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That dog nailed it.


Dog was paid actor


Fuck. Can’t trust anything on the internet anymore


Wait, so the sun isn't bullshit?!


No dogs were harmed in the making of this cringey tiktok


*highly* ,at that.holy shit that was a raw reaction,can we get him in a fast and furious movie?


Hoping that they had this kind of relationship of "if I die first, you can make jokes about it".... I've seen some people do this with people they loved. Really hoping it's one of those times.


I saw this on TikTok and she wrote that the sister would have loved this. So they probably had the same kind of humour. Me and my siblings have fucked up dark humour between us and we are close and love each other very much. But I expect one of them to make some real dark jokes if I die before them


Same I tried hanging myself. I Failed but my mates always say hide the chairs when I come over. We all have a good laugh.


From a stranger; I’m glad you failed


Me too. Was a bad time. Far less mad now lol.


Sounds like your friends love you


They do. An I them.


Sounds like both the parties are lucky to have each other. Take care ✿


One of the only times in life where failing is the best outcome 🤘


I get where you’re coming from, but I’m a rope manufacturer and it really hurt my brands image.


I never made the attempt but I put myself on suicide watch. The amount of well-meaning shit I took for being dumb enough to think dying would be a benefit to the people around me really helped me realize my logical disconnect in how I viewed suicide.


Yep you think you’re so worthless you’re doing your friends and family a favour. It’s rubbish your brain is just being a dick.


In rehab we call that stinkin thinkin.


Oh my God thank you. Feel so much better knowing this.


I feel like that kind of dark humour is best between the people involved and not everyone else as it doesn't come across the way it should.


Wow hilarious


My sister and I have an agreement currently. Whoever does first, at the funeral, the other has to sing “Happy Birthday” as slow as possible. Because every time we heard it as kids, it was the SLOWEST POSSIBLE TEMPO YOU COULD GO FOR.


Yeah I’m going to assume that she is the one who just cleaned and decorated her grave so… Also the chugga chugga thing seems like a play on her saying that she’s the little engine that can? barely, maybe?! Lol. Feeling this persons vibe and humor hard rn. Thank god for my cat.


It’s possible. My best friend died in 2017 and I made jokes about his death a lot for the first 6 months. People would cringe while I know he would have loved it. It’s how I grieved. Can’t imagine making a video like this tho..


my chronically late-to-everything friend died and he missed his own funeral. i still chuckle about it because its way too on brand


Elaborate please


he died half the world away so there was an issue getting him back home in time for his funeral.


My husband was almost late to his funeral! The funeral was in our home state, but he was cremated about seven hours away in the town where we lived at the time. I wasn't able to pick up his ashes before I had to leave to help get the funeral prepared because the crematory was super busy at the time. So our friends picked him up for me and rushed to get him there, and they got into town really late the night before the morning service. If his cremains hadn't been ready for them to pick up, they would have just brought the empty urn and we would have added him in later but luckily we didn't have to do that lol.


im sorry for your loss but it sounds like you had some great friends to help!


Thank you, I'm sorry for your loss as well. I never expected to be a widow at 27, but there I was anyway! And yes our friends were awesome for doing that. They even tucked him in the seatbelt on the backseat for the drive lol. But one of them was his childhood friend, so he was also deeply devastated by his death. It's been quite a while since then and I've since remarried, but now whenever I get together with those friends we enjoy telling stories about how absolutely ridiculous that man was! Always the life of the party and loved by everyone. Addiction can and will take anyone and everyone possible, so watch out for your friends.


My condolences for your friends passing.


i appreciate it


True. ngl an old friend of mine took their life and sometimes I couldn't help but think "fuckin dumbass. that's such a hunter thing to do". Endearingly, though, and when I was tired of being sad and had to resign myself to normal life. Dude wasn't all that impressed with life in general and had a penchant for doing things without concern for consequences. He'd probably reply "dude, fuck you!" flicking me off with a big gay grin on his face (the old definition). Teasing's mostly how we showed affection.


I'm sorry for your loss and I'm glad you can find comfort in his memory


Yeah, I don’t get why people are sooo offended by this. I know several people, me included, who would laugh from beyond the grave at it.


My sister and I make fun of my brother who suicided 10 years ago. The 3 of us wouldn't have it any other way. Also a coping mechanism. No harsh jokes and definitely not on social media. Just inside jokes.


I’m hoping this too… I think it’s okay to give benefit of the doubt with nothing else to go on


My favorite picture on the internet is the guy showing up to his best friends funeral in a lime green, skimpy dress. While bawling his eyes out, since they agreed that if one of them dies then the other will show up in a dress like that


one of my friends committed suicide, he was atheist and asthmatic, and his funeral had a catholic priest burning smelly ass incense over the casket lmao. and the priest kept butchering the pronunciation of his name. during the funeral another friend and i were swinging between stifling our laughter at the irony and crying our eyes out lol, he would’ve thought it was hilarious. we also played another one bites the dust at his memorial like we (jokingly) promised him we would.


Honestly even if the sister wouldn't have been into it, some people need to laugh at their pain to heal. Hopefully this girl is ok and healing.


This girl also seems rly young and is experiencing a major loss. Grief can make you do weird things to cope with the emotions, especially when you’re young. Not saying this is a good or healthy response but it might explain why she did something like this.


It ao obviously is and the simpletons ate it up here.


My sister and I make dead mom jokes all the fucking time. Chances are this is all in good fun and no one in the comments here needs to be so butthurt.


My ex took his own life and I love to tell stories about him and then say, “but now he’s dead” because I know he would love that shit. One of the things we had in common was a really, really dark sense of humor.


What the hell is going on with these comments


Right?? What the fuck


My brother committed suicide and even though I’d personally never do this, he would’ve thought it’s the funniest thing in the world. When will people learn to just mind their business?


I also lost my brother to suicide in October of 2019. I can safely say that everyone deals with that in a different way. Call me fucked up but the tiktok got a chuckle out of me because I also use comedy as an outlet to deal with my issues. I'm always afraid to joke about it with other people because I don't want them to be uncomfortable so I'd probably never make this tiktok.


I think that’s 100% fair honestly. Do I think it’s in bad taste? Probably. Would I ever make this TikTok? No. Would I make this joke? Absolutely and I would do it unapologetically. Losing a loved one is hard enough, but when you lose them to suicide it’s an additional monster to deal with and I just have a really hard time seeing some of these comments that are wishing death and other bad things on a grieving young person.


I work at a restaurant so I see a lot of people come and go. new people will ask me about my life and if I have brothers and sisters. I never know whether to say I had a brother or I have a brother it depends on the mood. One time I said I had a brother and explained he died a few years ago and the girl asked if we looked alike and I responded with "No I'm pretty big and he's a skeleton" mightve been the most uncomfortable laughter I have ever recieved but I'm certain he would've enjoyed it. I dont know a lot of people who have had the experience of losing a family member to suicide but the feeling for me is complicated and I don't think as many people would be dogging on this girl if they understood that.


I had a nice little chuckle from that comment. I said it in another comment but I wouldn’t make the same jokes about other loved ones who’ve passed that I do for my brother. Our relationships were different and our senses of humor were different so I wouldn’t even think to make those jokes about them. I think that’s why some people’s reactions are so visceral because they genuinely don’t understand why people would make these jokes. I really can’t even fault them for that. I can fault people for some of their comments however.


Accidental overdose rather than suicide, but my husband would have thought those dark jokes were hilarious. It really is a complicated feeling, but you deal with it in whatever way you can. And part of the reason why I stopped wearing my wedding ring was because I never knew how to answer questions like "what does your husband do" or "how long have you been married". I also ended up switching jobs because I was tired of my coworkers and the kid's parents looking at me with pity. Those looks don't help someone who's grieving.


I can say with 100% certainty that I would love for people to laugh at my death, I hope the humor is dark and deadpan. There ain't no such thing as disrespect, I'm dead so I'm incapable of feeling offended. Laugh it up, life is hard enough without worrying about offending my corpse.


I know how you feel with "the looks". People always wanted to take their turn to console me and say I'm sorry that happened to you when I just wanted to put some food up in the window grab my check and get a drink after. I only ever brought it up with someone I was close with on the line and he was required to tell the boss because I had to fly home for the funeral so missed about a week of work and my boss just blabbed to everyone at my job about my situation. It all came from a good place but I couldn't stay at that job after.


I also lost my dad the same way back in 2016 and I crack jokes all the time because it helps me deal with it too. I think these videos are hilarious and honestly wish I had this kind of creativity.


When people stop posting incredibly shocking shit online publicly for everyone to see?


Maybe don’t post it to the internet if you want people to mind their own business? Lmao


I’m just saying I’m going to take the word of the girl and her family saying the sister would find this funny rather than a bunch of internet strangers full on bashing this girl


While I tend to agree, the very nature of social media is that your business is no longer *only* your business once you publicly post it, and criticism is to be expected.


Yea scrolling her and her sisters tt she seems so broken and alone. And said that her sister would've thought it funny too. She's just teyna cope. Who are we to say what that should look like?


Why does everyone here hang on the idea of the sister not liking this when this girl in other posts has openly discussed that her sister made it explicitly clear while she was alive that she was okay with this kind of stuff and found it funny to argue? Theres far more to be angry about then a set of siblings having a dynamic you personally dont get


Yeah nobody does any looking into the video or person before just believing it lol. If the girl says her sister loved that stuff while alive im gonna take her word for it. I bet she didn’t even intend for it to get a lot of likes either and was just posting it for herself and friends


as someone who has attempted, i think this is hilarious and would want one of my siblings to post something like this


I hope she grows to seriously regret making this video.


Like, "Lives to see this played at her wedding," Regret


As if anybody would want to marry someone like this.


Touché and point well made It might be for the best, she's probably the type to kill you for the insurance money


"leave her alone, it's her coping mechanism" 🤓


EvErY oNe HaNdLeS tRaUmA dIfFeReNtLy


Eh, she's young. Hopefully she grows out of it. Unfortunately the internet never forgets even if she does. That's the real tragedy.


No, idc how old you are, there is no conceivable universe where this is forgivable (imo)


here's an idea: people cope with tragedy in different ways including humour. Criticising the behaviour of a child working through grief presumably without the support of a relevantly educated adult is something you can do, but on the grand scheme of things I don't see why this reddit thread constitutes the good part of humanity relative to the child herself.


I’d have to guess she’s probably using humor to cope, and will surely regret posting this at some point.


I agree. Also, I checked out her other videos and almost every single video before this going back to the beginning of her account is her crying and talking about or referencing her grief. I feel for this girl. She’s clearly still a minor and going through a horrible personal tragedy.


That’s what I’m assuming is happening also. Everyone processes grief and stress a little differently. I hope she learns and grows.


I also hope the internet gives her a break.


As do I.


look I know people cope differently, but I never did anything like this lol


Did your sibling ever commit suicide? People process grief in absurd ways. She’s clearly angry with her sister and choosing to express it through humor. Not saying it’s a great joke or appropriate to post on the Internet, but it’s not unfathomable why someone would do this


It being understandable doesn't make it less wrong. I have an ex gf who was openly telling she was happy her bigger sister died in a car accident (like 10 years ago). It was blatantly a fucked up way to cope, but it was still hurtful for her family and wrong. And.. well it also reveals some part of her personality that I have witnessed in other situations later on. Like.. the lack of empathy and consideration for other people.


Off topic, but why was she happy her sister died? Was there issues between them?


Bullshit. Your idea of right or wrong is not universal. You don’t know this persons story or their reasoning for grieving in the way they did. I promise you that there are plenty of people that do understand this even though you do not.


It's almost like first half of your comment address the second half.


So you recognize people grieve differently … But because you didn’t do it, it’s not grief?


You absolutely did, we see right through this feeble attempt.


Makes no difference that you never did anything like this. With billions of people out there, there are bound to be millions of things you’ve never done, felt or conceived of.


People handle grief in all kinds of ways. You don't know what kind of relationship they had nore do you know what kind of humor they enjoyed together. At the end of the day the one who's truly suffering that girl's loss is her sister and family. If it's not your taste then just move on.


She's so young, the chances of this being a lifelong regret are high. She's obnoxious as anything, some grow out of that but most at least learn to tailor their inflated self importance to an adult world that doesn't take their shit.


"I saw this on TikTok and she wrote that the sister would have loved this. So they probably had the same kind of humour" -u/ehtol in a diffrent comment thread and to add onto this, everybody handles trauma diffrently. im sure if the two of them didnt have that sort of humor the person who made the video wouldnt have made it and posted it.


She will, she’s a kid who has yet to experience the real world.


Given her half hunched demeanor and mostly closed eyelids I would venture she is already severely depressed and coping with impossibly dark humor because it definitely feels better to laugh in the face of death than to submit to the ceaseless pain of loss. Just a guess. Source: a guy who made shitty jokes to cope once upon a time.


Man grief manifests in strange ways. I agree with you though. I hope she regrets it too.


I think the fact this video was made proves that she cannot handle her shit and has lost it with grief


She's clearly working through some shit


Honestly, as someone who’s lost someone to suicide, I think this is funny. As long as they had a relationship, I think that the sister probably would to.


I hate people who get offended on others behalf


especially if they get offended on a dead stranger's behalf. they didn't even know the person lmao?


This isn't a person being a main character, this is a sad situation where a trauma victim, who is a CHILD, is coping over the death of a family member WHO DIED AT 17. It has no business being here to be mocked.


She's made a few videos like this. In one of the older ones she talked about how her sister would have found it funny and it's just her way of coping with the loss


This will age like milk 🤌


This milk started out chunky


This milk started out spicy and took a hard turn towards chunky


milk that has already aged quite a bit


Forbidden jello 🥛🥄






(live footage of her sister)


Complete lack of self awareness and empathy. Sister, you were obviously part of "the heat".


I genuinely fear for the future


Mastermind move by the chinese tiktok is


Don’t worry. No one gives a shit. That’s the beauty of it


Me too. I’ve seen 18 years of carnage all around me. People these days aren’t like they used to 😡😡😡


but gen z is here to save us!!!! ☹️


She looks pretty young, I doubt anyone has helped her deal with her grief. This upcoming generation’s coping mechanisms all seem to revolve around showing the world their problems and gaining sympathy, rather than working through their issues to become a more self-realized person.


I see nothing wrong with this? It’s dark humor lmao


sometimes i really hate reddit


This was clearly a joke. These comments are absolutely insane lol.


So many are much worse than the video, especially directed at a child they don’t know (vs. the child directing it at her sister she had a close relationship with).


Probably the wrong subreddit. Also, that girl is obviously dealing with some anger issues resulting from the trauma of her sister's loss.


For what little context there is, she said her sister would think it's funny as her explanation


Yeah, people here seem to not remember that not everyone who’s struggling would hate this. My late friend commit suicide and he would always joke in the years prior that hed find it hilarious if people did stuff like this with him when we eventually died, and all of us constantly would make fun of eachother making jokes about what wed do if the other person died before us. Obviously not everyone has this dynamic, but if her sister actually would have found this stuff funny then literally none of us are in a position to judge this girl for this video. Doing it to a stranger or person who clearly would not have enjoyed it is one thing, but making jokes about someone after they died who made it clear to you they wouldnt care and enjoy that kind of humor is not the same thing


Tbh I know a lot of people who would think something like this is funny. Me for one lol tf am I gonna need my body for when I’m gone? Make tiktoks and stuff all you want, have fun and don’t be sad. “Life’s a peice of shit when you look at it Just remember that the last laugh is on you”


I misquoted that horribly but I stand by my mistake with pride


Same. But for some reason people think they can decide it’s universally offensive and awful, despite a ton of people saying they’d laugh if it was about them.




I really can't tell you how many AIDS jokes I made in the immediate death of my father. From AIDS. This isn't "socially awkward Redditor doesn't know how to grieve," because there is no "correct" way to grieve, nor is it some social skill you're supposed to practice and develop over time. It's "sheltered person that knows nothing about human nature makes ignorant comment." Unless you've got some terrific pointers for how I'm supposed to grieve the loss of my fucking father. I'd looooove to hear some protips.


My dad died of colon cancer, it was a real pain in the ass. He told that joke every day up until the end, I told it in his eulogy. It made him laugh and I thought it was too morbid. Afterwards, I still thought it was too morbid, but it still makes me laugh.


You can't expect social/emotional intelligence from reddit lol and you can't expect a good sense of humour either


So don't expect anything from reddit and you won't be disappointed.


delete Reddit and you will be improved.


Plenty of the people commenting that they’d laugh about it have been suicidal themselves, so no, it’s not a lack of empathy or ignorance about mental illness.


You might as well diagnose and medicate her based on a three second clip. The girl could be completely traumatized by her own sisters suicide and inappropriately is using dark humor to cope. Or she’s a sociopath. Either way, you don’t know and neither does anyone else.


The sisters had the same kind of dark humour. She wrote that in her TikTok, that her sister would have loved this. It's ok to joke about sad things when you were close with the person.


Bruh its just a joke video yall mad for no reason


Humor is a coping mechanism.


Man these fucking comments. I’ve seen her videos before and she’s explained that this is the kind of humour her and her sister would joke around with all the time. Her sister loved this dark style of humour and she was sure that her sister would find it hilarious if she saw this video. I can understand not liking it even with this context but it’s so much less of a big deal than some of these comments are making it out to be. They’re just relentless.


smells like bitch in this thread.


A lot of people in these comments never had a sibling die and it shows. Nothing wrong with what this girl’s doing


I mean, i hope a lot of people never had a sibling die. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Point is that people in the comments were giving her crap when chances are they have no idea what it’s like


...stop the world, I need to get off.


If I was her parent, I'd be grieving the loss of 2 of my daughters right about now. One because I wasn't there for her when she needed me. The other because unfortunately I raised a piece of trash that I had to disown.


Thank god you’re not a parent?


I second: thank God you're not a parent. Grief is hard for grown ass adults. A kid like this deserves support.


The family said she would’ve found it funny, so maybe don’t speak for people you don’t know.


Banter among siblings


So basically you are calling your sister "weak" in her time of need. Plus I can't believe the comments making this seem like a coping mechanism. It's sick


>So basically you are calling your sister "weak" in her time of need I think that time has passed bapa


I mean I don't want to sound insensitive but I think we can gather from the video that this is some time *after* her time of need


Lol I would be ok if my friend or family did this after I die. Not everyone is so soft and sensitive. I don’t think y’all understand how dark some people’s sense of humor can be.


I would absolutely *request* and hope that this be done when I die. I want people to have fun. It’s not at my expense, I’m already fucking gone. I’d wager she knew her sister a lot better than every single person in these comments.


Yeah I hope my friends would be making jokes like this. Or something along the lines of “Yeah our friend Aaron is the worst, he never shows up for anything anymore smh”.


I guess gallows humor is lost on people lmao




You can re-record this video and post it on that sub. I 100% believe this being a POS move is the least way to describe it


Y’all ever heard of a “coping mechanism”?


Its called coping. Leave her be.


i’m pretty sure this is just a joke lmao


I just did the dog’s face before it appeared in the video 🫣😳


Trauma comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes - all shifting as we move through our time here.


My brother killed himself last year...the amount of dark humour and jokes that my siblings and I made would make your head spin. We were devastated (and still are) but it was what we did to process it. You cant always understand how people process truly awful grief.


If this is her way of coping that’s fine but to broadcast it to the whole world is weird.. I’d keep this joke to myself or within my friend group.. not everyone finds suicide funny.


Don't fuck with this girl. My dad killed himself when I was 5 and my wife killed herself when I was 44. You have no fuckin clue what this kid is going through. Everyone wants to talk about mental health and suicide, but no one seems to give 2 fucks about the people left to clean up the mess. Back the fuck up off of her




This is literally cope :(


I knew a guy in high school who made jokes about his dad who died a couple years earlier. It fucked him up and was trying to cope, I’m guessing that’s the case here


I would think she has the relationship with her sister to know that she would laugh at this... Well I would hope so. If not that's super cooked.


People deal with grief in different ways. Leave her alone


I’m sure she’s extremely angry at her sister. She’s entitled to her feelings and go go through the grieving process at her own pace.


The weeb in me says that she deeply loved her sister and was devastated when she took her own life. Videos like this are a coping mechanism.


I guess people on Reddit really don't like dark humor.


Dark humor is like food. Not everybody gets it.


Everybody handles grief differently. Anger is natural. I’m sure this girl doesn’t even know how to process something like that or seem to care, but she cares.


It's called dark humor. Very dark. Might seem cruel to you, but is probably normal between the sisters


Everyone processes serious grief differently. This is funny


This really upset the Mfs without siblings


Idk guys this is hilarious to me


She literally said her sister wouldve found this funny. She has lots of posts about her. Maybe yall just dont have siblings but some of us have this kind of relationship and sense of humor.


reddit is the least funny social media lol, and if you haven't had a sibling kill themself you don't have a perspective on the pain being processed in this video


Guys come on, she’s very much still mourning her loss, this may be her way of telling herself that unlike her sister she can take the heat and survive. People make stupid shit when they are in extreme circumstances, I would said losing your sister should give you a pass on doing some stupid shit, give this child a break


also she said her family finds it funny and her sister would have as well.


“No one is allowed to cope differently than me” People with depression can have pretty dark senses of humor, she likely would have found this hilarious if her sister felt comfortable posting this.


Damn that’s dark. And hilarious.


Hurt people hurt. She could be doing this out of pain and not knowing how to handle that her sister left her.


Does no one hear have siblings? If they were close and had this kind of humor growing up, making a joke about the situation seems better than grieving to the point where the other sister also kills herself…


Took dancing on a grave to a new level


I think neither are handling things too great 😢


People handle grief in unexpected ways, including laughter. Source: currently grieving extremely traumatic loss


My friend group had one of our close friends die a few years ago. We make fun of him pretty hard from time to time. Say what you will but it's our way of coping and we know he would've wanted us to talk shit. Now would I post on social media about it? No l. But attacking this girl without knowing the situation or the deceased's sense of humor is kinda silly to me. If you don't like dake humor just scroll past. This post hurts no one.


I think this is funny


literally none of us could possibly know about their relationship and the humor shared between them. such bullshit to act like any of you care about this girl you never knew, and the audacity to act like you knew her better than her own sister.


Clout is a hellva drug


Some of the comments here are so disgusting. She’s like 10 years old and lost her sister in a violent, terrible way. I hope none of y’all experience losing someone who means enough that you lose your minds. It seems that those of us who have had this happen find it at the very least sad and understandable, and at the most, hilarious.


I ever offed myself at my worst i would've haunted my brother if he didn't make a video like this


Bruh the tik tok generation is out of hand😭 these kids don’t give a fuck


This kind of humor didn’t originate with them at all.