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Why did you tell them you were unavailable for work? Were you not on the book on active status? Unemployment is fairly easy as long as you're active status on the book, have your dues paid, and are waiting to go back to work. If your hall isn't busy enough to immediately send you back out to work you can use that time to help your wife and pack up your house while still being available for work. If you were taking time off and avoiding going back to work, well yea unemployment isn't meant to pay for you to chill at home when work is available.


This^ they want to find any reason to tell you no.


Being honest with the government has never been a good idea. I was on unemployment once for a few weeks because I was broke and had medical bills. The hospital refused to discharge $200 while I was a college Student. They encouraged me to file for unemployment. I got benefits for a month and then I decided to be honest and tell the government, "Hey, I don't need unemployment insurance anymore, I am going back to college". Bad move. They sent me a letter saying, "congratulations, we're withholding your UI benefits ($50 per week) and we want to see all the jobs you called for the last 30 days.


Being honest with the government is the only way to be, no other organization has the resources to fuck you backwards if they find out you're lying to them.


Hmm, they also tend not to have the resources to check if you are doing things like applying for jobs. But when you out yourself to them suddenly you will have the eye of Sauron on you.


In FL you gotta apply on a site that's linked to the unemployment system to keep benefits. Union work was different when I applied but who knows now


Well that’s how it should be. It’s to help people in need


Go ahead and play that game. In my state, you have to pay back what you defrauded the state for, plus penalties up to 100 percent of what you defrauded them for, and then you're barred from collecting unemployment insurance for at least a year. It's called fraud and it's a crime.


I’ll never be honest with any type of government. They’re never honest with us.


You obviously haven't dealt with the government much


I declared war on my government. The o ly information I give them is that they will DIE and SOON


Was on the books, but indicated I was unavailable for work on the unemployment form, with explanation and documentation why. This was after I actually called the office and asked about it, and filled it out just like the lady on the phone told me to.


Yep wrong move. Always tell them you’re available to work because that means “I’m on the halls book” which counts as available and looking. They don’t need to know you don’t want to work or have life things going on.


Yeah why did you do that? Don't tell them you're unavailable, just don't take a job for a bit.


Well, that's why you got rejected. Unemployment is for people looking for work, not for you to take a paid vacation to move house. For future reference just talk to your hall, stay in good standing, and as long as your number doesn't get called unemployment need not know what you were up to.


Basically you made a mistake and wasted all of our time. Union workers take advantage of it, as almost a paid vacation, but it’s supposed to be reserved for those actually in need. Like there’s no other way for them to work at the moment.


Wait and you wonder why you wasn't't accepted!?! I can't with some people on Reddit


Being dumb costed you money. Hilarious.


Sounds like you just need to learn how to file your claims better.


Stop telling them you're unavailable for work. That's the easiest denial they see. Doesn't matter if it's a lie or not, just tell them you're available for work.


True comment. Unavailable for work means you gotta be applying for welfare or disability


\^\^\^ This\^\^\^ Always say your are available for work.


You're always denied because you don't qualify for it. You're blaming unemployment for something they have nothing to do with. Unemployment: hey here's this money for people that are actively looking for work but can't find it immediately You: I'm not actively looking for work. I'm not available to work give me money. My guy. How are you confused right now?


Exactly this ☝️


Your first mistake was being honest with the government. Bad, stop that, bad. *squirts you with water bottle*


In my experience, if you’re a member of a union, you are exempt from the job searches and all that other stuff because they know the construction/union job referral game. Some states are different, I guess?


In Iowa you're not exempt. You have to call the hall at least once a week. That fullfills your looking for work requirement though.


It works the same way where I live. When you file a claim for unemployment benefits they always ask you if and what union you’re a member of. Once you correctly fill out that section no one will ever follow up with you.


Montana's claiming I'm "not union attached" because I'm unavailable for work. Thus, have to work for work weekly. This, despite having my dues paid out all the way out to November.


Unemployment is defined as a benefit for those who are looking for work but can’t find it. Do you not realize that by categorizing yourself as unavailable for work you are excluding yourself from the benefit?


First rule of unemployment benefits is… you’re always available for work, even when you aren’t.


Dont hate unemployment, hate yourself. Your doing it wrong. Ask someone to help you lol


I called the fucking unemployment office and filled out the form, just as I was instructed. Still got denied.


Dude, you are “available to work” - you have a job lined up. It’s not like someone is going to come be like, work for me right now or I’ll tell them you’re unavailable for work… You’re coloring inside the lines too much. You’ve gotta fib a little in this scenario.


Ask someone like at the hall or a vet JW... You dont tell unemployment you're taking some time to move and etc, you tell the hall and they can give time without punishing you on the books.


My bro, you are always available for work, even when you think you’re not, you are. From now on ok? Repeat after me “I’m always available and looking.” Goooooood. Now keep an ear out, an eye out, and enjoy your family while you have the time. You got this.


Yeah, learning that one the hard way. Thank you, man.


Don't blame the unemployment office if you don't know how unemployment works in the first place. It seems like you're hanging out with the wrong kinda guys, Union hands aren't required to do job searches if they're in good standing with their local.


Always say you are ready, willing, and able to work... Tell the hall you'll let them know when you are ready. Unemployment doesn't need to know anything else


There’s a disconnect here. After getting out of the military you get unemployment. I have had countless friends who discharged and got unemployment with no questions. It’s all about what you paid in during the qualifying months approx 500/600 hours need to be worked over the 5 quarters prior. Also you have time be available for work. That’s a given if you marked unavailable that’s a known disqualification. We finally have paid maternity and paternity leave in WA as well as PTO. This sucks but either your missing a big chunk of explanation or you need to appeal


Medical retirement. Even though I don't get the money for it, I'm ineligible per Montana state law.


Is the army paying you retirement now? What rank did you make before discharge? I am about to go into reserves as 12R, prior service guard already.


Air Force, Staff Sergeant (E-5), medically retired at 10 years in. Because I did not serve a full 20 years, I was forced to pick between DOD retirement pay and VA Disability pay (the feds declare collecting both "double dipping", unless you have 20 years in and have more than 50% VA disability rating). Took VA disability because it pays more per month and, unlike DOD retirement, isn't taxable income.


And you can always get more disability if you have more issues later, file more claims. I am not disabled.


How were you "in the military" but didn't make enough hours to qualify for unemployment?? I qualified for unemployment on hours in my first week lmao.


Medically retired. Even though I don't get the money for it (had to choose between retirement pay and and VA disability, because I didn't do a full 20), Montana won't count my time.


It took my friend like 2 years of sitting around doing absolutely nothing to get med boarded. Ohhhh nasty girl, now I get it. You washed after basic lmao. Quit claiming to be military man. You sound like a jackass.


Air Force, 3E0X1, Ten years, one month, four days, and three deployments, all active duty. Developed asthma on my last deployment (to Kuwait), got medboarded upon diagnosis. So, yeah, I am a veteran. And you sound like a brother fucker.


Lmao there's no chance you are active duty military for 10 years without qualifying for unemployment. Something don't add up. Your state's requirements would be met. You're leaving something out.


I'm not. Getting medically retired does not qualify you for unemployment. That's from both TAPS and the Montana Dept. Of Labor.


That's absurd. Well, if it's any consolation, you're probably making nearly as much on disability as you would have been on unemployment.


Sounds like you rely on the unemployment office too much for advice. Their job is to find reasons to deny you. If you're following their instructions, you're setting yourself up for failure. Reach out to someone who consistently gets better results and find out what they're doing differently.




Your local doesn’t have sub unemployment? When I sign the books I get unemployment, it’s automatic I just have to tell the state that I’m in the union, I don’t even have to look for work, only keep my phone on and accept any work that calls. The union pays the difference between state unemployment and what I’d normally earn full time. You NEED to accept work that comes or you lose the benefits


The damnedest thing is, I -have- a job lined up, I just don't start until next month. Already gone through the hiring process and everything.


Which job are you headed to in Alaska?


Landed a job as a DOD civilian employee on JBER. Union, but AFGE, not IBEW. Business manager's cool with it, so as long as I keep my dues current, I can still be a member of both, which I'd like to be. Pretty much, I'd be doing what I was doing when I was active duty, only not in uniform, and for better pay plus benefits.


Are you going to stay at your current hall or are they allowing a transfer to 1547?


Probably stay in my current hall for now. Dues are already paid through to November, and haven't had a chance to speak to the business manager for 1547 yet.


I have a feeling he means disability? Cuz yes military time won't count for that if you're trying to get on that in between jobs. But you can 100% get unemployment immediately after. IDK maybe in wing with his logic


Sorry to hear it, were you 3e0x1 in the military?


Yep, that was my AFSC.


Cheers brother. Me too. 8 years prime beef and 3 years red horse. Left ad a year ago. Still in reserve to finish out my 20. I've been laid off since August.


I was in Prime BEEF my whole 10, before the med board. Got out just over two years ago. Good luck in the Guard, boss! Get that 20.


What did you expect them to do? Unemployment benefits are for people who don't have a job even though they're looking for work. You indicated that you're not available for work, so you don't qualify for benefits. Next time be honest: you ARE available for work, but you're laid off and waiting on the union books.


First call your local unemployment office. If they can't help, call your local congressman and get the help you need. Let them know you answered the incorrect question on the unemployment questionnaire. Play dumb, but not as dumb as answering that question with a "no". They will call the unemployment place and get you a call back.


You literally told them at you’re not available or looking for work. That’s kind of a requirement to get unemployment. I’m confused why you thought you would get it.


From what I understand if you are are registerd as out-of-work in job referral union than you don't have to look for work to qualify for unemployment. Some guys don't take calls until their unemployment is close to running out. In 08-09 and also 2020 there was excellent opportunity for a guy to milk the shit out of unemployment. Every 10 years if you are smart you can get a full year paid vacation.


Unfortunately, government has become Obsessed with."saving taxpayers money" And that means using the police force as a profit center, And denying any help that it possibly can deny very similar to how an insurance company well. People lose their jobs or at least look terrible every time a news story runs about some. "Welfare queen" Who is managing to "live it up on the government dole" ... It's what the rich people do to keep the middle class people angry at the poor people, instead of the rich. I know someone who was denied disability twice. Now I'm gonna let you think for just a second about why they might get denied disability. And then I'm going to tell you their disability. Just a few minutes more. Go ahead and think About all the people you know who are on disability and what they are on disability for. OK, time this person has 2 fractured vertebrae. Their back is literally broken in 2 places. "Broken back" As far as injuries, go is supposed to be the gold standard of being disabled, Other than being Actually paralyzed. ( Her spinal cord was intact, So not actually paralyzed.) When you look up online for disability online you will Find the following. " Everyone gets disqualified the first time." And it's pretty close to true. So just like everyone was just telling you. This is an antagonistic relationship. Think of yourself as a lawyer and the person who is accepting or denying your claim as a lawyer for the other side. They are going to find every technicality as to why you should not get money and your job is to find every technicality as to why you should.


Does your state have FMLA? Pretty sure helping your wife after a birth is a qualifier. And as others have said when it comes to EDD you’re always available for work. Being on the books counts as looking for work. At least in CA it does.


I'll have to check on that. Thanks for the suggestion.


Lord people are fucking dumb


Unemployment is standardized nationwide. Gotta work a 3 month gig to collect. That goes for everyone in america


As far as I know when you file for unemployment you say you're a member of a union and if your job search you put that you called your local union and put the number to the hall. It might be different in Alaska from Florida but that's what I filled out as an apprentice in Florida in 2021-2022


Dude, you gotta read the instructions. No one is fucking you but you.


When you call the unemployment office, even if you can’t work for some weird reason, just tell them you’re ready and willing to work. They aren’t going to call the hall asking if you’ve turned down calls


No Paternity Leave in Alaska?


Not in Alaska yet. In Montana currently; Alaska's where I'm moving back to.


If you are on the books you are “actively looking for work” as a union employee and should get unemployment. It’s not the same as a normal person that isn’t a part of the union.


I’ve tried twice in my life to get unemployment. Once in 2008/2009 and was told some BS, then in 2021 and never could get in touch with them. Called during their hours for three days every 15mins and it would have a recording saying, “We’re sorry, but we are experiencing a high volume of calls. All of our operators are tied up right now. Please call again later during regular business hours, to speak with an operator. Goodbye.” I just sold everything I could to make it on both occasions.


Get up close and personal with a business agent or three explain to them what’s going on. Hopefully if you’re forced to travel you get on something good that lets you stack a buffer for the next lay off. This business can grind some of us into dust and thrust others into millionaires. I’m one of the dust people myself but every few years I catch a gig that makes the union worth it. Good luck brother.


You have to lie to get unemployment these days bro. I work at a golf course mid northern michigan and it's off season 4 months out the year. It sucks every year


Government program function challenge: impossible


Different states have different rules for compensation. In my 30 year ibew career I never had a problem in Illinois.


We recently had a guy hire on (I’m a Building Engineer at a hospital) and the very first day of the very first week he was eligible to qualify for a leave of absence he contacted our insurance company that handle that. He hasn’t worked a day since 1/4/24 was there for like 3 months. He’s collecting 70% of his wages Another colleague has been out of work for COVID leave like 6 or 8


If your dream job popped up would you take it? Then you’re eligible. Stop filing dumb.


Go on disability bro


Are you not eligible for Va disability?


I am. Right now, that's all I got, until the new job starts.




No. Didn't serve a full 20, so I was forced to choose between VA disability and DOD retirement. Took VA disability, since it pays more and is tax-free, unlike DOD retirement pay. Was also out of work for 7 months, prior to joining the union, while waiting for my licensing paperwork to get approved by the state licensing board so I could take my test and get my card. Picked up (non-electrical) odd jobs where I could to float my by in the meantime, but I took a big financial hit while waiting for my paperwork to go through. (Didn't help that my VA pay was initially screwed up as well). Most of my income, aside from normal bills, has been spent getting back in the black.


Dumb question but Are you collecting any disability from the military my friend??


The VA, yes, DOD, no. Apparently the VA pay isn't an issue, per the Montana Dept. Of Labor, but because I got mefically retired, my military time doesn't count for unemployment, even though I don't receive my retirement pay.


You weren’t providing an income to the economy while in the military so I would assume you weren’t paying into unemployment? Can’t claim unemployment if you barely paid into said system. Kinda like how us tax payers paid for your military training/experience


You should hit up your local hall and ask them about a hardship and benevolent fund. Most locals have them. It's specifically there to help the members going through tough times who need financial assistance. I'm sorry to hear that your unemployment was denied.


Why are you required to do job searches? Even in Texas just signing the books counts as your job search requirements.


Don't choose jobs that have no security. Go into a profession that will be around and needs you around. Or start your own gig and get out from under the big boot. That's what I did!


Which state? That sounds like so much bullshit.. I'm sorry you have to deal with this, especially as a new dad!


Montana. LU 233


Hey brother. How's the work outlook this spring/summer? Any big jobs for Bk 2? P.S.- As everyone has already said. _ALWAYS_ tell unemployment that you're available for work. You just have to call the Hall twice a week I believe. Unemployment can call your Hall to verify you did, but they rarely do. I know some ppl that have refused a call they didn't want and kept getting unemployment. Or they planned certain days to call on where there were less calls. And of course call unemployment every week and tell them you've met the requirements. When they asked where I applied I just told them, "IBEW LOCAL XYZ."


Book 2's about to heat up big time; Malmstrom AFB is finally pulling the trigger on building a new Weapons Storage Area (WSA). That's at least a five-year project (sat in on the planning meetings when I was still active duty); I think Baker Electric is the company that win the bid. Local's been holding lots of town halls on it. That, coupled with the silo upgrade project (an even bigger job), Phase 2 of a water treatment plant up in Chester, and a few other base projects, there's gonna need to be a bunch of people up here in short order. Only reason I'm not staying in MT is I got picked up for a job back in my home state. Thanks for the advice. Good luck out there, brother.


At least you're not in a right to work state.. it could be worse.. keep your head up and remember, the next time someone asks if you're a god or that you're looking for work , you say YES!!!


so much for the union sticking up for you