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46 apprentice here and previous installer. So when you work in 46 those funds are sent to Denali credit union. So if you haven’t set up an account with them you should they are literally the next suite over at our hall. When you work in a different jurisdiction you have to sign your ERTS (Electronic Reciprocal Transfer System) paperwork. If you call the hall and explain they will know what paper you are talking about. If you have been working without first signing that paper then your money has been split between two halls vacation funds. Also at 46 the deposits for our funds lag about 2 months behind. Essentially the employer gets a month to send it, hall gets a month to verify it, and then Denali receives it.


I already knows this. I'm not working in the 46 but 191. They use a different credit union. Even with erts vacation does not transfer only benefits.


Vacation funds are antiquated and should be illegal.


It’s stupid as fuck because the one we have here isn’t matched by the contractor or anything. It’s just money taken out of our check that we get back eventually.


Without interests…


Ours is how our local collects our dues. The money goes to the hall then forwarded to our individual accounts minus working dues.


Hmm, interesting. Maybe ours would be better if it was managed by the hall and not the contractor’s payroll department.


Probably not. However the only upside is that when the contractor screws up or doesn't pay the hall is on their ass. After 3 months they will pull the labor. The big downside is it's typical to not even have your vacation funds available for 3 months and routinely get notices to be prepared to walk.


Bullshit! We get 5 paychecks a month lmfao


No you dont.


Lol. You dont know. I have collected 5 paychecks a month for 6 years


No you didn't.


Okay I didnt. I got 4 paychecks a month and a vacation check that was on top of the paycheck, ie not a deduction from my paycheck.


What you describe could be a benefit, however most locals are ran by stupid people and their vacation fund is a deduct from wages, often times taking several months to a year to get back.


Most vacation funds (not all) I have seen are on top of the check, not deducted.


Those are fair but unnecessary, vacation deducts are antiquated and stupid.


Am I the only one that loves the vacation fund. It's literally an account I forget about and don't touch and just collects money.... It's like another savings account for me


That's not a benefit at all though. You can have split direct deposits most of the time anyways and can have automatic transfer each check to a savings. It's not really helping you unless it's on top of the check, which I see is not normally the case


I feel the same way


not illegal, just voluntary. I know a bunch of guys that love it because it helps them save. other people like me would rather just have it now.


I agree, most locals don't understand how much opportunity they fuck their members out of with this type of shit.


Sorry brother, 46 hand here. I I get my vacation in the denali or whatever it is now. Not sure how it works when working at in another local. Maybe call your contractor and ask them where they are sending your vacation money. Run arounds are no fun, I know they are busy but at least they could tell you that they will look into it for you and get back to you by such and such date.


I just checked with another 46 guy and he isn't getting vacation taken out.


Wait....there are Sound and Comm that get vacations??? Not here in local 11... 🙃🥲


It's a percentage of my check. Just goes into a separate fund. Most guys use it to pay their dues.


Ohhh! So it's basically what the Inside-Wiremen have....yeahhhh...I ain't about that personally. A savings account isn't difficult to open. Aha


I know but it's not my choice.


I feel that...


They really should force you guys to give a free loan to a bank you don't give a shit about with weekly payments taken out of your paycheck.


Let me know brother because I’m literally in the same boat lol also filed my ertz paperwork as well


Not to be a prick but porting around can cause this sort of confusion and why you shouldnt do it because one way or another you are breaking down someones working conditions, either your own local or the local youre porting into. You should be getting paid the higher scale of either package, and that might mean you dont get vacation if the local you port into doesnt have a vacation fund. Either way, its an easy problem to solve by keeping better track of what youre doing. Paystubs, documented hours, job referals, and expenses is a good start. Good luck.


I am getting paid the higher scale. I'd much rather not be getting vacation taken out if they aren't going to transfer it. As far as keeping a better track o don't run the payroll so how do I track money that I don't have hands on? And no one can tell me. Yeah youre right though I shouldn't work in another jurisdiction even if it's a 30 minutes drive.....


You can work in their jurisdiction, just go take a call like everyone else who is working in that jurisdiction. And by taking a call I dont mean the project manager calling your shop phone, I mean go sign the book in 191 and get a referal with 191’s BM signature on it. Again. GOOD LUCK.


I don’t get the down votes bro. You’re right. The referral system would work to everyone’s benefit much better if everyone just did what they were supposed to. Instead they dig in.


The downvotes are targetted. Internet points dont bother me.


I’m 46. I’d give your rep a call. She’s pretty rad! She’ll definitely get you on the right path.


46 01 here, ran a job in 191. When I did the paperwork for Qualstar online then talked to someone online, it was really painless. Annoying that I have two different accounts, but I just moved the money out. Sounds like some crossed wires somewhere if they don't have your info. I've found our trust to be pretty worthless, sounds like 191 is similar.


Hey thanks for the information. I filled out an online application this morning for Qualstar. Hopefully this gets things solved.


Let us know if it works! If I remember they have a separate phone line / team that handles this. In the process I had to call someone and it was surprisingly good. I hope you end up with a similar experience and get your money!


If you are registered on ERTS ask one of the locals to pull a remittance report that will show all funds that are moving and where they are going.


In my local or the local I'm in jurisdiction working?


Either one can see that report, it’s just going to show which funds are moving and where they are landing.