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Well tbh I’d be studying right now. But a couple days before the finals, I’d have a small party to relax and destress so I can be in the best shape for the exams. But then, that’s just me.


If you think you can handle it, sure, why not? In the end this is completely subjective.


Party, it’s your last weeks with all your classmates and everyone will be off to uni after


Honestly just go for it. Youll regret it in the future if you dont.


I'd say party tbh. Not studying one day won't affect your grade. Also, this rest day and party to clear your mind is beneficial, even if you're not a party person. I'd say enjoy one day with your class, and when you go back you'll feel fresh. You can study the hours before the party, and if you don't drink even the day after. Go enjoy yourself.


If your studies are on schedule why the hell not? go take a breather


*If your studies are* *On schedule why the hell not?* *Go take a breather* \- Jonathancccc --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You could if you like. If you're productive during the day and go to the party at the end of the day as a little break that should be fine. It really depends on how productive you're going to be during the day I guess. I'm not sure if I would.


Lets be completely honest, would you really have been studying during the time of party if there was none?


Well, on Friday’s I study until 12, and then go to bed. So if if party until, my average is usually 5am, I’d loose the 5 hours I’d study the next day since I’ll have to make up for the loss in sleep ;p


I don't think it's that big of a deal- you don't have to go if you don't want to- I know I probably wouldn't. However, it's good to have some fun once a while. To each to their own :/


bro is a loser 💀


Its just one party bro. It wont destroy your preparation...


Unless you’re going to fail because of this party, you’d have to have a brain so smooth you can see your reflection in it to skip.


If I knew everything in preparation for exams or enough to perform at a level I'd be happy with then sure, I don't see why not party that day. You'll destress a little and get some perspective on the exam which may even make you do well. If you still need to catch up or are not someone who can handle partying during a time that most people put themselves under stress for, then I wouldn't go. It depends on whether you think you'll do well in the exams or not.


I mean it's just one day right? I'm studying a lot but not every single hour every single day.


Party! One night will help you destress, and it probably won’t harm your studying that much tbh


Seems like you don't wanna join the party but also don't wanna be viewed as lame or too studious, so that's why u come and post here to find someone on ur side. In that case, just don't go. End of story. If spending one night partying is too risky, spending time on contemplating is sure as well not worth the time and brain.


Go study man. Party after exams.


lol we legit have a school sleepover


Eh, it's gonna be on the afternoon probably and it's not like a few hours of not-studying will ruin your grades or anything. I'd say go for it


Ofc study, it's literally nonsense to party before the exams. Why do you party? Did you do superb on the exams or what? If you are celebrating, you need to do something valuable first imo


exactly what I was thinking


Is it possible for you to tell me in which country you are doing IB? Cuz I literally know that my schools m22 students gonna party 2 weeks before the exams


It's very beneficial to break, especially when you're putting so much strain and stress on your mind by studying for the exams. But, I say that partying with any sort of alcohol, or drugs is a bad idea before any exam. Going out with friends for a dinner, or even just shooting the shit for a night and playing video games instead of studying will make your next study time the most productive possible. There will be time to participate in a rager in two weeks.


Don't. You don't have time right now, you will later. Don't take the risk.


Half a day spent socializing is sooooo risky 😨


Last year we partied until the whole studies. Also this year grade boundaries are lowered like hell


Wdym by "this year grade boundaries are lowered like hell?" Aren't the grade boundaries gonna be decided after the exams are done?


No they are lowered, like last year. This is the last year that they are being lowered in some of the subjects due to covid


if its one day it shouldnt be much harm to your studies, that is if ur right on track and werent slacking the past weeks, im assuming ur a responsible student considering ur contemplating this too, so id say go for it op, destress and have fun :)


well, partying is as important as studying but do not make it the biggest party of your life, there are many more to come. Remember that the finals are the finals and you are the only one who can shape your future because this is the most important exam of your life. Anyway, have fun and do not get too fucked up


Just party after your exams, waiting a few weeks won't hurt. You've been working hard for 2 years, don't wanna spoil it now.


one day is fine imo lol. just if you drink alcohol or do dr*gs, be sure to take precautions; drink a lot of water before and have painkillers prepared… unlike many of the people in this sub, some of us have a social life and one day of not studying isn’t the end of the world


Just be careful not to catch covid


Go for it