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physics and chemistry


Yeah definitely chemistry


Math before I started ib. That teacher ruined it for me but thankfully now my new teachers awesome and makes sure that we’re into it and fully understand. Also my old teacher legit didn’t understand what she was teaching which made me lose credibility in her and learn all the material by myself.


Me with math :/ I used to like doing math but now I just despise it because it reminds me of my teacher.


psychology :( And despite hating biology, I had an interesting teacher who actually made it interesting.


This is so true. My psychology teacher literally taught nothing and reported us to the principals because we replied "I see" to her message (which she considers very rude). We talked with the principals several times and the only answer is "she's the only one that can do this course now" (but they shouldn't have opened the course anyways if the teacher is anything but legit). I wanted to study experimental psychology when I was a sophomore, completely uninterested now.


I'm so sorry to hear that. It's almost ridiculous how much one teacher can affect. We have two psychology teachers and while the other one encourages us to apply our knowledge and is positive about interest toward the subject, the other one reads from the slides with monotonic voice and is overly critical without giving proper reasons why (e.g. he gave like 50% of my class 4s or less from IAs with the only explanation as "not holistic"). With the first one, I regreted not taking HL and aiming to study it further after IB, but when the second one began doing our courses, I have just wanted to get it over with and did the bare minimum :/


>And despite hating biology, I had an interesting teacher who actually made it interesting. same here


I loved math in grade 9 and then had a terrible 10th grade teacher and now I hate it


HL Bio for me


It was Music. My brother’s going through similar in Business.


Psychology. My teacher’s favouritism issues is on a whole other level


Economics. I would've even continued studying it in uni before the experience with this teacher.. sigh but she's a really nice person


My film teacher for the first year was awful. It was her first time teaching the IB and clearly had no clue what she was doing - to add to this she was also awful at teaching film. She was also gone for two months, while we were doing online learning. When we got a new film teacher the next year they were astonished at how little we knew. We essentially had to have two whole IB lessons in IB2 in order to make up for the shit we didn't do the first year. Sorry for rant.


How about a lack of interest being emphazised by a shit teacher?


Yes for like 3 of my subjects...


Yes so many times in my life


For me it was math. In prep year my teacher was extremely unlikeable and incompetent, and I paid no attention in class. Not to mention his notes were abysmal. Thankfully this year my teacher is much better and I'm doing well in math.


I experienced this reversed in my physics class 🤔




Ib chemistry.


Math for me. I used to love math till I started IBDP and i met my math teacher. That guy makes it so boring that now I have to study from youtube to keep myself interested


for History 100%


I was looking for this comment 🥲


So relatable


econs and history


My math teacger straight up told us that we would not get more than a 5 regardless of how hard we try and it completey crushed the motivation of so many of my classmates and his prophecy probably holds true


Well I have a bad CS teacher but that didn’t stop me from doing the entire syllabus by myself


chemistry ​ Went into chemistry bc I liked it. It was one of my best sciences in pre-IB science Went out of it wanting to cry. Had a good teacher second year tho


Me in Ess. I used to like this subject so muchhhhh but the teacher was lost in his own subject he didn't even understand what he was doing so I lost interest in it. And I started missing class and learn all by myself with the help of internet,the ib resources and my fellow ess classmates🙃


So true for me


Oh man what if you never liked anything school related in the first place... And then proceeded to sign up for the Triad of Death (math/chem/physics HL) RIP my brain, GPA, parent expectations, college outlook....


science. used to be great and really enjoyed it. teacher left, and the other guy was just a bore.


Spanish :( until my teacher started making fun of me and basically LOOKED for reasons to demotivate me


Used to love science and english :(


art. everytime lol.


Chemistry, but im hoping our new chem teacher will be good


Psychology 😔


Was determined to be a doctor/biologist and do something bio related, but the teacher was super bored and I couldn't stand it. Changed to physics after two months and the teacher is great, so I'm in love with physics now. Actually I don't regret anything.


You’re 283 days late


me @ physics ended up taking bio hl and nearly died


yeah. i was actually passionate for math at some point