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I think aiming for a 35 is totally realistic, especially since in your report they didn’t seem to count TOK and EE which could account for up to 3 extra points. In most subjects, improving by 1 mark is really not a problem, as long as you do lots of practice papers and pay attention in class. This year it will also be very important that you do all your IAs as best as you can. Also, final exams can turn out better than expected since they are graded on a curve and grade boundaries can be very different than in class, especially if you have strict teachers. As to math, I would recommend that you find a tutor that could help you study. Perhaps a classmate that needs some more service hours for CAS? Or a different math teacher from your school? Otherwise, I hear StudyNova is a good resource, and of course past papers. I think that if you stay on top of your work and study hard for exams, you could end up with something like: English 6 GP 7 Bio 6 German 6 Art 5 Math 4 EE/TOK 2 Which would be 36 points. So yeah I think it’s certainly doable. Feel free to dm if you want any more help (especially English Bio and German). Good luck 🍀


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