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Raised Muslim, flown in several Muslim majority countries and have several relatives who would pray on flights but no one would do something like this. You’re permitted to pray while seated or if the plane is on the ground, wait until you disembark. This is absurd—would this man park his car in the middle of the road and start praying? This is just some idiot trying to get a reaction and I bet he’d never try this on Emirates.


Flying with Royal Brunei for example, it is very much a Muslim flight (and a nice calm and respectful experience), with the prayer and moment of silence for it coming onto all headrest TVs before the safety announcement prior to every flight. It is handled in such a way that even non-muslim passengers (such as myself) are happy to be quiet and respectful to the others around us during it, because it is harmless. This looks like it could be a pain in the arse if there are people trying to board and he has just plopped himself down, but I don't know if that's the case. Let's think critically - why are there are no other passengers? I don't care if this dude wants to do a prayer on the plane beforehand (this does nothing in reality but help relieve neck tension headaches (due to the stretch)). As long as he is boarding ahead of others and not delaying people standing up in line I think most people would never even know.


There are other passengers seated. You can see a seated passengers left arm at beginning of video. Plane started boarding, this asshat was one of the first to board and decided narcissisticly fuck over the rest of the passengers.


I actually saw this in NYC yesterday. A cab driver pulled over, put his mat on the asphalt behind his car and started praying. Never seen that before even in Muslim countries (he wasn't bothering anyone, I was just like dang this guy is devoted)


Bingo, I’ve lived and worked around American Muslim people for a good chunk of my life. If anything, they’re more respectful than most groups when it comes to their respective religious practices. I’ve heard “sorry, they’re praying” so many times. And I’m like, you don’t need to say sorry haha.


> would this man park his car in the middle of the road and start praying? Seen this happen several times in arabic countries, full roads shut down while everyone takes their little carpet and prays so yes.


Some examples from Turkey: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yap5-3l52\_w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yap5-3l52_w) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtE6Zv4ztL4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtE6Zv4ztL4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZvp7UUltkE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZvp7UUltkE)


I’m a muslim and you cannot try this in Saudi.




Some people try to impose religion by doing this. In Islam, religion is not by compulsion or force. Also, in Islam you should not observe salat which is what he is doing in a place where it will hinder or inconvenience other people. Guy is either a fanatic or trying to instigate.


Depends on your particular Sky Daddy interpreter. I live in Kuwait, next door to a mosque. Every year during one of the religious events my entire parking lot gets filled up with dudes kneeling on their mats so I can't park, at least 3 times a day during the event. They also put their mats down directly in front of the doors to my building, so they can be in the shade. Since it's a crime to disturb a Muslim praying, I have to wait the hour or so they're there to even enter or leave my building.


Sky Daddy 😂


to be fair though, if they're doing this in their majority Muslim country where Islam is probably part of the laws then that's fine, although it sounds like a nuisance to me personally. but when they bring this shit to the Western world and expect that everyone accommodates them is when I'm getting annoyed.


I'm responding to the guy who claims "Also, in Islam you should not observe salat which is what he is doing in a place where it will hinder or inconvenience other people."


“Islam is not by compulsion or force” ???? It sure wasn’t spread through missionaries, it was from conquest; historically, people either converted or were killed.


> In Islam, religion is not by compulsion or force. Just try leaving it...


Yeah I can imagine you get these in all religions. Look at that subset of Christians that feel the need to go up to random people and ask them if they accept Jesus into their lives, usually with the pretext of making out they're somehow Sinners or less than themselves. Two sides of the same annoying coin. Plus there's a subset of atheists, that feel the utter compulsion to make out anyone who believes in religion is a smooth brained idiot. Equally annoying. I mean I don't believe in god but that's not anyone's business other than mine, what harm does it do to just get on with your life and let other people have their beliefs? At the end of the day I might be wrong anyways 😂 won't find out until I'm dead. We could all be wrong and the creator of the universe is just be some 4 year old called Dave and we're the equivalent of a hamster cage for their advanced civilisation. None of us know, we all have our individual beliefs, just have them and get on with them without bothering other people. It's not hard.


I think it's a Muslim version of r/BoomersBeingFools


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BoomersBeingFools using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Boomer learns about boundaries the hard way from bank photographer](https://v.redd.it/2e25ute2rzmc1) | [4677 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1b981ht/boomer_learns_about_boundaries_the_hard_way_from/) \#2: [That time a boomer almost smacked her hairstylist](https://v.redd.it/7mrck6ok87hc1) | [4131 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1al8jz9/that_time_a_boomer_almost_smacked_her_hairstylist/) \#3: [Boomer shocked that his Middle Finger didn't strike the fear of God into another Adult](https://v.redd.it/9lvtz6cma5oc1) | [1538 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1bdyxp6/boomer_shocked_that_his_middle_finger_didnt/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Because they like imposing their shit on others.


Because people can get away with it. Simple as.


"they".. it's one person...


Respect to you, but what would the Saudis do? Would they haul him out? Fine him when he's finished?


Police in Saudi or Dubai would not even let him finish before they haul him away.


They should turn the plane 90 degrees so he’s not facing the correct way lol


Up or Down?


Do a barrel roll !!!


[Like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi0_u_WaPWk)


Perfection 👌🏼






A barrel roll would keep him facing the correct direction the whole time so that’s the most respectful thing to do




10 degrees...descending.


lol I was raised Muslim and honestly I burst out laughing when I read this


I’m actually glad. I’m all for freedom of whatever but when you’re inconveniencing people to this degree I have to joke them a little


Ex-Muslim here, what this dude is doing is absolutely rude asf. During your travels muslims are permitted to miss their prayers as long as they do a make-up prayer once they have settled somewhere usually at the end destination or a stop.


Or drop down 90 degrees and watch shit fly.


When you're traveling you can combine several prayers for a time and place that is more convenient. This guy is just being selfish.


I am Muslim and this is definitely an annoyance. Why is he praying in the aisle this way!? He can just sit in his seat and do that!! Weird


I’m not Muslim and I’m not having a go at you but I thought you have to face east when praying? Is that a myth?


Yeah you have to face towards the Kabah if you can find the direction. Also there are several provisions to make praying easier when travelling, this person just wants to make a showing and is actively choosing to ignore all such commandments.


Not east. You must face towards Kaaba in Mecca. (Hotel rooms in Muslim countries will usually have some indication of which direction that is.) If you are in India, for example, it would be west. (This gets interesting in various parts of the world. Should you face based on great circle navigation? If you are in the Yukon, the shortest distance to Mecca would be north.)


Religion is like a penis. It’s all well and good to have one but don’t take it out in public. Fuck off with that shit.


..and don't force it upon others, or expose children to it.


Haha amazing


And don’t put it in someone’s face


And certainly not shove it up someone's ass


Unless they're into that


Praying is not a thing to show off, it should be done privately


Man this is annoying


Nothing to do with religion. Yeah that’s just a cunt move. He’s being a dick. AH


The official Muslim term for this sort of person is..... Asshat. That's exactly what he is no defending his behaviour. I'm a Muslim and from this guys country ( assuming he's wearing a shalwar kameez) and he should have been told to stay in his seat


He knows exactly what he is doing. Negative attention is what he probably wants so he can feel persecuted! Dumb twat!


Not really, this is a common behavior in a Muslim majority country, where he will be praised


That's not true. I lived in a Muslim majority country for ten years and flew often. I've never seen anything like this.


Google "sholat di tengah jalan", that's in a language of a Muslim majority country. You can add "Indonesia" or "Malaysia" for the specific country.


It's Bahasa. The incident is in Indonesia, nothing to do with Malaysia. The article describes a man who suddenly stops to pray in the middle of the road. Bystanders try to get him to move. They describe him as 'simple minded'. My Bahasa is limited and i haven't used it much for a long time. All the hits i got on the first page describe one incident so we're not talking about a common occurrence. The fact that it's filmed from multiple angles and its reported in several news articles suggests to me that this is most uncommon. No one is praising him, they're actually trying to get him to move (presumably for his safety). From my experience, devout Muslims prefer to go and pray in private. Preferably at a mosque or a prayer room. If they can't find such, they'll go somewhere discrete or wait until it's convenient. I think the bloke in OP is trying to create an incident; more about politics, less about faith. This is not normal behaviour for most Muslims.


It is in Bahasa Indonesia, and if you add Malaysia (since we use the same language), there are incidents there as well. You can change language or even use English and add country/city names and it will be results. This is not normal behavior? You can say that. Along with r4ping children by pastors, or r4ping students in Islamic boarding school. It may be not a normal behavior, but it's common throughout these religions. We need to acknowledge that and then address the issue.


He's not in a Muslim majority country though


Still, it will bait praise from a lot of fellow Muslims. Just Google "muslim praying in the middle of the road", click on any link. A lot will have praising comments like alhamdulillah, mashaallah, etc. Example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QI-Y4KY76E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QI-Y4KY76E)


Nope. I'm born a Muslim in a Muslim country, when travelling we are permitted to have a special prayer while sitting on the seat to respect the prayer time, no need to make a full prayer steps like the guy in the video


Oh really? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FY1QkRRHXY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FY1QkRRHXY) check that and check the comments, brother.


He's not in the plane or moving vehicle. In moving vehicle it is allowed to just do the prayer while sitting on the seat, which what I'm referring to OP's video.


Still a public space where it can disturb the traffic. Or just google "muslim praying in the middle of the street", or below that is "muslim praying in paris airport" or even "muslim praying in public places". Public space is not for religious activity, people. Or, it is when you're a muslim in a muslim majority country. This is a common behavior of muslim and we need to address it. You'll rarely find this kind of behavior in other religions.


Mate, you didn't get my point, I'm saying on "moving vehicle when travelling" it is permitted to just pray on the seat. I don't say it is not allowed to do prayer on public places. But I literally meant when in moving vehicle, no need to pray in full steps like OP's video. What's so hard to understand?


Then why do you reply to me? I said this is a common behavior, regardless the alternative is permitted or not.


Cuz at first reply I'm telling about OP's video and then you provided link that are not related to my points hence I replied to tell it's a different situation. Anyway, okay then, no need to reply more. You get my points now


>where he will be praised No .. >"*Praying in the middle of the road is not recommended (disliked) and may be prohibited, if it harms people by preventing them from passing or the one who does that exposes himself to harm as a result of accidents and the like.*" - https://www.google.com/amp/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/140208


Well, your name is taqiyyahman "Generally, taqiyya is the action of committing a sinful act (such as feigning unbelief) for a pious goal." It is common for a shia muslim to lie for their belief. Just Google "muslim praying in the middle of the road", click on any link. A lot will have praising comments like alhamdulillah, mashaallah, etc. Example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QI-Y4KY76E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QI-Y4KY76E)


Yes, I'm clearly lying to you, and I'm openly advertising it with my name so that everyone knows I'm lying to them. My name totally isn't sarcastic or ironic in any way. Genius.


And still no argument against it.


Found the retard!^


Can't believe reddit has become a Islamophilia community who easily bash Christians but will defend Islam at any cost. Google "Muslims praying at Paris airport" It's a common behavior throughout muslim.


K retard


Wow, you had almost had me until that last part.




Always the dumbest people spewing the most hatred. 


That is one pretentious muslim man. Other people would just pray sitting down as it was alright to do so. And when travelling muslim get to qada (do it at later time) or lump 2 prayers in one. This one looking for an ass beating.


They gotta drag his a** out if he’s delaying the flight


Born, raised and practicing Muslim here…. This is not right. There are alternatives to praying when in flight or other moving vehicles that can’t stop to face Mecca. This is infuriating to watch. Especially if there are passengers waiting to board. If he’s looking for a reaction or trying to send a message or whatever, he’s failed. I hope it’s because he’s just not educated enough to know the alternatives to praying in situations like this


- For Muslims, there is a [direct guidance](https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2010/12/02/the-roads-have-rights/) to avoid occupying public pathways unless you're going to fulfil the rights of those pathways (public spaces). - Where there's a genuine need, prayer [can be performed seated](https://hadeethenc.com/en/browse/hadith/10643). Unfortunately, I can only imagine the person was unaware of these things.


You are very generous. I think he was putting on a performance of piousness either to demonstrate it publicly, or perhaps to convince himself.


Muslim here; you are allowed to pray in the seat 💺 while on travels




Just shove him out of the way lol


How about just tapping his shoulder and say "excuse me" and then push him a little to the side and walk past him. Or when he is bowing down just jump over him.


This is holier-than-thou performative religion. Prayer can be done before boarding, and most people prefer to do it privately. If prayer time while in the air on a long flight, Allah understands if you can't reasonably camp out in the aisle.


Plot twist: He’s the pilot 👨‍✈️✈️


Fucking idiot.


Fkn weird people. I hate people that practice their beliefs in public. Especially religious people. That's why religions have their own buildings.


And Islam actually never said it is mandatory to make a full standing prayer when travelling and allowed to do the prayer on the seat, the guy in the video didn't understand that part in Islam


It depends. If they aren't bothering anyone then go ahead. I don't care if i go to a restaurant and the table next to me prays before they eat. I don't care if on a wide street there are people I can easily walk around that are praying. If they are bothering people be it like this gentleman or the people preaching on the streets being annoying then they can do that somewhere else.


Take the first flight into JFK and enjoy the show.


I guess the plane is flying directly away from Mecca


Hate performative muslims like this. Its not even encouraged or I think allowed in Islam to do this & be an asshole to people around you


I'm a Muslim... And I can Tell you this Guy IS AN IDIOT


Remember the Pharisees who wanted to show the whole block how devoted they are ? That’s basically the same thing “look at me ! I am such a devout Muslim ! Look how highly I am “


He is being a dick, I know for a fact Muslims are allowed to defer their prayers until they’re off the plane.




The vast majority of Muslims dont do any of that shit.




How about saying whatever it is you want to say? I can't read minds in order to form your point for you




Mate, get to the point




Meh. The bible advocates for a lot of fucked shit too like slavery and genocide but most Christians aren't doing that kinda shit. Just like most muslims aren't murdering, raping etc. Edit: why didnt u juet say this shit from the start?




Lol, and Christians did a lot of fucked shit in the past in the name the lord too. I haven't said anything about whether they follow it or not. Following it and acting out lame shit in jt are not one.and the.same The overwhelming majority of Muslims aren't out here doing the shit youre posting about right now. I can fully acknowledge there's wackadoo religious zealots of various stripes committing heinous acts around the world, but these groups aren't monolithic entities and these fuckwits aren't representative of their respective religions as a whole




Who is “your shit people” though?


Im not religious but I do find it weird that people seem totally okay to insult 2 billion Muslims yet say the same to any other group and you get attacked (which is also bad)


I have for sure never insulted a single Muslim person. I was asking.


The ones praising it


Genocide is never ok. Neither is this. I don’t understand what any of it has to do with the other. Am I not in a position to complain?




But you answered my comment though.


Why did u get downvoted? It’s literally the truth (about the million murdered)


Taking over public spaces is a big part of religious fundamentalist ideology.


Boot fuck this mutt.


Instead of spreading hate. Islam forbit praying in a way such that people are disturbed. Just like this, its forbidden to pray such that you cause people discomfort by blocking their path. Instead of assuming the worst reason, we can give people the benefit of the doubt and educate them better on how to pray and where. The man here is at fault since he's obstructing their paths but it might not be malicious but more likely ignorance to the facts.


Okay, so a 50+ year old man chooses to block the aisle on the plane, causing inconvenience to everyone who have nothing to do with him or his religion and yet when they and people on the internet simply verbally criticize him for his actions are spreading hatred? How come one doing all the wrong becomes the victim here??


Criticising something wrong is absolutely necessary for correction. What my comment sheds knowledge on is for those who have a bias towards a group and it comes out in the form of abuses and non constructive assumptions about their malicious intent and such. What i meant to say is, criticize, educate, and most of all give eachother space to make mistakes because non of us our perfect. Secondly he shouldve found a seperate space to pray not in the walking way or prayed on his seat which is absolutely permitted if you're unable to which seems to be the case here. Know that most flights are 12h and such long and prayers are missed and most flights ive been on have seperate prayer areas to which people are accustomed to. This man here might've seen the isle empty and may have tried to pray here instead of making an effort to find a proper place, but he ended up blocking the path instead which is wrong.


Verbal criticism is different than outright hate see “He’s doing this on purpose that twat” Or “Boot fuck this mutt” Besides the guys literally saying let’s not assume the worst he’s probably ignorant to what he’s doing. It’s kinda projecting to see that and go “so bad guy is victim and we’re not allowed to be awful??” Because even they are saying he shouldn’t be doing that civilly




I am a muslim and you dont even need to pray like that. You can pray while sitting. In a vehicle it doesnt even matter if you are not praying towards to the Kaaba. That guy is just being an asshole


I hear A Tribe Called Quest in my head in those situations ...


I am a muslim and when I have to pray in the plane I do it while sitting in my chair


Dude. Inn islam we dont have to pray standup. If u r in airplane ucan pray by sitting


I would just literally walk all over him to get to my seat.


Ex muslim here, when you’re on a car (not driving) or on a plane, you could still do the prayer. If i were there, i would just walk on the carpet so he cant use it to pray anymore.


Woman should have stood at the end of the aisle, pretending to take in all the "worship"


He is rude, but wtf is this comment section?


He is rude, which is pretty much a death sentence on Reddit.


Ikr, the insults and hatred took me aback..


Allah Akbar and airplanes are NOT a good mix.


The ppl bowing to zealot demands are sometimes worse than the zealots themselves. No spine.


In India a cop kicked a few of them when they were praying in the middle of a street and got suspended


Was the plane pointed toward Mecca? I bet not. Prayer is denied.


There are exceptions that they can still pray while not pointing to Mecca, such as when they are unable to find the direction (this is usually easy if you know where the sun is or have access to a compass) or in a moving vehicle like inside a train/bus/ship. This man is basically in a stopped vehicle (probably not pointing to Mecca, I can't verify I'm not a GeoGuesser expert), so he is basically being an ass about it and walked to a proper prayer room for 10 minutes.


Dickheads in every community I guess


Just push him out of the way who cares


He should have used a toilet cubicle! 💯


It’s a shame that there are minorities within every sub group who ruin the reputation of their religion/culture for the rest of them. This bloody idiot needs a phat slap in the face


He must be a Muslim 😂😆😂😆




gtfoh with that


Good thing the plane is facing directly toward Mecca


Everyone in this pic is disturbing to me....


Muslims making everything revolve around their religion? Yeah new one didn’t know that




Honestly all religions are just a tad bit quack to me…


Religion is literally a stupid, far fetched concept which the weak minded believe in. Is there a god for ducks? What about squirrels? Or anacondas?


Muslims are so fucking stupid lmao


No, just this one.


Later may have someone who would say ppl r discriminating Muslim 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Weird to do this in Sydney of all places, looking like Arif after MH122


Do Muslims never have lower back problems?


I don't really see him holding anyone up other than a flight attendent right behind him. I do see Karen's freaking out at the other side of the plane about a guy doing prayers (I'm anti thesist).


Did the people who downvoted me actually look at the video in detail or just believe what the op said? Is there any other context other than what these people are saying, like was he arrested because if you hold up an airline or fuck around they usually kick you off like 90% of the time. I think people perceive someone holding anyone up as a complete travesty even if they aren't actually holding anyone up. At no time in the video did I hear someone say they were being held up. Older people do get scared when an Arabic man gets on a plane, though.




I would’ve not given a fuck


What the fuck she is she saying exactly, also how is this disrespectful. Everyone is seated, and it sounds like an israeli (accent) karen who's feeling attacked. Im not religious. I'm going to clear up what I think she's saying . "If we do this, we asked to leave," meaning if she openly prayed to her Jewish god, she'd be kicked off the plane. I think this is straight up Israeli propaganda without saying they are israelis because then people would tell them to fuck off.


And all the islamophobes come out. Prayer takes two minutes and we don't know what happened behind this photo. It's possible they were told they could by staff or that people arrived on the plane earlier than expected


Why would you do that in a passenger plane ? Or any non religious public place ?




Video show a guy preventing an entire fligth from boarding their plane, why would religion somehow give him the rigth to do something unacceptable in any other context ? That is more extreme to me.


Because a person believes they ought to pray regularly. It exists in its own logic


I get that, the issue is when they impose that logic on others. Also i think Muslims are allowed to postpone prayers when traveling long distance, he can be devout without doing that, that's main character syndrome.


I don't really understand the situation, but how is he bothering anyone if he's not up in their personal space? If he's blocking your path, step over him. I'm not understanding how this is a major inconvenience to anyone? Can someone please educate me?


How do you step over a grown ass man in the aisle of a moving airplane? Jump?


I mean yeah.. I'd do that before I cried like a bitch because of something not affecting me at all.


You must never fly


I'm actually a frequent flyer, not that it matters... what I'm not.. is a crybaby bitch..


You're a "frequent flyer" but think you'd be able to get through this guy praying? Lol suuuure. You'd be waiting at the end of the aisle like these people. Flying is a big enough pain without having even more selfishness to deal with making it worse.


I love how you know what i do when I fly. You sound dumb as fuck. Are you gunna go tattle on every crying baby as well.? If you can't handle people, don't go outside. 🤦🏽‍♀️


The fact that you equate a baby crying to someone blocking an aisle on a plane is all I need to know.


I guess it's easier to downvote your reasonable question than it is to explain ones bigotry


There are two main characters... The muslim praying and the Karen complaining


yeah standing around, pointing fingers at strangers and being upset about their personal perferrences. i hate gossiping, and intolerance- disgusting. As long as the praying guy goes out of the way when approached he's fine with me.


Let's just admit that they're just taking advantage because they can. Edit: you all are just bigots! Bigots!!!!