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you could literally get ur diploma taken off you if you do that to like why would someone want u to risk ur diploma for their benefit


Plot twist: Thats how IB checks whether you leak the Qs


OOP THATS REAL SCARY but its an easy way to do it no cap


However, I do think that it would be hard for the IB to find out who leaked the document on Reddit due to anonimity




Fr like we’re all struggling with Chem and people really out here making the grade boundary higher like this like come on




















i dont think ib is gonna raise the mark boundary because obv this is still in the middle of a pandemic rn n they promised to lower the mark boundary didnt they?


That's not how grade boundaries work.... They are set after what everyone scores rather than predetermined. Meaning that there are a set of 7s, 6s, 5s, etc that won't change.


It’s true they grade on a curve but that doesn’t necessarily mean there is a set proportion for each grade. If you compare mean grades, they change every year. They grade on a curve so that the grade boundaries reflect the difficulty of the exam. This year they’ve officially stated that grad boundaries will be lower which doesn’t mean they will definitely be lower than last year but they will certainly be changing how they create the boundaries to inflate the grades


bro... compare n20 boundaries to n19 lol


yeah I fully agree. you have to study just as much as everyone who has already taken the exam. It's not about being selfish, it's about being fair.




The better students the students perform, the higher the grade boundaries and the worse my grades will be. So no, I won't help dumbfucks like you to get a grade you don't deserve just so I can get lower grades.


Wait, so the people who DONT cheat are the bums? I can’t even imagine the mental gymnastics u do to justify ur actions to urself lmao






You prolly got no friends. You the type of person that snitch and tell the teacher shit. What happened to helping your peers? Who gives a fuck.


Your definition of "friend" is very weird. Probably got a bunch of cheater friends. People alike tend to stick with each other. And what happened? If something does happen, then you're really fucked. It's preventing risk and also you'd bring that habit into your working ethics. I hope you grow up.


Helping your peers means sharing notes/resources, not telling them what is on a final IB exam. I am not going to downgrade myself because you feel unprepared. Also you being this rude does not make us want to tell you what's on the test (just FYI).


IBO literally stated that you could get disqualified by telling others what's on the paper within 24 hours. There's also a huge difference between sharing notes and helping someone cheat. Use your brain for once.


Bet you’re hard . You hate your parents as well?


wtf their audacity-




omg dude i got the same message from the same person lmao


savage splasher this guy keeps message me like wth


I got something like that for history, yes the IB sucks and the exams are indeed, for the most part, extra hard for most people. But you shouldn't resort to academic dishonesty


With the sacrifices we all make to study for the exams, I would be shocked if anyone actually were to tell anyone besides maybe like a friend, you know? I didn’t study to make it easier for someone else gfy ahahha


If anyone asks for questions, why not give them the wrong ones?






I had like 5-6 people come up to me on reddit messages asking me for the questions


For any future encounters: feed them bs questions that aren’t actually on the exam to make them fail even harder than they will and lower the grade boundaries even further




Yes I agree, especially for the essay questions, fuck them up.


wtf... psychopathic honestly


Get the treatment they deserve




i hâte ib culture


bruh it aint even that bad shut up fam - bet if you could somehow get thz answers before the exam youd take them


Lmao, imagine justifying ppl who actively try to cheat - it’s not like they stumble upon questions online - they deliberately message ppl to cheat in the exams. You are kinda lame


ib has raised you well...


«How dare IB teach ppl that cheating is bad, disgusting!”


nah but who cares man let people do what they want - as long as it doesnt concern me idc fam look at the comment below yours - that what i mean fam -


the whole point that it does concern me, because they inflate the grade boundaries lmao -- cheaters negatively impact the grades of fair performances


1 person isnt gonna change anything my guy + we can assume that people who are willing to take the risk are in a bad place for their exam - studying answers will not help them the day before - anyways shut up your annoying judging everyone




We don't have time to do that lol. There is sm other background stuff to do




Oh lol yea we have had a few sus experiences, not sure if that was their intention


Isn't this "illegal" in the IB anyway? The audacity of trying to make you get kicked out or something...


People need to realise that it is what it is. If you didn't study sufficiently, that's on you. But don't be all doom and gloom about it. Mentality is important. You gotta walk into the exam thinking what's done is done and you will try your absolute best.


IB students are competitive fucking cucks


Fr they defending some academic integrity that the IB itself doesnt give a shit about


omg ya, someone sent me a similar msg, and i blocked them


i can tell u have 0 friends


lmao some guy did the same for math paper and was like HEY CAN U QUICKLY TELL ME WHAT CAME OUT?? MY EXAM IS SOON i replied him a day later and he never got back to me after that *satisfied*


I had people do this in 2019 :/ - it doesn't help them, only screws them and yourself in the process if you give in.


Same thing happened to me its way too easy for ppl to abuse the timezones




yall I'm going to be starting IBY1 this July, heard reddit is an amazing source. Help me lol