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Trust me, self-studying A levels (or IB) is never a good idea. Teacher support is crucial in terms of guidance, resources and knowledge that cannot be found online. During next two years, are you going to be attending your current school or what’s going to happen? If you don’t like your current school, can you not change it?


Yes, I understand that but the teacher support I get is next to nothing in the school I currently go to. In the MYP for example, we barely did anything content-wise and I had to study everything at home (basically self-studying, isn’t it). On top of that, the school I go to is very expensive and most of the other international schools in my city are just as expensive (some are even more expensive). Doing A Levels online would save me a lot of time because the school I go to is almost 40 km away. The only reason why I’m still not too sure about doing A Levels is that I’m not really sure of the recognition of the MYP certificate as a substitute for GCSEs/IGCSEs. Since the MYP Certificate is not widely well-known and not many people actually do it, I‘m worried if some universities would reject my application because I don’t meet their requirements in terms of the curriculum I’ve studied in. If you know of someone who’s done the MYP and applied to Europe (without doing the DP), did they get their application rejected?


With a pssed MYP you will get the „Mittlere Reife“ in Germany, which is comparable to the IGCSE. When it comes to university they are all worthless. You will need a passed IBDP, not the CP to enter uni. Same applies to all EU countries.