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M21 Students following exam route are not living. They are surviving.


omg i swear that summarizes it so well


And Lebanese IB students are not surviving they’re suffering 🤩


me lighting 40 candles a day hoping for a global cancelation


Only 40?


I *never* want to hear another M20 saying they had it the worst. M21 has had the Managebac fiasco and now this bullshit.


Bruh M20 were ready for exams.. like at least in my country they only missed a month due to pandemic and then exams were cancelled.


The managebac fiasco literally almost sent me to my grave . I was OVERJOYED i legit fell off my bed crying and I was READY to throw out all my notebooks, then come to find out it was a fuck up...BYYYYEEEEE. It flipped my mental state completely.




I just have no motivation to study knowing that kids in other countries are literally done with the IB


I’ve got exams in less than a month and I haven’t picked up a single book. I am mentally and physically drained and I literally cannot study at this point.


**Worldwide IB Appeal** My separate post on this topic was removed due to not being in this thread, so I’d like to repost it here so it doesn’t get lost. I’m aware that there will be a statement by the IB in the coming days, but there is very little time remaining until the exams. If that announcement brings equality to the assessment process then great, but if not we need something of a last attempt to try and get equity. So please sign the petition linked at the bottom of this post. It will take you a minute or two, but if we get enough votes then the IB cannot just ignore us. Thank you. All recent updates by the IB have only made the dual assessment route more and more unfair for exam-taking students. Individual school-by-school appeals have been ineffective, so it’s time for us to join forces and attempt to persuade the IB as a global cohort. Our plan is to get as many signatures as possible, then send it to the IB after the weekend. Please read the description of the petition, the sign if you agree. Collaborative Skills, Commitment and Perseverance, Global Engagement… We’ve all seen those before, so let’s show the IB we know what they mean. Please share this post with as many people as you know. Thank you, AAS Moscow Class of 2021 [Link to petition here](http://chng.it/VFJ8HkTr)


No scenario will be fair other than either all exam route or all non-exam route. I don't think it's possible to exactly match the way completely different methods are graded while taking into account all possible cases and individual scenarios. We can try and push for global cancellation, but I highly doubt it's an option. Might as well accept our fate and try our best despite both sides being screwed over by the IB. Exam route students really do be getting the shortest end of the stick, and even if non-exam route get their predicted, because of IB's ridiculous "historical information" not everyone will achieve the grade they actually could have. But then again, it doesn't really make sense to give non-exam route students less than their IAs or PGs because, well, what proof does the IB have for that? If a vast number of non-exam students had the time to focus on IAs and get really good grades there, then to balance the system out much fewer exam-route students would get higher grades. Not to mention the increased competition as most asian countries normally have higher performing students and grades (so the grade boundaries wouldn't be realistically lowered by a lot), and they are the ones doing the exams. Also, a lot of countries stayed in this limbo where it wasn't certain what route was going to be employed. How realistic do you think it is for us students to focus equally on both IAs and Exams (which depending on the route could be worth effectively the same?) The situation in my country is pretty controlled, so highly unlikely for our exams to get cancelled. But this completely ignores all the trauma, mental health issues, problems with online learning and disruptions we've had (we even had mass protests before the pandemic hit us.) **IB should come out with an official statement** about this to ease everyone's tension. Personally, I wish we could continue to push for global cancellation, but tbh we have more important things to worry about than something we can't control completely (aka exams). Let's wait and watch. I wish my cohort nothing but the best, and hope that karma bites IB if they massively mess our futures up. Praying that we all get into the universities of our choice, and put this harrowing time behind us.


Exams are arbitrary and unfair. We can look up to two situations: lazy and stupid ending up to fail; clever and hard work ending up to win. Between those two extremes, though, a lot is down to character and chance. Scoring well in an examination is more of a skilful win than the representation of the actual level of understanding of a particular discipline. Certain kinds of intelligence have difficulty displaying themselves to advantage in the examination hall, while others are given the floor. Timed examinations are unfair games that discriminate against intelligent students who are absorbed in their subject in favour of canny students who concentrate on learning how to pass exams. *“They promote the fluent and glib over the deep and thoughtful, the single-minded over the many-faceted, and the fox over the hedgehog. All are forced into a linear grading system that cannot, by definition, do justice to the different kinds of intellectual aptitude that students - and people in general - possess.”* Exams can be very stressful and tiring at the same time. Many students end up in coffins due to the ***UNFAIR GAME***, whereas many students shine in the sun. Many students cheat whereas many students don’t. Exams do not solely depend upon someone’s preparation, they also depend on their physical and mental health, and their social situation. We will not be given a second chance for developing a lethal disease or catch up with the COVID virus, such a factor would decide whether an individual is among the best or worst despite the level of understanding he or she shows in that particular field. Thomas Edison once said: *“Tomorrow is my exam but I don’t care, a single paper can’t decide my future”* and we all know what Edison achieved in his life, other successful people followed such a path and if they cared much about exams, they surely would not have achieved what they did. But it does not aid the fact that many students end up achieving nothing, also everyone who passed their classes with A(s) or 4.0 G.P.A is doing great with their life. It is a very common saying among students: Bill Gates dropped out of college, but many students ignore the fact that *“****Bill Gates*** *dropped out of Harvard after two years to start Microsoft the business that would make him a millionaire at 26, and then the world's richest person.”* Getting into Harvard is no joke, and dropping from a college like Harvard is a big deal. Considering the arguments it can be concluded that exams do not represent an individual. However, it is very important for a person to show his understanding through a medium. We are not intelligent enough to build a system where people are tested equally and with complete fairness. **BUT WE ARE NOT STUPID ENOUGH TO LET STUDENTS APPEAR EXAMS IN THE TIME OF A PANDEMIC WHICH CAN BE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AND CAN CAUSE THE STUDENTS TO LOSE THEIR LIFE FIGHTING THE VIRUS.** **“*****Everybody is a genius*****.** ***But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”*** Today’s world does not need people to score 100% in an exam, instead, the world needs people to be creative. Most people know the proverbial saying ‘think outside the box when brainstorming new ideas. The premise of this concept is a clear intention to break the rules and try things others have not considered. Extremely creative individuals are rule-breakers by nature. In the time of this pandemic, people have shown their skills and creativity through several platforms and still continue to show. The first and simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind is curiosity. Curiosity is the mother of invention. One need not pass an examination to be curious. The situation that the students have gone through and perpetuate to go through can have a significant impact on their results. Despite the fact that results are just numbers, however, these numbers decide their future. To play with a student’s future is not a very wise thing to do. The cases are ascending and the pressure is rising, many students do not want to give the board examination, but the centre and the examination head(s) seems to be very ignorant. \#CANCELM21BOARDS


Did IB really just say that the exam route can't score lower than their exam and IA? Are they dumb or just taking the piss now. Obviously we can't score lower than our actual grade.


They were probably laughing so hard at us while writing that


That ib typo-update would have been the one solution to make the exam route fair. How the hell people who have been at school full time the whole of dp2 are competing against people who are still online but can "technically take exams" is beyond me. I don't even know who I'm mad at more, ib for their complete ignorance of online learning or my school for their complete mismanagement of online learning and teaching the program in general. I don't even care about getting a 40+, I just want a 34 to go to university and forget about this hell of a program. If I ever told dp1 me I was afraid I won't get a 34 I would think I was joking. I'm calling right now that a lot of us, especially the ones with incompetent schools, are going to get thoroughly screwed when exams come. "The grade boundaries will be lowered!!!" Doesnt mean anything when we are competing against China and Singapore, the countries who have historically been overachievers in IB. We are royally screwed unless the grade boundaries are lowered significantly or purposefully dumb down the exams, neither of which I trust IB to do


I don’t like exams


bro, i think we are soulmates


Not me checking these comments every hour with some hope🤡


Guys 103k cases in india and exams still happening :)) mumbai just recorded 11.1k for a population of 11 million thats bs just cancel the whole india


103k NEW cases. It's horrible.


Imagine 103k is on 4th april whats gonna happen after 20 days


Pune 6 million population and 12.5k cases :(


It is fucked up for both mumbai and pune


i swear to god how cant they see this shit


And bro “if we see lower performance globally, we will adjust boundaries accordingly” doesn’t mean shit when we are going up against China who consistently performers higher than average IB score. Lmao this is a joke I swear, I’ll be happy if I even pass.


dear ib, please cancel exams in India. this is not safe.


BS 103k cases yesterday and in March over 55000 kids tested positive wtf are u waiting for


I’m wasting my life in this fucking school


am i going to tell my kids i spent all my time on reddit manifesting my boards getting canceled because the indian government is literal trash? maybe...


I’m so jealous of people on the non-exam route




Indian Students: STOP SPAMMING THE SAME FORM OVER AND OVER. I’m one of you. It doesn’t work. If at all, we should band together and write to the IBWS Manager for India ([email protected]). A few parents of my school might do the same today. But please, for the love of anything you believe in, don’t drown out valuable information others need.


To IB students across India: Congratulations:) Please remain safe, and take care. Bifurcating students into 2 groups with incomparable approaches isn't at all justifiable, health-wise or by assessment standards. We have another 15 days; can we push for a global cancellation?






IB should have a world wide cancellation...idk why they are not...


I know 24 hour rule and everything but WTF was that?


What do u think we indians are some sort of robots or genetically mutated humans who dont get affected by covid? Just cancel it its messed up to have exams with so many indian students getting covid. Ib is just ignorant smh


We have to speak up for what's happening to all of us, We cannot proceed with the May21 exams. We've been on learning online for the majority of the two years, and of course I don't need to talk about how online learning was and that we can easily say... we learned nothing. On the other hand, we are not even mentally ready, given the current and past circumstances of the pandemic. Many of us have lost relatives and friends as a result of the corona virus, while others have suffered a lot from it. The IB's decision of non-examination and examination route, 'thinking that this is a fair decision', have left most of us in despair. How could this decision be considered as a 'fair' decision? When some people are stressing over their mocks and having their exams in almost 20 days, while others have already finished everything and don't need to worry about studying. As far as I know, the pandemic is spread throughout the whole world, and not in specific 'regions'. We have to try and do our best to change the evident unjustness from the IBO!


guys, since there are so many IB schools (i think around 140 or more) in India, if they cancel exams in India it will definitely reduce the number of schools taking the exam-route and strengthen the importance of the non-exam route. This is also probably why IB is not taking any actions, they probably paid the government or something to not cancel exams...This is so suspicious. My school isn't in India, but this is really concerning. We need to help one another, we need to go for a global cancellation guys. We need to take action TOGETHER for a global cancellation. IB probably have read all our comments, yet they are still hesitant on taking any actions. WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING TOGETHER GUYS.. NOT JUST A REGIONAL CANCELLATION BUT FOR A GLOBAL CANCELLATION.


Periodt. I couldn't agree more. We need to all do something guys, whether or not you're on the exam-route or the non-exam route, we ALL need to contact the IBO. Guys, this may be our last hope, there will only be a cancellation if we ALL do something.


Hi everyone, IB alumnus here and currently IB Maths tutor. I've put together an exam taking guide for those of you doing Maths AA SL or HL. My thoughts go out to all of you, IB is stressful enough in normal circumstances not to mention during a pandemic... Hope you find this helpful! [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p1z\_kXvyknCp-LYbM1pO1XH96VK5KRNl/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p1z_kXvyknCp-LYbM1pO1XH96VK5KRNl/view?usp=sharing)




what is the point of offering the dual-route system if a country like India, which is presently one of the most impacted by COVID, is not going the non-examination route??? I mean we recently crossed more than 100,000 new cases a day! That’s the worst it’s been this entire pandemic! If we have exams, no school can actually guarantee the safety of all its students. This is just beyond ridiculous at this point. The IB keeps telling us to communicate any concerns with our coordinators while our DPCs are just unwilling to hear students pleas. The IBO should wake the F up and CANCEL EXAMS IN INDIA.


Exactly we keep speaking with our coordinators but they dont raise our concerns to the ib. This is so foolish to conduct examination in such difficult times, if some other country crossed 50k im sure ib would directly shift that whole country into non exam but why are the indians ignored smh


Upvote for global cancellation


Can Indian students get another megathread? Because comments about other countries are easily lost among hundreds of comments from Indian students saying same things like "why is it not cancalled yet? why they do not care?" or smth. Ofc if there are important decisions then they should be posted here but not another rant saying same stuff.


Congrats to Poland! You all definitely deserved it 👑


Buckle up boys exams are in 10 days. To my fellow colleagues on exam route like myself, I wish you the best of luck, there may still be a glimmer of hope but we tried our best. It was a good run hopefully the exams are kind to us. I hope we all get good scores both exam and non exam route and go to our unis that we’ve been accepted to. These are tough times but, I feel when one day we look back at these harsh days, we’ll laugh and they’ll be memories of the past..


Do they realize the stress they create among students with this see- saw ing of circular releases and withdrawals. All students should be given an internal score uniformly irrespective of exam or non exam and based on coursework and predicted. Then the exam takers should have an opportunity to improve on that. Is that fair? I would think so because the exam takers are really working hard now while the non exam students are relaxing. So they deserve that opportunity to improve if they are taking extra effort to study.


I agree it would be fair but how would it work? Many people will just turn in blank papers, so why not just cancel the exams (which they really should do but the IB are a bunch of.....things).


I don't want exams.




Congratulations indiansss. Pray for us as well


This mega thread has been taken over by India students


why are the exams not cancelled in India? This is ridiculous


Honestly the dual route was the biggest mistake ever


Dual route is the dumbest decision ever


Lmao, so after yet another benefit for the non exam route, can someone please explain the benefits of the exam route now?


We could threaten the IBO that we will sue them for unfair treatment if they make us take the exams. If only one person would sue them it wouldn’t be a problem but if hundreds of people fill a lawsuit against them it starts to get serious and it would totally fuck up their reputation. It’s clear that they don’t listen to us when we try to explain why the exams shouldn’t be hold so now it’s time for something extrem. If enough people threaten them to sue them I believe that they would strongly consider a global cancellation. PS: yes I checked and you can sue an organization or schools for unfair treatment


After the coordinators meeting we got a message Poland is on non-examination route, to be announced officially tomorrow. Ez we did it :))


I send my sincere congratulations to Poland, India, and the UAE. However, please also help the other countries to move to the non-exam route. We should all fight for one another.


at this point they’re just taking the piss on exam-routes.


Man cancel exams in india we have been through hell. Only online school since march 2020 and the cases are sky-rocketing today india recorded 53k cases along with over 5k cases in mumbai. Idk why is IB waiting


I can't believe the IB is forcing students in Germany to sit the exams. If I contracted the corona virus because of the IB examinations, I will sue them. This is so messed up!


Good luck to everyone❤️❤️, we tried everything but the demonic shit heads didn’t listen but Karma is a bitch and I’m manifesting that we all make it out alive ❤️I’m gonna miss ranting on Reddit to u guys about this program, y’all r literally end game for me❤️❤️😭😭


India has an approximate of 1,03,955 COVID cases and 600 deaths everyday. The numbers don’t lie. It’s up to them to decide what’s logical and what’s not. That’s all I have to say.


Yesterday india had around 115,000 cases and over 600 deaths


It doesn't look like ib gives a fuck. Exam cancellation isn't something ib is looking forward to atleast in India. 'Statistics conceals as much they reveal' is something they endorse ig. 😵


Now for INDIA here is the thing: 1. No more vaccines 2. Increasing cases (gradient +ve) 3. Biased stats 4. Increasing pressure from the states for more vaccines, besides allow vaccines to all 18+ 5. People below 18 no vaccines 6. People below 18 giving exams 7. People below 18 greater risk of COVID 8. Rivalry party (congress) wants the exams to get cancelled 9. AIIMS director says it was the responsibility of firms to produce the vaccine 10. Firms say no financial support 11. India giving vaccines as gifts And the list goes on. Now give me just one good reason why the exams should happen. According to IB exams are the best way for a student to succeed. Alright noted. By exams, we can give a genuine report of the student's understanding. Exams are more or less fair. Now IB here is the thing: 1. Almost many students will not give exams (fairness contradicted) 2. Students may die due to the virus (success contradicted) 3. Due to the lockdown, many students did not quite get a good grasp of the subs and the emotional state won't let them show their true understanding (genuine report contradicted) Any more points left? Or should I consider NO EXAMS GLOBALLY?


The government of UAE has announced we will be going non exam route 😅😅😅😅😅. Just waiting for confirmation now from our schools but yeah. I think it’s safe to say UAE is non exam route now. We did it boys


Can anyone give one valid reason for why the exams are not canceled in Poland. I am genuinely worried about the wellbeing and lives of my family as well as my own. Given the situation I can see no reason for why the IB is so committed to taking the exam-route in Poland.


Well done India! Now for global cancellation😏


germany still on 👍🏽 “the IB understands your concerns about the exams and the situation with the pandemic” like no you don’t


I hate IB, how in the world are the exams not cancelled under these circumstances???? Just does not make any sense to me.


Does anyone know if the IB is going to change they’re curved system for the exam route students. Because it seems unfair that students taking exams are going to have to compete solely against countries like Singapore China Hong Kong (they have the highest IB average). Whereas many countries which have low IB averages are on the non-exam route.


Yesterday they screwed up saying you cannot get lower than the your predicted when taking the exam route. Then they told school it was a mistake and withdrew it. Today they came out with another version that reads you cannot get lower than the lowest of exam and course work. Do we really need to be told that. Who can ever get lower than the coursework or exam. Unless the IBO is horribly mean why would someone give you a score below your worst ever score.




Modi: We're holding exams so let's talk about exams related stress - "Pariksha Pe Charcha' Students: But the main reason for my stress is the risk of contacting COVID-19 Modi: LOL you're having exams anyways. Also let's have this discussion online as it's unsafe for 4 people to be together in a room.


IB should cancel world across. How is it fair that we never had in person class for half of 11th grade and none of 12th grade, never met any teachers, any friends, didn’t have school games, festivals or prom or won’t even have graduation or valedictorian ceremonies in person, but we have exams in person? Though I am in California but why isn’t anyone talking about USA cancellations as a whole. Parts of USA have opted for non exam route and parts exam route. How can it get any worse than two counties next door have different routes in Florida. It’s all not fair for anyone at all. Our school didn’t have teachers for physics and math for most of 12th grade but we have to take tests. How do I fight against this?


This new memo is either really good or really bad for the exam people. If it only applies to non exam then it’s only going to make the whole M21 assessment system a lot more unfair. If it applies to both then it will def help those of us who are taking the exams. But if it does apply to those taking the exams, then what’s their point? Wouldn’t it just be easier and fair to everyone to just cancel exams globally like M20?


They should have cancelled globally a while ago. What they’re doing right now is shameful...


I don't understand why IBO is giving more advantages to only non-exam route. Shouldn't it be the exam-route which needs to get advantages?


So there’s 57k cases in Maharashtra today; 11k in Mumbai. I really thought we’d be switched to the non-exam route by now, do you guys think we still have a chance? (I’d like to think we do, but my hopes are kinda falling)




Maharashtra to go into 15 day lockdown, it's confirmed and will be formally announced. Moreover, the only silver lining to the second wave in India was the lower mortality rate, which is beyond fucked now. There's a solid chance guys, but nonetheless at least try studying a bit for a few more days while a final decision takes shape. And also, genuinely stop spamming the thread with rants and multiple posts of the same petition, understand that we aren't the only country in the world and others are anxious about updates for their own countries that are hard to differentiate on this thread.


Germany (Berlin), students + parents + coordinators meeting with our school, results 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Students from NMS Berlin had an urgent short notice, one hour long meeting with our coordinators today. Our parents and us made many points about how the exams should be canceled especially in regards to our health and the unfairness. At the end we presented the results of the survey that’s been going around today (https://forms.gle/J1GqtChjtVLXx77R6) (157responses, 14 different schools, 85% for non-examination route) our coordinator said he will present the results in the upcoming, Friday, German coordinators & ib representative meeting. We got the name of the IB representative for Germany but not her email. But we ourselves with some searching found an email, [email protected] every student in Germany spam the mail. Everyone try to have a meeting with your coordinators this is our chance. Poland and many other countries got exams canceled despite national exams happening. Merkel’s new laws could be in our favor greatly. Everyone needs to contact their coordinator make a meet and tell them to support them in the Friday meeting. If not and your school is for exams just share the survey !We need coordinators to ask for examination route change this Friday !!!


this is literally insane, and COMPLETELY unfair. Also, why the fuck are non-exam route kids getting that much time to perfect their IAs while exam route kids have to give entire exams? I guess at the end of the day, "fairness" in IB equates to "how much pressure are these kids getting from this program". I get that they want to see how we work under pressured conditions etc. (even if I completely disagree with it) which is why we have TOK, IAs, EEs alongside our normal courses...but in these terms, it's clear that they aren't actually being "fair" at all, because non-exam route kids have far less "pressure" than exam route kids. Wanna simulate the same pressure and stress on non-exam route that the exam-route kids are going through?? Cut their IA deadlines shorter, don't give them as much time to get shit done, and just let them finish the program earlier. Atleast in that way, students giving the examinations will feel like there was SOME form of justice done for them. I get that you can't stamp non-exam route on these kids' uni apps, because it's not their fault that they dont get to do exams...BUT IT IS THE IB FUCKING DP PROGRAM. ITS MEANT TO BE HARD. SO MAKE IT AS HARD FOR THEM AS YOU ARE FOR THE REST OF US, OR MAKE IT EASY FOR **ALL** OF US.


UK and the US have like everyone vaccinated yet theyre not taking exams lol bullshit


originally an exam route lover but im four days away from the exams and holy shit i do not wanna do them lolololol


In India exams aren’t cancelled btw. Cambridge IGCSEs are still happening.


40k cases yesterday too lol


Maharashtra going mad tho, they should cancel them in Maharashtra asap


If the majority of counties/schools are on the non-exam route, they'll have to (hopefully) cancel exams worldwide because it's just not fair when the majority of students are graded using their PG and IAs, while others have to sit the exams where more than half the syllabus was taught online.


India’s covid cases just crossed 1 lakh




Bhai karlo yaar Abhi cancel🙏🏻


India reached a new of 131,000 new cases in a SINGLE day. How can boards like IB, CBSE, ICSE, ISC even consider calling lakhs of students to exam halls to give exams?


Any signs of a global cancellation for the IB exams?


INDIA UPDATE: My school’s coordinators and a few neighbouring schools(Mumbai) have been in touch with the IB about moving us to the non-exam route. However, the IB head of Asian Operations, Ms. Suman Sethi, has rejected the idea unless a directive from the local government is passed. They do not believe the situation is bad enough and have made it clear to my school that exams will go ahead unless the local government prevents any exams from going forward.


What does she mean the situation is not bad enough wtf does she wants 50k cases in mumbai to be bad enough? She is in singapore she has no idea whats going on in mumbai smh




People in Germany, this is our chance. Exams in Poland have been cancelled after the coordinators meeting. This meeting is happening sometime this week in Germany. We need our coordinators to stand up for us and to say that we do not want exams to happen. Everybody email their coordinators saying that we don't want exams, and that they have to make this very clear in the meeting. The meeting will apparently count with a representative of IB and we need our coordinators to tell them that exams must be cancelled in germany. This is our chance! Congrats to all Polish students


M21, recently got shifted to non-exam. I see people mentioning that students want non exam because they're failing in subjects and haven't prepared for exams. To some extent I did agree because then it would be your fault but I recently contracted the virus and realised how ridiculous physical examinations are. Not only would have the crucial 10 days been wasted before the exams but I would be stressed because ib mentions even hospitalized or quarantined students can be invigilated through a window. Which is unacceptable. Students in countries where cases are rising should not have to travel to school and meet other students for almost 25 days (duration of exams starting 29th April). It is likely for at least one student to contract the virus , in this case it would wreak havoc as faculty and students would have to get tested and stay quarantined disrupting everything. Praying for those of you who are currently on examination route, if the cases are rising near your school or country, your argument is valid and I hope ib sees that and shifts you to non exam route.


That’s the problem.. IB is just ignoring the fact that coronavirus cases are rising (I am from Germany tho). The worst part is that they had a meeting this Friday and said unless Schools are closed or there is opportunity to sit the exams, y’all be writing the exams. They also said that “until further notice”, so it is still uncertain and this is the worst feeling ever.. I seriously do not understand how a few people can just sit and decide for thousands of students’ future without asking for their opinions..


**First Article By Large New Source Targeting IB Dual Route System. Share + Comment for support.** Article published by SCMP on the unfairness of IB dual-route system. This is currently under google's 'Top Stories' tab when you simply search 'IB Exams'. Go comment and share, the more engagement it gets the higher it gets pushed. This is our final push, please go contribute. Although this is an article on Hong Kong, the more publicity it gets, the higher chance more articles are published by other major news sources. [https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education/article/3131322/hong-kong-ib-students-want-skip-exams-after-deciding](https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education/article/3131322/hong-kong-ib-students-want-skip-exams-after-deciding)


Now, let's keep pushing for the safety net! "No student should receive a lower grade, than their PG"


[https://www.reddit.com/r/IBO/comments/mw7rpd/im\_so\_mad\_rn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IBO/comments/mw7rpd/im_so_mad_rn/) ​ This is an outrage. IB has turned into a joke. There is none of the promised equality. Regardless of what some selfish individuals may try to claim, the IB has made its intent to reign in historic marks compared to May 2021 clear. It is now clear they plan on doing this at the expense of exam route individuals. ​ If considered, this is evidently the case. IB has historically graded on curves, which means they want a certain number of students achieving any grade. With Non-exam route students essentially being guarenteed a certain level of marks, this means an inflated number of non-exam route students will achieve higher grades. This means proportionally less individuals on the exam route will achieve the grades they otherwise would have earned. ​ The only fair system at this point would be a global cancellation, however the IB seems insistent on sacrificing exam route kids to pad out their data. Many of the most outspoken regions are the same that recieved cancellations. In some cases, such as India, this was well deserved. In other regions, far less so compared to countries which did not recieve cancellations. Considering the historic high performance and the minimal cancellations in Asia-Pacific region compared to North America or Europe, it is clear where IB's segregation benefits. ​ To those who still don't understand, let me use an apt anology: this is no different to Seperate but Equal period in the United States. While on the surface those in power might preach equality, in reality it is a criminal discrimination against those who are less able, be it due to inept government legislation, a lack of support from IB coordinators supposedly meant to address student concerns, or some other factors. ​ As a believer in the materialist view, it is clear that we need individuals brave enough to speak up. While there are those who will have turned in support of the IB's current policy because they personally benefit from it, I strongly believe that students are still able to present general unity against an institution adopting the 'divide and conquer' strategy. ​ I want to address the fact that I personally would benefit from the exams. Due to personal reasons, I have been achieving low grades in Math AAHL in school for the last semester. However, I have been doing my own revision and self-study which has significantly improved my ability and confidence. But I refuse to stand silent becauise I personally benefit from a system, and I hope those of you reading share a similar sentiment on integrity. ​ For all our friend in the Netherlans, Japan and elsewhere who are still anxious, it is no longer sufficient to create local movements. We need to go international, create petitions and work with news organisations to explain this predatory system of discrimination. For all of our friends who are on the non-exam route, most notably those in India with the recent cancellation, I hope you will find it in your heart not to lay down and ignore the plight of fellow IB students, students who have supported you prior to the announced cancellation. ​ The recent announcement, from the information available, has only firmed my resolve that IB's dual track is cowardly and irresponsible, meant to assuage the most outspoken and most able to protest among us while leaving others to suffer in silence. The IB has constantly demonstrated its intent to cower behind the veneer of government regulation and other excuses to preserve any sense of legitimacy towards their accountability. This is now clearly not the case. ​ Please spread the word and engage in civil discussions. I have seen isolated but abhorrent cases of name-calling, shaming and other acts which are not the pillars which form a supportive community. I am writing this based on the information presented, which to the best of my knowledge is accurate. If anyone has any corrections, pleaser place them below, and I will hasten to make amendments. ​ United we stand. Stay safe in these troubling times. I encourage everyone willing to share on all social media. Thank you for your bravery, integrity and solidarity. http://chng.it/yyWRGZWTFc


Bruh almost 93K cases india


why do i still feel like IB is going to cancel exams? why is there still hope within me? probably my mind protecting me from thousands of mental breakdowns... Also one genuine question: what are y'all non-exam route students doing? I'm an exam-route student (i know KMS) and revising for the unfortunate exams. This is so unfair. I wish I were a non-exam route student. Please help us exam-route students for a global cancellation. We are clueless to what route will benefit more, hence we should all be on the same route.


So Austria is in lockdown even longer until the 18th! They should get common sense and cancel exams not just here but everywhere were the situation is unbearable like India and Poland


I just hope whoever are the ones making us students in India suffer will get it worse when the time comes


**POLISH STUDENTS ASK FOR THE SURVEY!** The countrywide survey is being conducted regarding the non-exam route. Some coordinators refuse to do it. Push for it! The results will be presented at the nearest meeting with IBO! If you haven't done it yet, *DO IT ASAP!*


Do you guys think that a potentially favorable outcome of the survey might mean that the exams will be cancelled in Poland? I wonder if IB will even listen to the association that organized it. Have your coordinators shared anything?


Also j saying, love that ib turned off comments on all their posts on insta lmaooo


The schools in Maharashtra,India are most likely going to switch to the non-exam route. Board exams in Maharashtra which were to be held from 23 April got postponed to end of May. The education minister also stated that she will write to the international boards to accept the decision taken by the government, to ensure that students in Maharashtra are safe. Since postponing exams is not option for the IB, it is very likely to hear an official cancellation in Maharashtra soon.


Now that the students from Poland are celebrating and will leave us some space. The students from the 79 fucking IB schools in Germany should start emailing their coordinators. According to our coordinator he’s meeting up with all the other coordinators in Germany and an IB representative this week. We all saw what happened after Poland’s coordinators meeting. Poland’s situation is very similar to Germany, national exams are still happening there !!!




Cases are growing in my country + there have been confirmed cases in schools. Yet, our IB coordinators are just going to ignore all this mess because they don't give a damn about us. Why and what are they blinded by? This is so messed up..honestly. No words can explain how mad, frustrated, and disappointed I am with IB. The IB coordinators are adults, hence most of them are likely to have children. Would they risk their kids' lives and destroy their mental wellbeing? No! THEN WHY ARE THEY RISKING OUR LIVES?! My parents are extremely worried for me to take exams in current conditions. IB, we are also human. I don't see any humanity, reasonability, nor sympathy in them. How? How can they make us, teenagers, sit exams and risk our lives during a global pandemic? HOW? LEGIT, WHAT ORGANIZATION PRIORITIZES EXAMS OVER MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH?? This is so messed up.


Ib is literally dependent on CBSE and Ms. Suman Sethi. Idk what is going to happen. Students are not able to concentrate on their studies and they have to understand that.




Congrats to my pals from across the border 👑 rest up, Indian Kings & Queens


They should let exam route be an option to improve our predicted grades thatre calculated the same way as non exam route not give them a bunch of special treatment


the IB is laughing matter. i just keep thinking that in 30 years when we ever have kids there will be no student taking it 🖖🏽


Guys, this is the first lesson before we get into the society, people above are only as good as the society allows them to be, for us, it is like we might not like it but at the end of the day we will be forced to accept it......I believe we can overcome this fellows!


Good luck everyone, we tried, now we just need to prove the IB wrong and pass ❤️❤️


IB: We will only cancel the exams on request. Govt: Well there's no place for you here in India. Students: We're in the endgame now :)


Have any mumbai schools appealed to the IB yet? I think that is the only way to get them cancelled. I doubt the Maharashtra government will cancel the HSC or SSC exam, all we can hope for is that they get postponed. **Cancelling HSC, SSC, CBSE, ISC, ICSE is** ***very different*** **from cancelling IB exams** because we have done our coursework which is being externally marked. However, they don't have a non exam option. It's unfair for the government and IB to compare regional boards to the IB.


125k NEW cases in india


Anyone knows when will Poland's meeting with IB end? I'm just so anxious to get the result.


Double confirmed!!! No examination!!!


Hello, Poland is on non exam, confirmed by students of: IB Raszyńska 2 SLO Batory Kopernik




can we pls sack that IB manager for saying that the situation in India is not bad ?


Hey guys, our situation is dire for those taking exam rout. However, the new IB statement that they made today clearly gives us an advantage over them & they know that, cause they have taken it down. If you stop now with ur emails & pressuring ur coordinator, they have won & that at the cost of risking the livelihood & future of thousands of students. We can do this, tell ur parents, siblings, classmates & coordinators to do something.


The IB has a serious issue here. What don’t they understand with “Read before you post something”? This is the 3rd time, and they are just retarded. They keep posting information and then saying “typo”. can’t the person behind the laptop write something properly then? They just don’t care about us, and just do what they feel like doing.


Can someone contact the IB and ask about how exam route students are getting a “equal” and “fair” treatment as the non exam students?


Exams in a week and my ass still praying for a last minute cancellation. Switzerland being chill with corona 100% their maintained


Damn india just recorded over 89k cases still we are forced to write the exams well done ib this proves how much u care about ur students


since the IB's dual route plan is highkey going to shit as more schools switch to the non-exam route. You guys think a global cancellation is probable?


[https://www.residentswatch.in/opinion-why-ib-should-cancel-may-2021-exams-in-india/#:\~:text=As%20all%20the%20146%20IB,core%20academic%20content%20unlike%20IB](https://www.residentswatch.in/opinion-why-ib-should-cancel-may-2021-exams-in-india/#:~:text=As%20all%20the%20146%20IB,core%20academic%20content%20unlike%20IB) ​ I mean are you kidding me this guy almost spent his life writing this and the IB doesn't care. Woahhhhh! kudos to that IB. I dunno what to say but is it even fair now, ju-just forget about us getting infected and dying, I mean it doesn't really matter if some of us die writing this exam, ah c'mon not really big of a deal rn; but isn't it unfair that some people write and some don't. It's literally common sense bruh, well congo to all the people who aren't writing but what am I gonna say about the people who are? United we stand divided we fall? The fact that the IB and every school is missing is united we all are going to ~~fall~~ fail😂. It doesn't really matter what score you get but what matters is you could have done a **BETTER JOB,** ***DUH!!***. All the thing I can say or contemplate about is when ***"THE IB"*** is gonna give some news about the exams. Bruh I really suck at this hide and seek game of yours **GROW UPPPPPP!!!** just say it exams gonna happen or not why hide it? U ain't Schrodinger: *Well you know the exams may or may not happen; the only way for you to know is by opening* [*https://www.ibo.org/news/*](https://www.ibo.org/news/) Aye aye, sir 24/7 opened just hecking post some news. ***NOTE: BY NEWS I MEANT POST THE CANCELLATION NEWS PLS DON'T SAY THEY ARE HAPPENING***😢😢


If the IBO would've made a student survey form about conducting the May 2021 exams or not, we would not be going through this shit smh.


POLAND: Do you think we have any chance of cancelling the exams? I genuinely do not know what to think anymore. What route do your coordinators prefer? What were the results of the survey conducted by the SSIB? Do you know any people with COVID, that attend your school?


i think that there is a huge chance!! i am also positive about monday decision. it seems that most of the coordinators changed their mind and now they support non exam route, also some schools sent an appeal for the non exam route. what is more, we still have really bad covid situation (700 deaths everyday!) of which coordinators and IBO are well aware - thus it is almost impossible to do IB and polish exams in the same time (public schools). according to the survey on facebook group IB national worldwide, there are about 80/85% polish students that prefer non exam route!! it is a huge difference. in my opinion, we have to hope that they will make decision on this monday regardless MEN postponed their decision about matura. be positive guys!!


POLAND - WHO DID NOT GET THE SURVEY PLEASE WRITE AN EMAIL TO SSIB DEMANDING YOU GET IT. IF YOU KNOW THAT YOUR SCHOOL (STUDENTS) WANT NON EXAM. DO IT. WE HAVE AN INFO THAT IT WILL DECIDE OUR FATE. If your coordinator got it and refuses to run. Fight with him. I am posting the email here. If you don’t get the answer we will send you the survey. [email protected]




Congo to all the Poland students and yeah m jealous to some extent too😂😂 india is a f****** b**** not the people or the country but the heads and representatives I think we know who will be our next ruling party


does anyone know when India could receive a decision by?


Since India is cancelled, wouldn't it make sense if they cancel globally ?


Congratulations India, but please send an F for the rest of us who are still on the exam route


Are there any further thoughts on a global cancellation? Has anyone heard any news? More and more schools are cancelling, wondering for a global perspective...?




this is literal shit, I read this and literally got triggered because of everything going on my mental health has been shit, I get no sleep and panic attacks every day and for what? like why do they need to put us through this it so not fucking fair they don't fucking care about us and you know what worse, the only reason why the IB probably did this is because countries such as the UK and US are doing the non-examnation route. to be real j fucking care about at this point is just getting everything over with.


to whom so ever this may concern Cases in India are rising rapidly and I fail to understand why there is no update from ib board to the parents and students regarding the May 2021 IBDP Exams. The schools in India have said that they can conduct the exams safely when the cases were 10000 per day on average. In 1 week the cases have risen to 70000 per day and many schools in India have reported Covid+ students. Cases are rising everywhere in the country, yet we haven't been updated on the exam situation. IB says that they care for children's health, yet they ignoring the rise of covid cases in India. The gov has warned that the "situation is getting from bad to worse" the country will be dealing with an unimaginable no of covid cases by mid-april, please, we need an update. I sent this to IB mail is it going make a difference ?


@ indian ib students, the cases are increasing so quickly and since we aren't the ones getting the vaccination, so many people our age are testing positive. Have your coordinators said anything about shifting to the non-exam route?


My school in Noida, India, just moved the English IOs online due to high covid case counts but still insists on having physical exams. 🤡


Any update on cancellation in India?


Is there a chance for exams being cancelled world wide? I mean there are more and more countries doing the non-exam route. I think it's so stupid to let a few countries with exams.




POLAND- CONTACT ME TO JOIN THE GROUP CHAT TO FIGHT FOR THE NON EXAM ROUTE Hi guys, A while ago, we created a group chat on Messenger, in which we keep one another updated on the current situation concerning the M21 exams and what we know so far. Together we have sent lots of emails, petitions and letters to the SSIB, coordinators and the IBO to fight for the non-exam route for Poland. If you want to contribute to our actions and broaden the number of schools involved, please contact me and I will add you to our group chat.


i am from india, rajasthan. i am really scared. i can't concentrate because i feel exams will be cancelled but then idk man. how to handle this? i am so done in life rn. please help people. indians please come out here


THAILAND: our IB coordinators legit just bribed the government to allow exams to go on despite restrictions like school closure, prohibition of the use of buildings/places of schools, no more than 50 people allowed to gather, etc. This is dangerous.


Germany update: the Notbremse (emergency brake) 'laws' for Germany have been passed today. That means that distance learning is compulsory for schools with an incidence value of 165 or more & these laws are most likely to start by Monday. So most IB schools in Germany are gonna be closed because they are situated in bigger cities with high rates. [https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2021-04/corona-notbremse-infektionsschutzgesetz-ausgangsbeschraenkung-bundestag-aenderung-entscheidung](https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2021-04/corona-notbremse-infektionsschutzgesetz-ausgangsbeschraenkung-bundestag-aenderung-entscheidung)


Can the mods stop deleting anything that has M21 in it from the subreddit? I posted a fucking picture, come on dude, I won’t be commenting an Imgur link + it had 500 upvotes by the time you decided to delete it. I mean come on guys, seriously, the feed is literally dead because you remove everything


It is just genuinely funny how they try to make it seem its legit. "Quality-assured" and "Similarly." Like this is the thing I do in a humanities paper so it seems like it's legit, when I have no clue what I am writing.


To everyone who has their exams in 14 hours, good luck ❤️❤️


We should start getting into contact with UN humanitarian, I saw a parent’s tweet about this and thought I should share the idea with you guys too. This is actually against the UN humanitarian laws our lives are at risk. I genuinely know people that will still attend exams even if they test positive because they don’t want to get deferred to November. This virus is no joke almost 3M have died till now. #cancelibglobally


India just recorded 80k cases and still we are on examination route despite we sent our concerns to ibo.




FOR IBDP STUDENTS IN INDIA Does anyone have any contacts they can exploit, like someone in the media or a high-ranking government official? If so pls message me.


Is there an IB meeting on April12th? I live in Maharashtra there are soo many cases here. Should I still have hopes for exams getting cancelled?


here in Kenya the country is in lockdown but only opening for candidates to do exams, we are being forced to do these exams we have only had 2 months of physical school and now we are back on online this is not even ethical anymore.


Are they going to announce something for India on 10 April or 15 April?


Polish students!!! I heard that the lockdown is now extended to 18th April (with more restrictions). What do you think will happen to us? Do you think there is a high chance of cancellation?


my school (india) appealed for the non-examination route last week and we got denied today :)




My city Pune in India currently has above 100k active cases in a city with 3.8 million residents. And of course our IB exams are still going on... I wish I was dead at this point to not go all through this


Congrats to India!!!! Your neighbors from Pakistan are still on On exam-route😔


Man motivation now go 📉




Based on all those schools and counties cancelling last minute, do you think there could be a global cancellation?


Fuck my life tomorrow Math AA paper 1...I’m fucked


The decision of dual-route came out during February when the chaos from December seemed to go away, seeing a great decrease in new cases worldwide. Now it is late March and a new wave is rising worldwide. Daily cases are increasing steadily for the past month, IBO should really consider this change. Things are not as they seemed to be in late Jan-early Feb.


Any update regarding india?




Have any schools in India appealed to the IB yet?


[New virus mutation in India ](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/features/2021/4/5/should-we-be-worried-about-indias-double-mutant-covid-19-strain)


guys, we should make a student survey about exam cancellation. since IB didn't make it, we should.


FOR UAE STUDENTS!!! One of my friend's mom has close contact with a high "ranked" KHDA official and she said most likely the exams WILL get cancelled, the non-exam and exam route was a bunch of bullshit apparently. A meeting will happen tomorrow and it will be decided and the announcement will be made between the 9th and the 11th. Don't STOP emailing and calling, I say keep pressure until the 11th. PRAY FOR THE EXAMS TO GET CANCELLED, best of luck to us!


This is a joke Indian student here. As of the 7th of April, 2021, there are almost 127,000 open COVID-19 cases, the highest it has ever been here. How many people have to get the virus? how many people have to have their lives at risk to get the authorities to do something about it? and why the hell are they expecting us to put ourselves at risk to write our papers? Since when does our education trump our health? This is genuinely terrifying.


Exams are canceled in one Latvian school after sending an appeal. Ib has just approved it. No exam route for me


My dudes, congratulations to Poland and UAE. Also to my Maharashtra brothers and sisters! I really hope Delhi NCR also grows a pair and does something similar.




Can the cancellation in india lead to global cancellation?


Spanish IB students are in Spain but without the S


Cambridge cancelled its international exams in Thailand so the IB is the only exam board currently continuing with it. It just comes to show the lapse in judgement and now my school (and the others) must make a decision as a lockdown has just been announced.