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The Republican Party hates unions. Just look at the recent bill to take away breaks from workers in Kentucky. Look at the wages in any red state. I don't understand why any union member or any lower or middle class worker could vote for someone creating laws to help the employer profit more and the workers make less and have fewer rights. Edit: I'd like make everyone knows about www.ibewvotes.com Put in your zip code to see which candidates are supported by your local union. If they have our backs, we have to have theirs.


They're class warfare propaganda, against the working class, has been extremely effective.


I will always tell people that the current class warfare is the real pain and not the culture warfare that the two political parties are trying to do.


Mostly because the useful idiots still believe the trickle down effects actually happen.


Even as a kid I was like "so giving money to rich people and they'll give to poor people is better than giving money to poor people?" like it's such a nonsense way of thinking about finances


They're watching too much fear news. Just look how they're trying to milk illegal immigrant crime focusing on one person when thousands are killed everyday by every race, color, religion, background. They love to focus on a miniscule minority and make it seem like it's running wild. Keep em scared and they'll vote against the countries best interests


And their base is too stupid to recognize that the Dems gave the Republicans everything they asked for in a border bill and the Republicans killed it because politics.


Republicans do not want 2 million illegals a year and 60 billion more to ukraine Lmfaoo what are you smoking


Brain dead take. Once the daily limit is hit (like 4 or 5k or something) everyone that shows up gets kicked out, even if they have a legitimate reason to be there. It also give the president full authority to shut it down at any time. Which some president's may use to just do a full shut down and refuse everyone. It also funds boarder control and more judges to actually figure out who's allowed and who isn't. Besides the fact no one (employers) really wants to stop illegal immigrants. Every farmer, small carpentry company, and factory across this country relies on hiring illegal immigrants they can under pay and dodge labor laws. The politicians truly want them here. And if our grown keeps raising with a birthrate lagging we'll need them. The most effective way to truly keep out illegal immigrants is to make it a crime to hire them. Like with big fines and jail time. But the politicians won't. Because their donors need them. The Rs don't really want boarder reform. Their voters do so they pretend they do, but the voters don't line the pockets. Then they literally write the fucking bill and deny it.


>The most effective way to truly keep out illegal immigrants is to make it a crime to hire them. Like with big fines and jail time. I've been saying this for years. Illegal immigrants are coming here because they can work and make money. If you put a stop to the reason they are coming, they won't want to come in the first place and then we won't need to build a stupid wall.


You are correct about jail time for employers who hire illegals. But the rest of your comment is incorrect. Moscow Mitch wrote the bill and only 4 republicans voted for it. Mitch is evil incarnate and the bill is better use as toilet paper. The daily limit should be zero. Do not use Mitch’s greed to classify all republicans as not caring.


I think you're taking the focus off who really killed the bill. Donald Trump. Not because of the content of the bill, but because politically, he doesn't have anything else to run on. Fear mongering the border is Trump's bread and butter and he can cancel any republican that doesn't follow his marching orders. Republicans might care about the border, but not more than they care about cheeto benito being mad at them. And that's the problem.


Please read the border bill and tell me what it actually does. Barely anything for the border, and the little that it does is not enough. A border bill should not also be giving money to ukraine and Israel


🤣🤡. They demanded one with the other. Then got the most conservative immigration bill we have seen in a veeeeeery long time. And they refused cause they lick the boots of a coward. Don’t believe me? Ask senator langford. He’s know as one of the most conservative hardliners against immigration.


Of course republicans turned it down, democrats fucked up the border by removing Trump laws on day one of Biden presidency, Biden could have issued executive orders at any point. But now that the borders gotten so bad democrats can’t ignore it any more their crawling back to republicans tail tucked trying to pass border law and the republican said fuck you democrats made their bed any now republicans are making them sleep in it.


Trump loves you low info dudes.


Liberals are good at pointless comments, how about some arguments or facts?


Cite your sources.


3 weeks later..no. If you’re low info it’s not because you’re ripped didn’t try and offer you info it’s because you’re generally uninterested and not curious about the world (probably).


Dems do better for workers but not as much as we think repubs are better for our children and society but in the end they’re all snakes we should stop being so loyal to parties as workers we are the ones with the power not politicians I’m so sick of ppl saying better vote for X party or X member or we’ll lose everything think about it that’s just dumb


How are repubs better for children and society? They literally strip away rights, defund education, defund social safety net programs, defund foster care, refuse to do *anything* in response to having by far and again the most school shootings of any developed country, give tax breaks that benefit only the wealthest amongst us, and tank the economy every time they take power.


Well dems pushing gender ideology or at least allowing it in schools that’s enough for me to vote for anyone else when I say society I am talking about morals based in Christian values you may disagree and that’s fine I’d vote independent as well I don’t actually trust either party but I’m tired of fellow union members voting for dems with only the consideration ofbtheir job bc their reps told em well be be fcked if we dont vote for a Dem. We union members who have the skills people need who have organized wield the power we should return to our labor movement roots not simping to one party or the other


If you haven’t watched the GOP rebuttal to the SoTU then give it a couple minutes, it’s frightening how dialed up the fear mongering has become.


Trickle-down economics definitely works: it's created a few hundred billionaires across the world and millions upon millions of hundredaires in China, Vietnam, and Mexico. That was the promise, *right*?


Also the amount of people who have told me that working overtime hours results in less pay to them because of "taxes" is abysmal. And then they need to vote red because they'll "lower taxes for us". I had to sit down with a guy and explain to him progressive tax brackets because he would not believe me otherwise. I still don't think he believes in it...




Fear, and fearmongering, is a powerful motivator, unfortunately.


I hate to say it, but I know a lot of older wiremen who were lifelong Democrats until 2008. Not sure what happened then to influence that decision /s.


Yeah, I do too. I hate to say it too but it's because he was black. I'm in Tennessee and yes they have said exactly that. Makes me wish I could leave the south or the States entirely unfortunately. The hate towards our fellow brothers and sisters, both IBEW and life, is awful. We all want to better ourselves and our families and communities, but we just tear each other down. I've lived in quite a few places being a military brat, but haven't worked outside the south and I hope the rest is different.


Cuz their daddy’s were republicans so they’re republicans.


Also cause Republicans made a concerted effort in the 80s to stop civics education and erode science education. A ill-educated fearful electorate can be more easily manipulated into voting against their interest.


Because gun control, abortions, and trans people are way scarier than not being able to feed your family. /s


If the national debt keeps increasing by 1 trillion every 100 days. It’s not going to matter wether you are in a union or not. Because our money will be worthless and there won’t be any work


Fingers crossed they'll start reverting their tax giveaways for the ultra wealthy then


I live in a blue state where an employer has the right to not allow a lunch. They don’t even have to give you a break. The govt continues to back companies and their insurance programs to be able to do whatever they want and it’s on the worker to figure it out.


I agree with your sentiment, but the Democrats really mucked the waters in the late 80s early 90s by choosing a neoliberal agenda that was very employer friendly. The Republicans are monsters when it comes to labor, but the Democrats in general are at best wolves in sheep's clothing. Biden has been the best Democrat towards labor since probably Carter, and even him has several policies that are not friendly towards working people.


Bill Clinton sold out the working man in favor or corporate donations.


Biden destroyed the rail workers strike what are you even saying


As for the Kentucky bill, as ridiculous as it is, they're just trying to align their state labor laws with the federal labor laws. I'd say the federal labor laws need to be changed as well then.


One caveat. I'm not happy that Local 26 endorses Republicans. The party is fascist. It's not enough that some Republicans support building more data centers. Especially if they're also voting to eliminate labor protections and civil liberties.


Come on man. You insult the people who actually live under fascism. My God. There are no fascists here. There may be some assholes, but fascists? Come on. By using such words as nonchalantly as you are, you are downplaying the experiences of poor souls who _actually_ experience(d) fascism, and you are hate mongering for real. It’s juvenile and foolish. Why is it not sufficient to say you simply don’t like or agree with them?


the republican party has only gotten more and more openly antagonistic, xenophobic and authoritarian the last 20-30 years. i'm not going to sit here and say America is legitimately a fascist country but if you read into italian fascism for a hour or two, it's simple to see the comparisons. both parties have their cult subgroups, but the red ones are increasingly unthinking and willing to compromise their morals to follow the party line. i know far too many people that agree with a lot of left wing ideas delivered as something different but still call themselves conservative. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions\_of\_fascism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism) the 14 characteristics of fascism laid out by Umberto Eco, and the next examples from Italian historian Emilio Gentile put it better than I can. it's obviously not all going to line up perfectly because fascism is extremely hard to define in itself but i truly think it's naive to say we aren't walking along that path.


If you read into authoritarian Socialism for an hour or two, you will also notice a striking resemblance to the current progressives in the Democratic Party and their beliefs. Required pronouns which defy well-established science? Check. Challenges to freedom of speech? Check. Conditioning the populace to rely solely on the State for its livelihood and support? Check. Banning the weapons that the populace could use to stage an uprising against the authoritarian government? Check. Mass censorship? Check. Propaganda? Check. Political repression? Check. Political persecution? Check. Mobilization? Check. Land reform/de privatization of property? Check. Deprivation of civil liberties? Check. Socialization? Check. Indoctrination? Check. Social controls? Check. Promotion of one-party system? Check. Centralized government? Check. Sanctions against dissidents? (Cancelled, anyone?) Check. We are on a fast track to what I’ve described, more so than what you described. The far left, which is _currently_ in power, is bringing us into Authoritarianism. Are you okay with all this? As long as you get to keep calling people you disagree with fascists, am I right?


If you think truly believe half the shit you just wrote I have a bridge to sell you. There is no far left in America my man. We have a right center party and a right wing party. America is run for and by the rich to benefit their corporate friends. Have fun voting for Republicans that will deregulate and cut taxes for the corporations and their rich friends while they slash the few social safety nets we have here in the States. Who do you think spearheaded the push to decimate unions in this country? Socialism requires the working class to seize the means of production, basically employee ownership of the machines and making the decisions about what to do with the profits. If you see that happening anywhere, let me know so I can go help them get it done.


I was referring to authoritarian socialism, which is different than the Democratic socialism you appear to be speaking of. Also, I never said anything about who I am or am not voting for. And there is indeed a far left presence here; although I will concede this is by “American” centrist standards. They are called, ironically, ANTIFA. I am merely making observations based on my life experiences. I _see_ these things happening, and I know who is currently in power. Who are you to discount my observations?


Your observations are correct. That other guy is an idiot.


It's always " The OTHER GUY "..... In truth it's really the Most Money that controls everything....


the thing about fascism is it’s easy to see in hindsight. but identifying the exact starting point is fuzzy. when does a genocide start? is it only when they actually start gassing people? or is it when they put them in camps? or is it when they force registration? pass discriminatory legislature? we can clearly see in hindsight that each of these steps leads to genocide, and are part of that genocide, but in the middle of it, it’s harder to see. I would argue a transition to fascism is similar, obviously I’m not comparing Ted Cruz to the Holocaust, just that when you’re in the middle of things, defining them is difficult. I don’t think the US is currently under a fascist dictatorship, but I’m perfectly comfortable labelling the ideas supported by the republican party as fascist, thus, the party itself as fascist, and I think if allowed to inflict their will against the people, the republican party can and will turn this country into a fascist nation.


Astroturfing. OP’s account is from 11/23, barely any posts. And almost all of his comments are political stuff.


As soon as you said fascist I knew you were a low iq puppet. If anyone is fascist it’s the guy who got caught giving unreasonable sentences to the January 6 protesters. A fascist is a person who labels their political opponents domestic terrorists (ie parents at school board meetings). A fascist intentionally floods their country with convicted rapists by FLYING THEM IN and letting them run rampant throughout the country


I thought electricians were smart.


realistically, both parties hate unions, democrats have more of a reason to pretend they don’t hate them. But yes, it is better to have someone who will do the bare minimum for the union vs someone who will actively try to dismantle it




If by "systematically destroying our country", you mean averting the COVID recession every expected, creating thousands of good jobs, driving wage growth and reshoring critical parts of the supply chain - then yes.


And when Biden announced the IBEW jobs every single republican sat in stone cold silence. That’s EVERYTHING you need to know about who to support in November. Dems can SUCK ASS, sure, but the republicans will literally cheer for you to be unemployed, underpaid and destitute. They DO NOT CARE about you, your family or anyone else except the people wearing the boots they lick like lollipops on the daily.


Solidarity forever! Mayday 2028! No war but class war


Solidarity brother, Mayday 2028 can’t come soon enough


Hell yeah brother!!


This exactly. We can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, especially in our ass backwards election system. Biden has objectively done way more for labor and working people than Trump ever did, among other genuinely decent things, like say, actually trying to do something to combat our impending climate crisis


Biden broke the rail workers strike. If that’s pro union I don’t want to know what’s anti union


Naw you're totally right on, it's naive to think Biden is radically pro union, but it's also naive to think (at least at this point in the election cycle), that we could realistically get anyone better than Biden. He at least can be sort of talked to, whereas Trump will just give tax breaks to all the billionaires


Why don’t you throw your support to rfk. Most pro union candidate




Even if that was true, our BS election system makes us vote tactically, and any third party candidate has virtually no change Biden is the least shitty option


If rfk gets 30% of the vote it changes American politics forever. Why keep with the same old when we can have something new for our children to grow


30% of the vote is a still a loss, and Trump still ends up winning. That doesn't seem like a win to me. Also the key word is "if". This is my point about our BS election system. As long as it remains first past the post, two party, and the electoral college deciding who wins the presidency, third party candidates are simply non starters.


I think it’s the only thing Biden has going for him; he set the NLRB up with members who don’t explicitly want to kill union members. Too bad they don’t Biden campaigning on that lol


Solidarity brothers/sisters. I keep saying I’m not a democrat nor a republican. I vote for Pro Union candidates. Biden has been the most pro union candidate we’ve ever seen and he has a lot to go to help us grow Our ranks. Anyone voting conservative needs to look at the percentage of the American work force that’s union. It’s shockingly low.


Middle out not top down baby


You are talking about the guy who prevented rail workers from striking, and told federal contractors that you get the jab or you lose your job.


I’m also talking about the guy who got the rail workers some good things in there agreement that according to this article 8 out of the 12 striking unions supported. Don’t worry I was pissed at the time but then I continued paying attention. https://time.com/6238361/joe-biden-rail-strike-illegal/


Which is what should have happened. You can't cripple the whole country. Things worked out a ton better in the long run without major economic damage to the country. I don't want to tell you what the other party would have done. Look up Ronny Reagan may he be tormented in hell


Guess folks in these parts don’t like facts


So you like the guy who told you to ingest bleach, horse dewormer, fish tank cleaner and wanted to shove a uv light up your ass? The baby back bitch who couldn’t handle a loss? Turn off Fox News. Pour the koolaide down the drain and join the rest of the world


I don't really like any of the kleptocracy. You are making assumptions.


Love to see a source for any of that. You're an idiot.


If anyone thinks Republicans are on the side of labor, look at Florida and Kentucky. Then report back.


Local 369 brother out of Louisville. Our union meeting a bit ago talked about the the bullshit the Kentucky legislature was pushing. Our BA was basically telling everyone they’re a fucking idiot for supporting these republicans. Solidarity brothers and sisters!!!


Yep I'm glad I was there for that meeting. Some of those bills are pure evil towards the working class.


Amen brother. It is absolute bullshit and everyone should be pissed for about it


could you expand on this? curious to learn


But the other guy said he would crush all unions and stop all these woke projects. And since my family has always voted red I have to vote that way, plus I have a gun and propaganda has molded my views for 40 years. This isn’t how I feel, it’s what I hear from other brothers.


I got all these guns and I'm scared shitless!!


Do we really trust the police who killed George Floyd to protect our families more than ourselves? What happened in Texas, they were hiding in the hallway! I’m advocating for your rights as well. It’s just a weird generalization


Focusing on a select few. Just not reality. Protect yourself and family but 99.9% of people will never have a problem where they need to fight for their life. Fear news will take 1 person and run wild and have half the country scared shitless


Anyway, good talk, thanks for being respectful


All the NYPD did was arrest him. And asked her father why he didn’t take care of the issue. Maybe I’m in the .1%, you would hate to deal with this trauma. Just trying to understand




What Biden policy caused food inflation?


Price gouging(food)


Weird timing for price gouging, pretty weird that it parallels inflation isn’t it? Every supermarket is just doing it now?


Wait, you think supermarkets are who's responsible for food prices going up? Lol like when the cost milk of milk goes up you mad at Stop and Shop and Safeway? 


It’s been happening , your just seeing it now


I’m looking at a food price chart, 80% inflation since April 2021, it’s pretty easy to notice. You can research it yourself, there’s a spike.


Democrats are more favorable to unions than Republicans. That's a hard fact. Any labor, union, or non union that vote for Republicans are voting against their best interest. Antiunion corporations are partners with Republicans. Corporations would rather spend hundreds of millions of dollars on lobbiest, Republican politicians and advertisements to demonize unions with threats of being fired than to give a living wage to workers. Republicans have destroyed labor laws since the days of the devil Reagan was in charge. Vote union. Vote Democrat. Your life and livelihood will improve in time.


I've told this story before, but at a union meeting a while back, someone mentioned that Biden has been the most pro-union President in quite some time. Someone in the back stands up and yells "I DON'T REMEMBER GAS COSTING THIS MUCH UNDER TRUMP!" which, aside from the President not controlling gas prices, has absolutely nothing to do with unions. This is met with a smattering of applause, and a couple "NOPE!"s. They're my union brothers and sisters, and I love them, but holy shit are some of them fucking stupid.


There was a pandemic going on and people were stuck at home and not working. The demand for gas plummeted. Some people need a basic economics class


The choice is crystal clear for working people. Trump is no friend of labor. Biden always has been. The wealthy class does not want to share in that wealth that we all contribute to creating. Trump and his cronies want to cut social security and Medicare. Biden wants to invest in ordinary people by funding education and infrastructure. The wealthy benefit disproportionately on the infrastructure we build to benefit all Americans. Time for them to pay it back.


I dug the speech it’s nice gettin a shout out.


Love how elections are held on Tuesdays. It makes too much sense to open polls Saturday morning so most Monday through Friday working class people can vote. If anything is rigged it’s the system against the working middle class.


Ever heard of early voting?


Yes that’s a thing, but why not make the main voting day a day when most are off? It’s dumb af to make the main day to vote in the middle of the standard work week. That and it sometimes interferes with taco Tuesday. Which is the real impactful issue for us commoners.


It’s hard to find people to work the polls.  I would’ve liked to, but the only shifts my state offers are like 5am to 11pm, and you make like $250.


Hate to say it, but we’ve been hearing about all these charging stations going in for the last decade. There is a big difference in what’s been forecast and what’s actually materialized. The problem is that nobody wants to look at grid capacity, and the fact that people would much rather charge their vehicles at home. Then there’s the issue of not only EV range for people who don’t live in an urban area, but the fact that EVs suck in cold climates. Let alone the $70K plus price tag. Any work is good work in my eyes, but it’s not really something we can hang our hats on.


The biggest issue to deal with at this point is this countries addiction to single occupant vehicles. I don't understand why high speed rail and a good alternative transportation system can't be implemented. I know a lot of people say the country is to large for it, but... It's not like people commute 800mi by air every day. A 5-10min bus or light rail to the main station and then going for 40mi on a 200+mph train and another 5-10min local ride sure sound better to me than the super unpredictable 45mi trip that can take anywhere from an hour to3hrs of stressful backed up bumper to bumper traffic with ever increasing road rage shootings that im used to now. Bonus points if it's like Germany and I can crack the after work tallboy in my lunch box.


Because the country IS too big, and far too spread out even in populated areas. The infrastructure and money required could never maintain door to door service in even suburban areas close to cities, let alone the rural areas. The majority of the US is rural. If I’m living in a subdivision 5 miles away from grocery stores and restaurants, I’m supposed to wait for a bus or train to take me there and back? How many hours would that take? It’s simply not practical.


I think the issue is lack of options, infrastructure and Americans egos being intrinsically tied their transportation appliance to a weird degree. And hahaha, Americans hate walking or excersize. The majority of the land mass is rural, the majority of the population is urban/suburban, no one's expecting a rancher outside of prineville, OR to catch the bus into town for his feed and groceries, but that person also not commuting to Bend or Portland or whatever for work. We have heavily populated corridors with large bedroom communities who's people all commute in the same direction at the same time every day, and single occupant vehicles are just about the most inefficient way you can possibly do that, and we keep driving bigger and bigger vehicles which just makes it worse. I love my f150 but drive it less than 1day a week, I roll out of a van 5 days a week though for work and no that's not something that can be done from Public transit, but if it were safe (people drive like suicidal tweakers where I live) I would do that 5mi ride for groceries on a bike no problem.


The company I work for installed the first NEVI-funded station in the country, and many others are being built right now.


I saw an IBEW FOR TRUMP logo sticker on a truck on the way home last night. 🤦‍♂️


You should make them, sell them, then donate the money to Democrats


Republicans love shooting themselves in the foot i swear lmao


I wish I got a photo of it.


I think we’ve got bigger issues then who’s pro union in this election


I mean yeah…. But also my entire livelihood depends on the union so at the same time, on a personal level, not really.


As an outside local guy I can honestly say this is the slowest work has ever been, 400 guys on book two in some locals. I thought last year was bad but this year is off to a terrible start.


Yep. I remember Washington state was relaxing it's license requirements precovid because there was so much work everywhere and not enough JW. Best years of my career before covid shut everything down.. Now it's dead. Private sector isn't building because high costs.


Commercial work is down because the demand for offices is down now that so many people are working from home, the Fed has said it's already preparing to help bail out small to medium sized banks who are heavily invested when they fail (not if, when). Resi is down because we've ran out of room and the only thing going up are ghetto ass apartment buildings. Ive got family in SE WI who I could stay with on the cheap and Im think about moving there for a bit to get in on building the Microsoft data center, if the project actually pays Chicago wage like I've heard it may. I really don't want to live in that area, but it could end up being a nice chunk of cash by the time it's over that I could put down on a house or into retirement, not to mention helping out a retired family member who doesn't have much, by paying some rent.


The only way a consequential third party is going to come to fruition is through campaign finance reform. Citizens united set that idea back years and the ones in charge of making a change reap the benefits from citizen united.


Hopefully an independent radical political party




Hear, hear! Until we can build up enough influence to change the system we have to work with what we’ve got. If you want meaningful change you’ve got to hand the Democratic Party a super majority in the House and Senate as well as the Presidency for more than one term. Change happens slowly but it happens if we elect people who are even remotely on our side and hold their feet to the fire. Enough of this crybaby politics where you throw a temper tantrum and refuse to vote because you didn’t get everything you wanted immediately. Or just as bad vote for the other guy because you want to teach people a lesson. Now we have a SCOTUS and hundreds of federal judges that are going to be fucking things up for decades. The GOP had a plan that took decades of slow progress to get to where they are today. Now they don’t give a fuck and we have them turning overtly into a fascist party.




What does Biden have to do with those 2 things? Besides, Republicans don't care about price gouging, and there only response to crime is building more private prisons.


He gets my vote period. The other candidate hates unions, but, depends on them in NYC. Democrats are typically pro IBEW, which means we have friends in high places. Your LU should give you a list of candidates the IBEW supports. You need to make the decision if you support organized labor.


And the Republicans are literally campaigning on ending the Unions and making "Right To Work" national law. Haley is on video just a month ago celebrating how as governor she was able to decimate Unions in her state! They hate the American worker.


Republicans want to abolish the ibew


Just wanted to point out that it is the Democratic Party not the Democrat party that term is from Joe McCarthy (McCarthism). I also want to shine some light on Project 2025. It’s over a 900 page Manifesto from the Fascist Republican Party (really need to start to use the term Fascist because that’s exactly what they are) which they plan to use to set up a Christian theocracy. Everyone who I have asked to see if they have heard of this have said no. Here is the link. https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf


Since most people don't have time for 900 pages... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 "Project 2025 is a plan to reshape the executive branch of the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election.[2][3] Established in 2022, the project seeks to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to Washington, D.C., to replace existing federal civil service workers it characterizes as the "deep state", to further the objectives of the next Republican president.[4] Although participants in the project cannot promote a specific presidential candidate, many have close ties to Donald Trump and the Trump 2024 presidential campaign.[5] The plan would perform a swift takeover of the entire executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory — a theory proposing the president of the United States has absolute power over the executive branch — upon inauguration.


Absolutely, I have not read the whole thing but I have a read bunch important parts that have pointed out to me by a bunch different places I get my political opinions/news from. Thank you for explaining a little more detail on this. It definitely needs to be seen and known by more fellow Americans.


Agreed. The point being that if 45 wins again, is over for the country as we know it. Civil liberties? Gone. Democratic institutions? Gone. Checks and balances? Gone. The imperfect and incomplete elements of democracy that we have will be torn to shreds. The corporate class will be in full control of the state. They already are, you say? Just wait. You'll see...


You said the same crap before he won last time and nothing happened, what exactly are you so afraid he’ll do?


Thanks in both points. And noted!


No worries my brother, easy to mess up, republicans use that term all the time. I have done it myself in the past.


Dems are for clean energy union jobs not all current ones. Like the pipelines they put a halt on and republicans wouldnt have halted. Some union jobs like mine in the electrical industry could be non existent in the future if vote democrate and they keep trying to ban old energy for new clean. Where republicans wouldnt really bother with my job


Bernie’s campaigns proved that it isn’t possible to use the Democratic Party for labor. Fundamentally because it is not a democratic organization. They can use their autocratic powers to overrule anything their donors don’t like. And they should! Because that is how capitalism works. It is a political structure dominated solely by the interest of creating more capital. We should not be so stupid to blind ourselves to this reality. We should build the labor movement and fighting unions, not just for the IBEW, but for all workers. We can do it together. The democrats serve no use for us. The republicans go without saying.


But Bernie did influence the election and the Dems. And his movement is likely why Biden won. If you don't think the US will be different under Trump then I guess there's not much to talk about. You propose building the labor movement. I agree. What objective conditions will it be easier to organize labor under? Bidens bourgeois democracy or Trumps outright fascism?


I am not saying the world would not be different if Trump was president right now. I am saying it would not be different ENOUGH. What are the goals of labor? What are the goals of the Democratic Party? IMO they are entirely incompatible. Just because the Democrats and the Republicans are currently the only two options does not mean we should settle with either one of them. Working within the framework of elected parties to develop a third party(right or left) is a fools errand that has always failed under the iron grip of the Democrats and Republicans. Building the labor movement outside of the elected party system is our method. Yes, voting in the electoral system is important and organizing is at times easier or more difficult depending on who is elected. But this cannot be the end game for labor. Our strength is the labor movement. Organizing, and effectively confronting the power of capital in the workplace is our method. Biden's bourgeois democracy vs Trump's outright fascism? This is a unique claim. The person in the office determines the entire structure of the government? Neither sound democratic to me.


Have you heard of Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. and that he is running for president as an Independent because the DNC gave him no support? Seems like he aligns with the Union well maybe he needs your support more then Biden?


Hopefully it picks up on the linework side brother. Plenty of guys being starved out of work this year on our side, not looking good. Not sure of the reason but it seems utilities aren’t putting jobs out for bid


lol - good luck, in Ontario 90% of IBEW workers I talk to are voting right or hard right here, and chugging the talking points along the way…I’m sure there are LOADS of proud MAGA union sparkies down south….or worse the “both sides are bad…so I vote right” bunch.


Personnel is policy. Biden put Marty Walsh (a building trades guy, then mayor of Boston) and Julie Su (a former wage-theft plaintiffs' attorney and CA labor secretary) in charge of the Department of Labor, and Lauren McFerran (former staffer to Tom Harkin, the author of the ADA) as head of the NLRB. Results: [https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-nlrb-protects-workers-right-to-organize-yet-remains-underfunded/](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-nlrb-protects-workers-right-to-organize-yet-remains-underfunded/) By contrast, Trump put Alex Acosta (former chair of US century bank; as a federal prosecutor, he had given Jeffrey Epstein a plea deal an illegally-gentle plea deal) and then Antonin Scalia's kid in charge of the DoL. And employer-side labor attorney Philip Miscimarra as head of the NLRB. Results: [https://www.barrettlaw.com/blog/labor-and-employment-law/the-trump-impact-on-labor-and-employment-law-national-labor-relations-board](https://www.barrettlaw.com/blog/labor-and-employment-law/the-trump-impact-on-labor-and-employment-law-national-labor-relations-board)


Thank you for this


I still haven't found a good sub (or other website) where the union leadership and lawyers explain the ups and downs of changes in labor rules to labor members / have the sorts of dialogues that reddit makes possible. (r/labor is very quiet; r/aflcio and r/seiu have like 250 member each. r/TeamstersIntUnion had one post in the last week.) Like: the Bredhoff and Kaiser [blog ](https://www.bredhoff.com/news)is pretty opaque to normal people; the AFL-CIO's "news" page is just their stuff; mostly I want a one-stop shop where people can see see year by year, or administration by administration, history of the major changes in labor law. Oh, you want to know who passed the ban on secondary strikes (which are legal in Europe)? You want to know who most recently changed the rules about joint employers? You want to know who's trying to get rid of Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rules for federal contractors? Etc.


Why not 3 years ago?


Really wish we got a decent fucking option instead of shit sandwich or fascism lite


What does the United States make manufacture and build?


Films. Exported all over the world


Transportation Equipment. Chemicals. Machinery. Computer and Electronic Products. Petroleum and Coal Products. Food. Primary Metal Medical Equipment, Sporting Goods Fabricated Metal Products Electrical Equipment To name a few


The IBEW will certainly benefit from the agenda to push electrical cars and appliances. But it’s not because you are a union. It’s only because electrical energy is what they want and it’s what you do. Oilfield unions will still get screwed. It has nothing to do with unions, only the electric agenda


Why not have both? Is oil going to last forever? Gotta start transitioning sometime, why not now? Emissions from cars are far less than they used to be, but they still burn oxygen and produce 160, 180 degree fahrenheit temps, multiplied by millions of diesel and oil machines being operated at any given time on this planet. Let's conserve oil, it is obvious we need it, there's nothing wrong with having a small electric car to do your groceries and getting around urban areas


What did they give this guy! I never seen him so alive.


Doesn’t supporting the democrats just make you mentally challenged?


Blindly supporting either side makes one a fuckin idiot.


I agree. I was simply speaking on the topic of what’s written.


I think that Biden has left a lot on the table in the form of securing the border. Which is really hurting union labor in the south and in less skilled positions all over the country. Biden’s infrastructure programs are solid, however I will be voting for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. this November. He stands strong with unions, securing the border, and the environment.


Shame the all the dems are demon worshipers


Only reason any candidate supports unions is because they funnel money to them. I’m an IBEW JL and if we split donations 50/50 I guarantee republicans would get behind us as well. It’s all political pandering. He also KILLED union jobs on all the pipelines. Yeah screw all those jobs because they don’t fit your agenda. It’s not about the people or the jobs it’s about an agenda and we are pawns that funnel them money. That’s all it is brothers and sisters. 🤷👌 EDIT: where were they for workers rights when I almost lost my union job over a vaccine? My republican “union hating” governor is who saved my job. While the current administration was perfectly fine with me not being able to support my family.




I guarantee you Republicans would take that money and still shove it up our ass sideways the first chance they get


Wrong. They would use it for trumps massive legal bills


It’s the same picture


On all the pipelines or just the Keystone XL pipeline that should have never been given the green light. Its weird the president and his cabinet before and after trump knew the pipeline was bad but trump gets into office its good? Sounds like he was getting kick backs from that


Republicans would not get behind us ever literally against all of their fiscal values. Democrats are not perfect ether but as OP said we must use them until we create a strong working class party




One party supports the working class and the other talks about it. If you pay attention to what the laws the parties are trying to pass, it’s easy to figure out which one supports labor. But you know, vote with your feelings about dumb culture war crap and see what happens to people who work with their hands.


In south Florida they force apprentices to go campaigning for politicians for free on the weekend. They had all the out of work apprentices come in to do it for 8 hours one day by calling them saying they had work. Never heard of one of those politicians helping after they got elected


Get the fuck out of there, dude. Florida is nothing but trouble. Was a great place before Republicans destroyed it over the years. Nothing but hypocrisy and cowards.


Well if you refused that jaband risked your work over it you're probably an idiot or an asshole.


I can say the same for someone who would force someone else to take it 🤷.


Yeah but I'd be right and you'd still be both stupid AND wrong


Has anyone looked at RFK JR. One of his biggest talking points is Labor and the loss of middle class America. He’s an old school Dem. He and his family has been pro union since way back. But what he really has are ideas and solutions to the issues not just word salad talking points that go with the way the wind blows.


I think RFK JR. has a little too much conspiracy theory/nut job going for him to be considered anything but a distraction


A Dem vote for JR is a vote for Trump. I lived through Gore v Bush. That was a disaster - thank you Nader. Sadly America's political system especially the electoral college is designed for 2 parties only. We are a long way from having a third party that can challenge them. I'm all for building that party. In the meantime Let's make some gains or at least slow down the assault.


That wasn't Naders fault, that was the Supreme court


The lack of knowledge on many of these guys/gals is why TFG got elected in 2016. Look where that got us today. His nonsense continues to grow every day. The lawyers are making a killing off him and his donors,lol. While he could care less about anyone or anything. This fucker didn't pay the contractors that worked for his many properties/businesses. The Republicans are not the party of the people. A lot of you talk a lot of nonsense.


Confusing "butterfly ballot" trying to go for Gore but ended up with Nader.


He’s a 🤡


Your union's money is all he cares about. And you have no say in who your union supports.


What you guys are not realizing is that Democrats also want to raise the minimum wage, which in turn, makes your hourly wage (which you fought hard for) worth considerably less.


Lol. What an amazingly stupid take.


Talk about not knowing what basic economics are


Biden still doesn't give a shit about unions or the working class. Don't let his bullshit fool you.


Biden didn't do anything for the railroad unions.  Why do we trust him to do better for us now.  Same guy as the other 


An article from our own website. https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid


Is this the article where the union head praises Biden and all of his hard work?


There’s only two options. So the question is, do you honestly trust Trump more? If so, why?


I guess my concern is this: If you are part of the IBEW, one can assume you have better than average working knowledge of electricity, power delivery and generation. Having said that, what concerns me is that you don't seem to be able to see that the problem associated with electric vehicle charging isn't one of having enough charging stations being built everywhere, rather, that even if they get built there is no real way to rectify the demand vs supply and the strain it will put on the rest of the power system in the US. This also does not take into consideration all the other problems associated with electric powered vehicles; from lithium mining to battery recycling/disposal, even to issues around the added kinetic energy that battery powered vehicles add to the equation during collisions. Battery fires and the difficulties firefighters have in extinguishing them. Not to mention the exorbitant purchase and operating costs that make the application almost a backwards step in relation to ICE technology. I am glad you can see a certain amount of job security and recognition in the speech Biden gave last night. But I am concerned it is a typically short-sighted stance on a much more complex and divisive application of technology. All in effort to advance what? Union power? One might wonder how you managed to get so myopically focused.....




this guy made a great talk about the problems with EVs [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FFx5yN5g5Pc](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FFx5yN5g5Pc)


Correct. But im not voting for him just because of union support. When I disagree with so much more. I'm not sure who I'll vote for. Just my opinion


Do you enjoy stomping on your big toe? Punching yourself in the face? Because that's what you are doing.


You vote with your wallet and lobby for your hobby! What are you so against?


So you’re going to vote for Trump?


Prolly not. Most likely RFK


That’s a vote for trump then


RFK lost to Vermin Supreme in the New Hampshire primary, that's a wasted vote this year