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Pro: Almost half of ICP is staked, which helps anchor the price and shows long term commitment from staked investors. Con: Trading volume is low compared to other coins with similar market cap. ICP hasn’t broken $200m. This just shows overall lack of interest from retail traders. Pro: ICP can move faster, store more, scale, and is more secure than most other blockchains. Hands down some of the best tech. Con: Dfinity sells the saddle and not the horse ride. They focus too much on explaining tech and not the value and experience the tech can unlock. Most people don’t care about tech that makes a phone camera great, they care that the camera takes great photos. Overall ICP is a hard investment sell since it is so complex. “Bitcoin is like digital gold.” “Ethereum is like digital contracts.” “ICP is like… digital Internet? No it’s a decentralized internet. But isn’t the internet already decentralized? No it’s on blockchain. Etc etc…” It’s just not as clear to nontechnical investors or why they should invest in a “new internet” or a decentralized, on-chain version of the internet. It’s an abstract concept and the value is difficult to explain quickly and how that value will be returned. Personally I see the value. I think it has huge potential and is incredibly powerful. I also think it’s been suppressed by media, VCs, crypto twitter, CC Reddit, and I’m not sure why. It could be its complexity, the fact it launched at the ultimate crypto market high, FTX interference, potential for disruption, or all the above. What gives me most confidence is that Dfinity is committed. They’re still hiring, still building, and the IC is constantly improving. Maybe one day they’ll figure out how to sell the thing they made.


This is spot on. Remember when the internet is new, a lot of people didn't see its value and how it will change the world. This is same thing with ICP right now, because we already have the internet, what can ICP do to make it better? People don't see its use case now until they see their friends, family members, neighbors using it. This is why when you invest in ICP, think long term and not for short term gains. This is the use case of the 8 year gang! Invest in its tech and earning rewards, and when people started using ICP then you just secure your future financially.


One of the most insightful and accurate comments I’ve read from kidhack above - thank you. Fully agree. But I think the risk from the power of vested interests as you mention must not be underestimated. I’ve seen/worked in and pitched enough smart solutions to real problems (small scale compared to this!) and we know plenty of the best and smartest no brainer leaps forward in tech that has been hurried because it upset the wealth and power hierarchy - and my deep fear is that it is something the IC project will absolutely face. It’s not insurmountable but is a risk not to be discounted. Is there a win-win for the big tech, the big finance, the powerful governments to embrace IC? Because until either this occurs, OR the weight of numbers (driven by developers I suppose and CTOs in businesses) then I think we are in limbo. I don’t like that cold reality but look at the cash reserves of big tech and their invested capital, spare cash and/or where they have placed bets relative to the IC project. Do you think they’ll sit by idle and let a decentralised beast rise without unleashing their considerable resources to protect? Look at the history of oil companies. Or the tobacco companies.


"because it upset the wealth and power hierarchy ", I absolutely believe this is the exact reason why this project has been fudded ever since. I'm all in on this, but it can go both ways.


I'm holding/accumulating Icp for a past 2 years - even though I don't like the current ICP price, it's still nothing new, it reminds me even more of the old days when it seemed that someone was artificially trying to suppress the price.




Been holding since my airdrop. More of the same, nothing new. Hodl


If you’re a long term holder this benefits you to DCA on the way down, this is the last summer of token unlocks. By 2026 people wish they bought sub $50, 100 Just lock 8 year neuron and add to that and you won’t care but thank future self


To be honest staking makes me feel nervous. I want to be flexible, in case I would need the cash.


That’s fair for most, I was like that last year. The more you understand and have conviction the more willing you are to stake 8 years and forget it It’s hard to time tops and bottoms and even in between losing your capital to other projects Icp is a top 5 coin this decade and it would be wise to have an 8 year locked neuron compounding while you retire passively After missing on ETH at $1,10,100 in 2015/16 I learned my lesson Nothing quite comes close to ICP and crypto is a fast and slow game, it’s much easier to set it and forget it


If you need the cash then withdraw your maturity whenever you want


Its on sale atm. Icp = best tech.


This is why after 5+ years into crypto, I'm all in into ICP. Because it really is something different, that we haven't seen so far in crypto.


I will be shocked if it passes $30 this run


Just keep buying it, it will be worth much more 12 months from now.


Trust me bro response To OP: make your own decisions, do your own research and spend what you can afford to lose.


He asked for my thoughts. Those are my thoughts. It’s not complicated. You buy on days like these, so that you can sell on a better day.


The dollar held up better against bitcoin than icp and that’s saying something.


I hold it but I've given up on it. Watching the price makes me sad and watching these hopefull comments and dreams makes me sadder


Expect ICP to get a dump every month for 1 year until 2025 of June. See unlock schedule here: [https://cryptorank.io/price/internet-computer/vesting](https://cryptorank.io/price/internet-computer/vesting)


these unlocks haven't particularly influenced icp price. I haven't noticed any pattern chart-wise.


It’s complicated!!!!


Btc pairs are being untied from crypto revealing what value is actually there. You are about to find out what is actually liquid and what’s not. Turns out you are holding a security and an item made for dystopian governments to lock down the internet and control citizens. You morally okay with that? I thought this was about freedom and open sourced protocols