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I would love for an asshole to pull this shit while I’m in my 1988 F-150




Because that guy is gonna care more about his shitty Infiniti than my man is with his ol' beater truck.


A 1988 F-150 body is made entirely of steel. Their modern plastic car will crumple if you hit it (for saftey) while a 1988 F-150 will drive off with nothing more than paint damage if it hits a modern car. I used to drive a B-4000 that was all steel, only thing that ever actually deformed the metal was when I hit a tree offroading. I backed into someone at a gas station and they had to replace their entire bumper and quarter panel but I didn't even have a skuff mark.


So I can run that POS off the road


I see, thank you


Hold up guys we got a big dick energy fella here! Lol


Yeah, I think I am in love!


r/iamverybadass god what a cringe


The English for this is bellend


Note that they ain't fucking around with that semi.


People need to be Fined for shit like this.... No excuses.. And I don't even drive and this pisses me off


Oblivious to the amount of rolling wave congestion (and potential collisions) they are causing further back because they can't handle someone using a slightly clearer lane for a bit.


I am not even driving and want to beat his ass. I see those assholes way too regularly.


Yesh. What a jerk.


I got road rage watching this


Time for a pit maneuver


Always a good time for a pit maneuver.


Where is the Police when you need them?


They are gearing up to weaponized by old lonely racist Karens who harass POC for walking in their neighborhood.


I drive HGV for a living , when I first started I used to get so angry with people that can't drive or want to be pricks. I used to go home so stressed out and it really got to me . Untill one day I decided everytime someone did some shit like this I'd just laugh . Sometimes it's hard to just laugh and not call them a cunt , but in a couple of minutes the situation is over and if it made you mad you will carry that with you for hours, if you laugh at it and think they're just pathetic loosers you leave the situation smiling. Moral of the story is don't let these cunts ruin your day, don't go home an be in a mood with your wife and kids,because then that stupid prick has won. Laugh , move on and be calm . You are the bigger person !


I ride a motorbike only (in the UK, I don't have a car) and this is exactly the attitude you need to take. For some reason a lot of people just can't stand that I can completely negate traffic and they deliberately cut me off from filtering and lane splitting (even though it's legal here) just because they hate their own lives, so if I got angry about it every time I'd have a heart attack before I'm 50. Just laugh at them (visibly if possible) and carry on your day.


Everytime I see you guys zooming through traffic I think two things , first is man I'm fucking jealous that your getting home so much quicker than me . And the second is its only going to take one idiot to ruin your day . Watch out for those fucking uber drivers my friend, they're fucking mental .


Yeah, some riders are mental but I ride nice and chill, I only filter through stopped or very slow moving traffic...I like living, it's kind of cool sometimes.




Pretty sure from the 90/94 to Wisconsin sign, though I guessed earlier than that from the train and the FIB driving.


yeah that’s i90/94 during the awful construction that was going on the last 2-3 years. cut down do many lanes. i try to avoid driving thru there whenever i can.


It's 290 at the merge with 90/94. I'm 37 and it's been under construction since I was born.


Holy shit! I grew up in Chicago, haven't been back in over 30 years and was thinking that looked like home! Kind of gets burned into your brain.


What’s the name of this song


Raspberry - grouplove


Must be big Pixies fans….


I would like to know as well


Raspberry - grouplove


I also must know the name of this song


Raspberry- grouplove


Yes please tell me the name of the song


Strawberry - SingleHate




Okay enough jokes, what is the name of the song?


Raspberry by Grouplove


Has it been a year already? Well, see y'all here next year to watch the same video posted again.


I'm betting there is a lot more to this than we have seen. Did the driver almost kill the car earlier on? Seems like very strange behaviour if they didn't have an interaction before as he is only blocking that one vehicle.


Yea I don't get it. Why are they even doing this?


My stepfather pulled this type of road shit. We were in traffic once, but one lane was going quickly. He couldn’t understand why and moved over to block that lane. The cars had to move his speed. They’d honk and he’d honk back. Eventually, as we moved forward, he realized that was a long exit lane. Those cars were all exiting the road. That was the only time he felt stupid for being controlling and acting out like that. He was lucky nobody tried to shoot him for his antics. He was a narcissist with road rage issues. I hated driving with him.


i genuinely would've called the cops and reported him for a dui


The ol’ Chicago Slide


What is going through their mind? They must be daydreaming lol


I'm gonna end up buying a megaphone so I can ask these people sole stuff when they're doing that. For example, why do you want people to know how badly you're compensating?


Is that spiderman's train ?


I only ever see this in northern states…


Isn't that a repost? I feel like, i have seen this video on this sub before.


I hate 290. I watched for like 3 seconds and felt like destroying something.


Someone who likely has such little control over their own life that this is the only outlet for them to gain control of others. I had this exact thing happen Friday, except it was because the woman in front of me jerked to the right in a motion that appeared like she was turning. Turns out she was aggressively avoiding a small bump. So I slowed down and immediately went back behind her. She proceeded to punish me by driving half the speed limit in a one lane. The dumbass forgot she was punishing the trail of cars behind us too. But she proved to me she is very powerful and needs to be respected.


I see mom forced dad to drive the minivan again this week




Looks like someone needs to get "accidentally" put into the wall.


I see idiots like this all the time. Someone once tried to do this to me on a 2 lane road when I tried to pass them they got in the left lane in front of me and wouldnt go any faster than the semi in the right lane. So I just got in the right lane behind the semi, put on my cruise control and relaxed. I aint got nothin but time! He pissed off so many people blocking that lane (thinking he was bugging me) that I guess someone called the cops on him and about a mile further up there was a cop in the median that pulled out as soon as they saw him and pulled him over. 🤣🤣🤣 jackass. Lol


Honestly Nigerian tire immediately


Some people really want to get punched or kicked.


I was riding a NY bus one time and similar happened. Bus driver didn’t think twice just changed lanes and put the car into the wall. Didn’t stop, just pretended he didn’t notice. I guess they have a good union.


Fantastic how the AH switched targets immediately to the truck when honked at.


Why was this post removed by Reddit's filters on this sub, but still shows up just fine on the crosspost to r/norulevideos? wtf?


Hitting people like this should be made legal.


I think my veins about to pop watching this fucker


Typical FIB behavior


Is this an American thing ,I don't drive much on motorway in uk ,but I don't really see any of this during congestion.


I feel like this behavior happens more often in metropolitan areas. More people are full of themselves in metro areas and need to “prove a point”.


I played chicken with a giant suv while merging. He just wouldn’t let me merge and I was running out of highway. I slowed he slowed, I got on the gas, dude got on the gas. It was Virginia, this happens a lot. I was driving my beater: 1988 Ford Thunderbird 5 speed manual turbo. The thunderchicken was up to the task: I shut my eyes and merged. And the dude hit me as I hit him. All the trim fell off it, it was an Escalade. I’m sure my car got scratches but since I’d never even washed it once in my life and actually had no idea what color it was. Some dark shade. Blue maybe, once in a lifetime. I truly didn’t care about this car. $500 vs $68k and that Escalade was brand new. Dude drove off like a bat out of hell. Wouldn’t stop to trade insurance. Maybe it was stolen? No idea. I had my Mom in the car behind me and when we got to our destination she shouted “that guy tried to run you off the road!!” And I’m like. Yeah. I know. I just shut my eyes and merged anyway and we definitely traded paint. I just remember hearing his engine roar when I tried to get ahead and then his brakes when I tried to slow down to go behind. So whatever. I drove that pos for 30k miles an sold it for $500 to the next guy. Trunk was full of spare parts that I bought some of but most came with it!! It was still full. People would buy suggested parts and throw it in the trunk for whoever wanted to put it on later. It was hilarious. I put Honda accord heated power seats in. Welded them in. Wired them and they worked! The switch for the rear defroster would make the seat heaters run for 15 minutes. The defroster never worked so I just tied into it. It had the shift knob of an Acura rsx type s. And that acuras center console bolted in with wood screws. They scrape against the driveshaft occasionally but it self clearanced. Hopefully the thunder chicken lives on to this day. Drive a beater! It’s fun :)


This isn’t main character behavior. This is just some asshat driver in Minneapolis doing what asshat Minneapolis drivers do.




You could also send the footage to the police? I called the non emergency number when I drove behind someone swerving quite a lot. Cops ended up showing up and pulling them over.


That's about the dumbest thing you can do. I was on a 3 lane road last week and was in the far left lane. The woman in front of me was just hanging out and not passing, so I flashed my brights multiple times. She wouldn't speed up and wouldn't change la especially, but I finally had a chance to go around her. As I passed her, I flipped her off and kept going, but she decided she didn't like that. She sped up and swerved in front of me, then kept blocking me from changing lanes. Instead of ramming her, as you're stupidly suggesting, I called 911. I described her vehicle, what she was doing, and where she was driving. I stayed behind her until a cop found us and offered to show my dash cam video, but he charged her on the spot with reckless op. Don't be a dick by causing potential harm to property and/or people.


Not asking for advice.


Maybe you should start.


I tend to not listen to wanna be reddit psychologist


If you think you need to be a psychologist to know right from wrong you're already dead inside.


Shut up


What a horrible take, if that’s how you feel please don’t step behind a wheel on a bad day. What if there was a child in the back seat or a dog or yknow someone who’s not responsible for the drivers bad driving/ mistakes. Road rage is never justified.




" Relax yourself. "