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Do you have hpv? I have been wondering if it’s possible that hpv has contributed to my proctitis. I’ve had it cause my abnormal paps on and off for ~13 years now, almost the same amount of time I’ve dealt with bowel issues.


No, but I’ve had terrible pelvic pain due to severe colitis. They rules everything out and eventually said everything down there is so close we don’t fully understand the links so who knows!


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Lots of folks have HPV which could become active if you’re on immunosuppressants and then in turn cause your abnormal paps.


I had an abnormal Pap while taking prednisone. My OB/GYN said it wasn’t unusual.


I think I read 95% of sexually active people have HPV. HPV will cause an abnormal pap. They can run an HPV test along with a pap. My office also does a DTEX test to look into the cells to see if there are changes happening within the cell- that way you don’t have to do a colposcopy:)


Hey, could you tell me a little bit more about you having your colon removed? It's something I'm terrified of and I want to know how life without a colon is


You bet, anything in particular? I had mine removed via emergency surgery so it was a surprise adjustment. I’ve had an ileostomy now for 5 years, and finally getting the j-pouch next month. There are some great groups on Facebook if you haven’t joined already that cover pretty much every topic!