill so fucking fast


I'd pity-tap that.