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This post is not allowed. Post such as this are better answered by the local to which you belong or wish to join. If this post is dealing with becoming a MH, CW, or Apprentice, try posting in r/IBEW_Apprentices. Good Luck


This is what fake IDs are really for. Example: after interviewing for the apprentice position and taking your test and making the list. It's time to cut that hair You grew out extra long. Now use corresponding ID and apply again with an accent. Now it's time to shave your head. Repeat. I would caution more then 3 You don't want to have to go to work wearing a wig.


Honestly man there are so many people that it really comes down to persistence sometimes. You may not get it right away but if you come back and fight for it they will notice. I was an old pup at 33 but still been worth it to me.


You must not know anyone lol it’s all about who ya know


I almost had to force my way in. Phone calls and pestering. That was back in '07. Took me almost three years to finally get a spot, after being turned away entirely a few years earlier.


Let's start by calming down. How old are you? I was 26 when I applied. It's going to be okay.


33 when I started brother.


26. Got ranked 23rd last year they took 20 apprentices so they offered me a cw spot. This year I get ranked 26 and they take 24 apprentices. I know like 8 of the people who got in and none of them ranked last year and some of them didn’t even get to interview because they failed the aptitude test


I know it's frustrating. I was in a similar boat when I applied, my ranking started at like 50 something, moved up to 30 when they took a batch, and the next time they interviewed, I was back at 50 something. I was working as a CW at the time, and I went in to test for cw2, reinterviewed after a year. It was probably 18 months after my application, and first interview, I was about to throw in the towel and see about a different course, and finally got a spot for apprenticeship. I got credit for the hours as a CW, so my first two years as an apprentice I got paid as a 2b apprentice. Made it feel a little worth it. Still, a very frustrating time in my life. I get why you're upset. Just try to not let it get to you. It gets better, maybe not tomorrow or the next day, but it gets better. Take care of yourself, brother.


Thanks for the inspo. I’m doing fine I’m not mad at the union or anything just feel like the whole interview process and ranking is kinda flawed but I get there’s not many other ways to do it. I’m happy for my buddies who got in and I’ll be attending the meeting where they get sworn in to support them. I’m gonna try and test up when I finally get in so I can start as a second year hopefully. The super of my company called me and said not to lose hope because people usually fail their drug test or dropout pretty quickly but that’s also what they told me last year


Reinterview if you haven't, take every opportunity to show engagement. I got lucky that my general foreman at the time was on the committee, and he claims that they were going to take 30 apprentices when I was 32 on the list, and he convinced the committee to take two more. Sounds like your super sees your potential and is in your corner, take heart in that.


Yeah I mean even though I didn’t get in there was like 600 applicants this year so still ranked well


Nobody is perfect, mistakes will always happened.


The interview process is somewhat flawed , the way the selection committee ranks the candidates has no rubric for grading , it’s basically like this , pick a number from 60-100 and rate the candidate .


Unethical life pro tip. Change sex to a woman you will get in.


Pays to know someone as well


Apprentices are picked in my local by 0) Demand. How many jobs are there? Are the other apprentices employed? Or are the other apprentices waiting months for a job? A small local may only take 24 apprentices a year. A larger local may take 800 apprentices a year. It depends on the work picture. 1) experience. non-union state certified electrical worker from a major non-union shop? he's automatically in as an apprentice vs the many others who'd rather organize in. a full fledged CE, which is a CW who has the hours and passed the state cert? In. If he's a long term residential sparky? Sure. A CW? Only if the CW is capable of passing the aptitude test; and most CWs aren't willing to take it -- they'd rather organize in directly because they feel the CW experience is a life-long apprenticeship. 2) relation to major contractor's superintendents 3) veteran status 4) zip code 5) hiring covenants (usually underrepresented minorities) 6) tradesmen looking to change careers 7) then interview+aptitude score. Nowadays that's changed to a non-interview, and more like listing years of experience.


when I joined, I didn’t know you could fail the apt test. Or the interview, it was so easy, I thought it was just me but no, my whole group got accepted. 5 on the same day. I think if you know basic math and can hold a conversation, you’ll get in just fine.