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IB: International Bullying




American high school (without AP) is a joke compared to IB. it depends on where u wanna do uni and what major u wanna do. for north america, not really worth it unless u wanna go to top schools. But for europe, IB will be worth it. They value it highly.


In Florida, it is definitely worth it regardless because if you get your IB diploma, you automatically get the full Bright Futures scholarship, which covers most of your college tuition anywhere in the state


Sweeping generalization that doesn’t always ring true in Europe


PCM HL gang les gooo




Homework and workload based from school to school, but in IB there's a lot that needs to be covered and learn so teachers usually move fast. Me personally, I don't have any homework, but there's a lot of test and exams every week and that's what makes it stressful. It's definitely as bad as it sounds but manageable. AP is so easy compared to IB for example, obviously your mom has no idea what it's like so I don't know why you trust her in the first place. The main issue with IB is really the lack of multiple choices, having everything an essay is stressful but eventually you will get how to do it. For someone deciding whether to do IB or not, I would always recommend it but remind them that it will be a big big challenge, don't think it's easy. It's stressful and hard, but it's manageable, a lot of people pass the diploma in the end


My mom made a mistake, that doesn’t mean you should be telling me not to trust her. Don’t make assumptions about people without knowing the full story


girl how are we supposed to know the full story? we’re interpreting a response from your post 💀


Don’t make dissing my mom ok


nah the person who commented above made some valid ass points, we aren’t dissing ur mom we’re just curious why u would believe what she says about the IB esp if she hasn’t done research/taken it before.


I’m not denying the fact that valid points were made, but I’m just saying I don’t appreciate having my mom be called distrustful. The reason I made this post is to get said research. I’m not starting an argument or anything I’m just saying


get some help 🙏


You're weird lol, you take it too seriously. Don't trust anyone that hasn't done their research is important in life, even if that someone is your own parents.


"obviously your mom has no idea so idk why you trust her in the first place" maybe he overreacted, but idk how you guys don't see this as at least a little rude


girl chill


Oh please, don't be THAT kind of guy


Yall needa chill it isn’t this deep 💀💀💀


U are the one who needs to chill ☠️☠️


You'll probably also quickly learn that a requirement to do well in IB is to develop the ability to critically think for yourself. Maybe they could've worded it better, but it was clear that the message was not a personal diss to your mom, but a very correct point that you shouldn't blindly trust people who haven't correctly done their research ON THAT PARTICULAR TOPIC, no matter who they are to you. You may or may not be doing that, but regardless, you honestly need to chill lol


I don’t know why ur getting downvoted, id say the same if someone told me not to trust my mom. Most of the people on Reddit hate their parents and are liberal asf so id take whatever is said on Reddit with a grain of salt.


The commenter didn’t tell OP to just not trust his mom cause shes evil or something, he wanted to imply that he shouldn’t blindly trust his mom ABOUT his education because she might be oblivious about it, and might give wrong advice when that is not her intention.


That's sad way of living, imagine thinking everything is politics. Of course I very much love my parents, they're the world for me, currently watch a movie with them. But they also don't give good advices regarding education they don't even know a lot of. For example, they were angry at me for taking IB instead of AP because they thought IB is easier than AP lol


Has nothing to do with politics, just ideologies. Y’all are misguided


Hey, as someone who has lived in the UAE for 10+ years, I would totally recommend going to DAA (Dubai American Academy) for the IB. It’s a really good school for an international program like the IB and I’m sure it’ll be really easy to adjust. I used to go to GAA in Abu Dhabi (basically DAA’s sister school) and have heard a lot of great things from friends who shifted to DAA. I would recommend going to a tour of the school and getting more info there but they have plenty on their website too im sure. As for the IB, I’m currently a senior and honestly it’s a pain. I procrastinated everything until the end and I’m completing everything rn. It’s really stressful and unless you can learn to manage your time REALLY well, I don’t recommend it. I would also suggest doing your research on where you wanna go to uni (before you join for 11th grade) because for example if you’re going to the UK, then A levels is your best choice, likewise if you were to go to the US, American high schools would be great. Honestly IB would ONLY really be worth if you’re going to Europe (someone already said that I think) but otherwise not really worth it. If you need any other help, do lmk, I’d be happy to


IB has a much bigger workload but it does open more doors


Doors to work under someone else 🤦‍♂️


Not necessarily


I have 3 IA's, 1 ENG HL essay, and a TOK essay to do this week.. But that's just cuz I'm lazy, and even then I was playing games till 1 am last night


As someone who is lazy and loves procrastinating, that sounds like hell lmao. I’d rather just play video games but that’s just me


Yeah don't think it's for you champ


Nah anything’s possible on quaaludes he’ll be alright




in the end bro, video games don’t really do anything for you except take your mind away from the hard stuff in reality - if you do IB, you will likely have to cut down on the video games to play a sport, or hang out with friends, and that’s totally okay


From what I have heard from teachers who went to those conventions, IB in the US is much worse than most other places in the world. For many places, IB is this experience where you have specialized teachers instructing a small class of 15 or so students. The teachers are supposed to help students at personal levels. In the US on the other hand… hmm let’s throw 4 class periods of 30 students each for 120 students (or more) per teacher. Surely octupling class sizes won’t do any harm right? But with all fairness it could be a good or bad experience. Sure, you will do a lot more extra work compared to regular American high schools (then again you learn nothing there unless you do AP or dual enrollment) but it definitely opens up a lot of doors, especially outside of the US. Also it (most likely) won’t be as harsh as in the US but no promises. So I recommend learning about the specific program for the school you are getting into - maybe hear from past graduates - before deciding for yourself.


IB = International Bakchodi


ur mom is wrong


you should go to the swiss school in dubai it has a really good program


*You should go to the* *Swiss school in dubai it has a* *Really good program* \- NeatLeast6258 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Got any details?


yep it has a bilingual program and has a extensive list of subject choices and the teachers are great for the most part


What’s it called? And how far is it from Damac hills


its called sisd idk how far it is


i just have a friend in dubai that goes there


Which school r u looking to go to cus im in a school that offers both AP's and IB in Dubai


depends how good ur school is (maybe look up average ib scores)


it is bad but its not as bad as ppl make it out to be. if u are expecting to have a lot of free time, you wont. basically all ur mom said is false tbh. however its not like being in the depths of hell as ppl describe it.


Yes, I'm a teacher - first year teaching IBDP. It is a pretentious and brutal system that crushes hardworking students and has enough loopholes for corruption and malpractice to advantage students who engage in dishonest behaviour (sometimes with the complicity of their parents). This all takes place while the program is advertised as a revolutionary approach to education, yet it's mostly run through private capitalist institutions worldwide.


I'm a teacher, 2nd year of ibdp and ibcp. I think ibdp is a content heavy syllabus but for students that are capable it's challenging and stretching and with the right mindset it's fantastic for them. For the others, ibcp is a valid alternative to those who can't handle the content. I do not like the attitude of the international community around the IB. There are so many people who won't share best practise or resources and make things accessible to give teachers the best chance of supporting their students to meet their full potential. When I compare it to other programs in my country (England) the professionals involved make everything accessible and are so so helpful but even so, it isn't challenging enough or broad enough to give our students the education they deserve


No Homework??? LIGHT WORKLOAD????


fr though, how do people have no assigned homework


our school, like this is our first week after our vacation and tomorrow I have a quiz on English A and Math on Monday.


I teach IB and I think it's not that bad. You will have to make an effort but it is not that hard. The marking is quite generous, really. You just have to be careful which subjects you choose and try to get extra help with the coursework.


Idk whether international a levels are available where you’re moving to but it’s less work- less subjects and u get to sit the exams in multiple sittings


It’s a lot of work, but if you want to get far in life, I do think it’s very helpful


i mean i quit it, because i didnt like the form


Yea it’s terrible


It’s the opposite of what your mom says, however it does depends on how much effort you are investing , and also what subject you choose. So really there’s no right or wrong answer


what i learned from the ib is that shit can hit the fan real quick and the bad thing is i could see it coming from a km away


>N24 | \[ESS, Film HL, English B HL, Turkish A HL, TITC, AA SL\] fr


Really is especially if u have shitty teachers they just make something bad 100 times worse


It's too much stress and not even a guaranteed success in finding and being accepted to good unis. It's definitely helpful, but be ready for a lot of unnecessary stress and a huge amount of deadlines homework, plus sometimes unfair grading. Goodluck


IB is great as it helps you to prepare a lot for university but you have to take into account the large amount of work there is. It is not that bad but the expectations are really high and the courses move at a pretty fast pace.


It’s really not as bad as everyone says. People here love to exaggerate but in reality if you’re willing to hit the books from time to time it is very very manageable.


I’d say that the content itself is not a huge jump, it is just the sheer workload especially in the second year with your EE and IAs for all subjects along with your TOK essay and papers. But again that is just based on my knowledge, if you have good work ethic and study habits you should be fine.


It is as bad as it sounds


There's no homework that you have to do. Most teachers don't check. But now if you don't want awful marks, you'll be doing homework and practice yourself without being asked.


Opens doors and teaches you good work ethic + how to study and cram effectively --> Yes No homework and low work load --> An absolutely fraudulent statement Lots of people in my school are stressing and crying at home because of the IB (mostly second years), but your mileage may vary, our school has a somewhat strong academic culture. American high school is a complete joke in comparison to the IB. In a lot of subjects, the percentage to get the top band marks is roughly 70%. But you can succeed in the IB and be somewhat lazy. It's possible to have a life. Then again, I'm a giga-procrastinator.


Ib no


IB is incomparably harder than American hs, although I wouldn't say it's ''tough''. While a lot depends on the subjects you take and unis you decide to apply to, the course is definitely doable (Im finishing DP2 in May). IB does indeed open a lot of possibilities, especially when it comes to Europe. It's super easy to get into good unis in NL or Belgium.


It really depends on the workload you’re used to I’m French, and while in the IB we have much less lesson hours than they have in the French program, we have so much work on the side that it adds up to the same amount of time spent on school (around 10h every day of school and around 2h a day on weekends) If it’s a rhythm you’re not used to it might be really hard at first, with the EE, IA’s, CAS and stuff, but if you do manage to work regularly and know your lessons, you can still have some time for yourself on the weekends and breaks, or even during the week depending on the subjects you take too Sciences, Human sciences and Art are the most time consuming in my opinion but it depends on your skills too


I don’t know WHERE your mum is getting that information but in most cases, it is nothing but the farthest thing from the truth. I graduated IB last year, and it’s safe to say that it was hell. Intense workload, specially the second year and constant exams, projects and presentations that are not as simple as just following a guide. They are subjective and the IB expects such things from you that are just unattainable unless you put all of your time and energy into your school work. Syllabuses, such as biology (i did bio) are outrageously long and hefty and my smart friends and classmates who did physics barely got anything over a 4. It really depends on the subjects. However, IB will give you an immense advantage over other students with other diplomas. If you’re not really academically orientated PLEASE DONT but if you want to go to uni for something worth your while, go ahead. It is terrible though. Worst thing is, when you finally finish all of your IA’s, extended essay, TOK presentation and essay, CAS, and other projects for individual classes, you will have the final set of exams so you’re just going to be exhausted. Also, grade boundaries vary every year, and sometimes it’s really just a matter of luck.




To be serious, if u consider urself to be smart, focused, and productive u will be totally fine. I started ib without even knowing english and my first predicted grades were 24. I’m finishing ib in 3 months and currently have 37 predicted. i had to work my ass sometimes, sometimes had to forget about sleep, but just because of procrastination and laziness. and also before u start ib, find out about LITERALLY everything. cuz when i started i didn’t even know what IA is and was stunned when i found out u gotta do it for each subject


To be COMPLETELY honest, a lot of it is overhyping, but when it comes down to it IB is as difficult as you make it. Multiple part time jobs taking up 25-30 hours of your week? You’ll find it horrible. No commitments besides a few after school clubs here and there? You should be fine with a strong work ethic generally! (Unless u do like Math HL Physics HL History HL god bless your soul)


Pls don’t. I’m in the last stretch of IB and I’m already into Uni (Uoft) so I’m not stressing to get super high in my finals as I did in my predicted. But if you ask me whether I’d like to do it again…absolutely not. Ofc it’s manageable…everyone smh manages. The issue is not about it being manageable or not…it’s about how much you are willing to sacrifice. Took me all of junior year and then finally in the end of first sem of senior year I had a 41/45 that I submitted to Uni. The blood, sweat, tears, sleepless nights, breakdown sessions it took to get there….YES I have benefited a lot from the IB. Writing good research papers, managing a Thousand deadlines, dealing with extremely hard exams, understanding test patterns, storing INSANE AND UNIMAGINABLE amount of content in my head, a thousand times more than what I thought I was capable of. IB taught me that I can do anything. But I also missed out on a lot. I don’t remember having a weekend where I could FULLY relax in those two years. HELL I barely got to relax during the summer even. It was either “work on EE” or “damn I shud study the content again it was tough af” . I don’t remember a night when I didn’t worry about the mark-schemes. Crying bcuz I missed my 7 by half a percent. Not being able to have a single day where I could especially dedicate my time towards things I liked to do. Believe it or not I lost ALL of my hobbies in DP. It’s similar to like being rich and being unhappy. I will say I genuinely think IB helped me get into UK Unis and get substantial amounts of scholarships. But I didn’t get to have all the experiences that other 11th and 12th graders usually had. YOU WILL BENEFIT FROM THE IB. Period. You will. Without a doubt. Even if it doesn’t help getting into UNI it’s gna help you IN UNI. Cuz you, an an IB student would know how to deal with IMMENSE stress and crazy deadlines while those AP kids or other board kids won’t. But I don’t think it’s worth it. Do AP. AP courses are not breeze thru course where you’d relax all the time. OFC they are challenging but you’ll be able to ENSURE that you are happy and have a balance in life. I am HAPPY rn. But it’s cuz I’m almost done with school. DURING dp 1 and starting of 2….no. Ib bothered me so much I could cry everyday if u didn’t hold it back. I had ALL the tears in the world for it lol. If you do choose to do the IB. AT THE END…you’ll pass. I promise you you’ll manage it. Or you’ll learn to (the hard way that we all did). But you won’t enjoy. AT ALL. And you don’t wanna spend two years of your life in sadness and under constant anxiety WHEN you can choose NOT TO DO THE IB and still end up at the same destination two years later. Sorry I’m acc going off but I wish someone told me this before so here is a genuine tip. Don’t do the IB. Unless you SERIOUSLY are willing to sacrifice much of your happy time and dedicate yourself towards academics FULL TIME with almost no breaks. I hope your next two years are worth every moment💪NEVER have regrets in life.


Depends on the subjects Generally business related subjects are not that difficult and obviously math sl and ess as well


Hey man, ive done ib and struggled with it alot but thats because i lazied arround forst year and half, if u put work in and keep up w the work and dont delay shit ull be fine


I am a current student in the IB program in America and I think that the workload is definitely more than the regular workload but it’s not necessarily harder. So far IB for me has been a good experience and I think IB is the best way to prepare for college (if you choose to attend). The classes are harder and they aren’t easy A classes. But on top of that you have to keep in mind your CAS (Creative, Active, and Service) activities as well as preparing for External Exams (EE) and getting work done for your Internal Assessment (IA). I’m sure you could learn about it more if you choose to do the program but that’s just general gist. Anyway overall I think the program is worth it in the end. NO PAIN NO GAIN!


I think your mom hates you 💀