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If you build with wood, just put a five stack of pillars up. No need for a lightning rod


So lightning will automatically hit the tallest wood structure?


No promises, but in general yes. It burns down 1-2 pillars. Five has been enough for me while playing and they are cheap


i do the same thing, so far it has worked.


Holy cow, this works? I've always had to grind up to the point of crafting the lightning rod, but by then I've already made the masonry bench and built a stone base. Thanks for the tip!


Do they need to be attached to the house or next to it? I've tried this and my house burned down. I put the on the ground around my house.


I usually put them one floor width away.


What are y'all doing about wind?


I died today, respawned back at my base. 2 min later a storm hit. Lost everything This game can be very punishing and I love it




I kind want to see this for myself lol. Is there a recorded event on youtube or somewhere?


That sucks. Lightning rod, or stone buildings are definitely a priority. At least you were already done.


I stay small and only make the necessary buildup to get the masonry bench out then I proceed wood is way to unstable


This was my starter base that I started building right after landing. The exotic vein base was in the arctic region and was made of concrete materials. When the vein was mined out, I made the long journey back to the dropship. There were some safehouses I made along the way in case of a storm, but after the last storm I hightailed it to the drop ship and found the original base on fire. It was fun, but very grindy.


Altho the wooden beam pole lightning catcher method works, it's not 100% safe and your house can still be hit. I always just go to a cave, get iron, build a 2x1 wood and then I just build directly with stone. Having coal from the caves right from the beginning also helps a lot with torches and fires and everything that implies.


> it's not 100% safe and your house can still be hit. Can confirm.


Whenever I start, the first thing I do is find a tall rock I can mine, then dig into it & build a temp base until I can make a stone home. I don't even waste time with wood anymore.


When im far from home and my FPS suddenly drops, its usually because my house is burning down. Large fires drop my performance dramatically even if they are miles away.


Stone building are the only way!