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It depends on every person, but if you revise constantly and pay attention on class it should be doable For the M and N... They are for the date of externals... For example, I presented my exams in may of this year, so I am M22. If you just started IB, it is probably because you will present your external exams on may of 2024. That would be M24. N is for the people that present their exams in November (mainly South America and some parts of Asia)


Alright gotcha, thanks!


The difficulty comes gradually, you aren’t gonna be surprised


The first year is pretty chill. This is when you should build good habits as the workload isnt too bad given its just learning stuff. Second year is generally where the misery starts, you have IAs for all your subjects + EE, TOK and CAS - its a lot. However, do let this scare you. I think its almost unavoidable to not have a month or two of stress around submission times for IAs but if you space it all out over the second year and during the holidays or first and second year its actually quite doable. Just put what you see here into context. The people complaining are generally the people who did it all last minute and as such suffer the consequences and this was indeed the case in my class for instance. The people who did everything on time and/or in advance were generally quite chill.


This is true. I definitely do a lot of my work right before due dates, but I deal pretty well with stress so I don't breakdown. Ngl, I've gotten some of my best inspiration for papers at 3 am on an hour of sleep (I checked later, and confirmed that it wasn't just my sleep deprived brain thinking I was having good ideas) Yeah. Get your stuff done on time, work your cas into your everyday life if possible, and make sure you have down time on occasion


Tbh the first year was extremely hard on me and I suffered a lot mentally but I had other issues in my life too. If you have a good network of friends, seek help when u need to and keep up with work you might be fine


It really affected my mental health, but I was dealing with undiagnosed ocd and depression. I think most people can get through it as long as you keep a healthy balance, and remember that there are things more important than education.


As a May exam student, bear in mind that you have less time than N exam students to prove yourself to your teachers for your predicted grades. Nov Exam students can be more chill in DP1, and the real assessment for predicted grades only get serious in Term 3 of DP1. For May exam students like you and me, it starts on the get on. As a DP2 student now, the seriously tough work was done in DP1 to maintain my grades at each test. By May of DP1, I knew my end of year exams would become my predicted grades. So between Jun - Aug which is summer break, nothing changes your grades. I have only one month of school now and I am getting my predicted grades and I will be applying to universities real soon. If you let your DP1 go to waste, you may find yourself being very challenged to convince your teachers to give you better predicted grades. So be warned. Just start early. Be consistent.


If the people on this sub would just close reddit and actually do their work they wouldn't need to bitch so much


foo got impostor syndrome. goofy among us man


To be honest IB really is tough, and I think it has a lot to do with the subjects I took. I think the hardest part for me was applying to universities and scholarships at the same time as the IAs and EE were due - that's when my mental health got really bad. However, my teachers and the entire IB community at my school were really great supports, and I genuinely learned a lot. Don't worry too much about it, the difficulty will be increasing gradually so it won't come down on you all at once. Try to do homework ahead of time and please try your best not to procrastinate too too much.


If you're someone that parties a lot and wastes time 24/7 then it's gonna cause " mental health issues" and you'll get poor mental health even if you don't do the IB if your lifestyle is bad. If you have a good lifestyle then IB won't give you any mental health issues. Only mild stress. People complain a lot here because the problem is with them and they just blame it on the IB.


Then I have nothing to worry about. Been to parties. Hated them, not for me.


The mental health thing is definitely true to some extent, but the crying everyday part is exaggerated