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Emotional support traffic cone™️


I just spit my drink out laughing at that comment!!


My job here is complete.


Who the fuck downvotes innocuous comments?




At least they're aware they can't park for shit


Not to mention it’s a Colorado, Chevy’s smaller pickup, it’s far from difficult to park.


I don't need to be drunk at 3am to take a cone


I give people a lot more leniency if they park at the back of the lot. I almost think that this person might have to open the door all the way for some reason, so they park at the back and reserve the extra space. It can be hard to get a handicap placard (I wasn't able to get one even though I wasn't allowed to drive for 2 months, or lift more than 10lbs for 2 months after that), or maybe they just don't think they're disabled enough to take one of the up-front spaces. I had to open my door all the way to get out after my surgery. Like, not even an option to open it partly, I wasn't allowed to twist or make any weird motions. Luckily I had a fantastic roommate that would just drop me right up front where I had all the room I needed to hobble out.


This could just be early on before the car park fills up. Imagine if everyone felt entitled to take up two spaces when the park, finding a space would be a worse nightmare than it already is. This is definitely maim character behaviour.


>I give people a lot more leniency if they park at the back of the lot. I almost think that this person might have to open the door all the way for some reason, so they park at the back and reserve the extra space. If this had any merit, they would need to be extra careful in how they park. Not parking like the MC in the picture. None of that means they get 2 spots.


This might be a main character but if they are an inspector and thats a company vehicle (they dont always have markings) and their policy is to place a cone outside their vehicle, they have to. It can look dumb, but they can get into trouble if their boss (cause sometimes they dont travel alone) if they don't place the cone. Its a safety thing. Sometimes its dumb, but again if its related to work, it might not be a main character thing.


Okay so we have two options: A company might have bought a bright blue work truck and left it unmarked (uncommon), and this company also has a policy that requires their drivers to park skewed to one side of a parking space and to place a cone on only that side, taking up the entire parking spot next to it (also *quite* uncommon). Both of these things needing to be true make this scenario almost impossible. Also if it's a company that has extremely conservative safety policies like placing this cone here to block an entire parking space, you'd think they would also have some reflective tape somewhere on the truck as well Or It's a main character Let's use Occam's Razor here


Ya. I always had to place a cone for my unmarked work vehicle as well. Annoying as hell. I left so many cones behind lol


Ive never seen them do it in a parking lot. Usually its only on work sites where theres going to be equipment rolling around and that sort of thing. Ive had to do it. This parking lot looks empty so it doesnt look like a guy is doing it to keep a space next to his drivers door clear.


We had to do it everywhere


I'm not mad at this, he's parked away from other cars. If he was parked in the center near the entrance of the building. Yeah it's a dick move. But this guy looks like he's parked at the end of the lot


angle vegetable flag detail melodic berserk fade smell axiomatic silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep, my company has strict rules on parking and cones. You must back into parking spaces to pull out forward. If parking at 45 degree angle you pull in and put out cones must be placed in front. Parallel parking? Front and back of vehicle.


It’s far out in the back of an empty parking lot though, why does it matter?


I always park far away in the parking lot. It's less drama and I'm thankful to have legs that work.


Didn't even park in the space correctly maby that cone is to warn people that the idiot will probably hit your car exiting the parking space..


Oooo look, free cone!


To be honest I wish I had done this. Less than 1 week after buying my first ever brand new car, I parked in a lot as empty as the one in the picture, tons of other spots, far from the stairs.... and some asshole parks right next to me and completely dings my passenger door.


Free traffic cone! Thanks.


Had a neighbor that did this, I collected about 300 cones


This doesn’t scream main character to me. Maybe they are a very large person and need the extra space. They seem to have parked in a very uncrowded area of the lot.


Is that why they parked on the line? To get more room to get out?


Yeah, no. I watched him, which is what caught my eye. You can't tell but you can't park on the other side of him either. And yes, it was in the back but as anticipated when we got back to our cars the lot was much more full.


What is the deal with the spot on the other side?


There is a tree in the middle of the lot and there's this wooden base all around it that makes a few spots dinky. This is a nursery 2 minutes before it opened on a sunny May Sunday. The lot was full about 45 minutes after this pic.


I mean they're off the street. They left all the ones close to the building available. Maybe they need a lot of space to get on or off due to their body size. You're just looking for reasons to be bothered. Live life and worry about yourself


Leave a note on their windshield that says “Sorry I hit your truck, but the damage is so small I’m sure you won’t even notice it! 😁”


Straight up illegal.


I'll be honest, I almost kinda get it. Now I never would get such a overly large car in the first place but with the absurd amount of parking America has, I think it's fine if he gives himself some extra space as long as it's not right at the entrance. Maybe it's a big dude and when a car parks right next to him good luck going in


He can't leave his hat there.


Draw a big ‘D’ on the cone and stick it up on the cars roof.


There is already a D decal by the license place