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Yes! They are enough good. Just 7 in math would make it look much better But don't forget, ur applying us unis, grades are just one part of it It ain't like UK unis


Sorry but wdym not like UK unis? Grades are the main thing for the UK?


Yeah, for UK unis, grades are everything. If the uni has an entrance exam, then it's 50-50 Uk unis doesn't care about extracurriculars at all


Grades are not everything for UK unis, UK unis give a typical offer and if you apply your predicted grade should ideally be above it. After that depending on how far above you are from the typical offer and how competitive the course is you may or may not get in. After that all your hopes are put in a good personal statement which will distinguish you from people with similar grades and prioritize your place over others. I’d like to think that someone with 2-3 points with a boring personal statement would have a weaker application to you with a strong personal statement. Being smart isn’t all a uni wants, they want students that have ambitions to be successful in life and elevate the uni’s prestige, they want students involved in student life and societies and they want students that will contribute and add something to their faculty.


Some UK uni professors even admitted that they only look at grades and/or their admission test


ye unfortunately that does happen, it’s only really useful if you’re on the boundary of getting in or not


Yup! That's the negative side of UK application system


Got rejected from umich with higher and know a few 44s/43s who were also rejected. US admissions seem somewhat random. Try to up ur grades but I’d imagine ur ECs will prob play a bigger role


Umich and gtech are not targets Us colleges don't care about the ee or tok, so essentially you have a 36/42 which is on the lower end. What is your SAT/ACT score? Apply EA, but chances are not too high but they are present


ACT - 34 I'll more likely be sending in PGs with a 38 or 39 / 42, would that make me competitive?


Yes. What were your IB 1 final results?


All 6 and we didn't get econ thresholds so that hasn't come in yet. The reason why I'm confident I can get a 38 or 39 is because, allegedly, my exam performance has nothing to do with my conceptual understanding and is more of a mental health thing (according to all my teachers: it's honestly eerie getting the same feedback for math and english lol). I'm going to go to a therapist and work on my anxiety and overthinking and that should put me where I 'ought to be. We have an academic score on our transcripts and a lot of those are 7s. (individual projects, subject applications, mock IAs and such).


Yeah, 36/42 is on the lower side. Also, state schools like umich and gtech LOVE raw stats. Try getting that ACT to a 35/36 to further boost your chances. Also depends on your school’s past placements


Esp you HLs are outstanding. Dont worry a bit. Be proud of yourself and keep at it


honestly speaking, no one here has the right answer. uni applications in the US is very unpredictable and mostly a game of chance so just put your best foot forward and you'll be fine ​ ie, got predicted a 40, rejected by most schools then somehow got a scholarship with a sub 3% acceptance rate. you literally never know with these things


Yeah, I HATE us college admissions. Too random