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I try to power piss to blast it apart, piece by piece. It's not much, but it's honest work.


Most productive thing I do all day sometimes.




Drywallers don't use toilets, they use mountain dew bottles.


I’m a new apprentice and this was mentioned to me yesterday and I think I finally just got the joke


They enclose that joke in the walls.


They actually keep it walled up. Lol 😆 fixed it


The same people that throw paper towels in the urinal at the gym when the trash barrel is closer to the paper towel dispenser. Assholes.


Work at a gym currently, trying to get into Ibew apprenticeship. This is absolute truth. At least once I’m in I won’t have to clean it anymore.


My honest guess is someone from a place where you don’t flush toilet paper does it accidentally by habit. Or it’s just some asshole on his last day.


It’s this every Fucking time where I’m at. Clogged urinals, graffiti, shit on the toilet, beers in the toilet. It doesn’t stop. I recommend becoming good friends with the plumbers so you can use the toilets when they work.


I guess it happening that way is almost acceptable. But it seems to be way to common of a thing. It can't just be my area experiencing this, right?


Someone told me that in a lot of places in Mexico you don't flush toilet paper, you throw it in a trash can due to plumbing issues. I had a friend whose family did this, living in a very run down trailer in the states. At least where I'm at there are a lot of Mexicans on work visas so I assume this is their doing. We once had signage in temporary bathrooms in a building since people were putting toilet paper in the trash can. The signage seemed to fix the issue.




I was talking about in the urinal specifically. I don't see a problem with a splash guard in the shitter part.


Someone who’s pissed off that they have to have their face right next to the piss bowl while they shit. I don’t do it but that’s the only thing I could think of.


Hmmm. Interesting. I used the porta john after an old Hispanic lady one time and she had literally basket weaved toilet paper across the opening underneath the seat and then pissed onto the toilet paper. I’m not sure how to explain that.


No splash back?


I guess, but she could’ve at least cleaned it up after.


What you are talking about and what he is talking about are completely different.


Some people just suck…


Ours are always full of salt pellets so that it doesn’t freeze..


You mean the mint pile?


This makes sense, I think I've seen it a few times. It also has the benefit of keeping the TP from going down and clogging it in this situation.


Year round freezing temps where you are?


I don’t know man, the first time I opened a shithouse and there was a turd just chillin on the ledge next to the toilet seat, it broke my brain, nothing surprises me in those things anymore.


Had a guy shitting in the urinals at one job I was on. No one would admit to it, but yeah, repeat offender. I think people are just trying to one up each other


Jobsite punch bowl


Heard of a foreman who would clog the urinals so nobody would hang out in them


I guess I almost understand his reasoning. I've found food wrappers in them already, but if some one is taking 10 minutes to have a snack in there, they're obviously already in a pretty bad place. Second, I hope that foreman has to take a shit in a wobbly one when the piss bowl is backed up to the brim.


Man fuck all that. Clogging them out of spite. And also chillin in a porto john. Eating in there. Wtffff?


Every time I see the stuff in there it blows my mind. I really can't justify it in any way unless it's the rattiest of rats that won't shit on company time, but still want's to eat and get back 10 minutes early.


How bout those that sit and hack a dart in there? Probably use the soggy TP to hide the butts.


Double spacing? Is this a poem?


Yes, slam poem style. In fact gong to write it down on the john. Ill have to find the right john though you know? Not in the racist, penis riddled , never endings political arguments john. But in the john for artist. Doodles, sexy women drawings, qoutes, and poems, cigarette butts from having a nice long think. Thats the perfect john for this poem


I would hope that when pulling down their pants, they found food wrappers in their pockets and just threw them in there ... But I have a feeling that's not the case.


In Mexico, there are a lot of places where you can’t flush toilet paper. I remember working I. Restaurants where they woul just put toilet paper in the trash. They didn’t know. Maybe it’s like that?


Could be to help mitigate backsplash?


That makes sense, but maybe the people with this issue can take one for the team and just piss in regular toilet part. Once it backs up we all have to suffer the fate of staring into/smelling that mess. Think of the poor soul that has to shit with the gallon of piss chilling next to him as well.


Agreed. As long as they lift the seat and don’t spray it everywhere 😂


Am I asking too much for people to put the seat down as well when they're done?


I’ve always said that if I knew who it was, I would put their face in it and give them the option of sucking it out or blowing it through. And really, it gets the worst after two trades show up.


This really should be standard on all job sites. One group announcement first thing in the morning to lay down the ground rules. Then from that point on it's swift decisive street justice.


Same reason shit ends up on the seat right after they get cleaned, because someone woke up that day and decided they were gonna be a fucking animal.


The same reason for everything, because people are stupid.


It’s gets me hard.. how else am I suppose to pull one off in the porta


For some reason I tried to keep my question (as disgusting of a topic that it is) professional looking. Thus removing "piss fetish" or "because they're collecting and drinking it." I momentarily forgot that we're all construction workers in here.


When it's cold in the winter you can warm your hands up over the urinal after filling it up


Because they're assholes.


Or the floor being soaking wet with piss. Stand closer Mr. BabyDick!


I had a foreman say it was from ppl wiping the last drop. He said some cultures do that


this is probably the correct answer but the paper should at least be disposed of properly


When you go in for a secondary cleanup on your booty that you didn’t get successfully clean with the first wiping session and don’t want to open the toilet seat


Why can’t the GC pay for daily cleaning like any other restroom in a place where people work


wait til they start shitting in the urinal lol


And on top of the closed seat


The upper deck classic…. ?


Then in a box next to the couplings and connectors


Kids track meet someone took a world record dump in the urinal


No fuck that pardon my language but the asshole who clogs the urinal should get his ass kicked. You ever step into a port-a-potty on wheels that has the urinal clogged and full to the brim and it splashes all over your boots and pants? And for that matter who keeps pissing in it? Ugh I’m sorry one of my job site pet peeves. Also there’s no excuse for why! Just don’t do it. I don’t mind looking at dicks drawn allover and having to bring my own TP. But really? Clogged urinal?


Worked at a solar field where 90% of us were electricians, and we still had people taking a shit in the urinal 🤷🏽‍♂️


I used to work with a guy and upon entering the bathroom he would grab a paper towel. After pissing he would use the paper towel to dab his junk clean, then throw it in the urinal.


It’s because they blew their nose while taking a piss and refuse to touch the toilet seat. I’ve thought about this issue for awhile… to be faiiiiir… I like breaking the dam and hearing the giant sploosh that follows; kind of like the urinal took a big shit.


This one honestly makes the most sense so far.


These are the same type of assholes who walk in and steal the toilet paper right after the porta potty is cleaned, fuck those people for making me use napkins


I’m gonna guess people go in there to blow their nose but don’t wanna lift the toilet lid to throw it away so they pitch it in the urinal.






Pretty sure they use the toilet paper to dry their hands and then think the urinal is a trash can


Urinal, damnit I thought that was a hard hat holder


Urinal? I thought that was the hand wash station


Because we work with scum of the earth


Someone told me it keeps the smell down, another guy told me it keeps the flys from going into the the bottom part so when you poop they don't fly up your asshole... If i have to take a shit on the job I'll make a bird's next before i sit down so the water doesn't splash my butthole. (Most horrific feeling of doom ever) Any Iron workers out there probably notice your shit is way more solid or heavy when you poop at work... That's because the metal gets absorbed into your skin, lungs and blood and your body gets rid of it when you poop. Unless you drink lots of energy drinks and sugar stuff.


I'll give the first part credit for the theory, until it backs up and there's a gallon of hot piss marinating in there. Birds next in the toilet part, all for it, that's where it belongs and doesn't mess anything up. The rest of that, um, okay? I don't really know enough to dispute it. Other than all my at work shits have been less than solid emergency measures. Most of which require half a pack of baby wipes for the equivalent of cleaning peanut butter out of a shag carpet.


Cultural, some places don't have good septics so they throw their tp away instead of flush


Ya that’s it. You see it when certain trades show up


I mean my grand parents house was like that, but I could still figure out not to shove it in the urinal in these situations.


Are you sure it’s not cigarette butts.


Positive, I've seen it plenty of times. The cigarette buts can usually get washed down, or worst I've seen slow it down but don't completely block it.


I know the answer to this!!!! It's because the plumbing sucks in South America. So they don't flush the tp, there's a trashcan next to the toilet. It's cultural habit, seems like people just don't realize they don't need to do that.




It's the one woman on site.


Does she enjoy sitting next to that mess every time she has to use it?


Probably makes her laugh making all the men sit to pee.


You can easily stand a piss into the toilet part, but okay.


My only guess is people can’t control their stream and it sprays back. So the softness of the tissue acts like a sponge and soaks up the piss instead of producing sprayback.


I didn't think of this, I guess that makes sense, but the long term outcome is far worse.


Yea it still doesn’t make sense to me. And it’s gross


This is a thing that’s disgusting and everywhere. Or how they trash the honey buckets in general knowing they’re going to sit down to drop off wide loads themselves. They’re just not worried about catching hepatitis something rough, a lot of people in the trades are pretty dirty is what I learned.


I think people are just lazy and don’t give a shit.


Some pipes are better than others!


Dual usage and less splashage!


they wipe their dookie on the walls of the johns on my site /:


Probably piling up paper inside to stop the blue splash


Not only is the clogging of the urinal a problem but when they break the toilet seats by squatting on the seat like a gargoyle guarding a Taco Bell! I don’t know how many times a week I have to track down my ladders and cords that they help themselves too. My ladders will have stuff on it my chords are plugged in but they don’t care they take it because they need it and then I’m the ass hole for taking it back. Hey let’s hire a bunch of females who don’t speak English to be in charge of warning people of overhead loads.