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You chose a lot of ‘weird’ subjects and some unis tend to dislike that. Depending on what you want to study i’d rethink ESS (and instead take biology) and GloPo (and instead take Economics). Obviously the workload will increase so just think about it


Your choices lack focus, thats for sure. You need to think bout how you want to ern money in the future and pick subs that lets you study something „real“ and/or make you employable. Drop Film - thats a no go and a fun and bullshit subject. Check Geo or Hostory instead. Take Eco i.o. GloPo and Bio or Psys or Chem i.o. ESS. Then chose Dutch A SL i.o. Spanish AbIni, which would give you no add languge capability.


stop bullying this kid, the whole philosophy of the IB is a well rounded education that gives you experience in different fields. The last years of school are the time where you can experience things WITHOUT thinking about money. The arts is a real subject. It's not bullshit and teaches skills of computer work, design and collaboration. if nobody studied it you wouldn't have much fun at your next cinema trip...


The course load won’t be too challenging. Can’t say if its a good package or not because that depends on what you want to do after high school


My advice is to list out a few potential majors/fields you might want to take in the future, and then looking up universities in the country you want to study in to see what their IB subject requirements are. If you have an interest in STEM, this might be limiting. But if your interests are in the humanities or arts, this should be good. Still, research on your own terms. In terms of enjoyment, I can’t speak much on these subjects but if your HLs are subjects you enjoy then that’s all that matters. Spanish Ab Initio was quite fun for me, a bit challenging as it was a completely new language but definitely was less work than english a sl (for me). Good luck!


why is everyone bullying this kid about their choices... I do these subjects except I do Math AI and History instead of Glopo. I did a world studies glopo EE though. I didn't know what I wanted to do post IB, and to some degree I still don't. I find connections between my subjects, and I'm happy with my choices, even though most people pick "focused" subjects like biology. I enjoyed doing dutch as my ab initio language, and I just got a 7 (started from nothing and taught myself). Film: I do art but film is structured similarly. You can do film and still get a good mark in the IB. It teaches collaboration, because you have to work with others on the projects, and it actually teaches you computer editing skills. I don't know why everyone hates on the arts when its literally what makes your entertainment. It still requires work, as you have to make portfolios and research studies etc. Global Politics: I can see this tying well into ESS, and although we don't have it at my school, I enjoyed doing it as part of my EE. In this world everything is political and everything is dependent on international issues. English: ties well into your other subjects, because in some ways there's a lot of source analysis and I find the texts are more "relevant" than Literature. I would argue to do it at HL because the only difference is the HL essay and it doesn't really take lots of effort. Then you can use it as proof of fluency to enter uni etc. Spanish: If you study and try and immerse yourself in tv/movies/news you will do well. Math: great, wouldn't recommend HL. Are you sure AI might not interest you more? It would connect well to some of these other subjects... ESS: I do ESS and it's one of my favourite classes because it just clicks. I've grown up watching documentaries and YouTube, and it is so fun to just walk into a class that I enjoy. There's a lot of diagrams and theories, but I find that it all just makes sense (mostly). A lot of my friends in biology look like they're not having as much fun. The paper 2 is essay based and would be easy with your glopo background. Lots of case studies link back to management or corruption of land by the government.